HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-06-1956 Council Meeting Minutes Canton, Illinois March 6, 1956 A regular meeting of the City Council held this da., convening at the hour of 7:00 F. M. with Mayor Woods presiding. Roll call showed the following present: Alderman Duncan, Lundry, Swick, Smith, Miller, Skinner, Tink, Coleman, Turner, Staley, Cook, Jennings and. Hill. Absent: -alderman Sebree. The following claims were submitted and ordered paid when funds are available: Water & Sewer Dept: Street & Alley: D. J. Mahoney Co.- - - - _ _ _ _b7,70 'tom service- -20.00 Rossiter Tractor- - - - - - - -383.47 Canton Tire & �ulc.- -105.05 S. G. Adams- - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ 45.91 Canton Supply 44,70 3abcock Printery - - _ _ _ _ _ PP Y Co.- - - - - - r y" 54.55 Duck Island Sand- - - - - - 59.25 Petty Cash- - - - - - - - _ _ - 18. 5 Garbage De t.- _ - _ - _ _ _10 6! Ylason Hdwr.- -19.23 j 7. C. _ _ - - - - - - - Jarvis, gelding- - - - - - - 6.00 I. P. - - - - - - - - 911.37 Industrial rowel- - - - - - - 2.00 Garbage Dept-- - - - - - - - - 31.51 Swearingen Wholseale- - - - 209.66 I11. Bell Tel.- - - - - - - 20.05 Mason Hdwr.- - - - - - - - 6.21 Canton Transfer- - - _ _ _ _ _ 236.60 Lelta Steel- _154,70 Hach Chemical Co.- 4,35 Gateway Milling Go.- - - _ 10r 00 Diamond Alkali- - - _ _ _ _ _ -13B.00 "� ?• "dorthern Gravel- - - _ _ - _ - 216.10 Parking Titer Fund: McKesson & Robbins- - - _ _ _ _ 5,63 can Pter- - =- - - - - 502.81 Marble head Lime- - - - _ _ _ _245,00 Macomb "omen.- - - - _ _ _ _ 216.27 tand.ard Oil- - - - - - - - - -205.90 Mason Fidwr.- - - - - - - - - 4.90 Illfilco- - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 22.96 Canton Tire & 4111c.- - - - - 2.50 ronical Fa nt- - _ _ _ _ - _ _ 1-6.58 King huto Llec.- - - - - - - 3.75 Men!-e Stone- - - - - _ - _ - - 238-00 L & W Mot or- - - - - - - 2.00 Eugene Waddell- - - - - - - I %oo Garbage Dept.- - - - - - - -133.63 Jarvis, Welding- - - - - - - - 7,.;p Locks Auto- - - - - - - - - 166.65 Cities Service- - - - - - _ _ _ 27,75 Universal Traders - _ _ _ _ 16.70 Kroell Elec.- - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ 24.10 R. W. Wallace- - - - _ _ _ _ 10.53 rnchirrer Coal_ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7,80 Swearingen Wholseale- - - - -26.85 Liverpool I,aterials- - - _ _ _ _ 4 5o Tom Polich- - - - _ _ _ _ _ 122.50 shirk Island Sand- - - - - - - - 7.92 Mason Hdwr.- - - - - - - - 8.72 Fullerton Limber- - - _ _ _ _ _ 11,80 Pschirrer Coal- - - - - - 15.30 James B. Clow- - - - - - - - - 151.45 Fullerton Lumber- - - - - - 139.96 M & H Valve- - - - - - - - - - 339.33 White Book- - - - - - - - - 238.71 Carrie Leaman- - - - - - - - - 105.00 Ill. :'ell Tel.- - - - - - - 36.79 Harry Luker- - - - - - - - - - 3.7? Berwyn Johnson- - - - - - - 18.75 I Bell & Assoc.- - - - - _ _ _484.56 Canton State Bank- - - _ _ _ 6.00 Rockwell Mfg. Co.- _ - _ _ _ _ 367.03 A. Shepley & Son- - - - -341.00 Garbage Dept: Canton Led�:er- - - - - _ _ _ 3,70 onto lnenta.l Oil- - - - - - - - 2.00.91 Stevens 3luenrint-- - - - - 2.10 _ - _ Duck Island Sand - - - - _I84.39 C. I. P. S. o.- - - - - - -653.66 Jervis, Weldi.n - - - - - _ _ _ 2.50 Francelle Larson- - - _ _ _ _30.00 C��nt on Tire 11; ulc.- - - - - - 10.00 L. J. Porgioli- - - - - - - - - 99.r82, D-X Sunray Oil- - - - - - - - -203.1 Fire Dept. S.eagrave Corn,- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11.70 Macomb Gomm.- _ - - - _ _ _ _ - 5.00 R. Wallace- - - - - - - - - - - 13.58 Associated Motors- - - _ - _ _ _ 2.40 Gummings & Lmerson- - - - - - - 4.144 Resolution transferring $5000.00 from the Public Oomfbrt Fund to the General Fund was on motion of Alderman Smith, seconded by Alderman Cook, adopted by the following roll call vote: AYE: Alderman Duncan, Lundry, Swick, Smith, Miller, Skinner, T ink, Coleman, Turner, Staley, Cook, Jennings and Hill. NAY: None. Request of the Reliable Cab to transfer to three meters on first Avenue , was on motion of Alderman Duncan, seconded by Alderman Je finings, referred to the Traffic Committee and Chief of Police. The matter of diagonal parking on S. Main St. from Elm st. to dalnut Street was on motion of Alderman Cook, referred to the Traffic Committee and Chief of Police. Alderman Miller moves, seconded by Alderman Duncan, an Ordinance be drafted, installing a stop-sign at Ave. B and Vine St., and the motion carried by a viva voce vote. The City Attorney was instructed to prenare a lease for ground at the Sewer Plant to H. Reed for 3 years, on motion of Alderman Duncan, seconded by Alderman Staley. The Chief of Police was instructed to check on illegal parking in the City. Ordinance "Vacating Alley on Johnson Ct." was read the second time. It was moved by Alderman Swick, seconded by Alderman Lundry, to place the Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote: AYE: Alderman Duncan, Lundry, Swick, Smith, Miller, Skinner, Tink, Coleman, Turner, Staley, Cook, Jennings and Hill. NAY: None. The chair declared the Ordinance passed, being Ordinance No. 2611. Ordinance "Salary-Employees" was read the first time. It was moved by Alderman Smith, seconded by Alderman Duncan to suspend the rules. Roll call: AYE: Alderman Duncan, Lundry, Swick, Smith, Miller, Skinner, Tink, Coleman, Turner, Staley, Cook, Jennings and Hill. Alderman Smith moves, seconded by Alderman Coleman to place the Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote: AY';: Alderman Duncan, Lunry, Swick, Smith Miller, Skinner, Tink, Coleman, Turner, Cook, Jennings and Hill. NAY: Alderman Staley. AYE:-12; NAY-1. The chair declared the motion carried and Ordinance passed, being Ordinance No.265. Ordinance "Temporary 3 months Probationary periof for Opera- ors,Water & Sewer Plants" was read the first time. It was moved by Alderman Cook, seconded by Alderman Jennings to suspend the rules requiring the Ordinance be read the second time. Roll call vote: AYE: Alderman Duncan, Lundry, Swick, Smith, Miller, Skinner, Tink, Coleman, Turner, Staley, Cook, Jennings and Hill. NAY: None. It was moved by Alderman Cook, seconded by Alderman Jennings to place the Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote: AYE: Alderman Duncan, Lundry, Swick, Smith, Miller, Skinner, Tink, Coleman, Turner, Staley, Cook, Jennings and Hill. NAY: None. The chair declared the motion carried and Ordinance passed, being Ordinance No. 266. It was moved by Alderman Staley, seconded by Alderman Jennings, that a number of lots at the Lake not bordering on the wa'.,er, be leased at W.00 a year, on a first come first served basis. Roll call vote: AYE: Alderman Alncan, Lundry, Swick, Smith, Miller, Skinner, Tink, Coleman, Turner, Cook, Jennings and Hill. NAY: None. It was moved by Alderman Hill, seconded by Alderman Staley, a Lease be drawn up before May 1, 1956, leasing to Mrs. Raskauskas lot at $50.00 per year, and the motion carried by a viva voce vote. On motion of Alderman Lundry, seconded by Alderman Smith, the meeting adjourned. City r k