HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-17-1958 Council Meeting Minutes 315 Canton City Council convened June 171 1958 at 7:30 P. M. Roll call with the following members Present: Mayor Woods, Alderman Sebree, Martin, Lundry, Miller, Wm. ?,!right, Turner, Roy Hill, and Lester Hill. Absent: Alderman Jones, Shelby Wright, and tender. Minttes of the June 3, 1958 meeting were read and approved to be nl.aced on file. iayor Woods asked for reports of Standing Committees. None. tie called for reports of Special Committees. None. Mayor Woods reported that the names of Lawrence Shepley and Mark Bybee were suggested for a three year -period, ending in June 1961, on the 'Police 'Pension Board. Alderman Lundry rude a motion that these men be appointed to that Board, seconded by Alderman Lester '.Ti-l.l. Oral vote. AYE. Unanimous. Alderman Lester Mill made a motion that the Junior Achievement Inc., be granted rermission to redecorate the basemer_t of the old library building and prepare same for their own ase, seconded by Alderman 'Turner. Roll call vote. AYE: -" Alderman Lester Hill, Roy Hill, 'Turner, 11m. Writ ht, i2iller, Lundry, Martin, and Se`)rn-. 'rAY- :Potion carried. Correspondence read: A note of thanks from the John Spencer family. A letter from the Peoria Journal Star, Tnc. requesting use of the Jones Park on Pionday, June 30 beginnin{; at 7:30 T'. i for the fifth annual King and Queen Contest in cooperation with the 'eoria 'lay-round and Recreation Hoard. Alderman ;artin moved that the request be granted, seconded by Alderman Puller. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. llotion carried. A letter from the Canton Automobile 5--alers Association unamiously supporting the proposed new wider pavement through !Canton was read. lords for TToward T. Cibbons in the amount of : 1,000.00 and for Fred Sala na d/b/a Charles 3. Balagna 1'. Sons, in the amount of x1,000.00 were read. Alderman D-indn, moved that these bonds 'oe accepted and placed on file, seconded by Alderman. Lester Hill. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Motion curried. A Resolution for the Transfer of Funds was read (1; 316 Alderman. Lundry moved that Bids for repairs for outside of old library building be opened and read, seconded by Alderman Martin. Oral vote. AYE: Unanimous. Bids read: We Waterproofing Co., of Springfield, III., total of ; 2,573.00; Acme Sprat* ?'a inting and Roofing Co., Canton, Ill., total $4250-00 (John W. Steck); Tri-State ^?aternroofing Co., Monmouth, $3,485.00 and a bid also for exterior trim of windows, doorways, gutters and downspouts - 2 coats - for ` 825.00. Alderman. Lester Hill made a motion that these bids be referred to the Building and Grounds Committee for study and report to the next Council meeting, seconded by Alderman Turner. Oral- vote. AYE. Unanimous. Mayor Woods introduced Mr. Charles Saville, representing the Division of Highways, Peoria, Illinois. Mr. Saville explained the processes of State and Federal Highway expansion programs for the four types, Primary, Inter- State, Secondary and Urban Highways. ?le stated that the proposed highway through Canton is of the Urban class, that of an area of population of 5,000 or over; this type of proposed highway need is based on the thirtieth highest hourly count made at a given location. When that count is 500-per hour, a 40-foot between curbs with parking is advisable, over 500-per hour,but under 900-per hour, four 11-foot lanes with some narking is advisable, over 900 per hour requires four travelling lanes with a four-foot median is advisable. (parking area to be paid by the community) A survey showed that Locust Street had a 1000-per hour traffic and North Main Street a 12oo-per hour traffic. Following his explanation of the City's need for this proposed highway, a general discussion was held. Alderman Lester Hill made a motion that action on the proposed highway through Canton be postponed until the entire Council could take action, seconded by Alderman Roy Hill. Roll call vote. AYE:-- Alderman Sebree, Martin, Lundry, Miller, Wrri. Wright, Turner, Roy Hill, and Lester Hill. NAY: None. 1'iotion carried. Alderman Lundry made a motion for adjournment, seconded by Alderman. Lester Hill. Canton City Council adjourned at 9:15 P. M. 1 Ci y Clerk. A number of the Council members and their wives accepted the invitation to inspect the new Parlin-Ingersoll Library after the Council meeting, and were very well pleased with this improvement to Canton.