HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-18-1958 Council Meeting Minutes eb. 161 1)58 Ca-a on City Colinc­l, .,riet at 7:00 the Cat R _ 5 Co!.,.nc1--- I I Roll- cal "a-or f, ooris, Aldernrian Sebreo,, Swicl:<, Lun(jr­f, hiller, Jones, T, r!1.q '_Pi.irner, Shelb­- "Trl i f TT- Lester �-T jll, 3en.6er. 1,b S Pn t: one k) -11,c -.je('t!-T,.2 were read a,id a—rolred to be ')laced on file. �m, tes of orevious 1 ila­nr ',,,Ic)ocA's aslcmd -for renorts of S-I Aldernian Jon s, re,)ort('6, that the "Llraf-cic Com�,Attee wol,ld ha-,1,e a i,,qe(_,tinr on L7eb. 19 f c:! 0 lotor a'- '7:' �'rv,ineer fr r "�-; t,0 ­.-car C'_Lub to ?)e ­reseit. cajlcc, for re,,orts, r,f 3 (,nmrlitte:�,­, 71-11 re`)ortsd, that the 1!aUer a',d 1`3m-ior a­dt 'i-ance Cu,-mitLees -q -qer I d :ad -for revenue nn -- a.oram e� fts c, be )o!.,ds at -Te -made, a motion t'm'16 t-)o lla'� nr r),, ljnstriu.cted to co-,ituct and TM e­ to Cru-J a 1,3-inch to run i-i Zra­ t`ic 01, Lake to It'ie of r,'a,!.ton b wa,, I.,- of Eist As., 'Aroet. L,oll call vote. l6erman 3-n6er, Luster 11ill, do-, 1'i I -1 Sh e 11b­- t T 'r �.'it �artiii, Cl.rid ,3ebree. _'on e. T T'1 1 r C 0�,, ..oti;.-)n carri:�c`. Alc"�erman Lester ,-I- -1�lO1ded that, t—, -,"neer cr)!Aact the )w,,,,rs ,',ast of Cantut-L for nermission for th Is )rojinct. 2L bo.id :trot!_ the AYriarican „ ,!­.)an­ of .Jew 'Yorl,C i-n the amount of 1000.00 for 11 rZus sell Y�. ,-",re, rs an-)oi_iAod as a Sn(.,cial Cit7 Attorne- in and for Vie Cit-Y o-L” Cantors was rea6. I'la-'or Woods declared a recess in or(ler tint the -Finance C1',xi­titte,_-,, co2_s:'1_dkzr an-mroval_ of swlle. rive .,,iinutes later C.1_t1T Col,_M(lj_l Was 'S,X i e d aJ,c approval of bord was read cicr!;. jilderi,,mn mioA,-ec], to acce-)t -U-te bond to be -)laced on f?le, seconded _ry� vote. AY-E: .roan `?ion ,s. :,lot L )n carried. A letter ol' i-,vi-tation for smoc.i.al inst,ruction for na-_1,:j_ri,­ meter technicia-s to held iarc',l 12 a:'d 13 at tl (,, "lotel :'Joraha,,i LI-ncr)1n., )r .n ,field, 111-nois, zveri b,., V-10 ­)­rtc ­,- of" the Duncan S- * 1- lNeter Co. was read. Alderman that the matter -,e referred to -the ').-Aice and Leo--al Cori�,Attoe, s-�,,conded 0-, AlderiTian. Titiriser. -1ral vote: '11`nanimous. i�1otj_on carried. jirst read�,.r1,,,- of at?. to 1'7)ri.mlcen '_�r7xin[;11. After su,ne dISCIiSSIon, the recm,iendation of Chief of Police :`iennet'-L Llundze-;r that the manLmunri f';--,e of was to be inserted in the Ord '.nancf,,. Alderman 11artin made a ,,qotio t,)at the rules h,-; susnendoO, s ,=conded b,.-, Alderman Sender. .poll call vote. A-7 : Alderman Sebren, llart;.n "I'lic!", lrl.'__(ler, Jones, �U_rner, �rielb", lilrJ gr t, DLO' T11ill I Laster dill, and ''ender. _otion carried. Aiderrimn '1�17artin then Trioved that the (':!_nance 10e ­)laced on its nassa-e, seconded b,.r Alderimy, render. call- vote. A'-'-';"- Alderman '.,Ienoler, Lester Il, '.io,,,- Shelb-, 'Iri iiG, Junes, .11-1ler, (De Liindr,,, Swic'-� !.art! n a:.�d Sebr one. �,,otion carried. 1": is be �.n,r,, C-)rdl-nance Ii359. Count-- Chal_n,,,.an of Civil Defense, V-_*ur­1'J_J_ all Q - 1 Canton Chairman, San �ebree and 11-1r. Gilchr-1-st, CoordJ-na'Gor o-ver 'it coantips -- for V-1e Survival oroject resident olanter a'Llten6ad the Council meeting. Mr. Sebree introduced i.1r. Gilchrist who rave the City- Council some of the T 'tanF I - r , of �­ie Civil Defense 1�ro,,ran. Tlo stated t`lat- t'ie State would match the city's share, of oro�,ram ex�erse )r,,)vi(',(,,d -the cit, t three 11 - - me qiiall-fications : 1. Director, 2 L' - 1,.';rd.inance re(,,ard.,--- -articinati.on a-.-id, 3. A Plan. Al--Ienia,-. Lumdr,r stated that t-?e srib,ject sho) ld be re- ferred, to the Crd-I.nance Cormittee ar_,,'T Cit­ Attorney,-. Alderman Lester 7.11_1 called. for a re ­)rL from t'rie jA1-1rits Col-r>rtittee and was informed there had been no meetl._,ir, of that cofruf!ittee• Alderman C Lester Tlill made a motion that a -,-resolution be drafted to install lights on Eleventh Avenue between Asi) Street 31-mview Drive. Sec")n CI e d Alder-tan Turner. Roll call vote: AY- t IC'.erman Swicl,-., Lunde in-I Alderman Sel y 7i] Lester ?Till. !T,�I: )re I'lartin 1•1iller, Jones, ao -11 - 'T Ma,ror Woods voted AYE', Shelby,,Varner,I,T� -* �-ht, and Sender. (6 A1�7.-.S and 6 '��AYS) . V .�jri_ causin�,- the -lotion to be, carried. 114 1_1 spoke regarding teen-alters smoking acid inquired if the City Al(,,er,-!a,-! i I _ er s of Canto- had a law nrohibit.'1-1-,,-,, minors smoking; he was informed that there was no City Ordinance nertain-I.ng to minors smoking. Alderman Lester TIM presented a letter addressed to the owner of the "Jaeger" nronerty to letter stated that Attorney ncli".unn to be read. The e legal matters would be com,-)Ieted in ti)e near future and ola-Is for clearing that lot co(.,,ld be made. Alderman moved that the Cit-, Council adjoun i, sec. ide d by Alderman "anton CiVi Council adjourned at 7:55 P. Clt�T Clerk.