HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-20-1960 Council Meeting Minutes J83 t 7:05 P. '4. in the City Council Chamber.Canton City Council met Dec. 20, 1060 a Mayor Woods called for Roll Call. Present: Aldermen fillartin, Howard, Chas. Wright, Staley, Jones, I erbener, Wm. Wright, Long, Shelby Wright, Gerry, 13ender, and George. Absent: Alderman Gibbons. Minus of the previous meeting were read and approved to be placed on file. Pledge of Allegiance was followed by prayer by Alderman Long, Mayor Woods called for reports of Standing CopuiiLtees: Alderman Herbener, re-,-)ort-*i-nf,, for, the Traffic Committee, suggested a study of the Traffic on ',,,ralnut Street between First Ave. and 'ain St. and that an Ordinance be drafted regarding same. week-ola4-a-PP QP es ed-opg}AaiqGe-a s-p4a4@-!R- -4pa;;�Q-&sipvey' He moves and -o the off-street narking; as r)renared 11derman Long seconds that the Council approve t by the Chicago Motor C114b. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Bender, Berry, Shelby Wright) Long, Uii. Wright, Herbener, )Jones, Staley, Chas. Wright, Howard, and Martin. NAY: None. i'lotion carried. Alderman Herbener moves and Alderman Chas. ?,bight seconds that the 'Traffic Corr-iittee, Mayor, City Attorney, and Chief of Police rrieet with the traffic co,,r2nittce of the Chamber of Commerce to work out a proposed ordinance, as made in the survey. Roll call vote. AYE- Aldermen Martin, Howar6l Chas. Wright, Staley, Jones, Herbener, Wfn. Wright, Long, Shelby Wright, Gerry, Bender, and George. NAi : 'done. Mlotion carried. Mayor Woods reported on the meeting of the ill. lylunicipal League held in Chicago on rec. 15. ?layor Woods called for renorts of Special CaTU-,littees. ?,layor Woods called for Communications to the Council. 3onds, approved by the Finance Committee for Police Patrolman Herbert C. Flynn in the amount of $1,000.00 and Deputy City Clerk Frances ?-Till in the amount of 11,000.00 were read. Alderman Martin, seconded by Alderman Shelby Wright moves t1hat these bonds be accepted and .placed on file. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. C,hange Order No. 4 on the Sewage Treatment -)lant was read and ordered placed on file. Letter from Crawford, _%lurnhy and Tilly to the Cal-dwell Engineering Co. regarding the renair of the existing floating cover on the secondary digester at an estimated cost of $7,000.00 to 8,000.00 and also a letter regarding the estimated cost of a new floating cover at an estimated Cost Of 1,'17,340.00. Alderman Chas. Wright moves to accept the recommendations for repair of the digester and leave the coin-ri'�ttee make the decision regarding the aluminum, deck. i,;,otion seconded by Alderman 'sender. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, mender, !Gerry, Shelby Wright, Long, Win. Wright, Herbener, Jon,,-)s, Staley, Chas. Wright, Tloward, and Martin. NAY: None. ',lotion carried. Hayor Woods called for New ;Gus Ines s. Alderman Long moves and Alderman Bender seconds that the City Attorney be in- structed to draft an ordinance regarding the change flow of traffic on East Elm and East Chestnut St. and to wor':,. with the Traffic Caraaittee in drafting this ordinance. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen i4artin, Howard, Chas. Wright, StaleY, Jones Herbener, Win. Wright, Long, Sche , y, Bender, and George. I lby Wright, Berr NTA7: None. TI'lotion carried. First reading of an ordl-nance to Police 'Magistrate. Alderman Bender moves and Alderman Berry seconds to susnei-id the e rules. Roll call vote. A77,: Aldermen George, mender, 3erry, Shelby 1°,Tright, and Long. 'TAY: Alderman Win. Wright, Herbener, Jones, Staley-, Chas. Wright, Howard, arid I•liartin. AYES and 7 NAYS) . Motion declared lost. Mayor Woods called for further business to be brought to the Council. Alderman Jones moves and Alderman 'lender seconds to adjourn. Oral vote. AYE: unanimous. Canton City Council adjourned at 7:51 P. 1I. (City Clerk. s: 481, June 28, 196,3 ' The Board of Local Improvements held a meeting .-on June 28, 1963 in the City Clerk's Office. President Cook called the meeting to order at 4:00 P. M. PresentV President Cook, City Engineer Howard Gibbons, and Street Superintendent Eldon Myers. Also present, City Attorney G. Ray Henift and George Skinner, Alderman from Fourth Ward. Purpose of this meeting: Street improvement, 63-E: Mulberry Place and 63-D VanDyke Drive and Lawrence Drive, City of Canton, IlLt Motion by Mr. Gibbons, and seconded by Mr. Myers to accept project 63-D (Van Dyke Drive and Lawrence Drive)and to proceed with the improvements. Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Resolution for Street Improvement for Mulberry,PIlace (to be known as 63-E) . Mr. Gibbons moves and Mr. Myers seconds a motion to adopt this Resolution. Voice vote. - YE: Unanimous. Resolution also included the estimate of cost for this project -T' $21,150.00. July 11, 1963 was the date,-set for a Public Hearing on this project. There being no further business, Mr. Ayers moves and Mr. Gibbons seconds a motion to adjour4,d Voice vote. AYE: Unanimous. Board of Local/Improvements adjourned at 4:15 P. M. ec. 3oa.rd of ocal Improvements, by Frances Hill, Deputy City Clerk. Y f f F f I'