HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-19-1958 Council Meeting Minutes 32 Canton City Council met at 7:35 I=. II. on Aug. 19, 195E in the City Council Room. Roll call.. Present: I,la,,,-or ':,foods, Alder Tian Sebree, Bart in, Lundry, ii l-ler, Jones, Turner, Roy '-?ill, Lester Hill, a_-id Bender. Absent: Alderman Wri. Wright acid Alderman Shelby Wright. I PIinutes of the previous meeting were read and an-proved to be placed on .file. A Petition requesting the repair of I°lest Vi ire Street 3ridge, si tined by 174 interested ne°sons bras read. Alderman Tundr,y raade a mot- on that -the matter be referred to the Street, Alley and Sidewalk And li'i_ is:ce Com,littees for study and report. notion was sec,-) id.ed by ,^.,].derma-, Lester "il-1. Oral vote. Aj`P_ Unanimous. `;a�ror hoods called for re-)orts o.,.` Standin,' Co .ittees: None. . ayor ?Moods ca .led i'or rei)orts of &-)ec5_al ;0*1 _tte s; Ma ;or 1400ds called for correspondence: 1one. A Lease betwe--;n l;!-;.e C it,• of C�,nton and t' e "_Ja,rtori ar'lc District, for the rent of South ''ark to the "'ark District at a cost of j>1.00 per --ear for twenty gears .• was read. Alderman Lester Hill moved that the Ma�,or and City Clerk be instructed to sign th.s Lease in behalf of -he C-i_t - of Canton, seconded by Alderman Bender. Roll call vote. AYE'• Alderman gender, Lester. Hill, il,o,r Mill, Turner, Jones, ;ills-, Lt'.ndr�r, Ilartln, and Sebree. !,TA": Tone. ."Lotion carried. An Agreement for Controlled Gas Service with Vie Central Illinois n.�blic Service Co. was read. Mr. E. 0. Ryberg, renresent:_n`3, iTie C.I.".S.Co. explained the contents of the Agreement. Alderman Bender moved that the Mayor be instructed to sign this Agreement :i.n behalf of the City of Canton, seconded by Alderman Lester Dill_. Roll call vote. AY,I�: Alderman Sebree, i';artin, Lundry, I%Iil.ler, Jones, Turner, Roy ?-Till, Lester Fill, acid ;ender. 1A`�' ��or�e. Motion carried. A Resolution for a Transfer of Funds (�10,; Ot;.00 from the ?arking i-Teter. Fand to be transferred to the Road and Gridge iYund) . a",lder na_i Turner inoved that the Resolution be adopted, sec nd:d b,- Alderman 1.ilndry. Roll call vote. A'';?. Alderman Bender, Lester 'T-i_ll, Re- Iiil'l, Turner, Jones, Iiiller, Lundr,v, Martin, and Sebree. `,TAY: ` one. iot-i-on carried. n An Ordinance nertaini nc- to the vacat'_r,g of an :17_ey in the Grace ;!. Flensin-er's Addition, 1e4s between lots ";To. 1�, anal 19 was read. Alderriar: Sebree moved that the rules be suspended, seconded by Alderman Bender. Roll call vote. A-'E: Alderman Sebree, I"art'1_n, Lundrr, Miller, Jon= s, Turner, -Itoy Trill, Lester Hill, and Bander. .TA 7: i o.ne. iIotion carried. Alderman Turner moved that tl,.e Ordl_nanco be ?)laced on its nas age, sec_o?"(-cd b,. Alderman i`lartin. Doll call vote. AY'.: Alderman. Bender, Lester Hill, Roi- 'Till, Turner, Jones, "ills-, Lundr,--, artLn, and Sebree. "?A`: `one. Iotion carried. This be ,.ng Ord-i.nance # 380. An Ord'nance nertaini_ng to the closin,_, of an Alle betwee l,`ortlz ::eighth Avenue and _North Vinth Avenue and running from . ast Ash to :cast Olive Street was read. Alderman Lester IIi]_1 stated that he had re ?orts that tie residents in that vici nity did not wish to have this a' le,;r closed. Alderman Sebree moved that the r,l.es be suspended, seconded b-v- Alderman L_iridx,,°. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Sebree, Martin, Lundr, , Hiller, Jones, Tt i n:er, to r Ii"11, Lester Hill, a-id Bender. �IA�r: 1?on(.. Motion carried. Alderman Be=.der moved that the Ordinance be placed on its passage, seconded b,; Alderrnar, Lester Trill. Roll call vote. AYE: None. NAY Alderman Fender, Lester 'Till, iolr Trill, `burner, Jones, Miller, Lundr,r, Martin, and Sebree. (0 AY5,S and 9 :`LPYS) . Motion Defeated. An Ord-'.nance nertaining to the leasing, of lots `_n. a section adjoining. Lake Canton, now known as Lake Breeze Addition to Late Canton was read. Alderman Lester Hill moved that the r l_les be suspended, seconded by Alderman I3--ender. Roll. call vote. A177- Alderria_-- Sebree, :,!art-!-n, Lundr., hiller, Jones, Turner, Roy Trill, Lester Trill, and Bender. 17- !'Ton. ,lotion carried. Alderman Bender moved that th.e Ordinance be placed on its passaz e, seconded by Alderman Iliartin. Roll call votes AYE: Alderman_ Sender, L st-�r I?.i_i_l, Ro, Hill, Turner, Jones, liller., L,tmd y, Martin, a�_d. Sebree. hTAY: ,_,:one. Motion carried. Th.Ls be_'r_ng Ord`_-nance Second reading of an Anplicati_on for a Federal Grant to ap-ply toward the cost of Improvements to the Canton Sewage Treatment t l.ant. Alderman Lester 'rill moved that the Mayor be instructed to sign th,_sa�)olication in 'behalf of the City of Canton, seconded by Alderman Turner. Roll call vote. AYE:. Alderman Sebree, Martin, Lundr�;, Miller, Jones, Turner, Roy Dill, Lester Hill, and Bender. NAY: ,,one. ilotion carried. Mayor Woods requested the Chairman of the Garbage Disposal Cc>m iittee to instruct the Garbage Disposal emnloyees to keen the area around Lake Canton clean. Ma,-or Woods asked the FiLL, ance Gomiaittee to inquire about the use of time clocks for 'amity em-loyebs. � ,a,ror �•loods introduced Richard Jacobs, a Canton youth, who gave a report on an idea for improvement of the beach at Lake Canton. He stated that it rai 'ht be possible to nrocure the services of the strip urines for cutting back the hill and materials rom a local Sand and Gravel Co., gratis. He also suggested a navillion be built containing a concession, showers and locker rooms. Alderman Lundry made a motion that bids for an end-loader be opened, seconded by Alderman Turner. Oral vote. AYE. moos. Bids read b­ the Cleric as follows: Canitol Tractor F,q. ip., Inc., Morton: Total ',`19,483.00 -- trade-in $2,283.00 price f.o.b. Canton, 17,200.00 I i_l.inni.s Ttoad Egi!.ipment Co., Snrinl,field, Ill. Total .19,329.00 -- trade-in -- $3,729.00., Price f.o.b. Canton, `,15,600.00. Alternate bid: Total `';12,059.55, less trade-in, '_?,2,059.55. Price f.o.b.Canton, X10,000.00. Eighmy Eq,.:i.ipment Co., Rockford, Ill., Total 018,927.00, less trade-in 4P2,250.00 - $16,677.06 -- (add 1x1,720.00 if Diesel desired) . Alderman Miller moved that the bids be referred to the Finance, Street, Alley and Sidewalk Com :ittees and report to the Council at the next meeting, seconded by Alderman 'iurner. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman 11artin made a motion that the following streets, Stonegate Drive, Argonne Drive, l'lontello Court and Winegar ;',rive be considered for street i - nrovement in the near future, seconded b, Alderman Turner. Roll call vote. AYE'- Alderman :3ender3 Lester Hill, Ro, Hill., Turner, Jones, MiI1: r, Lundr,, , ilartin., aid Sebree. IA'': long.. lotion carried. (A total of 3200 to 38)O ft.) Alderman Bender moved that the City of Canton donate foix sections each of shelves from the Old Library B :ilding to the Junior Iligh School and the Lewistot�m Library, seconded b,, Alderman Roy hill. Roll call_ vote. AY' - Alderman Sebree, '"Iart`_n, Lar?r , Miller) Jones, Turner, 11.oy Hill, Lester lull, and Bender. ,tone. Tlotion carried. Mayor Woods requested the BP.li_ld_ng a id Grounds Cor•raittee to make arrangements for sanding floors in t .e Old Librar Building as soon as the outside work has been con-oleted. Alderman Jones suggested that it might save mone, if t'ie Cit-r of Canton woulc seek the advice of an architect to make plans for the arrangement of interior of the Old Library B:,ilding. Alderman .tiller stated that he was in agreement with such an idea. Discussion followed. Alderman Lundry moved that the Council adjourn, seconded b,T Alderman Turner. Oral vote. Al;;: Unanimous. Canton Cit,- Council adjourned at 8:56 P. i. ity Clerk.