HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-20-1959 Council Meeting Minutes 351 Canton City Council met on Jan. 20, 1959 at 7:00 P. M. in the City Council Room. Roll call. Present; T;A.yor Woods, Alderman Sebree, Martin, Lundry, Miller, Jones, Wm. Wright, Turner, Shelby Wright, Roy Hill, Lester Hill, Bender. Absent: None. MinAtes of the previous meeting were read and approved to be placed on file. A representative of the Loyal Order of Moose Lodge requested permission to hold a Polio tag-day on the Square on Jan. 31. Alderman Jones moved that the request be granted, seconded by Alderman Shelby Wright. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Miller reported that Mrs. Glen Medus had requested permission to use two parking spaces on the West Side of the Square on Fridas and Saturday, Jan. 30 and 31 for the "March of Dimes" project -- b�, selling coffee and donuts that have been donated for this nurnose. Alderman Lundry moved that permission be granted,seconded by Alderman Turner. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Bender renorted that members of the Eagles Auxiliary requested permission to hold a "tag-day" for Muscular Distronhy on March 7. Alderman Bender moved ' ^ that this request be granted, seconded by Alderman Martin. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. °2 A letter from the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare from Chicago in regard to an "Application for Federal Grant thru the Illinois Sanitary Water I Board for the proposed improvements to the sewage treatment plant. Alderman Lundry moved that the Mayor and City Clerk be instructed to enter into this proposed contract, seconded by Alderman Turner. ;toll call_ vote. AYE: Alderman Bender, Lester Hill, Roy Hill, Shelby Wrilit, Turner, Wm. Wright, Jones, Miller, Lundry, I'".artin, and Sebree. NAY: None. Motion carried. An Ordinance pertaining to the boundry lines of the City of Canton was presented for first reading. Alderman Turner moved that the Council dispense with the reading of this legal description, seconded by Alderman Lester .fill. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Sebree, Martin, Li_uZdry, ,'Miller, Jones, Wm. Wright, Turner, Shelby Wright, Roy Hill, Lester Hill, and Bender. NAY: :pone. Motion to dispense with reading of Ordinance carried. Alderman Turner moved that the rules be suspended regarding the readig of Ordinance, seconded by Alderman Bender. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Bender, Lester Hill, Roy Hill, Shelby 1,1right, Turner, lim. Wright, Jones, Miller, Lundry, Martin, and Sebree. NAY: None. Motion carried. Alderman Bender moved that the Ordinance be placed on its passage, seconded by Alderman Roy Hill. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Sebree, Martin, Lundry, Miller, Jones, Wm. Wright, Turner, Shelby Wright, Roy Hill, Lester Hill, and Sender. NAY: None. Motion carried. This being Ordinance #393. Alderman Bender moved that the bid of R. 9. Rutherford in the amount of $4647.58 he accepted for redecorating the old library building. This motion was seconded by Alderman Sebree. hir. Charles Ashley inquired about the manner of choosing„ the bidders on this project. A discussion followed between Alderman Martin, who stated that he thought tl,e Itlow-bid" should be considered, and Alderman I3cnder. City Attorne- McMunn ex lained that "low-bidder" meant the "lowest resnonsible bidder". Mayor Woods called for Roll call vote on the bids. AYE: Alderman Bender, Roy Hill, Turner, Jones, Lundry, and Sebree. NAY: Alderman Shelby Wright, Wm. Wright, Miller, and Martin. PASSTA`G: Alderman Lester Hill. (6 AYES, 4 NAYS, 1 PASSING). Motion defeated. Alderman Miller moved that the bid of Ma`rnard Kohout in the amount of +1'4640.00 be accepted, seconded by Alder- man Martin. Roll call vote. AY,, : Alderman Miller, Wm. Wright, Shelby Wright, NAY: Alderman Sebree, Martin, Lundry, Jones, Turner, Roy Hill, and Bender. PASSING: Alderman nester Bill. (3 AYES) 7NAYS, 1 PASSING). Motion defeated. Alderman Bender moved that the Council reject all bids and readvertise for bids, to be opened at the next Council meeting on Feb. 3, 1959. Motion seconded by Alderman Shelby Wright. Roll call vote. AYH: Alderman Bender, Lester Hill, Roy Hill, Shelby Tltight, Turner, Wm. Wright, Jones, THiller, Lundry-, Martin, and Sebree. NAY: None. Motion carried. Alderman Lester Hill informed the Council that ne w chains for the final treatment section of the sewage disposal plant were badly worn and made a motion that these be r enlaced (approximate cost $1500.00 1`0 $1700.00) . Motion seconded by Alderman Bender. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Sebree, Martin, Lundry, Miller, Jones, Wm. Wright, 'Turner, Shelby Wright, Roy Hill, Lester Hill, and Serider. NAY: None. Motion carried. 352 Alderman Martin made a motion that the Council a,athorize the Traffic Co�rnmittee to locate a parking lot and report back for the approval of the Council. Motion seconded by Alderman Lester Hillo Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Bender, Lester Ili.11, Roy Hill, Shelby Wright, Turner, Wm. Wri,,;ht, Jones, Miller, Lundry, Martin and Sebree. NAY: done. Motion carried. Alderman Lester Hill reported that a water meter in the Chamber of Commerce building owned by Harold Carlson had. not been read for years. He stated that he recommended that the bill be charg,:d. to Mr. Carlson for the past five years and wanted the Council's opinion. Mr. McMunn, City Attorney, stated that he had talked to Mr. CaS-son's Attorney and thou,,-,ht the matter would be settled satisfactorily very soon. Alderman Shelby Wright made a motion that a Resolution be drafted for the installation of a street light on the corner of Pire Street, and Second .venue., secorced by Alderman Turner. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Sebree, Martin, Lundry, Miller, Jones, Wm. '.fright, Turner, Shelby Wright, Roy Hill, Lester Hill, and Bender. NAY: None. notion carried. Alderman Miller moved for adjournment, seconded by Alderman Bender. Canton City Council adjourned at 7:55 P. M. City Clerk.