HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-01-1955 Council Meeting Minutes A Canton, Ill. March 1, 1955 ti regular meeting of the City Council held this dad, convening at the hour of 7 :00 P. M. with "layor Woods presiding. Roll call shared the following present: AI(Aer- man Sebree, Duncan, Moore, Lundry, Miller, Smith, Linder, Skinner, Coleman, Cook, Staley and Klobuchar. Absent bone. The following claims were submitted, and on motion of Alderman Moore, seconded by Al drman :smith, allowed and ordered paid when funds are aiaailable: General Fund Water Dent . Mason lidwr.- - - - - - - 17.59 Mary E. Rirsley- - - - - - - 20.16 Harry Whalen- - - - - - 7.70 Ill. . Bell Tel .- - - - - - - 24 .01 Gerald lensinger- - - - 24.85 C . I . P. S.- - - - - - - - -7r.1 ,Q1 Robt. Essex- - - - - - - 20.00 Pschirrer & So Coal- - -- 7.61 Julian Coultas- - - - - -33.25 Swearingen J'clesale Co.- _- 1r.78 Swearingen W'olesale- - - 5.60 Rod- C1ift- - - - - - - - - - 9.54 Canton Clean' Towel- - - -10.90 Canton S oly Co.- - - - - - 8.29 Pschirrer & Sons- - - - -48.62 Mid-Continent Petroleiirn Co- -137.45 Canton I.1 :mbing- - - - - 3.60 Canton Transfer- - - - - - -17?•87 Cash- - 40.15 Sutton u I'ioore- - - - - -18.76 Petty - - - - - - - Jarvis Wld.- - - - - - - -4.00 Sears, Roel•uc'-r, & Co.- - - - 1.6.27 Canton Tire l�4 Vulc.- - - -1.75 Gprl-aP,re Dent.- - - - - - - - 28•172 Burdette Smith Co.- - - -15.00 T. P. R, W. PR.- - - - - - - 9C•70 Gerbave ent.- - - - - -117.53 Jarvis, '°refding Co.- - - - - 11.00 Farmers Co.Crain- - - - - 2.30 R.alrl, ??ari.p- - - - - - - - - 91 •95 L & ua Motor- - - - - - - 4.00 F?arry Liitrer PIiiTM!�inF- - - - -41•89 Sireno Co.- - - - - - - 99.20 S. C,, Adams Co.- - - - - - - (-0.00 Bonded Service- - - - - - .94 Ac?arPSSOra.x�h Corn.- - - - - 5.99 King Auto Llec.- - - - - 70.83 Peoria. .A?.to Parts Co.- - - - 4.41 Macomb Gom. erv.- - - -14`.48 TTorthern Gr2.vel Co.- - - - -211 .10 White^ hook `'tors- - - - 27.20 T':-.e Tronical Paint R- Oil Co 7" .64 Francelle Larson- - - - 36.00 I17_. Bearing Co.- - -45.17 1.11. Office Sux)nly- - - 35.64 Rockwell r'f�. Co.- - - --- -296.4.4 Neil Baxter- -„- - - - - 5.50 Ill . teeter Rena.ir Co.- _ - x.;6.4 . American City ag.- - - - 4.00 Marblehead Lime Co.- - -21-2.50 Ill. Bell Tele�)hone` - - 18.52 Difco La oratories- - - - - 6.43 L. Weller, stamps- - - - 30.00 LeFebure Corp.- - - - - - - 76.00 i. Thornier- - - - - - -101.78 ??ids and. Laboratories- - A. C . she ley n- - -201..25 Chica.po Pum- Co. , Inc.- - -2106.81 G C. `'. - - - - - -6112.73 !^tell Machinery ? S»nnl� Co. 67.14 B.jbcock•Printery- - - - 68.50 Canton Ledger- - - - - 333.00 Petty Cash- - - - - - - 8.65 Parking "Teter: Street Dept: riomer Electric- - - - -114.15 Leach Co.- - - - - - - -28.51 Miller Meters- - - - .1-31.57 Lelta Lteel- - - - - - 128.92 H. Whalen Glass- - - - - 47.80 MasonHdwr.- - - - - - - 7.83 uarbag'e Dept: Canton Tire 61 V1jlc.- - -145.00 L. J Poggioli- - - - -211 .50 Cummings & Emerson- - - -12.45 Owens ail- - - - - - - 197.10 '�wartzbaugh & "elson- - 36.n 4 Continental Oil- - - - 396.40 Canton Supply- - - - - - 20.31 Swartzbaugh Olson- - 11 .92 Jarvis, Weldinf-- - - - - 11 .50 Biller A,,Tto Boy- - - - 3.20 Feoria "uto Farts- - - - -4.43 1-ndustrial Bowel- - - - - 2.00 ba';enda Bros.- - - - - - 14.60 Fire Den. Garbage !)e"t.- - - - - - 64.10 Mason Hdwr.- - - - - - -3.60 Rdder Wallace- - - - - -8.60 G-,nton Supply- - - - - 26.85 i imerican La-France- - -45.70 Jarvis, Welding- - - - 25.00 Swartzbaugh - Nelson- - 3.20 Macomb Com. Service- - 14.53 ,j c - 4 'The following monthly reports were submitted: Plumbing, Inspector, Sewage Treat- ment plant:water treatment plant; Water 6c Sewer department. It was moved by Alderman Moore, seconded by tilde:r-man -ebree to acce -t the reports and place on file. It was moved by Alderman Sm:.t;h, seconded by Alderman Maley, to allow request of Officer Kitt Bohler for two-weeks vacation pay. Roll call vote: Alderman Sebree, Duncan, Moore, ''unary, Miller, Smith, Linder, Skinner, Coleman, Cook, Staley, Klobu- char. Nay ; None. Alderman Linder moves, seconded by Alderman Coleman, the Council accept Lease form approved by the City Attorney, for leasing land at the waterworks. Roll call vote: AYE: Alderman Sebree, Duncan, Moore, Lundry, Miller, Smith, Linder, Skinner, Coleman, Cook, Staley and K.1-)buchar. NA-v: NONE. It was moved by Alderman Staley, seconded by Alderman Smith, the Council mail resolution to the Senators and Representatives of this District, requesting that the Social Security Act be make optional to cities. Roll call vote: AYE: Alderman Sebree, Duncan, Moore, 1un(iry, Miller, Smith, Linder, Skinner, Coleman, Cook, Staley and °-, °lobuchar. N,'LY : None. An Ordinance "An Ordinance Relating to 'frailer Coach Parks" was read for the second time by title. It was moved by Alderman Moore, seconded by Alderman Duncan, to disrense with reading the ')rdi.nance in its entirety, and place it on its passage. Roll call vote: AYE: Alderman Sebree, Duncan, Moore, Lundry, Miller, Smith, Linder, Skinner, Coleman, Cook, Staley, and Klobuchar. NAY: none. The chair declared the motion carried, and ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Relating to 'frailer Coach "arks" Passed, being Ordinance No. Q3s� Iz Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance Authorizing and Providing; for the ublication in I'am•)hlet Form of an Ordinance relating to `frailer Coach t'a-•ks" was read' the first time. It was moved by Alderman Skinner, seconded by illderman Duncan, to suspend the rules requiring the "rd inanc e be read the second time. Moll call vote: f,YE: Alderman Sebree, Duncan, Moore, Lundry, Miller, Smith, Linder, Sl.inner, Coleman, Cook, Staley and 1lobuchar. NAY: None. It w ,s moved by Alderman Skinner, seconded by rilderman Cook, to place the Ordinance on its passage. Roll call vote: AYE: Alderman Sebree, Duncan, Moore, Lundry,, Miller, Smith, Linder, Skinner, Coleman, Cook, Staley and Klobuchar, NAY - None. The chair declared the motion arried and Ordinance passed, being; Ordinance No. The followingT report of the Canvass Board of the primary Election held Feb. 22, 1955, was read: First Ward: Citizens Ticket---Harry Sebree-------138 it " ---Donald r . Schmidt-- 63 Independent-Eusion-harry Sebree------- 1 Second Ward: Citizens Ticket---David Watters--- 98 ---Clifford `wick--121 Third Ward: Citizens Ticket----Gustav A. Miller----I ----William Jones------- 95 Inde Pen dent-Flzsion-f1'r�ink Miller.-------- 1 Fourth Ward: Citizens `Picket---Fred V. Linder-----145 " rr ___r'ranit F. 'Fink------1)-t5 Indenendent-Fusion-r'red Linder-------- 2 it it -Glenn Smeltzer----- 1 Fifth Ward; Citizens 'Picket----iinis turner----62 rr " ----Gerald "ee W ,lk,,r--42 Indenendent-fus ion--•''red Linder--------- 1 Sixth Ward: Citizens Ticket----Lee Cook---221 2 " ----John L. 11,.urphy---94 Seventh ward: Citizens 'Picket---Lester Hill----216 ) it it ---John J.Kovachev .ch--167 ) " if ---Carl V. Swanson-----117 ) " it ---Howard Griffin------ 4 ) It yr. t erm. Inde )endent-Fusion-Lestt�r Dill---------11 ) It it -J. Kovachevich----- 3 ) It if -Carl Swanson ------ 9 ) Citizens Party-----Robert F. Jennings----326 Independent-r'uslon----Robert F. `'ennings---- 12 u " ----HowardGriffin----------11 i 142 We, the undersigned, members of the Canvass Bo,.,rd of the City of Canton, Illinois, find, that a Canvass of the votes cast at a lrimary Election held in the City of Canton, on Feb. 22, 1955, the above candidates received the number of votes as set orposite thin names. The vote in the contest for Alderman in the Fourth Ward on the Citizens Ticket being found to be a tie, after giving due notice it was determ1.ned by lot, that Fred V. Under was the winner. /sl W. ?'aul Woods, "ayor Lawrence B. McMunn, City 'ttorney natherine Snorer, City Clerk Ar Tree, the undersigned, members of the C;Invass Board of the i'rimary Election held ie,b. 22, 1955, find that on the rr )position "Shal-1 the City of Canton, Illinois, place Sodium Flouri-le i_n its watter Supply" there were 581 YES) votes and 12311 NO votes. Isl W. Paul Woods, Piayor Lawrence B. AcPiunn, City -ttorney Katherine Snorer, City Glerk It was moved b, Alderman Klobuchar, seconded by Alderman Duncan, to accent the reT)ort of.' the Canvass Board and same be filed, and the motion cc.rried by a unanimous roll call vote. On motion of Alderman Moore, secon ed b y Alderman Skinner, the meeting adjourned. ty Clerk i