HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-05-1958 Council Meeting Minutes 3 2 Canton City Council convened at 7:36 P. M. Aug. 5., 1958, in the City Council room. Roll call: Present: Mayor Woods, Alderman Sebree, Martin,, Lundry, ilillerl Jones., Wm. Wright, Turner, Shelby Wright, Roy Hill, and Lester Hill. Absent: Alderman Bender. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved to be placed on file. A Petition perta;-ning to the clos ng of an Alley between Ash Street and Olive Street -- east side of Coykendall's Addition and the west side of Wolfe's Addition -- was read. Alderman Lester Hill made a motion that this alley be 1j, closed ., seconded b, Alderman Turner. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Petition granted. " yor Woods ordered the Ch--',-ef of ��Iolice to locate Alderman Bender. L,,a Alderman Lundry read the bills for the Finance Coi-rimittee and made a motion that all bills properly approved be allowed for na-�ment seconded by Alderman Wm. y s0 Wright. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Lester Hill., Roy Hill,, Shelby Wright, Turner, Wm. Wright, Jones,, i-liller, Lundr-,r, Iart'n, and Sebree. NAY: Motion carried. Alderman "',11iller read the bills for the '-olice and Legal Corii,iittee and made a motion that all bills properly approved be allowed for oa7;T11ent seconded by Alderman Lundry. Boll call vote. AXIS: Alderman -'-ebree, lart.*Ln, Lundry, Miller, Jones, Wright, Turner, Shelb,,r loirlCht, ioy Hill., and Lester Hill. 'IAY; ',,'lotion carried. Alderman T,irner read the bills for the Street, 1.1--ey and Sidewall- Con,,aittee and made a motion that all bills -properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman Shelby Wright. Roll call vote. AY-1: Alderman Lester Hill., Roy Hill, Shelby Wright., Turner,, Wrl gU ht,, Jones, Miller, Lundry, Martin and -Sebree. NAY: None. "lotion carried. j Alderman Lester Hill read the bills for the Fire, Water and Sewer Corrqitte-s L and made a motion that all bills properly approved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman Lundry. Roll call vote. =: Alderman Sebree, Martin., L,,mdrr,,., Miller, Jones, 14m. Wright, Turner, Shelby I°xight, Roy Hill, and Lester Hill. NAY: None. Motion carried. Alderman Roy Hill read the bills for the Garbage Disnosal Con,,iittee and made a motion that all bills properl- approved be allowed for payment., seconded by Alderman Sebree. 803-1 call vote. AY'PI- Alderman ester Hill, Roy Hill, Shelby Wri".rtt, Turner, 14m. Jones, ?Tiller, Lundry, Martin., and oebree. NAY: None. Motion carried. Alderman Jones read the ! ills for the Tights Coniiittec and made a motion that Lights -11 bills properly a-)-)roved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman i�'i ' 11 artin. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Lester Hill, Roy Hill, Shelby Wright, Turner., I-Im ',%Iright Jones, Miller, Lundry., Martin, and Sebree. 1,1'1': None. Motion carried. Alderman Rcpr Hill read the bills for the BuI-ld-ing an.d Grounds Coiurtittee and made a motion that all bills properly an-proved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman Shelby Itoll call vote. IVrE: Alderman Lester Hill, Roy "ill, Shelby Wright., Turner,Wright.0 Wm. Wr'-ght, Jones, Miller, Lundry, Martin and Sebree. "NANLr: ^T one. Motion carried. q Alderman Martin read the bills for the Traffic Co,,T-aittee and made a motion that all bills properlir - , app_ be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman Lundry. Roll call vote. A77: Alder-man Sebree, "lartin, Lundry, ;Miller, Jones, Uii. Wright, Turner., Shelby Wright, Roy Hill. and Lester TTill. 1111A11r J : None. Motion carried. Reports of the Ci..ty freasurcr., Cit-,r Engineer, 3- :',-lding Coixr1ission9r, Suner"intendent of Streets, Chief of Police, Pl,,vnblng `:Inspector, Water 'I- Sewer Department, Water Treatment ''Iant, and Sewage Treatment 'T'lant were read. Alderman L^ster Hill made a motion that the reports be accepted and placed on file, seconded by Alderman Lundr,,-, . Oral vote. AY..,- `.Inanlnous. 322 .,layor Woods called for reports of Standing Cori,ittees: He then called for reports of Special Cormiiittees: Alderman Roy 1,11111 -reported that a new bed had been nut on the Garbage Disposal truc'c a:id was work.img satisfactorily. Corresnondence- A letter from the Chamber of Commerce requesting permission n for free parking for Dollar Day, Thursday, Aug. 7. 1958 and also permission to Alderman T-Lu-idi- nlace a naner bag over each of the parking; meters. y moved that the request be granted, seconded by Alderman Turner. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Lester Hill, Loy Fill, Shelby Wright, T-arner., m. Wrig''t. Jones, jUller., Lundn,, Martin, and Sebre-,. NAY: 'lone. Paz-mission .-;ranted. A letter from the Chamber of Corvierce stating that 29-12 members of that organization voted in favor of the n. , ro-)osed widening of certain streets in Canton and su ,` d that the Council give further consideration to this project. o. ,,este Ma,,-or Woods stated that a motion to accent this letter and place on file was in -u - latter be accented and placed on fila� order. Alderman Mlartin moved that the le n orc. Alderman Sebree made a few comments expressing seconded by Alderman Lundr his own opinion of tyre proposed highway. 1,11ayor 'floods called for a n Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous A letter from Crawford, 1,iuri.-)hy 12illey regard.1--c a lederal Grant to aT-)ply toward the cost of improvements to the Canton Sewage Treatment --lant was read. )ro��osal slrioal.6 be referred to the City 7 J_ layor Woods recommended that t'ils Sewer Cormriittee and 11,layor Attorney, CILt-,- Engineer, Yinance car-tittee, Water for considera,t-1-oll. Alderman Les-ter bill moved that the above coruflittees con- sider this proposal, seconded by Alderman Miller. Alderman Jones suggested that the 3uilding and Grounds Committ&,-, be included in this group. Mayor Woods stated that any of the Aldermen were welcome to attend the meeting. liT e then called for an Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Lester Hill moved that the clerk dispense with the second reading of an Ordinance authorizing the execution of an Agreement with the Central Illinois Public Service Co., seconded by Alder-man 1,1m. 11right. Roll call vote. AYE: Shelby Alderman Sebree) _�:artin, Lundn,,, Hiller, Jones, 7dm. Vjfrig'lit, Turner., N 1,jotiorn, carried. Alderman Wright, Ito, 'Till y Hill., Lester :sill... 17,AY one. that the Ordinance be placed on its nassare, seconded bIT Lester Hill moved Bill, , Alderman 'Tiller. 'toll cal.?_ vote. Alderman Lester IT Shelby WrIF,ht, Turner, i3m. Wright Jones, 11,riller, l,undx-- y iartin, and Sebree. otion carried. This be*LnT Ordinance #377. )ne. H 11 A Resolution regarding t1lo Transfer of Funds -- t, 10,000.00 from the Sales Tax Fund to the road and Bridge Fund. k1dermari laundry made a motion that V­c 7 -1 1- k1derrian Turner. Roll call vote. AY-,,,- rjeso.ution be adopted., se bl, Alderman Sebree., I'lart'l-r., Lundr.y, Niller., Jones, 'nn. '.:ri„Ttt, Turner, Shelby Wright, Roy Hill., and Lester Hill. NAY: 'None. Motion carried. This being Resolution 7#220'. ­ A Lease for five years between the Cite of Canton and Robert Harding& for a stria of Land adjoining Iallce Canton for the sole nurpose of sale of E"aso1-11-ne, oils or other products for boats using Lalce Cannon aas read. Alderman Lester motion that the City jJ1.11 ex-)1ali-ned tl,e nurnose of this -projc,�ct and made a m _L Council instruct the 1,1111ayor and City Clerk to sign this Lease in behalf of the City, vote. AY ..- Alderman Lester -ty, seconded b,, Alderman Landry. Roll call Hiller, Lundi-, , 11artin, and. TTI]13 Roil Ilil] - Wright., Turner., 1•hii. Wright, Shelb, Sebree. 'TA'T: Alderman Jones (9 AYES and 1 NAY). ,lotion carried. First reading of an Ordl.nance pertaining, to Stop signs on Sixth Avenue and T-T ol I to suspend ri.,.les, seconded by Street. Alderman Sebree made a motion'on Hart in Lundry., Alderman 1,hri. 7,,Irir_ht. Roll call vote. AY Alderman Sebree, W-i. Wright, Turner, Shelby- 1141right, Roy 'Hill, and Lester Hill. NAY: Alder- man -1iller and Jones. (8 A`,,7 1AY ,S and 2 1S) . Motion carried. Alderman am. j%rright made a motion that the Ordinance be placed on its passage5 r Alderman Lester I-Till, seconded b, Alderman 11artin. Roll call vote. AY'_1 I,Zo7 Bill, Shelby WrigInt, '12-arner, Wn, 14right, Lundr,,,r, Martin, and Sebree. TITAY! Alderman Jones and rljller. (8 AYES and 2 -NAYS) . 1-lotion carried. 1 being Ord'_nance //378* 3 2 (Council meeting, Aug. 5,,1958, Cont.) First reading of an Ordinance pertaining to Leasing South Park to the Cantor. Park District for a -,-7)eriod of twenty years at a cost of ':'Pl.00 per year. Alderman Lester Hill made a motion to sus-)end the r,-Ales, seconded *bJlr .Alderman Turner. Roll call vote. Al"> Alderman S'Sebree, i'lartin, Lunde:-, 1• illor., Jones, Wen. Wright, Turner,, Shelby !,Iright,, 1110T, Hill, and Lester Hill. ;done. one. J, IV Motion carried. Alderman Marti-n moved that ILI.Iie Ord�_nance be placed on its nassage, seconded 1:)�r Alderman Lester Hill. Roll call vote. AYE- Alderman Lester Hill ?Z,, :Ii 11 , Shclb - 1,1ri-lit ni Turer, .m..m.. 11�-ight, Jones, Hiller, Lundry, ,-y Hlartin a Sebreo N � I T ITA�,r: ;one. :lotion carried. This being Ordinance 1#379. Alderman Turner reported that the Street and Alley De-oart-nient needs a new end-loader, and made a motion that an ad for sealed bids for an end-loader be nubli-shed -- bic-'s to be receivod in the Cit, Clerk's office not later than 5:,")o P. 1,1. DST on Au;:,. 19 --- and to be read' at tile Aug. 19, 1958 Council meeting. Any or all bids may be rejected. This rfiot:ion was seconded by Alderman Sebrep. Oral vote. AYE- Unanimous. Alderman Lester Hill inquired if it would ;)0 --)Ossi:r,)le to hav, rubbish removed from the beach at Lake Canton and was told that sane would be taken care of very soon, Al�erman Lester Hill reported that one of the Strip Dnes was willing to co-operate in onenirc more roadway on the West side of Lake Canton and recommended that the "street Superintendent be instructed to nroceed with this project. Alderman Lundry mace a motion to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Lester Hill. Oral vote. AYE: Canton Cite Council adjourned at 3':44 i-• M. BILLS ALLOITED FOR PA'._'MEMT:A GENERAL FT ', Police Dept. Cont. Bldg. 9" Grounds: Locks Auto Co. ��200.00 1'laco.,,ab "ormunications Am. Pest Control �W-00 90-30 Fred Butkovich 43.20 Iason Hardware Co. 6.00 C.I.P.S.CO. 15.12 olice Dept. 124.00 Homer Electric Co. 14-00 Kenneth 1,11. Lindzey 12.00 Butch Jones 3.op Naier-Lavat-, Co. 550.00 R. W. 'lallace Service Kamlager Electric 3.00 1 .38 11ason Hardware Co. 2.19 White's ;o)k Store 2.10 Whalen Glass Works 1.30 DEPAPM 1 217.m- '242,1TT: Canton Clean Towel 3,'.95 FIRE n Canton ?1imbinfT Co. 6.51 Canton State Bank 9.92 Harry LWcer 14-03 Ill. Sell. Telephone Co. 6.85 Oaks & Sons 1824.20 T,Iacoinb Conmun-1.cations 20.00 Swearingen Wholesale 28.66 &6e I -Iallace Service 2021-.-2-(5- GenegQ.; Ayqur� GA_'M)AGE1 DIS C'SAL DE7FAR'rNE1,\TT: al � v _A q 8 Canton Su--.,)Jy Co. Am. C I t�'�-'�, Rgazine 6:M Ill, n -p Canton Tire L- Vulc. Co. Dell '1'elehonc 11-49 1.50 Francelle Larson 30-00 Contenintal Oil Co. 198.19 Petty Cash 48.39 Jarvis ?gelding Co. 3.00 Phillips Greenhouse 5.00 Peoria SDri.ng Co. 34.97 .,'A. C. Shepley & uo­ 756.38 Livio Poggioli 145-00 L. F. Weller 12.00 Shell I oil Co. 238.68 White's Book :`tore 6-45 S1,Tartzbaugh C`z Nelson .80 White's Book Store 2.00 Trucic Equip_ment Co. 624.65 1887-35 Lights: STILEEPT ('1z ALLE]Yr DEPARTIM1,E7,JT: C.I.7,.S.Co. 859.30 J. L. Andrews Co. 1.30 Q. H.. Biersdorf 8.00 Police Dept. -i3010"I's Repair Service 1100 Atlas Camera Center 1.70 Canton Paint ('� Wallpaper 2.09 Canton Clean Towel 9.4o Canton Supply Co. 46-15 Cummings "P. Emeraon 1).44 Canton Tire F_ Vulcanizing; �.50 Capitol Tractor Co. Farmers Co.Op. 4.60 1 93-36 " Fullerton Lumber Co. 2.15 Cummings Emersn-ri H. I 9.58 Garbage Disposal 140.99 1 01. Dierdorff �'z Sons 175-00 I- Ill. Bell Tel&ohone 7.75 D 1 uck Island Sand C'� Gravel 39.94 King Auto Electric ''".10 Elgin Sweeper Co. 81-51 Garba&e Disposal Lock's Auto 166.29 Street & Alley Dent. Cont. : Ifeller's Electric Service 67.07 Geo. S. Hoffman Sons 625.90 Ill. Dell T(;lenhone Co. 19.20 111. road Equin. Co. 27.12 industrial Towel Service 1.75 Jarvis A-lding Co. 79.20 Cing Auto Electric 5.71 Arthur Knowles, Jr. 200.00 roell Electric Co. 211,00 1.Iason Hardware Co. 31.90 Owens Oil Co. 1.90 Phillips 1'etroleu-t Co. 10.90 Rhodes Transfer 3.00 Raymond Sandberg 11.50 Sullivan Auto Parts 3.00 Sutton Moore 162.18 Swartzbaugh ?r Nelson, 543.09 Harx ,r Whalen Glass Works 5.30 Welders Sunn]11r Co. MA�'IC Jarvis '.%eldLng Co. 22.80 Ill. State 145.74 Livio 'oggioli 36.00 20 ,. WATER SETR DEPT. Spoon River Elect. 11.55 Gene Smith 2.00 Larry Smith 2.00 Ray Jenkins 2.00 Melvin Trucling 255.60 Chriss Chemical Co. 404.25 L. Sargent ;71- Co. 3.131 nifco Laboratorios 6.43 Ilenke Stone I, L unc Co. 262.50 Knoell Electric 12.60 Electric Chemical Co. 75.00 Standard Oil Co. 26.50 1,1 TI. Valve 2 itt ings 10,1.97 The hays Corp. 11.64 Burgess Han_-inE Co. 19.00 Tronical 'almt Co. 52.04 'vatil. Disinfectant Co. 392.08 Cum iings °- Emerson 5.69 Am. Vitrified Products Co. 1048.42 Ill. Sell Telephone 26.47 H. 7,.J. �)ierdorff Sons 1148.00 Canton Tire L Vitic. Co. 4.00 Dernard Slack 1'06.00 Fullerton Lumber Co. 34.80 Sutton Moore 90.25 South Side Foundry Co. 291.60 Economy Sur)nl;,r Co. 1.97 Rossetter Ford Tractor Co. '71.12 Ill. i-Teter Repair Co., Inc. 149.13 .ndustrial Towel Service 4.00 Burroughs Corn. 16.00 Addresso ray' 7 -i.•1.,C Total $16.,233-88 Canton DaiD7 Ledrger 13.25 Pett;r Cash 46.72 A. C. SheT)le r L Son 253.80 Canton Clean Towel Service 5.10 PZ'_llers ;Mutual ms. . 68.09 Swartzbaugh : 'Nelson 9.11 .Mason Hardware Co. !44.53 Jarvis ?.Telding Co. 17.20 Garbage D-1_snosal Dent. 2F'.06 Cities Service Oil Co. 25.95 Swearingen polo,sale Co. 39.22 C.I.P.S.Co. 879.17 I11. 13e11 '1'ele,?hone Co. ��� Cit�r Clerk,/,/