HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-21-1957 Council Meeting Minutes 2 3 �., May 21, 1957 The Canton City Council convened at 7.35 P. r,?. on May 21, 1957, in the City Council Room. Roll call -- with all of the Aldermen present. Minutes of the May 7, 1957 meeti_nl- were read. Alderman Swick stated that in his May 7, 1957 motion regarding; South Park that he included the fa('t, that defective trees in South park be removed and replaced. Mal or :.roods instructed the City Clerk to correct the minv.tps. Verbal. vote, Affirmative, carried. A petition, read b,,, the City Clerk, regarding the work hours ner week for the firemen: Dated May 21 , 195 7, tc Iir. ?jazrrir and :iembers of the Council- A year ago the Firemen's Association petitioned the State of Illinois for a fifty-ui,c ,56 hoar rr_rl• eck. This bi l_1 '^as.. ;'d but was vctood by the governor. The reason the Governor gave fnr vetoin this bill was because the cities did not have sufficient reverse to nut it into ef`.'ect. The State then passed a bill giving the cities the ritht to levy additional sales tax to take care of the needed revenue. -.'herpas the citi,T of Canton has collected this tax, and has additional revenue of over ; 70,000.00 per year, and the _firemen are working considerable more hours than any other department, we feel that in all fairness we are entitled to a larger increase in to offset the longer hours we work. Therefore, we respectfully request a meeting with the proper committees ^: to discuss this issue. Signed: Gerald Pe} singer, Robert Essex, Eugene Lawver, Carl Wolfe, James Woods, Leo f,ahr and James Crier. Mayor Woods recommended that the proper committees meet with them and consider a six-day week. Alderman Lundry made the motion that the Finance and Water ?? Sewer Committees meet with the firemen. Seconded by Alderman Lester IIill. Verbal vote, AYE, Carried. The annual report of the Library Fund was read by the Cite Clark. Alderman j Li?ndr , moved that the report be accepted and placed on file, seconded by Alderman Jones. Verbal. vote, AiL, carried. A letter from the American Legion, Orlando Crothers Post ##16, asking perrission to hold a parade on Sunday, June 2, 1957 at 2:30 ". I11. ,.a­or Woods made the suggestion that the Council cooperate with the Legion and grant permission. Alderman Jones made the motion that the American Legion be granted perission to hold a parade on Sunda- June 2, 1957 at 2:3 , P. H. seconded by Alderman Swick. Verbal vote, AYE, carried. Bonds were read for the following: Lawrence 3. Mc?lunn, Howard T. Gibbons, Robert Jennings, Julian E. Coultas, Harold E. InTnite, :Mildred Gray, Clifford waddell., Oliver C. Mettler, Pa�A_ yers and E. L.. Brasel. Mayor Woods recommended that the bonds bp. accepted and placed on file. Alderman Lundry made the motion that the bonds be accepted and placed on file, seconded by Alderman Swick, Verbal vote, affirmative, carried. Alderman Sebree stated that the seen leading into the new Water and Sewer Department needed repair and alsostated that there should be a light on the water tower. Alderman Lundry reported that, according to law, it was not necessary to have a light on the water tower. A resolution regarding the transfer of funds was read: Section: 1. That the sum of Five Thousand Dollars be transferred from the Sales Tax Farad to the General Fund. Section 2. That the sum of Three Thousand Dollars be trans- ferred from the Sales Tax Fund to the Fire T'rotection Fund. Section 3. That the s,1m of Two Thousand Dollars be transferred from the Parking Pieter Fund to the Road and Bridge Fund. Section 4. That the City Clerk and the City Treasurer of the City of Canton, Illinois, be and they are hereby authorized to make said transfer. Alderman Lundry moved that the Council adopt the resolution, seconded by Alderman Lester Hill, Verbal vote, affirmative, carried. Resolution adopted. Ordinance regarding "Laborers employed by the City of Canton" was read: Section 1. Laborers employed by the City in the street e-partment shall be compensated for the work they perform at the rate of $1.70 per hour. Laborers employed by the City in the sewer department shall be compensated for the work they perform at the rate of $1.76 per hour. Operators of the street sweeper, mechanics and truck drivers employed by the City shall be compensated for the work they perform at the rate of 31.80 per hour. Operators of graders employed by the City shall be compensated for the work they perform at the rate of x;1.90 per hour. Section 2. Any Ordinance in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance shall be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 3. This Ordinance f shall be in effect from and after its passage by the City Council and approval by the Mayor. This being Ordinance #338. Alderman Lundry moved that the rules be suspended, seconded by Alderman Bender. Roll Call Vote: AYE: Alderman Bender, Lester Hill, Roy Hill, Shelby Wright, Turner, Wm. Wright, Ti n4, Jones, Miller, Lundry Swick, Martin and Sebree. NAY: none. Motion on passage of Ordinance; AYE: Alderman Sebree, Martin, Swick, Lundry, Miller, Jones, Tink, Wm. Wright, Turner, Shelby Wright, Roy Hill, Lester Bill and Bender. NAY: none. Motion carried. Mayor Woods spoke about the revision and printing of a new Ordinance book -- that it wo-ald cost approximately $4500.00 and would take two years to r)repare. He stated that the zorAng, plumbing and building rules were very obsolete. I e recommended loose leaf binder type of books be prepared -- that would save a great deal of money. TT also stated that any recamnendations or questions should be directed to Alderman Lundry and Mr. Lawrence McMunn. Alderman Lundry made the motion that work on the new Ordinance book, loose leaf style, be started, seconded by Lester Hill. Alderman Sebree asked if the Council would ask for bids. Roll call vote. AYE: Alderman Bender, Lester Hill, Roy Hill, Shelby Wright, Turner, Z^Jm. ti°dright, Tink, Jones, :;il.ler, Lun�?ry, Swick, Martin and Sebree. .JAY: clone. ?Motion carried. Alderman Turner asked what the Council thought about another permanent street improvement program. ,Zayor ,foods suggested it would be wise to check with the Finance committee. Alderman Lester Hill made the motion that the Street and Alley, Finance, and Board of Local Imnrovement committees proceed to in- quire about this program, seconded by Alderman Turner. Roll call vote: AYE: Alderman Sebree, Martin, Swick, Lundry, Miller, Jones, Tink, �1m. 'Aright, Turner, Shelby Wright, Roy Hill, Lester Hill, and :ender. NAY: None. Alderman Jones stated that at the last Council meeting, Alderman Tink recommended that a stop sign be placed on the A. E. corner of Oak and Third Avenue. Alderman Jones recommended two signs, one on the N. E. and also on the S. W. corner -- on account of the school. Seconded by Alderman Turner. Alderman Tink recommended stop signs, but wondered if "slow" or "School" signs might not be more effective. Afer discussion, Mayor Woods asked Chief of Police Lind.zey and ^'Ir. Lindzey said the Ordinance would have to be changed if they wished to slow down the traffic. Alderman Jones suggested signs be painted on pavements and was informed that "stencils" had been ordered. Verbal vote: AYE: Carried. ' Mayor Woods read a recommendation for Bituminous Prime MC-0 or MC-1, Bituminous Seal Coat 14C-5 and Seal Coal Aggregate and suggested that the date June 183 1957 be moved to June 4, 1957. Alderman 'rink asked about the sides of road on South Train Street and Mayor Woods told him proper grading would have to be done. Alderman Jones made the motion that the City Clerk advertise for sealed bids for Bituminous Prime Coat, Seal Coat and Seal Coat Aggregate to be opened at the June 1, 1957 Council meeting; -- bids to be delivered not later than 5:00 P. M. D.S.T. Seconded by Alderman Turner. Verbal vote: AYE: Unanimous. Alderman Lundry made a motion to rescind th:�, resolution passed on April 16, 19573 concerning printing a complete audit, inasmuch as all bills are read on the Council floor. Seconded by Alderman :Miller. Roll call vote: AYE: Alderman Bender, Lester Hill, Roy Hill, Shelby Wright, Turner, Ldm. Wright, Tink, Jones, ',Miller, Lundry, Swick, Martin, Sebree. NAY: None. :-lotion carried. Aderman Miller proposed that a change be made in overtime parking fines -- as it now stands, 5¢ fine if paid within the hour or 50¢ if not paid within the hour -- his proposal was to establish courtesy boxes for people to drop in their fines. He said that some people, especially women and out boxes. II people, would be more likely to nut their fines in these courtesy b boxes. e suggested that the fine be ral_sed from 5¢ to 25¢ and that, after some study, printed envelopes be ^l-aced at various locations, subject to change after the ninety-day trial period. These envelopes to have printed thereon: "Sorry, you have overpacked. The charge for this overtime is 25¢ if raid the same date. An additional ticket will be issued each hour. You may ray this by placing 25¢ in this envelope and depositing it in any of the yellow traf-o-teria courtesy boxes located on meter hosts in each block. i3ote: If not raid on date of issue, the charge is 50¢. Prompt payment of violation will avoid any further police action. Parking s^ace is valuable. Be courteous, please do not violate. Canton Police Dept., Canton, 111.4 iJr. Miller made the motion that such an Ordinance be drafted by the Ordinance committee, seconded by Alderman Wm. Wright. Roll call vote: AYf : Alderman Sebree, 1I,-rtin, Swick, Lundry3 Miller, Jones, Tink, 1,1m. JJright, Turner, Shelby Wright, Roy Hill, Lester Hill, and Bender. NAY: None.Carried. Alderman Miller suggested that there be a discussion on the Ordinance regarding er some discussion, the matter was tabled. reckless driving and sneeding fines. Aft Alderman Lundry made a motion for adjournment, seconded by Alderman Sw_i.ck. Verbal vote: AYE: Carried. Canton City- Council adjourned at 8:57 P. T'1.