HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-15-1959 Council Meeting Minutes 0 Canton City Council met Sent. 15, 1959, 7:35 P. M. in the City Council Chamber. Roll call. Present: Mayor Woods, Aldermen Martin, Chas. Wright, Staley, Jones, Herbener, Wm. Wright, L-)ng, Shelby Wright, Gibbons, Berry, Bender, and George. Absent: Aldermen Howard and Hill. Minutes of the previous meeting were read. Alderman Herbener requested that a correction on the matter of the Vernon Denney Petition -- to read that the motion did not carry because it needed a 2/3 vote of the council. Correction made and minutes approved to be filed. Mayor Woods called for reports of Standing Committees. The annointment of Donald Wilcoxen as Police Sargeant by the Police Commission was a°-�nounced by Mayor Woods. Mayor Woods announced that the Illinois Municipal Convention will be held Nov. 8,9,10 in Springfield and urged Council members to attend. Alderman Martin reported that the Friendship Festival Luncheon for visiting Mayors and their wives would be held at Lakin's Cafe this year. Mayor Woods called for reports of Special Committees: Mayor Woods called for Communications to the Council: A letter from William C. Ackermann, Chief of the State Water Survey Division, Urbana, Illinois, stated that a sedimentation survey of Lake Canton would be made in the summer of 1960 and asked for cooperation in the work. Alderman Staley moves that the City accept the State's offer and set up dates for sed- imentation survey, seconded by Alderman Wm. Wright. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. A letter of resignation of meter reader William Gaskill was read. A Resolution for the Transfer of Funds ($5,000.00 from the parking Meter Fund to the Street and Alley Fund) was read. Alderman William Wright moves that the Resolution be adopted, seconded by Alderman Long. Discussion. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Bender, Berry, Gibbons, Shelby Wright, Long, Wm. Wright, Herbener, Jones, Staley, Chas. Wright, and Martin. NAY: None. Motion carried. Second reading of the Water Ordinance. Alderman Martin moves that the Ordinance be placed on its passage, seconded by Alderman Wm. Wright. Alderman Staley moved for an amendment -- to strike out Section Three of the Ordinance. This motion was seconded by Alderman Bender. Discussion. Roll call vote on the Amendment: AYE; Aldermen Staley, Joneq,Herbener, Shelby Wright, Gibbons, and Bender. NAY: Aldermen Martin, Chas. Wright. Wm. Wright, Long, Berry, and George. (6 AYES and 6 NAYS) Mayor Woods voting NAY, defeating the motion. Roll call vote on Passage of the Ordinance. AYE: Aldermen George, Berry, Long, Wm. Wright, Chas. Wright, and Martin. NAY: Aldermen Bander, Gibbons, Shelby Wright, Herbener, Jones, and Staley. (6 AYES and 6 NAYS). Mayor Woods voting AYE. Motion awaiting City Attorney's report of the count for passage. Mayor Woods reports that 8 AYES are required for passage of t').is Ordinance. Alderman William Wright presented to the City Clerk to read -- "an Ordinance providing for borrowing money and issuing bonds of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, to the amount of $230,000.00 for the purpose of paying the cost of constructing improvements and extensions to the waterworks system of said City, and providing for the levy and collection of a direct annual tax for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds". First reading of the Waterworks Improvement Ordinance as prepared by Chapman and Cutler. Alderman William Wright moves that balance of Ordinance (beginning on page 7) not be read, seconded by Alderman Chas. Wright. Roll call vote. AYE. Aldermen Martin, Chas-.,Wl*ight, Staley, Jones, Herbener, Wm. Wright, Long, Shelby Wright, Gibbons, Berry, Bender, and George. NAY: None. Motion carried. Alderman Wm. Wright moves that the rules be suspended, seconded by Alderman Jones. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Bender, Berry, Gibbons, Shelby Wright, Long, Wm. Wright, Jones, Staley, Chas.. Wright, and Martin. NAY: Alderman George, and Herbener (10 AYES and 2 NAYS) . Motion to suspend rules carried. Alderman Wm. Wright moves that the Ordinance be placed on its passage, seconded by Alderman Martin. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Martin, Chas. Wright, Staley, Jones, Herbener, Wi. Wright, Long, Shelby Wright, Gibbons, Berry, Bender, and George. NAY: None. Mayor Woods declared the motion carried. This being Ordinance #405. 4 0 (Page 2, Sept. 15, 1959) Alderman Wm. Wright presented to the City Clerk to be read: -- "An Ordinance providing for borrowing money and issuing bonds of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, to the amount of $170,000.00 for the purpose of paying the cost of constructing improvements and extensions to the sewerage system of said City, and providing for the levy and collection of a direct annual tax for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds". F-ic-t" 14 iritg of 8eV*3tge � # lr4w vo test#te 6Xt#teieAe ®-rd%;- stee ao prop"od by GhsEpmgn *nd 4t, Alderman William Wright moves that the rules be suspended regarding the reading of the proposed Sewerage Improvement Ordinance, seconded by Alderman Martin. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Bender, Berry, Gibbons, Shelby Wright, Long, Wrn. Wright, Jones, Staley, Chas. Wright, Martin. NAY: Aldermen George and Herbener. (10 AYES and 2 NAYS) . Motion declared carried. Alderman Wm. Wright moves that the rules be suspended, seconded by Alderman Chas. Wright. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Martin, Chas. Wright, Staley, Jones, Wm. Wright, Long, Shelby Wright, Gibbons, Berry, and Bender. NAY: Aldermen Herbener and George. (10 AYES and 2 NAYS) . Mayor declared the motion carried. Alderman Wm. Wright moves that the Ordinance be placed on its passage, seconded by Alderman Long. Roll call vote. AYE: Alder- ­ men George, Bender, Berry, Gibbons, Shelby Wright, Long, Wm. Wright, Herbener, C' Jones, Staley, Chas. Wright, and Martin. NAB': None. Mayor Woods declared Motion carried. This being Ordinance #406. J First reading of an Ordinance pertaining to Stop signs on the Northeast and Southwest corners of West Chestnut Street and North Avenue B. Discussion. Acting City Attorney Froehling excused at 8:45 P. M. Alderman Bender moves to suspend rules, seconded by Alderman Martin. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Martin, Chas. Wright, Staley, Jones, Herbener, Wm. Wright, Long, Shelby Wright, Berry, Bender, and George. NAY: Alderman Gibbons. (11 AYES and 1 NAY). Motion carried. Alderman Herbener moved that the Ordinance be placed on its passage, seconded by Alderman Bender. Roll call vote. AYEI Aldermen George, Bender, Berry, Wm. Wright, Herbener, Jones, Staley, Chas. Wright, and Martins NAY: Alderman B"d@ r. yet Gibbons, Shelby Wright, and Long. (9 AYES and 3 NAYS) . Motion carried. This being Ordinance #407. First reading of an Ordinance to Yield Right of Way -- Northwest corner and the Southeast corner of East Ash Street and North Eighth Avenu:. and Northeast and Southwest corners of East Sycamore Street and North Tenth Avenue. Alderman George moves that the rules be suspended, seconded by Alderman Herbener. Roll call vote. AYE: ildermen Martin, Chas. Wright, Staley, Jones, Herbener, Wm. Wright, Long, Shelby Wright, Gibbons, Berry, and George. NAY: Alderman Bender. (11 AYES and 1 NAY). Motion carried. Alderman George move6that the Ordinance be placed on its passage, seconded by Alderman Shelby Wright. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen George, Berry, Gibbons, Shelby Wright, Long, Wm. Wright, Herbener, Jones, Staley, Chas. Wright, and Martin. NAY: Alderman Bender. (11 AYES and 1 NAY) . Motion carried. This being Ordinance #408. Alderman Martin moves that the Mayor be instructed to contact the Chicago Motor Club to see if their engineering services were still available for investigating all stop signs and Yield Right of Way signs and advising the necessity of same -- that the City Council abide by the findings of this Engineer. Motion was seconded by Alderman Gibbons. Discussion. Roll call vote. AYE: Aldermen Martin, Chas. Wright, Jones, Herbener, Wm. Wright, Long, Shelby Wright, Gibbons, Berry, and George. NAY: Aldermen Staley and Bender. (10 AYES and 2 NAYS). Motion carried. Mr. 'Dugan, Engineer for the St. David proposed Waterwork spoke to the Council and inquired if the City of Canton would sell water to those residents and what price? Discussion. St. David residents had understood that the rate would be the same as for the City of Canton residents. Mayor Woods recommended that the City Engineer, Water Superintendent,/neet with the St. David Engineer for study and discussion. and Plumbing Inspector Alderman Herbener moved that these committeemen work out some solution and meet with the City Council later, seconded by Alderman Long. Oral vote. AYES Unanimous. Alderman Martin renorted that street lights were needed in one of the newer sections of Canton and the matter was referred to the Lights Committee. Alderman Herbener inquired about the Police Commission report of a police officer and was informed by Mayor Woods that the officer was suspended for two weeks by the Commissi.on. . 402 (Seat. 15, 1959, Cont.) Alderman Bender stated that he had inquired twice regarding streets on North Tenth and Eleventh Avenue -- not being completed. Mayor Woods reported that if the Geo. E. Hoffman & Sons failed to make this pavement good, the W. L. Miller Co. (the contractor) was thoroughly reliable and would be responsible but it had been impossible to comnlete the work because of various strikes. Mayor Woods stated that he would see personally that same was comnleted. Dis- cussion followed. Alderman Jones moved to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Wm. Wright. Oral vote. AYE= Unanimous. Canton City Council adjourned at 9:30 P. M. City Clerk.