HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-07-1958 Council Meeting Minutes Canton City Council met Jan. 7, 1r?58 at 7:05 P. IM, in the City Council Room. Roll Call. Present: Mayor T-foods, Alderman Sebree, Martin, Swick, Lundry, Miller, Jones, 'Turner, Shells; Wrig ht, Roy- Hill, Lester Hill, acid Bender. Alderman 11m. Wright reported to the meeting at 7:10 Minutes of the nrevioLs meeting were read and annroved to be -)laced on file. The bills for the Finance Committee were react. lZy- Alderman Lundry:/ who then made a motion that all bills nronerly approved lye allowed for payment, and seconded by Alderman Sebree. Roll call vote. All :: Alderman 3endier., Lester Mill, Hill, Shelby iri,-ht, Turner, I-Tm. :lr -ht, Jones, 11il-ter, Lundry, Swicf%-, Harti.r�., ari.d Sebree. ?AY: rNcme. I'Ioti.o r carried. Alderman Miller read the bills for the Police and Legal Denar-bfient and made ^" a Alderman all. bills Dro Berl;y- a��-�rol/ed be al l o:aed for payment, seconded b�, t 11 call vote. AYD: Alderman Sebree, Martin, ^{ Swick, Lundry, Miller, Jones, �Li. ",vri- ht, Turner, Shelby Writ-)t,, Roy Mill, Lester Hill, and '_3ender. PTAs': None. =:otion carried. .-r Alderrrran Turner read the bills for the Street, Alley and Sidewalk Committee and made a motion that all bills oronerh a )nrov( d be allm,3ed for ox-rent, seconded by Alderman Lester 11ill. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Bender, Lester hill, Roy '-ill, Shelby Wright, Turner, Wm. Wright, Jones, Miller, Lunde,, Swick, Martin., and Sebre ). 2,AY: None. Motion carried. Alderman Lester Hill read the bills for the Fire, 'relater and Sewer De,:)artments and made a motion that all bills .,ronerly ap-)roved be allowed for payment, seconded b4;7 Alderman tTr . Wri--ht. Roll_ call vote. Av . Alderman Sebree, Tiart_in, Swick, Lundry , Puller, Jones, C^J 1. liright, burner, Shelby Wright, Roy Hill, Lester Hill, and Bender. NA-r : :,one. Motion carried. Alderm . an Shelb,i Wright read the b _l is for the Printing Committee and made a motion that all bills nroperly� approved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman Roy Hill. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Bender, Lester Hill, Roy Mill, Shelby, 14ri ht, Turner, ;dpi. ',Iricht, Jones, Miller, L.mdryr, Staic':c, Martin, and Sebree. ,,,AY: ;done. I'lotion carried. Alderman. Bender .read the bills for the Building and Grounds C,:r:Lnittee and made a motion that all bills -nroperly al')T;roved be allowed for :nay-ment, seconded by Alderman Swick. R ll call vote. AYH: Alderman Sebree, Martin, Swick, Lundr�r, Miller, Jones, 4k. ,°Jri lit, Turner, Shelby Wright, Roy IIi11, Lester Hill, and Bender. ITAY: !lone. I,,otion carried. Alderman Roy Hill_ read the bills for tie Garbage Disposal Committee and made a motion that all bills ?roperly apr,roved 1;e allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman Shelby 1nJri lit. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman. Bender, Lester Mill, Roy Mill, Shelby �1r i-{:zt, 'furrier, W.1. T1elright, Jones, ;Miller, Lundry, Swic1�_, Martin, an,, IvAY: 'none. Motion carried. Alderman Sebree read the bills for the Lights Committee and made a motion that all bills properly an-oroved be allowed for payment, seconded by Alderman I,Martin. RollV call vote. AYE: Alderman Sebree, Martin, Swic1 , Lundry, IAiiller, Jones, Win. Teri-lit, 'T'urner, Shelby;- Viri,,r;ht, Roy Hill, Lester Hill, and Bender. NZ: ;None. !Motion carried. Alderman Jones read the bills for the Traffic Committee arid made a motion that all bills properly annroved be allowed for payment, seconded by- Alderman 0,nder. Roll call vote, A7L111: Alderman Bender, Lester Hill, Roy Hill., Shelby IvIriglit, 'furrier, .fr7i. 1 rl,,Nit, Jonos, ifiller, Lundry, Swici:, IIa-rtin, and Sebree. NIA': : Done. :lotion carried. Officers reports were read. Al6'ernian Jones :Wade a motion that these reports be accepted and placed on file, seconded by Alderrnar. Lundr.. Verbal vole. AYE: Unanimous. ':'"lotion carried. Mayor Woods stated that t,-ie Junior Jaycee 's had requested oer[,,iission to hold a tag clay on Jan. 11 for Polio funds and the Women of the !'loose had requested -o on Jan. 11'� 958. Alderman , ormission. to hrj_�_d a Polio tag day , 1 Martin -made a motion that permission be granted to these organizations., seconded b7'.- Alderman Bender. Verbal vote. AYE: Unanimous. Motion carried. ',,'Ia,,,or goods read a report of the 3oard of Fire and Police Commission reco.:Trending Clifford Waddell as Chief of Fire Department and Dewey Filling,ham arid Leo I'llahr as Assistant C'aiefs of the fire De-part,,,,ient. Whey also recommended Ronald 'Jilkinson to be erv)lojTed as a new fireman to be added to that de-oartment. Alderman Turner stated that tl­ large Gallion road grader had a cylinder head gaslret leaking oil and made a motion that the grader be ta.,,Len to the ",orton shop for repair rather than asIc for workmen to relort to Carton for t'_e rea ipirs. Seconded by AlC�erf;iaa Sebree. "'l-ter some discussion, Ma,vor Woods stated that he wo-.Old write to the 'Morton fir-ii for their reco'.1,liendations stating that the worl-11 should not be of any expense to the Cit. . Alderman Sebree then rescinded his second to t',,e motion and Alderman Tarner rescinded his ,notion. Alderman Turner stated that the IPitzhenrl,, building on East "Pine Street, " � now rented to the 'International Harvester Co. for 1'X130.00 per -onth and t', at the International Ilarvester Co. wanted to break their lease and rent one-half of the building to the kjit-,- 'i'or storage of street and garbage t,,iacl-iinery. Alderman Lester Hill sugrested that the Council not -)arti.ci-)ate in the renting of same a,-d recoirLnqerided that the Finance CO3-irilittee meet before ar;7 further exnenses were introduced. -I �j - a* that liwyor 'Vloods re-)orted on the financial status of t',Ie Cit�,, s "I new additio-)s to the City made a-p­)roxII.mately �'�33�,000) _'O -Exable nroi�ert-y and that t1le Cit­- tax rate was one mill, and that it was possible to change rate to two mills. Attornev McMunn stated that the increase in tax rate could not take -place without a special election Ma,y-or Woocis recomuendled that the ?leads of each department ]',I,-,et with rreri I bers of tile Council on Jan. 14 for further discussion of the City's funds. Alderman Lester Hill rei-)orted that a street light was needed on Eleventh Avenue between Ash Street a­c! Sunview Terrace and recommended the Lights Cazi.ittee to investigate. ,la,Tor 11oods stated that he had heard rt)siors that he was a candidate for so,-ie other office and wanted the radio a,-id press and the general public to '-now that he had too much lcyalty for t-ne neonle of Canton to thinly abo-at becomin- a cand-l-date for any other ol:Zice. Alderiaan Jones stated that the `arbage had not been pierced u- reLularly on Aa;- Street. 'lie also r.,ient-ioned that tlie 'bridge on Ray Street was closed. Attorney I,-IcjjuiTn ex,)lained that -)tans for straiolhtenili, 3i.- Creek gear tl,iat -)oiat were *1_n the i,-ia'-ing. A letter of res_'Lgnat _on of Frank Tink, Uderman of the ji'(Yartlri Ward, from the Cit,., Council was read and ordered to oe -)laced on file. A bond 31' tl�e Fidelit,, and Casualty Company of New York, for fired 3alaL�na of "10 in the ,000.00 was read. Alderman Lundry made a ,iiotion that a�,,.ioun`(-, t`ie 11.3ond be -)laced on file, seconded lb-,y Alicler-rrian Jones. Verbal voce. 7jInmnLno-_,s- ;Motion carried. A resolution for improvement b-7 i�anicipality Under the Motor Fuel Tax Law for: Street Arterial St. From to Length Elm Street 6 Elevent'h, Avenue Twelfth Ave. 500 S , Twelfth Ave. 40 Eli.i Street Chestnut S.A.5 450 Eleventh i've. 31 ClIestnut S.A.5 Locust St. 400 Chestnut S.A.5 S.A.5 Eleventh Ave. Fourteenth Ave.1600 a 2-inch bituminous surface sub-class Ilat the proposed improvement consist ol Ad Jan. 7, 1958, Continued B-4 on a 7 inch gravel or crushed stone ease course, with combination concrete curb and c-utter with necessary drainage structure and appurtanances. (A.S. No. 31-30 feet wide) (A.S. No. b and 40-34 feet wide) . (Chestnut $.A.5-3B feet wide) and shall be designated as Section 41 C. S. That there is hereb,, air-orooriated the swn of :04,000.00 for the Iunprovement of said section f'ro.n the r,iun i.cipalitt's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax funds. That said worik_ small be done by Contract. Alder- men `Turner made a mot~_on that the i'esolution ,).o adonted, seconded bJ Alderman Lester Mill. Roll. call vote. Alderrman Sebree, Martin, Stiricl:, Lundry, Miller, Jones, TJm. Wriglit, ' ,r ler, Shelby Wrighi,, Rohr Hill Lester Hill, and Bender. NAY: None. I otion carried. ., A resolution for the Transfer of funds was read. Alderman Lundry made a motion that the Resolution be adopted, seconded br Alderman Turner. Alder- man Jones started some discussion regarding Section 1. of t'ri.e resolution, stating that the Public Lounge Corvnittee contemolat d repairs_ to that building, and made a motion for amend;nerit to th.e or &!.nal moti-:gin -- striking out Section One of tee Aesolution., seconded b-;e- Ale erman Swick. Roll call vote for t'he amendment to original motion. A.1 : Alderman 3,,,nder, 'boy r?i11., Shelby Wright, Ium. Ilright, Jones, ;;wick, Iartin, and Sebree. HAY: Alderman Lester Hill, Turner, Nillf,r, and Lun(:ry (8 AYES and. LG NAYS) Motion carried to strike out Section One. Roll call vote for the Transfer 'y of funds. AYE: Alderman Martin, Swicc, Lunar%, Miller, Jones, Wrm. ti ra.glht, Turner, Sher y _11-iright, Roy' hill, Lester Hi11, and :Bender. NAY: Alderman Sebree. (11 AYES and 1 MAY) . TIotion carried. An Agreement between the City of Canton arid the Babcoc'.< Job Irintery was read regardiinf t're publishing of 100 Ordinance books. Alderman Martin made a motion that the Ira;; or and C t- Clerk 1_)e instructed to enter into this agreement on behalf of the Citij of Canton and that Babcoc'.t Job 'rinterJT furnish bond for : 3000.00. Seconded to Alderman Swick and Jones. Roll call vote. AY I: Alderman Sender, Lester Hill, Ro; Dill, Shelby Wright, ''urner., Sara. Wright, Jones, iiii1lar, Lund= , Swick, iiartin, and Sebree. ITAY: None. �,iotion carried. Second reading of a:rr Ordinance pertainin, -to "isach Public Hermb :r of the ?olice Pension ftmd". Ald!erman I°lartin moved that the Ordinance be nlacod on its passage, seconded by Alderman Swick. Roll call vote. A E: Alderman Sebree, I''iart n, Uw c';, Jones, TIAY: A_ldern:ian Lundrv, Miller, Igrm. Wrig'iht, `Turner, Shelby Wright, Roy Hill Lester Hill, and.Bender. (4 A"FES and 8 NAYS) . i°lotion defeated. Second reading of an Ordinance pertaining to "Each ilember of t':ze Fire and Police Cornrnission". Alderman Lester Hill made a motion that the Ordinance be placed on its passage, seconded by Alderman Bender. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Lester Hill, Roy Hill, Turner, Swic c, and Martin. NAY: Alderman Sender, Shelby Wright, U t. WriCht, Jones, Miller, Lundry and Sebree. ( 5 AYES and 7 iQAYS) . Motion defeated. First reading of an Ord Inanee "No 'ar,cing on South Ati,enue A". Alderman Lundny made a motion to s?i.snend th.e rulos, seconded by Alderman '.dm. ,4right. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Sebree, i•iartin, Swick:, Lundr;; , Miller, Wrl. Wright, 'Turner, ho,,- Hill, Lester Hill, arid Sender. AY: Alderman Jones, Shel'a;, Wright. (10 AY: S and 2 NAYS. I.Iotion carried. Alderman Martin made a motion that the Ordinance be placed on its passage, seconded by Alderman Swick. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Lester Hill, Roy= Hill, Turner, Tdm. I;Tri }7t, Lundry, Swick, t•lartin, and Sebree. MAY: Alderman Bender, Shelby L-driLht, Jones, Miller. (B AYI S and 4 NAYS). Motion carried. ilayor Woods thanked the members of the Federated Business and Professional Women's Club for their interest in public affairs and asked if any one had any question she would like answered. ,"'iiss L4rancele lfassint;ale, President of trie Club, thanked the I'lar for or this nriv_i.lege and stated that s'-ze felt sure that the members of the Club had loarned a ,great deal from the visit to the Council. Alderman Landry made a motion for adjournment, seconded by Alderman �:,wicl,. Verbal vote. Unanimous. riot-ion carried. Canton Cite Council adjourned at 8:30 P. I.I. 2S6 BILLS AUTHORIZED FOR PAIMBTNT: BLDG. F. GROUNDS: PARKING MLTF.R FUND: Am. rest Control . 5.00 Duncan Parking :Meter Corp. s*;496.H) Karalager Electric 7.15 Homer Electric Co., Inc. 145.50 Lew' s Pharraac �.15 iT Streter-Amet Co. 152.80 Mason Hardware 6.26 Sutton i'loore 2.00 Swearingen Wholesale Co. 7.75 $799-1T �1,3f Am. Pest Control 10.00 STREET & ALL:- 1EPT.: 2.56 C.I.P.S.Co. 2.00 Canton Supply Co. Sutton e: iloore a�" a 14.44 Canton `:fire Vulc. Co. 3.50 --, -5'7-.7-5 Cummings Fk Emerson 17.27 Elsco, Inc. 479.10 FIRE r NT Geo. E. Hoffman & Sons, lnc. 64.90 FIRS D.�PARTi�uI��T Babcock Job Printery 93.90 Industrial Towel Service 5.21 Canton Daily Ledger 5.55 Jarvis Welding Co. 61).35 Canton Supply Co. 25.05 Ling Auto Electric 109.95 County Welding Supplies 5.20 !Mason Hardware Co. 1.80 Holcomb Mfg. Co. 16.25 iotorola Communications 46.76 Ill. Bell Telephone Co. 12.72 Owens Oil Co. 8.76 Jarvis wielding Co. 8.00 Pschirrer -1'4 Sons Coal Co. 23.96 Iiaeomb Communications 5.00 Shell Oil Co. 5.70 W. S. Tarley Go. 2.08 A. C. Shepley "c Son 141.59 R. W. Wall-ace Service 15.81 Sutton 1z it )ore 5.31 11,76- Swartzbaugh & Nelson 134.21 Williams Snorting Goods 072 GARBAGE DI:Si'OSAL DEPT. : 1 Canton Dail, Ledger 7.50 Continental Oil Co. 425.21 IIATER SEIV&q. DEPAItTI' '_';T: Philli-ps Petroleum Co. 72.15 Electro Rust-Proofing 9%00 Swartzbaugh n. I',.ielson 318.30 Drow Hardware Co. 1.95 Owens"Oil Co. 206.10 Canton Tire Vii1c. Co. 16.90 D-X-Sunray Oil Co. 26.04 Nat'l. Disinfectant Co. 131.40 Canton Auto Body 5.45 Canton 'i'lumbing Co. 11.65, Canton Tire Fr Vulc. Co. 11.50 Ill. Bell Telephone Co. 25.25 Liv_i_o Pogvioli 1T} .00 C. I. P. S. Co. 1033.78 $1217.2 Garbage Department 34.04 Continental Oil Co. 214.60 GENERAL ACCOUNT: A. C. Shepley & Son 22.27 Babcock. Job Printery 6.55 Mason Hardware Co. 12.44 Canton Daily Ledger 4.35 Kroell Electric Co. 59.30 C.I.P.S.Co. 816.45 Canton Clean Towel Service 2.55 Ill. Bell Telephone Co. 14.20 Campus Book Shop 1.65 Francele Larson 30.00 Petty Cash 38.46 Public �ersonnel Assoc. 32.50 Roy Clift 7.90 A. C. Shenle� Fx Son 10.00 Jarvis Welding Co. 5.75 Bernard ? Smith 7.10 Canton Auto Body Repair Co. 13.95, I ?3rnest A. Vernon 10.86 ,lluel.lor Co. 33.25 L. F. ,leller,Postmaster 30.00 Psebirrer Coal Co. 15.87 �dhite's Book Store 3.4p Livio Poggioli. 301.00 White's Book Store 7.85 Swartzbaugh p Nelson 29.71 97T.2� Beckman Blueprint Service 5.64 H. W. Dierdorff & bons 1355.00 POLICE EE .I�Ti°ANT: W. D. Tanquarj 2 20 Atlas Camera Center 9.45 D-X-Sunray Oil Co. 150.26 Farmers Co-op. Grain 6.90 Standard ail Co. 171.04 Ill. 8;11 . ele-; hone Co. 8.65 Fairbanks, horse F:_ C 57'0.00 Jarvis 'Melding Co. 3.92 Canton Transfer Co. 231'.00 L F. W. 14otor Co. 12.50 Chriss Chemical Co. 21-0.85 Lock's Auto Co. 200.00 Difco Laboratories 6.43 i�enneth Kindzey 12.80 .1e.LCe Stone Lie Co. 262.50 ilacorab CorTrunications 40.00 Janes B. Clow: Sons 2609.58 Mason Hardware Co. 8.00 Utility Sales Co. 4213.52 Ilat'l. Safety Council 2.00 147 .Z9 =Police Department 22.00 ,'1lzite's Book Store 6.05_ `-3`2f Total bills $16,934.97 Communications 157.50 $489.77 7