HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-05-1961 Council Meeting Minutes 70 Canton City Council held their regular meeting on Dec. 5, 1961, 7:08 P. 1. in the City Council Chaini-oor. Mayor Cook called for Roll Call+ Present: Aldermen Tloward, Sebree, Staley, Wright, 'riurst, Long, Slinner, Gibbons, Abbott, Berry, Iiorton, George, and lender. A jsent: Alderman Herbener. Pledge of Allegiance was fdlowed by Prayer by Alderman Long. Alderman Staley moves and Alderman George seconds that the minutes of the Previous meeting_ be accepted as Presented and Placed on file. Roll call vote. Ay;,,; 'Tnani.mous. Bills for the month of November were read by the City Clerk. Alderman. Long moves and Alderman Gib boas seconds that all bills Properly aooroved be allowed for payment, Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Mayor Cook called for reports of Standing Committees, Social Committees, ancz then Connunicat:i_ons to the Council_. Letter from the Social Security office regarding change of office space and thankint the City for Past favors. Alderman Dender, seconded by Alderman George, doves to accept the letter and Place same on rile. Ural vote. AYE: Unanimous. letter from City Attorney Senift to Alderman 3ender regarding; the a ree ie.ht with the VillaEe of Banner on fire calls. Arrangements for the fire pumper be- longing to the Rural Community have been made by that organization to place the truck in 3anner for use. Discussion regarding the advisability of Carlton Fire _eaartment answering calls to the 3arLner area. it was decided that in case of emergency,- the Canton Fire Department should respond. Alderman ?ender made the motion that the City Council notify the Villayo of inner that after Jai. 1, 1962 it woild no longer be resnons:ible for the Canton Fire$epartment to make calls to the Banner area except in case of emergency. Hotion seconded b y Alderman Toward. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Report of the C. T. P. S. Cc:. on 'nstallat� on a d prices of street lam ps in- stalled to date. Alderman Wright moves and Alderman Skinner seconds that same be accented aid lac<;d o n file. Ural vote. AYE: Unanimous. Reports of all Officers were react. Alderman :?ender, seconded by Alderman 'Tortan moves to accent same and place _> i file. Roll call vote. AYE: Una _imous. O:ed.'.nance nertaLning to dogs that are not registered up for first reading.. Alwer- zan r'eor�e moves and Alderman 9ender seconds that sane ,e held up until the :next meetin _ so that same could be rewritten. Roll call vote. AYE: ?lnanimous. Ordinance pertaining to the care of Parkin„ Fine monies un for first reading . Alderman '?erry, seconded by Alderman Furst, troves that this ordinance be held until the next neetiAj so that sale could be rewritten. Roll call vote. A70 Unanimous. Alderman merry :required if the L Lh is Con itt:e would investigate and a prove one street lire -t in the new narkinj lot and one in the cross-walk in Jones Park. Mr. Berky, of tree C. I. P. S. Co. stat od Vag the; parking lot lamp would come unVr the Building a: d Grounds Committee aqd that A16erAan Geor o was woryin ; on that Project now. Alderman Sebr.ee was asked to investigate the .necessity for a lamp in Jones ?ark. Alderman George, re Forting on the Star Delivery case, statou that the Council had done everything possible to assist that fire in finding a new location and since the efforts were not satisfactory, he recommended that same be take n to court. City Attorney aeiift said there was a Possibiltty that the firm might move -- and that the Council should wait until the i'_i_rst of the year on that decision -- then, if necessary, a suit will be started. Alderman Bender, re-ortinr on the Petition for the residents on A. i•Ia:i_n St. wishint to have sewer installed stated that the City Engineer had estimated it would cost approximately $11,850.00 for the eleven homes. He said that at any tine these residents wished to meet with the Sewer and Water Committee, a date would be set. Alderman Wr:i ht to contact these residents. f 7 Dec. 5, 1961, Continued Alderman Hurst asked that a coramittee be named to look into the repair of the voting booths in th.e City and sug�_,ested song improvements. He was .informed that these booths are Canton Townshin nroi�erty and that t}ie City does not pay rent. Discussion. Alderman llurst and Staley- stated that the City should assist; in im- proving the conditions of the voting; boot'-s. Alterman L�riEht moves and Alderman Skinner seconds that t-e Building, and Groands -,orLmittee meet with the Canton Town- shin officials and :,ia;ce arrangements for this service. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Long, Chairman of the Civil. Defense Cornittee, made the motion that a bill ranging from $10.00 to ;$25.00 be allowed for the repair of the generator at the rear of the old City Building in order that it may be rout in working order. Alderman Gibbons seconded this motion. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Staley moves that the Garbage Disnosal Co;n[nittce be authorized to adver- tise for bids for a new garbage truc!c -- bids to be received by 5:00 P. .l . on Jan. 2, 1962 and opened at the Council meeting; that evening. Alderman Berry seconded this motion. Oral vote. AYE: Unari moos. Mr. Al Rowe, the new 'News Director from W. 3. Y. S Radio Station, was introduced by Alderman Howard. � PLayor Cook adced to have the minutes of the ;;ov. 2r(, 1961 Board of Local improve- ments meeti.ig read to the Council. Alder Zan gender, seconded by Alderman George moves that Crawford, ;,lurnhy fir. Tilly be retained as Consulting Engineers on the street improvement plans now in nrogress. A1der,lan Staley stated that the motion should be a 'tVote of Confidence' of the Council on the Board of Local Improvement's decision. Alderman George withdrew his second and A1dermman Bender withdrew his motion. Alderman render, seconded by Alderman George, then moves that the Council give a vote of confidence to the Board of Local Improvements on their decision to retain Crawford, 1:urph.y �,: Tilly, Consulting ng_uzeers, on the street improve- now in nrorress. Roll call vote. A`T'. : UnarJUMous. ment plans Agreement for Engineering Services for 51CS and 52CS reed. Alderman Skinner, seconded by Alderman Gibbons moves to stri=ce oi!t Cherr�7 Street from iifth to Sixth Avenue and Holly Street from 21fth to Si th Avenue. Roll call vote. LIE: Una,-rimous. Alderman Staley, seconded by Alderman Gibbo ns, moves for the ado:-,t- ion of the agreements. Roll call vote. Una:-)imous. Alderman Hurst showed an advertisem:Mt from the evenin.g na: er showing that an a.uct' oneer from Jacksonville was crying this sale. Discussion. Chief of Police Lindze-,r asked i_f he could exalain his r?os itior. in 1.1censing auctloneers. It was decided that the Chief of - oli.ce and the City,- Attorne , should contact all per- sons serving as auctioneers in the City. Alderman IToward, seconded by Alderman Bender, moves to adjourn. Oral vote. AYE: Majority. Canton City Council adjourned at ? ;50 1, 1 Cit Clerk i aILEIS A T,,'NT I I T", 0, IT' n E, RAL F111-7): ST -,AT, 7— 9 "as TarJvTare Co. xoL (IS Q. tM e s t Control 'x.to bolt-1 alto 1-1 �a_cl T,-)wc,! ,,etal C _Ivert Co. 520.00 C­ �'a i n Ore 4-57 1.)warL.­bau,­f1 I;,1­,l1 ,-ri,_,nt Co. -;•1_r -T�3-.­r M alen C-lass 2 S^rV-!ce 3.45 77�770-4-1 1,,a,g�)_,j [jardwarc., u-0• 7.67 l�7R VEI' -DEPT, 'I,, ale-, Class "Tics. ti.7 5 So­-! _,_),1'V­1r Co. Tj:-,a 1­arI,,,.t Civ Ll T-)eferise (:Q C7an 1, - ts D-1, ,T -I I u roe _;lc i Gtr Lc C c, Se-i -,ctrun!c Su- IJ es 1: •57 r an a. 7' 5.3 'ei,,cral Accm_,.nt,: Co, . 2.�,), _ ­ J,� 1:) W�!.Ilace c Ti�-rnan inc. 3 ila'I",on Iiusic Sfion 1 .l TJ a__L I c-, C'ir_�rl,I c a"I Solv(,:,�nts 6('-2.2)! o. 11 iach o _.nc. ­ellkc L� Li le �'D O x.3 5 l ,,�e �j- .L i _..Iiels '1k!,at-,.c).ard Serv-1-ce 11.75 10 o. 4.L-) Larson Tly, I Puto ';ode I Y.35 atlona­ 7-5)4 T Tarr Glass Wirl-s Postmaster 2)1 0 Garba-e Dis,­osal Dent. 1�2.e_ Td�. str'_aJ. 'foti,Ted Service u 0 t 01 1_4 ­) i _te Is c) ro T _arc] rare Co. .19 ol�ce nerson 3.02 p 5ii-)id, Co. 5 Cant(.­ a 'towel. 2. `5 (arbarr� De-,1)'U-. "o. )fh.' e 2.2 0 L0. T,oc!, Is "o. 2 ff I ' . . _ TGe . ' ojT iTia-1 Sons o a c -- b CoL- j n ca o:�s I go IT Tj C]a_r Co. 7.9 Corrufat4nc, Co. 2 5 ar�Ierit-','owe]_II )-c. 11- mard L. Slack `3. IT. J_(,,i'scLorf .77) Sit Ice ')i] Co. JPT 17 Parts 31.2,) J_1 Co., Canton 121anhyr T-c", sft-r_'U,,_ )roc acts -ftvision cr3tz 1 Ira >>r-rol 12. -)r A,, t 11c )aucoc zfu(J rinter,0' 31.1 -orc,an's --ell l lenho ) C.o. (.30 • Ca,1ton Jsusic T­T)evr'_ter T,07 2c) t nental Co. e o 'T So S 17 3.3 oi'frian - ;-) _-f-I ) Ind-u stria l- T 3 5 Ire IVJ_-1 30 Snell 227 0C) 8 2 21 TIT. Sta-60 !,'(21^1ito-,-t*1ar7, 2 6.85 Jarvis "_Icldln� Co. Lt.()O Post,m.astcir T­bn A. AT 7�, Canton. A-J1_t,)i;_1 ot i VO 12.1?, '_�'-I-7,, Co. X)­,.2 1 2 1) - D,o c� slard .)and 0 314 Yu-]_ert�)n Lure ,.,r Cc)• 17 e s -7C. 1122 Carba;-c Do )t. )f Jar, !LF,