HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-03-1961 Council Meeting Minutes E r Canton City Council held a regular meeting.: on Oct. 3, 1961, 7sO5 P. ­I. in the City Council Chamber. Mayor Cook called for Roll Call. Present: ,Aldermen Howard, Sebree, Staley, Wright, Herbener, J-Iurst, Long, Skinner, Gibbons, Abbott, George, and Bender. Absent: Aldermen Berry and Horton. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by prayer by Alderman Long. Mayor Cook welcomed the members of the Federated Business and Professional Women's Club who oTere visiting the Council meeting. Alderman Staley recommended that minutes of the previous meeting need not be read. Alderman Long moves that the minutes of said meeting be approved as presented to the Council, seconded by Alderman J-Ierbener. Roll call vote. AVE: Unanimous. Mayor Cook asked for Claims against the City. Ald=rman Wright gave a report of the Shiloh Gray claim (damage to his car when driving against a roc!, that had been dropped or rolled into the street) stating that since the City had no knowledge of this obstacle being in the street, it had no responsibility for the claim. Alderman Wright then moves and Alderman Hurst seconds that Cy; this claim not ba allowed. Roll call. vote. ABLE: rnanimous. Bills against the City were read b; the City Clerk. Alderman Herbenet moves that all bills properly approved be allowed for nay~nent, seconded by Alderman Long. Roll call vote. AY ;: Unanimous. Alderman Long reported that Oct. It was the Canton day for purchase of Civil Defense commodities in Springfield. He moves that the I,';ayor be empowered to go to Sorinffield, along with heads of Departments and purchase whatever is needed a,-id that the I4ayor's salary be na i_d for that day. Alderman Skinner seconded this motion. After discussion, it was decided that approximately $200.00 would be sufficient for purchases for Civil Defense at this time. Roll call vote. AYE: iJna.nimous. Renorts of Officers were read. Alderman Tong, seconded by Alderman Hurst moves that the reports be accepted and placed on file. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Letter from the rriendshio Festival Officials than1cing the City personnel for their -part in making the :Festival a success. Alderman Bender, seconded by Alderman Alderman George moves that the letter be accepted and placed on file. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Report of the City Attorney regarding the Western Union plan for relocation. Alderman Herbener moves that the Council direct the City Attorney to make a report to the Western Union that it has no objection to this change of location and arrangements, seconded by Alderman Long. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Letter from the Departalent of Health, Education, and ':,relfare regarding the final inspection of the Federal Sewage ?%orks Grant. Discussion. A meeting was set for the Consultant Engineer and Water and Sewer Committee. Bond in the amount of $1,000.00, annroved by the Finance Committee, for Rudolph Iladsall., Auxiliary Policeman was read. Alderman Staley, seconded by Alderman Herbener, moves to accept the ?ond and place same on file. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Second reading of Franchise with the Central Illinois Public Service Co. (extension of present Franchise for 38 years, makin ; a total of 50 years - with an increase of free service of electricity and gas for the City) . Alder- man Sebree moves to place this Ordinance on its Fassage. Discussion. Mr. 3irkey, Sunt. of the Canton C. I. P. S. Co. rave a re--�ort on the electric rates on cities :year Canton (Canton rates being comparable to surrounding communities) , Alderman Hcrber_er wished to include "Civil Defense System" in Section 3 of the Ordinance for Franchise. A special letter to that effect to be given to the City by. the C. I. P. S. Co. Further discussion. Alderman Skinner seconds Alderman Sebreee's motion. ,roll call. vote. AYE: Aldermen Beadpr, George, Abbott, Gibbons, Skinner, Long, Herbener, Wright, Staley, and Sebree. NAY: Aldermen Hurst and Howard. (10 AYES and 2 HAYS) . Motion carried. This being Ordinance No. 45. 6U Oct. 3, 1961, Continued Second reading of an Ordinance furnishing; Street Lighting in the City of Canton. Alderman Long, seconded by Alderman Herbener moves that the Ordinance be olaced on its Passage. Rol-- call vote. AYE: Unanimous. This bein�-- Ord.inan.ce ijo. 46. Aldenna_ Sebree thanked the Council for their cooperation for the progress of Canton. He _inquired if the new lighting system would be installed in the business district by Christmas and was in- forned tkiat everything >ossibl.e would be done to complete that portion of work. Alderman Lore:; requested the Lights Committee to investigate the need of a Street liF;ht on South Avenue A between Oak and Hickory Streets. Resolution for the Transfer of Eunds ($10,0:10.00 from the Sales Tax L,'und to the Fire Protection Fund and $5,000.00 from the Parking Meter Fund to the ;:Load and Bridge Fund) . Alderman Herbener, seconded by Alderman Bender moves to adopt this Resolution. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. This being No. 298. First reading of an Ordinance regarding Two arid. Three Lour Parking. Alderman Herbener moves to suspend the rules, seconded by Ald.erman Long. Discussion. Roll call vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Herbener moves to place same on its passage, seconded by Alderman Long. Alderman George moves to amend the Ordi_n- a ce by striking our "On both sides of Van Buren Court from Pine Street to Hal- riut Street., and on both sides of P:i_ne Street from Van Buren Court to Second Avenue" in Section 3 of this Ordinance. 1�lotion seconded by Alderman Gibbons. During -the discussion Alderman Wright asked the i-iayor his views on this Ord- inance. layor Cook said he had been approached by many people regarding the two-hour barking on the square. "If I was to vote on it, I'd vote 'No'". Roll call vote on the amendment. AYE: Aldermen T3ender, George, Abbott, Gibbons, Skinner, Long, Hurst, '�ri�_ht, Sebree. NAY: Aldermen Herbener, Staley, and Howard. (9 AYES and 3 1:JAYS) . Motion carried. Roll call vote on the ;Motion, as amended: AYE: Aldermen Howard, Sebree, Herbener, Long, Skinner, Gibbons, Abbott, George, and 'ender. ",TAY- Aldermen Staley, Wright, and Hurst. (9 AYES and 3 NAYS) . ;,'lotion carried. This being Ordinance Teo. 47. Alderman I-Ierbener made the motion to reduce the Traffic Coniittee members from fo�.rrtPen to seven (1 member from each ward) . !'Motion seconded by Alderman Wright. Alderman Staley, who had asked to be excused from this Committee at the last meeting, again requested permission to resign from this Committee. Roll call vote on Alderman Herbener's motion. AYE: Aldermen Bender, George, Abbott, Gibbons, Long, Herbener, Wright, Staley, Sebree, and Howard. NAY: Aldermen Skinner and Hurst. (10 AYES and 2 MAYS) . !Motion carried. Alderman Staley inquired if the City Attorney to interpret the meaning of Ordinance 'do. 41.1, found on page 412 of Ordinance Book No. 7 that is kept in the City Clerk's office. Alderman Howard, retorting on the condition of blacktopping on Stonegate Drive, moves that the City/ proceed to Seal Stonegate Drive as promised. Motion was seconded by Alderman Wright. Discussion. Roll call vote. AY'B: Aldermen Howard, Sebree, Wright, Herbener, Long, and Gibbons. NAY: Aldermen Staley, Skinner, Abbott, and George. PASSI-1JG: Aldermen Hurst and Bender. (6 AY Es, 4 NAYS, 2 PASSFI�TG) . After further discussion, regarding the Aldermen's priv- ilege to pass on voting without being personally interested in the question, Alderman Staley doves that permission be granted to vote "present", seconded by Alderman George. More discussion. Aldermen Hurst and Bender then voted "AYE" on the question, imaking a 6 AYE and 6 NAY vote. Mayor Cook then voted "AYE" and broke the tie, but motion did not carry. Alderman Herbener moves that an agenda be printed for each Council meeting -- material for same to be given to the Clerk by Friday oreceeding the meeting. Alderman Gibbons seconded this motion. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Gibbons, Skinner, Hurst, Herbener, Wright, and Howard. NAY: Aldermen Bender, George, Abbott, Long, Staley, and Sebree. (6 AYES and 6 NAYS) . Motion defeated. Alderman Wright, reporting on the flooding- conditior�ecently on Park Plaza near the Smith property, moves that same be referred to the City Engineer to build a grate that will prohibit large objects (possible a child) from going into the sewer. Motion seconded by Alderman Bender. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Long, reporting on the construction of a garage on South Second Ave., between 716 and 724 stated same was in violation of the Zoning Ordinance. Alderman Wright recommended an investigation and report to the next Council l 6 Oct. 3, 1961, Continued meeting. It was reported that the Zoning Officer, and City Engineer have told the owner that he is violation. Alderman Ilurst moves that the Zoning Officer be instructed to notify the owner he is in violation and let him know that the structure may have to be torn down, seconded by Alderman Wright. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Hurst recommended that a copy of the Zoning Ordinance be given to prospective builders in the future. Alderman Gibbons, seconded by Alderman Bender moves to adjourn. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourned at 10:25 P. M. �_e City Clerk BILLS ALLOWED FOR PAST NT BLDG. & GROTTNDS: PAP.KI'\TG iETER DEFT.: WATER & SETJJT,R, CO'dT. : Am. Pest Control 1,15.00 Daily Ledger $$11.80 Wilkins Pipe Co..°,63.85 Canton Clean Towel 12.35 Ill. Penitentiary 287-49 Dwayne Bishop 112.00 G: C. T. P. S. Co. 1£'.45 Selkirk's 534.50 Fullerton Lumber 21.06 -�� De-. of Public Sae 7.0,, Traf-o-teria System 255.30 Canton Tire Co. 6.50 j Fullerton. Lumber Ym.00 John A. Wherley 100.00 Canton Automotivelll.22 'nary E. Hipsley 64.26 j11719.09 Swartzbaugh I.rrn. 51.26 Berwyn Johnson 64.28 POLICE DEPT. : A. `i. Jaeger 5.23 Harry Luker ?�'lbg. 39.59 Babcock Job Prl.ntery 20.95 Cities Service 60.40 Mason Hardware Co. .94 Canton Clean Towel 2.65 1Vatl% Chemsearch l8r?.35 Industrial Towel 3.45 Fullerton Lumber Co. 2.60 Brulin Co. 352.00 Swearingen Whsle 2.84 Gar rage De- t. 119.60 j$3 0-6.11 ,5316.-17 I11_. Bell Tele. Co. .45 CIVIL DEFENSE: Ill. Bell Tele. Co. 2.65 Campus Bookshop .94 Lock 's Auto Co. 200.00 Courtney Mobil Serv.5.81 Macomb Communications 41.02 Cummings 1, Emerson 6.18 Mason hardware Co. ..81 Fullerton Lumber 11_.3!, ICI Morgan's D-X S,-rvice 11.23 Glendale ?ndustr e.s42.20 Police Dept. 94.00 Homer Electric 39.63 Selkirk 's 2.60 Selectronic Sup-oly 8.95 Whitens Book Store 2.19 !$1 ". 5 FIRE DEPT.; STR&ET :1� ALLEY DEPT. : Canton Sunnly Co. 2.12 Brown Lynch Scott 5.45 Canton Zenhyr Ser. 1 ?.83 Canton Dail;, Ledger 16.60 Dillefeld's Serv. 9.22 Canton Supply Co. 2.14 Mason Hardware 3.21 Canton Tire Vu1c. 2.50 TT.E.r filler Autobody 1.20 Cummings Emerson 3 0.09 T,35. , Duck island Sand Co. 118.64 GA RAGE DTS"OSAL F TTdD: Garbage De­t. 8 6.94 Continental Gil 216.17 Luker Plu,Tlbing Co. 2.35 Cummings ,g Emerson 17.47 11ason hardware Co. 9.61 PjoSNyj aRil CS2 312.71 Melvin Truckin{; Co. 45.00 `'elenhone 8.50 A.C.She- ley °z Son 133.00 Industrial Towel 5.77 Swartzbaagh Imol.ement 25.32 TI.E.Miller Autcbody .47 Harry Whalen Glas.� Wk. 4.60 Phillips ''etro. Co. 81.25 �_� GRA'1' TOTAL: q$8,196.09 Shell Oil Co. 161.39 'KATER SEIrJER DE 17 $71777.7- Spoon River Elect 15.72 GENERAL FITNTD: Ill. Bell Tele. Co. 5.10 Campus Book- Shop 4.13 C.I.P.S.Co. 1:)1P.41 F.rancelle Larson 36.00 Canton Pa'.-it Do. 14.85 Canton Ledger 126.40 Kroell El(�ctricCo. 36.19 White's Books 53.09 Melvin 'lruckinF Co. 140.00 Ill. Bell. Tele. Co. 2 4 Va)_le- Chemical Co. 397.28 111. Bell 1'el.e. Co.83:00 Canton Sunpl,r Co. 7.03 Wrn. Balbinot 154.40 Garbage De,-)t. 45.08 :Mason Hardware Co. 21.x.53 LIGHTS: Industrial Towel 10.25 C. T. P. S. Co. $879.88 ??t:ilit, Sales Co. 921.60