HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-21-1960 Council Meeting Minutes Canton City Cotincil Me+. T une 21 C'ouncil C'hamb..ir. V 1?6r), 7:05 P. 11. in the City .. :,o:' Pro tPm. Ilartin called for roll call: Present: Aldermen '�Ilartin, flr,warui, ;tale;;, T VorYIS, Herbener., '�,'right, T _-�n ,, �Iibbons, 3erry, ald Oer)rge. Atsent.: ;,Tderrien Chas. ­right,, 7hp1by Yri,Aht and Sender. DI d,-e of 0le-1-ance -vaq f,:0l_l­)ver1 I­ Prayer I- A1.,�erman •on". :kiniites of the previous meeting were read and approved to be T)lac,3d on file. M ,1, rtir"a -n .a, or -P� 1 cal Pd for reports of "tandlr.�, '(,rimittees. "a, -,Iro tem "arti-n called f,_­ rp-lorts of Uo,­.,ciaI Committees. .1a, or Pro t. 71 for co­re-n ) de c to -tne, Dnnds w1tll the Aiierlcan -.3o. ii-n the amount of $1,000.00 each, annroved b- the Finance Committee, were read for Chas. D. Weed, Zoning Enforcing )Irficer, Eldon W. :Ayers, Stbeet Superintendent, Donald H. ',-,'!.dPnour, Police "atrol­ian, T. `TF'1. Polic? 7�;;{rolrtan, Ricliarri L. Hort,-_n, cc 4 r it flf4yr'?, ,-, ter and Ja.cl-ie 3. U Crzanich, Desk Clerk. Alra ('err,. n Ceorge, sF,-condp.d err, moves that the fond s be accepted and -)laced on file. Roll. call vote. kYE: Aldermen •��eorge, .*3err,!', Gibbonn, Lonb,, Uri. ',Tri,41+ 1prlbf.ner, Jones, T JowardY and ";lone. "ot.1-on carried. Alderma,l !Toward, secr:)n-erl hy Alderman 7mrps to �11_snense with the readint o'' the AnnropriatLlon Ordnance. roll call vote. AY-7: 130erman '.vlartin., , tale.`, Jonf?,,, TT0r­,PiPr '-Tr I r-An I- T !-)n(,, GIb",ons, 3erry, and Ceor-e. o,,,Ta r d 1.- 11 11 ­- �, JAir, "l, carrie(I " !,I-rman Stale rn()ti;F?r t�-,;3t the . rdlnance be r)lacer� Jr U on its nassa,-P., spcon,1-0 bl 0.dprman Gibbons. Alter some discussion, Alderman Herbener, see,-,.nc'Ed by Alderman Staley, moves that the word--ng "and cost -)f off- street narl-�in­ nrogram" be added to the item "Street Improvementst, under Par'-Ang ;Teter Fund as found on nar-e- ',wo of tlie '�rdlnanr_,e. (see 2nd- tiara. Oil "Tderm,an Howard : Alderman Wright moves to adjourn. l ol 1 call vote On adjournment. AY.': _1 �,�;:%en George, Wm. ',,'right, and Howard. TnV 1',Idermen Gibbons, Lon.;,, Herbener, Jones, and `tale;,,. PASS",'-. Alderman (.3 ,,y7,-,s, 6 ,,,,Ays, ,.lotion defeated. 1�oll call vote on +.be amendment to the Appropriation Ordinance. A'-, -,ermrfn artin, Staley, Jones, Perbener Wn. 'Alright, Long, Gibbons, 2err, , and :'urge. 1.1A7: Alderman IToward. and 1 carried. 1�oll call vote on (9 A"%rT?- a, :TAY) . �'otj ,-)rl 11 Ordinance as aamended. A*-,'-.' - Aldermen George, -;Terry, Gibbons, Long., W-r_ ',.rl-ht, Herbener, Jones, Staley, Howard, and %lartin. STAY: None. 1,lotion carried. This beln,- ordinance fY15- Resolution for additional street lights- 13th and Elm St. lst Ave. between Ash and Olive Streets; Park Plaza Drive and Park Plaza Court; West end of Park Plaza Drive-, an,,! end of Park Plaza Court., -- Aldp.nnan Staley, seconded b,,,/ Alder- man Gibbons., moves for the adoption of this Resolution. troll call vote. AYE: .1 a I - 0 Aldermen 11 rt!.n Howard, Stale-, Jones, Herbener, U-1. -Wright Lon-, Gi b b ons, Berry, and Geor., ,e. "AY: None. notion carried. This being Resolut;-oyl #269. First rpad;lnz; of an Ordinance regal Atin.0, the haurs of billiard or nool rooms. Alderman Gibbons moves arid. Alderman _13err-ir seconds that the miles be suspended. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, °erry, Gibbons, Long, 14m. Wri.-Ilt, T T ,prbener, Staley, llowarr , an(-1 1.1'artI.,. NTAv! "Tone. Pass: Alderman Jon:�S, (Q AYES, 0 iIA7,r-,, 1 PASS). 111ot_! ,_,n carried. Alderman Staley moves and Alder- man "enrge seconds that the Ordl-nance be rlaced on its passage. "loll call -Vote. AYE: I!derrien dart*,_-, IT award, Staleir., Jones, Herbener, 1im. 1,Tri-ght, Gib. on,-, :err; , and George. NAY: T one. lotion carried. This belng Ordinance #416. � , AI�erman Long renorted that the owners of the ',K'uchan ']Iakerir requested perrqi.SS:; on to remove the curbing from their present drive to the alley on Second Avenue. Alderman Jones moves and Alderman Herbener seconds that the matter be referred to the Street �'z Alley Committee for their consideration acid report to the Council at n,axt meeting. It was reported that the Street and .1.11ey Committee had dis- cussed this matter, therefore, Alderman Herbener withdrew his second and Alderman Jones withdrew his motion. Alderman Long moves and Alderman Cibbons and George seconds that Kuchan's be allowed to remove the curb and make sane into a drive from their present drive to the alley on Second Avenue., work and expense of sat,,ie to be borne by Iluchan. Roll. call vote. ,;�ldernien George, Berry,, Gibbons, 451 (June 21, 196-), Continued) Long, Wt. Wright, Herbener, Staley, Howard, andaartin. NAY: None. PASS; Alderman Jones. (9 AYES, 0 NAYS and 1 PASS) . Motion carried. Alderman Long reported that a recommendation be made to the Traffic Committee for investigating the need for removal of narking on the west side of Second Avenue between Chestnut and Elam Streets. ;a,,,-or nro tern Martin reported that the Coot.iette Club had presented the Citz� of Canton with a 50-star flag and, on behalf of V)e Citi., Council, thanked the Club for their thoughtfulness. Alderman Berry reported the condition of the railroad crossing on Fifth Avenue and Chief of police Lindzey was asked to investigate same. Alderman George inquired if the Cit;r ngineer had any recorr2endations to offer for the flooding situation on 14th Avenue between Ash and Chestnut Streets. City Engineer Gibbons stated that a ten-inch drain the laid on either side of the street for about 1000 feet would help to lower the water table in that area. The matter was referred to the Street and Alle�r Committee. City Engineer Gibbons reported on work on the progress of water mains on 14th Avenue and West Locust Street. Alderman Staler reported that weeds along the right-of-way below Linn on Fourth Avenue needed to be cut. Referred to Chief of Police Lindzey. Aldermar. Herbener reported that ;r. Ems, "Fark S apt. wished to hold a conference with the City Council in regards to storm drai_- problems in considering the straightening of SiZ, Creek. Alderman Herbener recommended that the Mayor set an informal meeting of the Park ;oard and City Council. Alderman Toward, seconded b;. Alderman Berry, doves to adjourn. Oral vot:!. AYE: Unanimous. Canton Cit; Council adjourned at 7:5 P. N. �c C C. c � r IiGZGi z z , City Clerk. �' t