HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-19-1960 Council Meeting Minutes j k Jan. 19, 1960 Canton City Council met Jan. 19, 1960, 7:06 P. A. in the Cit-- Council ',ha-mber. Mayor Woods called for Roll call: 7pnsont: A!Nrmen Kartin, Howard, Chas. Wright, Stale- Jonep, Ui. Wright, Long, ShelbV KiEht, Gibbons, Hill, Sorry, Bender, and George. Absent: Alderman Uerbener. linutes of the aravious macting were read and- annrovnd to bc alaced on file. Kedge of Allegiance was follow .d by k C`�aol1n T,onf,,'. 7etition request .n waixer of interost an naving a, sirs after date of maturity of last ins aliment for ron,,':rty Ow!nec�, the Prospect Heights Sniin Mission Church, Lot 60 in Frosooct HeigUs Lddition of Ve City of Canton. Alderman V. Wright moves that t4a Tatition b2 Eranbed, seconded bj Alderman Onder. Roll. call vote. 00 Aldermen Georg e, 3ondar, iorry, Hill, Gibbons, Shelby 7Jri,-ht, Long, Un. Wli,,,'ht, Staley, Chas. Wrinht, Howard, and ','dono. lot-Lo-,-, carrier,. Mayor Woods called _Jr re," orts of Standing Canaittecs: Alayor Woods renortad that a Regional Mooting of Cit Officials, witA Hr. Steve Sargent present, would be held 2e 1. 3, 7:30 P. n. at Wallace Park and urged all. members of tie Council to atteid. Q aonointod the Finance Committee to be in charge of refroshmentc, nhe Tolice a d Legal Caiiittwe in charge of Registration and the rest of the Council to act as hosts. 0 also invited the oress to attend. AlOerman Martin moves that the fKanco Comiittee be granted nermission to have exnense mono for the s"nnlics, second :d Q Aidarman Wm. Wright. Roll call vote. A Aldirmen UNA Poward, Chas. WK Qt, Staley, Joncs, Wn. Wri.[,,lit, Long, Shelby Wright, Gibbons, Hill, Berr;, lender, and George. HAv: Tone. Motion carried. lay or Woods cal led f or reacrts of Soacial Comnitto :s- D%yor Woods call for Corroc-nondence to the Council - T et- er of request to hold a tag day aarV 12, ljt�,C) for D, y s tr o-)1 ly, Cancer, Heart, Red doatbar, March of Dimns, anmorhal Foundatioq and the Hursing 7times of Canton. Alderman Vartin moves that the reqvest be granted, seconded by Alderman Hill. 0 a vote. AvE: nanimous. A letter from the Sar..l_i;arr Water 3aard granting ner2ission to construct Qnrovo- ments to the sewage n1art in accordanca with n1ars aqd saecificatloos submitted by 5rawfoN, larnhy � Til>2 was read. Alderman Ui. Wright moves that same be accented and nlacee oL file, se c ondod by Alderman nondor. Oral vote. KTQ "nanimous. Second readinn of an DrOhnaine nertaining to vrohKhiti.j-i,-, minors from attendi-r,,- any bar or to draw, oour or nix any alcoholic liquors an any nromises having a license to sell alcoholic liqunrs at ratail. Alderman :?ender moves that the Ordinance be placed on its ,gas age, sec inded bT Alder an nerry. Roll ca-1 vote. Av7: Aldermen George, 9ender, lorry, Hill, Gibbnqs, Syelby Wriqht, LonE, Ui. Wri, '-,t, Jon:;a, Staley, Chas. Wright, Howard, a-A Aartin. RAY. ,.one. Notion carried. A Resolution for t Transfer of Tunds (120,0n!,00 from the Sales Tam FuAd to Ve General Fund and 110,00.01 Zran the Salor Tam fund to Lhe Fire 7rotoction Fann) . Alderman Aar tin novos for Ve ado-tIj- of Vc lasolution, seconded Q- Alderman Gearge. Roll cap l vote. AYT: Alder=7 Aartin, Nward, Chas. Alight, Stalo7, Jones, ':m. LonU, SNIQ WriFIt, Gibbons, 'iii_, Q=5 , Bender, and Ce.'r,,,,e. -1, : V one, AotiDn carried. 04 vnV usolution #257. Resolution for use of Not or Fuel Tax Funts to r. air certain stronts in Ve Cl of Cant on (15,500- Z) . Aldaraai Lo Aq movad for 4n wdonLinn of Yc H2salution, secoaded Q Alderman Hill. Roll caLl vote. A10 Alderman Ueorge, 3en6ar, Berry, 7111, Gibbons, Shol'),,- Lonq, %. Url: it, jonns, Staley, Chas. OrQ:,t, an! Martin. MV: Kno. Not hit capriol. Th s beVp &solutlon #25C. ,loward, Rasolation for the use of notnr ival TLE, Yzyln Z, Ve ranair of certahn streats Yn Ve Cit: of Canto _ (amount 13,00 A . AlCarman !Till moves or tl,,c-., Roll call votc. A-, A r,t 1 ri I nwar r Chas. vTr t Stale-, Jt,i IIu. 'it 5 I on; S1 11b r '0. otlol, carried. a-d' C',00r-e. Gib`,o -�s 1 , , ;' -I., #259. t,. of Ca�nrt,) - af--(,, vcr-.t-'- `;4altz aioun� )1: Ar ELse-Pent, );�twe�rl t]l-Ic Cl was re,_­c�. Iri— it 11-c)"V(;s, t':�Lc, acc.'r-Aance )f t l _s second d b,,. S",i(,,I L. R:.11 ca 1-1 vote lir,7 t Aldlarrie t,e orLIe, 3 err- TT 01bbons Slnellby �Jrlr`-t 'ron-, "J')i. 71ri -lit ion t- eL '_Cl T,"r t i 1,,T one otl.o l carried. _r. Ste-)he-, i'-CtJo, Tl�-,r. of the 111A.nois 1PI' Tele,nhone Co. e.,-�la�'M,?d Vie cD-itents of +"Ic tlllu-,C, cati e m a tLJe1:1,, SoC,­;,,jr��,(' 'oves that t'1- C,01.1-ncl_1, cl s-?a s�,, wi_tli readlilc.-, -)f s�­ Id Ord.�_Iance _1Lo_L_1_ c_r�ll vot;-. oward, Chas. 'Zr-l-;.'O T__ I C-) T T I -a] Vir u r -),1 ,:!r :�_e t7,,r.Jon�s, _ � , I 11 __o (1-2 "-­,S I ioves to s, c b, Y Ider,�ia.,i S -to] 1 lir ca v Cc-mrE'e, !ncor, G'-U),_)Ils, Shelb,, Ji-i t, l �T,- T_C)--1,_ j*r I- Ste le' , Chas. ie ,Tri,­.it, a "Ik id lartin. : , �0[I(-3. o t i n c a r-1-ile C. lderi_ia_"_ T1_11 moves f•-)r t',o a­-a,,­_, of t o rd ziane,?, s T lder;�ie.,. r t I")�vra r u-, ClIas. 7�.ri; c7 a), 1i1. Rol', call Vote. A­ A 4 1 I f TT loo.o. 4. e,)r.: 'Liot.!.ori cac­rled. r T`i*�_s fit 1,10r:�r-iiaii Stale- ov e s Viet '[,,'ie Cl_t of a- )er nlol nOr (';ac I electeC', offiic ,alls tele .)'.orie bill seCGQ(_:0,C) b . P.161erma:n &S C.1� T Roll calcall J r vote. lder.,iie,�i GT e ��r e 3r,,�i r Y ci r r I, G i b'-.-) s, S`h 3 I'D' I 11j I r-L��,Al L o t i )ri,­ Stale-. I Chas. 1.1r-.`Lo-iA ''owan-1 a.rid 'art'!_rI 7 Pl"Y —on e-- lotion carried. :f e an,' TILIA: stat��.�(l L`!<,t their flr� I , V1 �j � ,, I ­� J. i re c e J.v e� iii f or�la t'. o- that --).er;�r,,is si D-1. 'tau b(:,,en fra.'i Vie Pifolic Tlealth Sorv*;.ce for t,­ie Cit 0i1 paritol-! to a(v.3rtT.sc1 for lji,�,-; fr-rl c,)tlstruct-ion flnls. W i. Wrl.�`­t -:,,oves `�at t-lo Ci t-, a(j V(,r 4 i ts o -o o v -I tile , for seal,--,,.' -to rocei ed 7, i I I I - V, o-­ei-,��d at tl,c Council of"i-c., at', �, ;,. r Cam., I b eve-,--iing,, seco- r-11od :3-;- older 1< ::i ll .1 '1owar(7, C11ILS Staley, Joji�'s, ukia. -1,t Wrl.,;,;Al G_'_b lj:) !s ) a -d G e or e. 1'.otJ_ofi carried. AjoeniLf'- ChaS. 'A'rL.- ­U- re—ort-.1:i� for tl liatc,,r Sevier Caii',,-_*Lttee qlJot-oc" t ,e. :JLiCEcr 1rAer Co. -- 1000 0r, rior'n in lots of 100 for 1 1011tli at t':­,e rato ,:j'2 5.f3')1 less d ��e` -1 1--r - u , -,> -nor trad,e-in a1_ll_)',Tat­lce of `))5) for L"3 r S �a��, t,,- cost �2'�,.F iot!:�rs m�r Lol-)t-1­11 as -)l&nn1,i2. Al� (Dr­m - _',Ouard -11'jlv,,'s t .1at t'i,o C1-t-, arc' as,' It',Y) 3� seconded b, �,lder,:,ian Ck•a­3. cal-1- vo'6,,�. f_:._.. i,ldoriiieii Geor(;e 5)e r I ,Till, Gibbons, Shelh- 1,-Ir_lgllt, LJr-11- "hes. Wrlf,ht, J.T.owar _A7 -ri 'yonder ariu Jjrv-1,s. tarid 2 ,AT-3) . tliAion declared Llartln. Alderi.ria j carried. Alderman Stale,-, li'LOVCS to adjourn, seconded b-- Alderman Jones. oral vote. AY TT nanimoas. Canto--i City,' CoiL 0 D ncil adjourned at ':3' TAI. J) Cit- Cleric.