HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-03-1956 Council Meeting Minutes i . 74 Canton, Illinois January 3, 1956 A regular meeting of the City Council held this day convening at the hour of 7:00 P. M. with Mayor Woods presiding. Roll call snowed the following present: Alderman Duncan, Sebree, Landry, Swick, Smith, M111er, Skinner, 'burner, Staley, Cook, Jennings, and Hill. Absent: Alderman `Pink and Coleman. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and stood approved as read. The following claims were submitted and ordered paid when funds are availabl : Garbage Dept: Water Dept: Swartzbaugh & "elson- - - - - - 4.50 Willins Supr7ly- - - - - -445.13 Sears, Roebuck & Co.- - - - - -21.58 Jarvis Welding- - - - - 11.60 Cummings & .%merson-- - - - - - -3.18 Ry Glift- - - - - - - - 20.43 L. J. Poggioli- - - - - - - - -99.58 Addressograph Co.- - - - 7.26 Jarvis, Wld.- - - - - - - - - -28.50 Whites Book- - - - - - - 41.61 D-X oil Co.- - - - - - - - - -203.13 Mason Hdwr.- - - - - - - 56.93 Continantal 'il- - - - - - - -200.91 C. I. r. S.- - - - - - -104z.89 City Garbage Dept.- - - - 42.55 St. Dept: 111. Bell Tel.- - - - - - 23.10 City GarbageIbpt.- - - - - - -102.35 Petty Cash- - - - - - - - 22.68 Jarvis, Wld.- - - - - - - - - 18.55 W. D. Tanquary- - - - - - 34.30 Canton Supply- - - - - - - - - 2.65 Canton Transfer- - - - - 289.87 Geo. Hof fmqn- - - - - - - - - 216.710 Diamond Alkal'- - - - - -138.00 Chriss Chemical- - - - - - - 183.75 Marblehead Li Uo.- - - 212.50 Swartzbaugh & elson- - - - - 53.95 Difco- - - - - - - - - 6.43 Mason H dwr.- - - - - - - - - - 15.00 James B. Glow- - - - - - 94.97 Industrial 'bowel- - - - - - - 2.00 Cities Service- - - - - 37.50 Shell Gil- - - - - - - - - - -204.24 Uarlock Packing- - - - - 18.32 Mueller Co.- - - - - - - 74.40 Fire Dept: L. J. Poggioli- - - - - -240.25 Hale Fire Pump- - - - - - - - -1.06 Ghlee Watson - - - - - - 40.60 Jarvis Wleding- - - - - - - - -14.00 Swartzbaugh & `nelson- - - 9.08 Macomb Comm.- _ - _ - - - - - - 5.00 Harry Luker- - - - - - - 218.40 Reeder Wallace- - - - - - - - -18.18 E. v. Glazebrook- - - - -242.00 Mason Hd,;;r.- - - - - - - - - - 5.83 Gavenda Bros.- - - - - - 76.50 American Vitrified Prod6!*42212.31 General: James B. Clow- - - - - - -64.00 C. I P. S.- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 645.22 M & H Valve- - - - - - - 1040.80 Francelle Larson- - - - - - - 30.00 Canton Ledger- - - - - - - - 118.55 ,red Thompson- - - - - - - - 38.72 Illinois Office Supply- - - - 36.57 y11 Bell Tel.- - - - - - - - 85.05 Bernard Smith- - - - - - - - 4.00 White Book- - - - - - - - - - 3.81 White Hook- - - - - - - - - - 6.95 Deans Floor Co.- _ - - - - - 167.60 J. L. Andrews Lumber- - - - - 88.75 Robert Essex- - - - - - - - - 9.75 Harry Whalen- - - - - - - - - 4.85 Tom Polich- - - - - - - - - - 92.50 Vail Seward- - - - - - - - - -92.50 Canton Clean Towel- - - - - - 12.60 11 it - - - - - - - - 4.70 Homer Elec.- - - - - - - - - -31.41 Mason Hdwr.- - - - - - - - - - 7.39 Canton Twp.- - - - - - - - - 175.00 Neil Baxter- - - - - - - - - 15.00 Swearingen Wholesale- - - - - .85 City Garbage Dept.- - - - - -151.80 L & WMotor- - - - - - - - - - 6.00 Reeder Wallace- - - - - - - - 30.65 Jarvis, Welding- - - - - - - 3.50 Ma comb Comm.- - - - - - - - - 76-38 Duncan Parkin„ Merer- - - - -502.81 Petty Cash- - - - - - - - - - 1.50 The following officers monthly reports were submitted and accepted on motion of Alderman 'Duncan, seconded by Alderman Lundry: Chief of Police; City .611gr; St. Supt; Bldg. Comm; Plumbing inspector; Water Treatment Plant; Sewage Treatment Plant; Water & Sewer D.pt. Alderman Sebree, Chairman of the Lights Committee, reported on an investigation of street lights by the Committee, and recommended no changes at this time, except moving the street light at lath and Maple, north about 60 feet. It was moved by Alderman Duncan, sec nded by Alderman unrry, to accept the report and recommendation of the '''ight Committee. Roll call vote: AYE: Alderman Duncan, Sebree, Lundry, Swick, Smith, Miller, and Staley. NAY. Alderman Skinner, Turner, Oook, Jennings and Hill. AEY:-7; NAY:-5. The chair declared the motion ca �ried. It was moved by Alderman Turner, seconded by Alderman Staley, an Ordinance bb drafted establishing a fee of $25.00 per year per taxi license. Roll call vote: AYE: Alderman Smith, Skinner, 'turner, Staley, Cook, Jennings and Hill. NAY: Alder- man Duncan, Sebree, Lundry, Swick and Miller. AYE:*q; NAY:-5. The chair declared the motion carried. f Ordinance 'Sale of gun-powder, shells or ammunition's was read the first time. It was moved by Alderman Cook, seconded by Alderman Jennings to suspend the rules requiring the Ordinance be read the second time. Roll call vote: AYE: Alderman `r Duncan, Sebree, Lundry, Swick, Smith, Miller, Skinner, Turner, Staley, Cook., Jenningv and Hill. NAY: None. 1t was then moved by Alderman Cook, seconded by Alderman Jennings to place the ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote: AYE: ; { Alderman Duncan, Sebree, Lundry, Swidk, Smith, Miller, Skinner, Turner, Staley, Cook, Jennings and Hill. NAY: None. The &lair declared the motion carried and ordinance passed, being Ordinance No. 258. A communication from the Sanitary Water Board regarding the Storm Water Drain, and from the Dept. of Health at Springfield, relative to enforcement of the Trailer Coach Ordinance, were on motion of Alderman Landry, seconded by Alderman Duncan, ordered filed. It was moved by Alderman Staley, sec mded by Alderman Jennings, to adjourn until Wednesday, Janu, ry 14, 1956, at 5:00 P. M., and the motion carried. dQ I k Ci y 176 Canton, Illinois. Jan. 4, 1956. An adjourned meeting of Jan. 3, 1956, was called to order at 5:00 P. M. by Mayor Paul Woods. Alderman Coleman comes in. It was moved by Alderman Staley, seconded by Alderman Smith, the necessity of repairs to the riser pipe on the water tower be declared an emergency. Roll call vote: 'AYE: Alderman Duncan, Sebree, Laundry, Swick, smith, Miller, Coleman, Turner, Staley, Cook, Jennings and Hill. NAY : None. The chair declared the motion carried. On motion Df Alderman Staley, seconded by Alderman Jennings, the council adjo.�rned to 4:30P.M., Friday, January 6, 1956. ity er Canton, Illinois Jan. 61 1956. An adjourned meeting of Jan. ,q; 1956s was called to order at 4:30P.M. by May or i=aul Woods. Alderman Tink comes in. The Mayor submits the name of Clifford Fouts to the Police and Fire Commiss'_on to fill the unexpired term of Wm. Malmgren. It was moved by Alderman Smith, sec- onded by Alderman Coleman to approve the appointment and tae motion carried by the f ollawing roll call vote: AYE: Alderman Sebree, Lundry, Smith, Miller, SkiwwT Tink, Coleman, Turner, Stale;,, Cook, Jennings and Hill. NAY: None. The chair de- clared the motion carried. Request of the Loyal Order of Moose to have tag day on Jan. 14th, was on motion of Alderman Jennings, seconded by Alderman Tink, granted by a viva voce vote. Resolution requesting the C. I. F. S. co. to install overhead lamps at 7th avenue, between Olive and Myrtle St; N. 2nd Ave. between Elm and Chestnut St. ; S. Ave. A between Oak and Railroad, was on motion of Alderman Smith, seconded by Alderman Jennings adopted by the following vote: AYE. Alderman Sebree, Luncry, Smith, Miller, Tink, Coleman, Turner, Staley, Cook, Jennings and hill. NAY: None. The Chair declared the motioncarried and resolution adopted. A representative of the CDicago 3rffidge Co. submitted his proposition on a new riser for the water tower tank. After considerable discussion pr > and con, it was moved by Alderman Sta ey, seconded by Alderman Jennings, the Mayor, Engineer, Water Committee and Finance Committee be empowered to obtain prices and specifi- cations on the two sizes of risers from other companies, and if necessary to call a Special Meeting to consider same, and the motion carried by a viva voce vote. On motion of Alderman Cook, seconded by alder yen ings, the meet' adjourned. ZL C it54 C r