HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-20-1962 Council Meeting Minutes Feb. 20, 1902 Canton City Council held the-11 --r, re,-alar m_-,ItD.I.­ or, C'eb. 21, 1932 at P. "I. in the "-l'ounci-I Chamber. a,, or ro te.,i 'tale,, called for roll call. Prcsei_t Alden(len Howard, r Ir,:Iht, -,, 7TOrto fierbener, EIu,_rst, LonE,71, Ceor; Al(Ierr,ien Sebrsc, and -,Ierd-�r. .1 6er�iar-j T orlo -as ?'ledge of Allo­,J foi L Alderman 'loward a­6 i _Loer 'tari Ceor,7,-e ( s Viat the -Inut:;S Oi' the -)revi(-,)us D a c ce r)tc.c) a,S r, S(",-1 tr?6 Li u ia c d o' 1L-1..e. Ao_,.I c a 11 Vote. Unat,.i.moas. Hoc, -I r:ri i s s I o ii to hold ersenti_i�-, G Je ta,­aaS, oci A;-Ir,!_ 7 (S'.J:,­'I (JL Le A 1 1. 2i fo 0 Jx ea s cal oro-e c is., i AlderJtan illeri)_­ cr s3co :o.s tilalt fjE_ --ranted. Ural vot 1,', 1 a I rq OU S. CJ C\) e c er L r-iiiss !.on _rari�.(�d to ,riLi r I Iu- LO J na-V�_� 'bijo "')"I nc- I "Ho T Alder.'ian 7owarc: I.(,trou-_,_iced fo.ir school. sL;,a:Je,: 'I_L3 W`_! 'VI,S�LIIL "-I I a!-,ct aere b-. I'a or )rj �.eq Ltalq, F;l6..errQan 'tjrir !r-,-L returns to LLi Mayor )ro t&fi Stale' ca-Ilcul for re,)orLs _)l cu,,L!,.j_tt(.I,e. AlUeriian Luri, re),)ortl.r-jg for the (,J-vil Deiens,,,.? co­.J_ti-,i­: the new "I-1-viL lefeiise Director wis. ed to have ari o_-Ij__.I.(,.(. a-6. Al,­,rman Lon,-- S'Lj _,Sty G t"at tile west room o,-i secoridt .,­__I_o,.-)r woalc b,? Saitai)]( a,­'o t:,.at t,ie jun�..Cp ,.cnievers ol-1 a _ICTfod -to use t'ne Council for I' ,)O:): 17 C Lt s 3:i-Jr, tu be left to file _0 Qt s c o;it,r,4 t C3 4 ') W ':0.,' j a s o-Lu t'.on. an,,: r oun nr,) Lem Stale-, abolj , Ll`ie re wot l t..,ie Lace Caii,-Iit',,,-".. ai-,6 Water COa ­Ittei­ sa-i,, to :_)e snntec, 7 a4c Alcerm,-.n '�'.-_-rberier t[--.a ii 1 h­ estL­,iate oi' cost al;iEi of re-nair for tiie ��a,,,, Street "rid-r., r" 1. Lu­ IZ)ol,r C-115u.-is re­ortr� _o,: mat e;rlal.s IdL_ floor mL-terial !,los oaintLnE ��nd allad we _ _L s' L on cleanit-L£., "ravel c' Dr c)1`0 Tii). A. jr roa6wa-Y Yll cubic IW)O.J.) a r) r L,­t(3 tot,a_L co L a:.6 t tat t'01,_'I wJrK could be starL,_-,d at an,,, 1-Ia-,or taro tem L' taLe­ t-_a�, 'Llie wine,r weather caused much. dama.-'e to the c-!-t,, sll_eets a11.6 asire.d IJU-erila!,, IS�l:iniller to investicate U­e weig`it loads in re,,and to "Ir. '?obert _'-,iers ,)as ln-cxod,,_'cea Io�. IovJarCj )er:i-I-ss]-cm gi-ven to Mr. x,Irars to c kei().onstra , o,il.sioe ..1C3ter sa.:f,,e tc) cost t'Lie custoaer ris ta.-[jecj O_L, le . , V about ,$24.!_­.) I n,.Ircllas�,d L11 ��I !C! cost wo-ald be a,)-)roxL.iaIU-eJLy .,O_L). _L;ISM.SSIorI. -it l.io,.,es that ,i re c-!.+,,, t ta_K�e loc-al -)rocecii.,nes in rraiu_L), an ordinancc' to cover t cie new aoaO or tO -road L e m-,-A,_r 2r,)i-,i outs-.!_,�(, to be by the City at no cost -to the City (resident to na;r t,ie cost), secanoea b-'I� Tioward. Aldenilan ?UT St M OV S that th; rfiotioo, be arqerid,-d- tb-iat 41.-1._1. U t-,,e soecifi- cations I-or t"ie installation but not t61s &cvice Lo c,ef':.--iJj.-Ie c o,,i-)an, a-.6 Utat t�ie 6x3 -1 is-- e c t o r �. s ta 11 L f,e. Hol call vote on A IS. Holl cal.I vote tae 'IiotLot_. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman T_,TUrS t regiL,e`-t,.d tlO.at A,,ie 2inaice tt me­.t a',I(J see ii It W 11 be to repair tlle �a,� Stre(,,t orid,- 0. T'lond for TEI. ).1101,,.­,r In T,­ w��ounL 0-1 ar-)nro-ve(II by wid �16,?rr.qan LoiriE- seconds Lhr., accenta0c,3 oa a Ural vc)t". _Tna1 i_,IIo,,.".s. S4 &b. 20P 1962, Gont. Mayor nro Lev Staley asked for any unfinislad business. Alderman Harbener reourted that an informal meet_n of the Wncii would be held an 295. 2'( and recomienced t 'aL We 0lice art`: TeVal Chair= and Police Ehinf ana also 0e Street and Alley Chairman aid Street Sucerintendent be present. Alderman GnorEe referred to the Tote taken in July relative to chiPs and Oil and naAnd strents in Canton that were in neW of repairs. Discussion. Kr. 10 -n ii, es,,im%ted bl CC. s tnat needed Strmet Smerliatendent, work now aid Wat 1000 tons K ravel were needed. Llderman hri, ht reconinmled t' at twi indenendent trucks be emcloyed to tau! E rave l on Qualit; Fill aW. leave ',r ,, 3 to take care of the rest of the streets. it was ostA=3d Lnat Lt won.lo cost arount 15,500.00. Aldernan 7erbeier soves Kat tic Strant hn�vrhntnident c allowed to a "'ravel ravel nacessarl aQd au hl wita tic city eqii xoK and handle sa're in his own way, and, in case equinaent breaks down, he may hire outside oquinnant to com-late the work. Aotion seconded bpi War- man Skinner. Warman Hurst moves to azend tie motion: Authorize the Street ;Sari .rintenUant to hire additional help now to _ot the work done, seconded Q, Allot" tan GecrZe. Discussi,m. Alderman Hurst requested infornaUon fraa the CUT Attorn?'- . ers inquired if they wishW white ir=4 or ,ravel. Alder- man lurst nrnferred white rock. Alderman larst withdrew his motion and Alder- man GqorLe witnuraw his second of same. Ali ernan Hurst then moves to authorize W direct the Street Sunorinteplent to En out and hire help to at the work done using white rocl on tie stre2ts, secondoa by Alderman CoorEa. poll cal ' votai to Alderman boner's kY-.,,: Aldermen Howard, 9eroaner, Lonr, Skinner and Abbott. AA Y: Alderman Staley, NriEbt, Hurst, Berry , Horton, ana Cearre. (5 AYES and 6 MAYS,. Motion lost. Roll call vote on Alderman 7urst's motion. WE: Aldermen qeorWe, Horton, Carry, Abbott, Skinner, Low, Aurst, 'r!:_ht, and Staley. 01 : Aldermen harbenar aid 7oward. (9 AW aid 2 NAYS) . lotion carried. Alderman 3err; roves to aajourn but was infonded that more business was on the clerk's desk and o t4drew his notion. Al erman Herbener was coiled to answar tne tale tone aK did so wiWat askinn nermiss!on, Aldernau Wri;ht re-orWd tAat Wie :-ia, or s'i,ould s ra it nermission for any councAl man4er to leate the room. Mayor pro tem Stale'. then Xranted nermission to Alderma..- Hurbenar to answer the telephone. Virst reading K an ordinnnce pert0ninE U street era ornvemint on SuutP air Street, Tanarack Street, and Cedar Street, 1nown as �o, 61-1. Alderma-n WE Aovad to smsmend Vie rulls bit was lnfor:nd b- - -,at e CitJ i�t'Loc n( It i i,�,, this ordinnnce shoulK DO irescitad at the nuxt meeting aid so the motion was wloAtraun. Alder- an harst moves that the AaLur anjoinu a throe-nap covA its it to meet with the D3 )a Want ol Ni ghwajo to sue if that department was still lnb2rusL. - in q wiKeninn of difto ve, and ahn 10eet ann that cinamittee to rWirt to the Citj Counci" . Aotial seconded by Alderman ArQht. Roll call vote. 110 Aldermen Ward, Staley, 1-1-ars lJ, Long, Skinner, Abbott, nerry, Norton, and GeorTe. W7 Alderman Herbenor. (16 AYES aid 1 W) ;otion carriod. ;a, or )rn tan stney apoointeu Aldermen Quirst, ArQht aad center. -To Mr. o�­,�,i lviarson of ?eoria was introduced by hajor oro ten Staley. volverson snake hriofly to the Council statinR that he was interested in starting an as--)halt plant in this vicinity aao wisned that the City would out out oWs for asphalt. Mayor oro tan Stale; stated tqat We Cil could advertise for bids on the once of blacktonvisr for repairs and rmi_ntwmnce only. ',pjat,-'r Sup,'r`-itendent kuhn asked to sneak to the gouncti. he stat3d tAnk ne had not oven inforned when the Lake and Water conmit-tcas halt a recent act,.. 1; a ,d inforzod Vie Comic _l Mat he wante6 to sit in on 21i SICh Oeet' WS- Alderman larrj, seconded by AlVervan Horton moves to adjourn. Oral voba. AYE! U na-„ iscs. Canton City Council adjourned at 9:00 U. A. City Werk