HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-21-1958 Council Meeting Minutes 2 Canton City Council met Jan. 21_, 195f' at 7:05 T . f. t'r)r City Council iZoom. Roll_ call. Present: a1; or TJoods, Alderman Se'oree, i,4arti.a, Swi.ck, Lu.ndry, Puller, Jones, ^T rir 1 t, She1_167 ,Jr'. h . , :2o,y ':rill, Lester ?till, Absent: Alderman Turner anci Bender. Minutes of the orevioi s meetinr:, were read ar,d ap,iroved to be placed on tile. A bond from the American Suret-;r Co., amotnt of 1000.00 for Clifford ,daddell, Fire Chief, was read. Alderman Lundr<y made a motion that the bond be accented and placed on file, seconded by Alderman Jones. �Terbal vote. AYE: Unanimous. Motion carried. Mlayor Woods stated that a request from Ronald _Imler to hdd a Heart Fund Tag Day had been received. Alderman Jones made a motion that the request be granted. Seco ided by Alderman Lester }-Till. Verbal vote. AYE: jnanimous. Request ;granted. Fenton Jaies, 30-: Scout Lead.ert a�'ced er.liss an of the City Council to �--+ b.zild a 20-ft. loT signal tower i_n the north end. of Jones Park -- to be used as a demonstration for the bo,y Scouts on 2eb. , 1958. This tower to be -� tied with boy-scout knots az,.d remain in the .gar: for one week -- a sign to ry be placed on sane IIrT o C l.imb _nT;II Alderman Lester Il_L 11 made a motion that thl.s request : e granted, seconded b7IT Alderman 'larti.n. TTerbal vote. AYE: Unanimous. `rriissi on granted. First readinFr of an 0 d.:�_nance rep -,ard n,- olattinr- Sheoley Addition of the / Greenwood Cemetery. Alderman Sebree made a mots on t)1 �_t the rules be su.s oetlded, seconded by Alde , an Lundr -. Roll call vote. A� :F�; Alderman Lester Hil_1_, Hoy Hill, Shelby Wright, 11-1. Wright, Jones, ;�::iller, Lunciry, Swick, 1,11artin and Sebree. 1`4AY: Tone. 'iioti_on carried. Alderman S�•Tick eloved that the Ordinance be dated oil its ~iassaP;'e, seconded 'o:; Alderman i°tiller. Roll call. vote. AYE: Clderman Sebree, ',Iarti!--, Swiclr, Lund_r;; , filler, Jones, Wm. Wright, Shelby 'driF_?lt, Roy TT;_11, and Lester ?I:ill_. :JAY: gone. Hotion carried. This being Ordinance ;Y358- Ifa:.ror Woods introduced TIr. ;Za.- T i.1le, of t_ie firm of Crawford, _ir. Tly and Til1e r. Mr. Tilley gave a resume of the c 1idj*t: o_i. o: tl)o water wor!%-s sl,stela scat_ng that �)rior to 1951 t'.ie _l_ant was , :kzcl co id:i_ti ai:d that In 1952 a new snill- wa r t.•ras co lstruct c , 'Lac-roasl77 t'.lc ca_,aci t; b, 5;>;. IP- 1: `?5 sarver; showed that the capacit:- of -)i ne had 'o yen decreased 'o: one-L 1! 61-7e t::, lack of cathodic nrotect_1_on, causl s'" O11't7.15: a _(i COrOS10n OL ?)II)OS. TT-IS S I' :0St'_,)nS: 1. An auxilliary grater s )- 1 to o gin_ t w'_th_in ttiro ( ars. 2. roviue for cathodic -protection. 3 . 1" r1.L Ilion all.on story;e -- overhead under-round (wh_ich reqjires e_ nensi ve nilmnin_ :qai,�:i:nt�, or a sty:cd : .� ' � �_-it I;: r 'llion . ,c. ,lo�c..; Z:L °al_lons. ?Ie stated. t`��3.t the �)ro�osed Vratar works i:���".,-)rov��ments as lanned in June of 1956 was est Z;ia.ted at ',,523,000 a,ic. vi(_w I(� '.)e a r0 +rnate7 r 10'`) ir!crease of that ')rice at•this t:i11e. The est-?_Bated coot of sewaEe di_S:70Sa1_ _:1")roV'a::entS aas 0 Tt7 5 1 -1� �1 o i � - 1 � i 11r �13.. ,O u Zr_ June ll.,�,) a�ic_ woa_�x <...so c; �w°7pro;:�n:�.te1; 1�..;� increase slow. �� I'i_ll.e disc .,:7sed tl e -roeased )1_an for cathodic nrotection -- ',p109000 for a guarantee of twelve years or ; 14,000 for a twenty-rive year guarantee. Mayor Woods recommended that the Finance, [,later and Sewer Cor2nittees, City Attorney; Citz" Engineer meet ti•rith the ;fa; or and consider fans for rais-i_ng money and make a reno_rt at the next council meetin`;. Alderman Lester TTill inquired about the street li-.:'rit to be >laced on Eleventh Avenue a'"d. was Infon:i d tI,at tl1 T.,1(,I.-is Copir,,j.'tt e had not met. Alderman Jones made a mot7_on to adjourn, Seco.ided ).' Alaerr.an Sebree. Canton City Co,.incil adjourned at 9:05 Ci.t- 1 e i Feb. 4, 1958 Canton City Council met at 7:07 P. on ieb. 4, 1958 in the Ci.tr Council Room. Roll call. Present: T,.ayor goods, Alderman Sebree, Martin, Swic'.c, Luna-r-,; , Liillor, Joncs, tiLn. '.�Tri£;"}�.t, boy 71_11, Lester Hill, and Bender. Absent: Alderman 'ur_ner arid_ Shelby l inutes of the previous rrneet'r_ were read arid approved to be placed oil rile. Al�.'.erman Lundr�, read the bills for the r'inance Committee and made a motion that all bills -)ronerD ar)'-)ro,:ed- �e allowed for na,,rment, seconded b-,,T ',lo.er7nail Sebre;. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderrrnan 3eiider, Lester ?':'Lll, il.Qy Till, :I'm. ':`Ir 1?_''":L, Jon:'s, .-`1.ii ller, runCii", , �:�^T1 C:t, 1°':art:]_i:l, a."1i;i ,�.3,-bree. ;q of-i_D, carried. Alrlernan t`li llcr read t'.ne b',.11s for t7ne ''oli ce and Legal. Denartraeri. <. .(1, made a. mot�iun tliat all b i.11s :-)ronerl'V a-)nroved be allowed i or na,'m nt, sec'.r_ided bTr F.lcern an 11ni. L011 call vote. AYE. Alaerrlan Sebroc, :Martin, ric-, Lundry, f fill-er, Jones, ',Y, Jrir ht, Ho- 'till, Lester 'till, a ^­'<er. 114117- Tone. Otii)_ Ca?°tied, ' , and Sidewalks Com- Alder arl .. 1l er read the bi l l fi) t ?B Stre t Llle mittee ac made a iiotlon that a1.1 bi-_ls -)r- o0er1;- an�roved be allowed for pa,,7,ent, seconred b,r Al Ferman Lester TTi_:L1. Holl call vote. AY` Alder- man Sender, Lester H1_11, t,iill, 6drrm, ht, Jones, Miller, Landry, Swich�, �lart.in, and Sebree. ?A- ?ape. ()Eton carried. 1 1 derman Lester Tull r°ad. the ',1i '1 s for the 2 ire, "'later and Sewer r.e )a.rtments a,a made a motion tiLat all 'dills )roncrl,. a�-)orov?d be allowed 1'or )a, rrient, seconded 'off;- Alderman "envier. Roi.7_. call vote. A77;: Alderman. Sebree, P�Iartin, SiWl_c- I,lLndrT-, .'ll ller, Jones, ,dm. Tilright, Roy ?-?ill, Rester U11, and Dend.er. '-TAY: -:Tone. 'Tot _on carried. Alderman Sebree read the bills for the .__rioting Committee and niade a motion that all bi.-Ils nronerl�? arn)roved_ be allowed for payment, sec _>nded b,y Alderman Martin. Roll call- vote. ATt`_ : Alcernan 'ender, Lester Hill, Rose ?:il_1, i1m. V-ri,`,it, Jones, ;_)_1_cr, LL nc r-, , : H C:{, Martin, arid. Sebree. one, Lotion Ca-,ried. Alcerr:a 5en(ler react the ills for t1h.e, L'�_1_d1nF' and, C rounr'is ColPu;iltLerz, a,id mace a trot i n-,_ that all bill r, -)ro,;�_;rl,, a'-)-()roved be, allowed i or ­a 1 ?rl.t, sec aided b l:l�?erman Swic<. ,17_ call vote. A7 Alderman Sebree, Lunc:rT;', .-j i1.1er, J:m :s, ,'f'i.• ',Iri. r.t, =Zo I'i_ 1, Lester ',I -11, a'_''c1 rG.;?r. itf' : one. Ot al carried. Al 'erraa:l itO`J 'till read tre b� .Lis i'Or G le '„arba­e ?''"i s",!osal ±')art!iie,it ~,ar?e a motion tliat all bills «r )-)erl,�,° a--)-)roved be allowed i'or oa im-'1t, ,- i - ol_1 call vote. 1,11 Al,,,; rma� ; envier, s.�cond�,d o„ '.1dc.rina:-i T.est-,r _Ti_L1. Lester 1111_I Rov T-Ti11 'TI'n. 1ri_?'rlt, Jones, ii1.11_er, T,tIndry, Swic;,- :lartin, and Sebrec. ,l ";er.ra ` arti,_-i read the b.�_�i_ls for Vie Li€;its CuiLnittee anti made a :not;-o'., Viat all , _lls nroneriU ao-nrov d be allowed fcr oaj cent, s-.Icon,"ed der Alderman Sebree. Roll Call_ vote. A`,''�• r;1 Lerman Sebree, i artin, Swicic, L.:ndrl:, I'_Iler, Jones, "k-1. 'drizh.t, �o„: Trill, Lester ,-Till., a ,,' _3ene.er. T T A '� nne. l�'ioti_on ca_rriea. Alderman Jon,:=s read the bills for t1-° _'raff is r ar - a'ld nade a mot;_on that all bills >Dror)erl-- a�” roved. be allowed for oa,me-pit, s,.,con,,ed cal-1 TT-,doll voin 1'I?: Alder asender, Lester ), ;ll_� ;'.ffi. 'Ir"1" lt, TOnc;S, 'i171_':'r, n 'r , Lwic--, lilartin a_-!C Sebren. one. -lotion carri(,d. r'ontblt re orts of t e Cit frfeas'_rrer, Chief of . -)lice, freasurer oi.' t'ne Lie ie'�artill?'�t, i L jjbi 12 ns-eectc)r, '"later 'ewer 1-0 t, Se.7a`;a :'1a n and "A'ater l re atrrent : I a, t were read. tkIder;,tan Lester 71-11 aCCe t,_:C a- C 1_aC::d 0.1 3cnnraed ''per made a motion that the,; ^e , Alderma=n T'an(i.rn . .'crbal vo�e. A717'. :la 1'_I LOUS, lot l_On Carr1 d. :1—or T.); .S tn.e_i mss'-ed i')r re sorts of tar l_ Co,i t"e ;S :