HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-16-1956 Council Meeting Minutes v Canton, Illinois October 16, 1956 A regular meeting of the City Council held this day convening at the hour of 7:00 B.M. with Ia- or oods -oresiding. Roll call showed the follow;:_ng present: Alderman Se-oree, Landry, Swick, -)mith, Millar, Skinner, Tink, C�,leman, turner, Staley, Cook and Rill. Absent: none. minutes of the previous meeting were read and stood annroved as read. Request of ,he Foreign Wars Vet. Post 1984 and Auxiliary, to hold nopny sale day on Nov. 9th and 1",th, was on motion of Alderman Sebree, seconded by Alderman Tink, granted. by unanimous viva voce vote. On motion of "-lderma.n Smith, seconded by Alderman Hill, the ;street :31-1pt. was instructed and a ,-thorized to - emove 4 rotted trees from Jones nark, b,.: a viva voce vote. Resolution transferring $5000.'")0 from the rublic `omf ort station r un to the C.--ral Pun;3., an'J the sum of from the Par?'in , Y?et:�r Fund to the 'Load ;�c Bridge Fund, was on motion of alderman Smith, seconded by Alderman Coleman, adopted by unanimo-)s roll call vote. Resolution requesting C. T. P. S. Co. to in.�ta11 ovcrhoad street, lame at S. main and Tamarac'_K Street, and on 3irch Street, between ?rd and 1,th Ave., was on motion of Alderman Sebree, seconded by Alderman Turner, adopted by unanimous roll call vote. Ordinance "Annexation of North side of E. Beech St." was .read the first time. It :ras moved b;T Alde,7,an Sebree, seconded by Alderman Lundr7T, to suspend. the r 113s reni�lring the second reading° of the Ordinance. Roll call vote: AYE:: Alderman Sebr.e, Lundry, Swick, Smith, IIi71er, Skinner, Tink, Cole?pan, Turner, Staley, Cook and Hill. It was then moved. by Alderman Lundry, seconded by Alderman Turner, to place the Ordi- nance on its nassage. Roll call vote: AVE: Alderman Sebree, Lundry, Swick, Smith, i' Cook and Mill. NAY: hdon.e. The chair Ui11er, Skinner, Tink, Coleman, Turner, Maley, ceclared the mot.1_on carried and Ordinance plas:-.ed, being Ordinance ?30.29? . Ordinance "Annexation of Ave. B and Ceda6 Street" was read the first time. It was moved by Alderman Cook, seconded by Alderman Hill to suspend the rules requiring the second. readinF.; of t'-e Ordinance. Roll call. vote: AVE: Alderman Uebree, Lundr , Swick, Smith, Xiller, Skinner, Tink, Coleman, Turner, Staley, Cook and Hill. 1AY': none. It was then moved by Alderman Smith, seconded by Alderman Coleman to nlR ce the Ordinance on its Passage. Roll call vote: AY : Alderman Sebree, Lundry, Swick, Srarth, Mil..ler, Skinner, Tink., Coleman, Turner, Staley, C o'.k, and Hill. 1`dA�' : None. The c1lair declared the :motion carried and Ordinance Passed, bei n_ Ordinance Into. 295. Nn Ordin�ncentXled a + "Providing for the Taking of Census of Park ?lava dd_t _on" was read the firstvti.me. It was moved by Alderman Hill, seconded by Aldennan Cook, t0 s spend the r?7es, and the motion carried bj, the following vote; AYE: Alder°mar. Sebree, L�-rndry, Sw�i.ck, Smith, Miller, Skinner, Tink, Coleman T-zrner, Staley, Cook, and Hill. 1,,,17: -.done. Tt was then moved by Alderman Hill, seconded by �'clder ar Sm -th to rl_scc� the Ordinance on its nassage. Roll call_ vote: .. T : .',lc.?ernsn e'or.e, I r, Sw�.ck, Srlith, Iiller, Skinner, Tink, Coleman, iu.rner, Staley, Coop and 'tit ?�^..�• -lone. The chair declared the motion arried and Or�?i.nance nkssed, being �?o. 2?6. The 11a;-or s,ulb,;i..ts the name of Alberta Saylor as C nsus Taicer of ari l z add. it wa �I,oved. bs, "_ldec°man Sn-i.th, seconded by Alder an Lu.ndr , to an, �rov, t lc: a �oint- ment and the `'lot ion carried by unanimous roll call vote. An Ordinance �',or the Ta' i_ncc- of 1,110, C ,sus on S. Ave. 15 a a; " Tas read me first t.J ie- it was moved b�T lderman iiller, sec ran ic:d 1 ; 1.d c. .r on s; s )end the r 1. ti. Roll. call vote: " i "�]uer?tan Sebree, Lttn,:'r�", I de ,,ar: � i .i �o C, c n Tink, t _riser StalF�' COO�rC and, 'llll• it .�w-?-ck, �m nth, 111._.,r, U,inncr, Tink, , , then ~coved 1 Alc?erraan 6nith seconded b,= Alderman i'iiller, to I l.<�.c , the rdicln°_ce ari t� , , Smith, i e c i , �a,�sa, Rollca11 mote Alderman re� a;lonC, i NA` : ,V one. It w as CF clar rd -In�r Co _�, a � lin r, � 0okand il .Tink, by the a, -v the Ord ,.:,,.sane Passed, bein_ Ordi_n :?�c> ?10.297. 1"he "layor s .i�,; 'ts the na to of 14m. S. 'vrigbt for censts tak .r of S nve. j r::nd Cedar Street Addition. It bras moved by Al.de m.,n Lunch, sec nde/-. �1?ernaz 01 T an to a-�nr xe the a, -)o±nt;ner_t and the motion arried by unanitrtou.s roll call v ote. Alderman Hill is e-;ccused. Resolution whereunon the Co,..tnci-1 has decidnd tore-main neutral in the TTF v sus 17-r1 natter of tel^vision con ov: rsy and not to take sided or the que--t on of w'ietl}er V7 �_hannel P should or should not be Permitted to r;o into onerat i on in Peoria, on Mt- on of Alde aa.n T,.trner, seconded by Alderman oo} , adopted by the follotirinr; roll- v,)„ : ,YF: alderman Seb ee, Laandry, Swick, "mith, Mi7lcr, Skinner, Tink, �0laman, 't,rn�er, 'I axa 0 Staley, Cook xMjKji:3ft. 1A r: ,,Tone. The chair declared the Resolution adopted. It was moved by Alderman Cook, seconded by Alder-man Tink, an Ordinance be drafted .removing narking from the south side of Olive Street between :Main St. and Ave. A, and the potion. carried by a viva voce vote. fonds of Robert Jennings, Street Sunt, and Aaynond L. W' z ' dSer, Aux, noliceman, were on motion of Alderman L uncLr T, seconded Alderman 'Turner, a rovd and ordered fit�d. rear Request of Mr. Portwood, to install two signs on to the/wall of Capitol Building was on motion of Alderman Staler, seconded by Alderman Smith, granted. It was moved by Alderman Smith, sec )n(?ed by Alderman Coleman, the Council meet informally on Tuesday., the 23rd, at 7:�-)O P, to further consider water & sewer Imnroveme::its. On motion of Alderman Sm,J.th, seconded bar Alderman S taley,t he Tneeting. ad!ourned. i y e I