HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-01-1957 Council Meeting Minutes 26 � 1.1 '57, Cont. L 'D1 JO-c,-D re a 0, Is f,-�r a d t i that all '­11-11's nrr-,-­r%- a-! ."::)r secondou, 12- -art "T,T1 C'- T'jj__j I t,,,, T d -)ne carri-d. , i L� .=­)rLs of offic .-rs 1-ead' ID-', dc a tF) Le c d b,�,- d,c r a na `,�,nr as' ,-­3 f--r rc­-r)1-ts, --f (-)r a s ell f-r rc- ., -.-cr C- of t! )f I-, sc'I.)ol cr-._­!.rrs:uS c r c)c s 1D c•Vj f,r a c trc�,;s 17 77 lct'u-,,,r r,?s, 1� C.-, j",!*a" �7 To. + C t L of 4 u' Puri 4- 7 __F ir- lrst c C'. c U_ 1,cotcv `,i7 I 'DI-1 3 IT Jh --r I'l t 7, c r s f 7 a c! -f of lai­111J�l 111 ., a c '­c roal es-'ato 1­ro I n.,. f,.)r r a ­_1­1 _"-:c17 _ Lrt of t ,e �)7 Y.,,rV, r a a ,14- atsj IL­. -)f -L L-Ia-tc of T,*,1 oi 4 1, I c's'll vot-.". ri 7_ 'r"i, s-1L r 1,J carr-i 1 T oti e. s o,, a -r-6 1 I 4 —-i i,.a__n C::t 0-7 a:M1 a­)rr)v-_)c', r n 4- T1 I 'C' s ,_ t. i,c -Dr ms cr c." rc _n�c _Jn ca r A "',c, t-ni� _sf'�i, -Fn + d + i;ia,1,c a t':o trans'L'or uiOz 1,c I - 1 1 �ITOOnnan 3a—Cor, sccon_, �,d b-- �117( on�,.an Tj_j 1_1 [,.i.1111, T L_-st,ar ­ , '11-11, ­­ f-, Ll D-�Sl IT! C'- ­oti c i-1.c d• .L cn t 7' b nd t',c of th�D . .'.i_2s,1- azZ U ld be co­iver'ed --L,Lo a na-l--L- -j aG­'. a :-,ct':-_d of ui,a' c ola u Z-1 -arVing cars �c channnd, n s Zivin� roan 1,..,y noro cars to be parnad i-ri A Ornor. 7orbal veto. ZZ: Unanimous. tkat notio-,-, carrIT17-11A re-ort of tho'.r Undin7s to bo reinort2d at t4c CnancK m2stins) . M HUN that ho had inqairas ro,rdlnL plac�np a ston sian at Vic cornor of T n 1, 11 M and Seventh Avenue and also on Zlcvcnt.: Avcnne an! Elm Etract. nayor Woods r2qucsLed that tha Traffic Connitle� aie tic Chl-of of 7:1ico invent= atc tie natter and revort to the Council- at tno Pont zenting. hllornaq Suicn Eave a r3 ort on 0n ronairs =03 at th- Canton Co"fcrl, Station -- a.0 stated that swalcd MY fDr the rapair of t%c firnacc t, v , boni racaivad. Manzi Knir rc-Drtod t�at tho .all and Mc`:ai in tic rcar of t1v bnildiaS worc ip bal s"anc -- that tin; 0: -2Q: �MsrncaQ n2cdod ro-n aim c alco. M stated tint it would cost 17-roximatel, K%QQ for tMsa repair; ana 7ade a moti-i that tna� to naic, slca&Q vT A'Ainzan ZuLck, aall call vok, =: Aldermai So brew, -artl-n, Men, SM111 WrILM, !co Ml, lnckr 7111 , and londor. 270ono. not Van carried. rc7orted that sovaral ntcr?sted citl= = had attended Qc traffic SaMt-- Ca -J-tt-eo on La-to., 2r 1F, 1''57 a,,,.d V,.0 idea that Canton nocdcd a traffic surTcy. LaZ gook stnt.d t%at a rncnm.cnj- ation -- Kthar bi ictLer cf 7ersoial lrtcrview -- for the C(:ica, Nntnr C10 to i •ne a sirvel froc nf charne shouY be aada to the Citj Council by 0c Traff]-c Zafct,, ,,n'-..:11 LYorman iones 7tatod that the 2raffic NQ.ittce would discusc this matter an' a rc--,,,:)rt to the '�ouncil. Allarnan Tk4 11riElt made a notion that Eouth nain Street fraq T=arack to Cedar Street and last Chestnut Stroct from Eloventh Avenue to t Cnr-o r- at ion LMits and 2ourt _ Avenue from Linn Street to t� e City Limitc bc resnrfacod. Sacinded by Aldnrman Tint. Verbal vote, ATE: UnanNous. hotl= cam od. Aid=an Mir- •re :3r4d t4t saqothlng should be done to reduce the piZeans !n the bvsinaps district of Canton. Chief of 7nlicc Lindzey suE,cstcd a spray that availa".)le only at Sallahan's _r as lborc. Aldernan LunOry nade a motion to adjourn, Yconded bl Aldcr.an Un. .rijht. Vorbal vote. M: 7nanim7is. Carrind, Zotion carried. Canton CQ, Council adjourned at 8:3 " 31-1." AI'PRCYVET,� -F,]'H GarbaLe Diannsal, Continued: On. Post Control 130-00 Jarvis Weld?nZ Co. 1.5s' Androus 2urnitzrn Co. 5.00 A. C. Shenley 1 Son 275.5c, FrM luttsvic'-1 Moe Owens it on. nn' l'', Canton "lumbing Co. 0.49 hivio QZLioll 145-09 imlian 7. Coultas 25-03 Swartzbaugh L Aelson 90.11� TV= Elcotric Co. 5.00 Harry-".-;hal-cn C1a7,-, ' s. ".75 Mon 7ardware Co. P.32 711721112-7-uT'51-117- S.,ToarinL;a-,i 7J[hclosale Co. Pop, Sutton A Enorc NMAI ASIOUNT: Ned. 3. Thnnnson ins. 59-95 1 .1.P.S.Co. 901-42 M. Voll Telephone Jnitcls Book More SC 7-16 212,29 2rancele Larson y.co !,Tnard 2. 2TAZ UEMY20 1`,-Lorn1bc2 CO. E } i Resascivalor 350-00 "T�I.tols 2,00)c Store 3.57 M. Dell Tolanhonc 5,12 (Police 70-t. 0 , . jarvino- QUA-.W Co 26 75, Moral Labnratorics Swartzbaugh 1 "clson 4.45 Nedaral Sign _ SiZnai Y-51 n. W. Nallaco Sorvicc 21 -51 Sarbage Dopartiont 171.50, -737*83 TYL nnto Electric 5.35 :11. sell jelcnhone Co. 11J, jarvis Mdinn In. Canton Daily indZer Q00 L n W nritor Co. 10.00 Canton Aotor Sales 14-11 nock's Auto Co. 200.00 Canton Wire 1 7ulc. Co. 5.00 nason Hardwaro Co. 0.01 Cortincntal Cif Co. 252.20 7rilice Ocnartnoit 62.7) D-Z SunraV H! Co. 23i.15 H. W. ',Talla,-e eta 6i0r', 6 '11-1-to Is 3ook Ltnrc 3. 1531-71, 267 7 0-t. 1 '57, Cont. 4- ,a -Clss `Torlrs i 14r nton W a-, a -r� Cantrr- Clo-crote --rodulct-,1 2.6` 2�O.6,0 Ca-�t,)n Ianl-t `. WaU 1-L-ocr Store 1as 110• 34 414, Ca;,tor. Flur '7 .abing Co. 4.?5 7- gas � Tar-luarc Co. 5 0 —4. odor n r ov e. a 2a.3n 71T1. Tele,-)nnne 3 "rafj L..17 � -0-Ter 2�`'a- ^,;l'' '- -514 POLICE DEPARTMEENT: S-nn' T Z-1 — .11 1 11-j— Federal Sign & Signal Corp. 40.51 ,`orl, 'G- T�Iarts 1 -1 1 1 Garbage Department 171-58 Lv-Itor-� aint `,t ,T King Auto Electric 3.35 r )r11 c Ill. Bell Telephone Co. 11-83 Jarvis Welding Co. 3-5o 'n 5�'ravel 0. i 15 L & W Motor Co 10.00 ,I r r. i n i c r "'o Lock's Auto Co. 200,00 -ar-�a, - '—ar IL Mason Hardware Co. 6.65 T C, '.`off U1-1 3), ; �21, Police Dept. for dogs 62,00 arv-1 R. W. Wallace Service 6.68 2,) 7 9 White Is Book Store 3.60 7 519.70 as-- -dwar- ter,. 701,C, Is .51 T S h o r) 1.0- Federal Laboratories 86 91 She!l 011 C .�4 ,. coro 7,%fl), i :, 7 Tar.,) I;`IacS -7-) 21Q9-7:�, Swartzbaugh & Nelson 955.86 3055-56 .�llcrton 111,1�i!-,er Total $341448.22 Co nton -`,-r 71 -r»o--T .'a'.crial S 7 2 l lore..., U -)c I r) U 4 '2rc.-Isfor ill? a�, r) 7 7. c ll trl c -