HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-02-1952 Council Meeting Minutes Canton, Illinois Sept. 2, 1952 A regular meeting of the City Council held this day convening at the liour of 7:10 P. M. with Mavor Woods nresiAing. Rol' call showed the following nresent: Alderman SP'hree, 71acl-A'hy, Moore, Jones, Skinner, Linder, TTa.nd., Ter-oenin,v_ , Cook, St . Clair and Tlo"l-char. Al+sent: Al-derman Tink. Minutes of the rre.vious meetine were read_ and etood approved as read. Petition re_.nuestinp the co%,.ncil to rreTTent the starting of a ,junk yard. at 606 S. 5th Avenue, was on motion of Alderman Moore, seconded by Alderman Linder, referred to the Legal & Police Committee to investigate and_ rPrort back at the next meeti.np and the motion carried by a viv^ voce vote. The foll-owing claims were presented: Street Dent: Water & Sewer Dent: Billman Motor- - - - - - - --5.10 Crawford., Murphy & Tilly_ -1052,.37 Swartzbaugh & Ndlson - - - 3 .31 Campbell Cities Serv.- - - '17.'11 Liberty Garage- - - - - - - 6.00 .. Van's Tynev-riter Co. - - 21.59 011ies Standard- - - - - - 16.52 - Carton "ire & VrIc. - - - - 9.25 Canton Tire & Vlilc.- - - - 2'3.25 s Reicherts- - - - - - - - - 61 .76 P. W. Feeser- - - - - - - 99.60 - W. D. Tanounry- - - - - - -1'17 .90 Kroell Elec.- - - - - - - - 5.00 Garba.ae Dent: S. B. Filcher- - - - - - - 22.50 John Norton- - - - - - - -114,00 _ Eugene Wa.ddel.l- - - - -_ - -146.75 Wareco System- - - - - - - 60.91 ._ Swea.ringeh Wholesale- - - - 0.1h Clarencd Faulk- - - - - - 61.74 ._ C. B P• Q Rwv.- - - - - - - 862.P1 Dillmnn Motors- - - - - - 10.00 C . n 8, Q Rwy.- - - - - - -1011.26 Jarvis, Welder- - - - - - 1 .00 C . I. P. S.- - - - - - - - 1.796.'10 Miller A„to Body- - - - - 88.82 Ill . Bell. Tel .- - - - - - 16.60 Canton Tractor- - - - - - - 100.25 'a Police dent: Snoon River Elec.- - - - - - 36.20 Homer Electric- - - - - - R.75 ._ Iowa Valve- - - - - - - - - 159.75 Dill.man TRotor- - - - - - Q82.26 Mason Rdv+r.- - - - - - - - 50.08 King Anto Flec.- - - - - '19.14 Canton Plumbing Co. - - - 6.76 Liberty Gprape - - - - - 4.20 Frank Fardy- - - - - - - - -177.60 Meline Sign- - - - - - - 16.00 Harry Luker- - - - - - - - 48.20 Macomb Comm. Service - - 122.96 Flynn Bldg. Mat-- - - - - - 48_ .80 Moors Conoco- - - - - - - - 27.71 Bl.d-0. R, Gds: Sutton R, Moore- - - - - - - 5.20 Swearinpen Wholesale- - 14.95 James B. Clow- - - - - - - - 05.78 Gen. Camber- - - - - - 25.53 Sterling Flec. Motors- - - - 1.82 F.arry Luker- - - - - - R.26 - Mississinri Lime Co.- - - - 402.50 J. G. Rennie- - - - - - 204.75 McKesson R• Ro"bins- - _ _ _ 5po.82 Diamond. Alkali- - - - - - - 65.79 St . Lights: C. I. P. S.- - - - - - -1023 .24 - Misc. : Fire. Dent: Ill. Bell Tel.- - - - - - 20.9.5 Kennett Ice Co.- - - - - - - -14,00 - ReederWace- - - - - - - - Canton Florist- - - - - - 16.'30 a.l.l. L.Weller, Postmaster- - - 18.00 A. C.Shenley & Son- - - 1283.13 Banton Municiral 'Rand- - 600.00 Rouser Motor- - - - - - 19.56 On motion of Alderman Fand , seconded by Alderman Moore, all claims rronerl.y O.K'd were allowed a.nd ordered. naid V-pn funds are a.vaila�le. The following officer's monthly r.enorts were nresented: Chief of Police; City Ene-roper; B7dF. Comm; Surt. of Streets; Wa.t-r 8: Sel-r 7)ert; Water Treatment "tart . It was moved by Alderman St . Clair. , seconded. by Alderman Ternening, to accent the rPnorts and nlace same on file. The following resol».tion was submitted. by Alderman TTa.nd , who moved its ador- tion,: 13F IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois, that the Sewer and Water Committee of the City of Canton, Illinois, 'he and they art-, hereby authorized and. directed to negotiate and deal with the Canady Const. Co. of Monet.te, Missnnri, a.nd to execute on lheha.lf of said City a nr.onosal for the Imnrovement and Fxtension of the Water Treatment Plant, in accordance with rlans and snecificatIons as nronosed by the Engineers, Crawford, Tturnhy & Tilly. Tl,e motion w,-.s seconded. by Alderman Blackaby. Roll call vote, AYE: Alderman Rlackaby, Linder and. Fand.. NAY: Alderman SebreP, Moore, Jones, Skinner, Terrening, Cook, St. Clair and }?•lobiichp.r. The chair decl?red the motion lost . It was moved by Alderman Sebree, seconded by Alderman Moore, the Mayor, City* Attorney, City Engineer and City Treasurer, and. vha.tever Alderman so desire, attend. the convention of the Illinois Municinal League on Oct. 12, 11 and 14th, and the motion carried. 1 } It was moved by Ald.er.ma.n Nand-, seconded by Alderman Linder, th-t the council auti^orize Orval Fuhn, waterworks operator, to attend the convention of wf.ter operators in October. , and the motion carried unanimously. i i It wps moved by Alderman Flobuchp.r, seconded by Alderman Moore, to dena.te 175.00 j to Arthur Carnahan, toward. exnensFs to a conference of rad.io-omerp.tors in SpnFrancisco, Roll call vote: AYE: Alderman Sebree, Blackpby and Flobuchar. NAY: Alderman Moore, Jones, Skinner, Linder, NA.nd, Ternening, Cook and St. . Cla.ir. The-chPir._decla.red the motion lost. On motion of Alderman Jones, seconded. by Alderman Cook, the ordinance committee, was instructed to We the ordinance revised , to bpve no np.rkinp on the-North side of Maple St . from A4A"4to Ave. A, instead of on the south side As at the nre.Pent time, and the motion carried by a viva, voce vote. The Annual Tax Levy Ordinance was read for the first time. 4t wps moved by Alderman Moore, seconded by Alderman Sebree, to sus-oend the rules reoniring the ordinance be read the second time. Roll Call vote: AYE:Alderman Sebree, Blackaby, Moore, Jones, Skinner, Linder, Rand, Terreninp, Cook, St . Clair and Flobneha.r. NAY:Prone. It was moved by Alderman Sebree, seconded by Alderman Linder, to -n1-act the Annl& Tax Levy Ordinance on its nassa.ge. Roll call vote,:AYF: Alderman Sebree, B7Ackaby, Moore, Jones, Skinner, Linder, Nand , Ternening, -Conk; St . Clair 'anA F1.obnchar. NAY:Trone. r The chPir declared the motion carried a.nd the ordinance na.ssed., being Ordinance No.172. An ordinance "Reanxl,-ti.np Traffic" was read for'the first time. It was moved by Alderman Rpnd , seconded by Alderman Moore, to refer th-e ord:ina.n6e by ek to the Ordinance and Trvffic committee, cit , engineer and. city attorney to amend as they see fit, And the motion cp,rried by p viva. voce vote. i It was moved by Alderman Moore, seconded by Alderman Terrening, to oven bids received on a truck for the street department . The following proposals Were submitted: Ash motor Co.- - -1946 Chevrolet 'i/4 nickun- - - - - - - x°50:00 ' Cover Motor Sales- - -1950-Chen. -,ton -olckun - - - - - - -995.00 difference " If it 1949-Chev. 1/4" to - I- - ?95.00 difference Canton Motor Sales- -1947 Chev ,ton piokun - - - - 595.00 Miller Auto Body- -1952-Dodge ton nickur- - - - - - - - 1606.50 difference If " " - -1.950-Chevrolet ton "- - - - - - - - - 969.00 difference SwprtzbPugh & Yelson- -1947 In.t. ton- - - - - - - - - = 500.00 difference If If - -1952-Int " - - - - - - - - - - - l4hP.40 difference Associated Motors- -1950 Stia.de ton- - - - - - - - - - - 1°005.00 - --1947 " " It - - - - - - - - - - - 795.00 If " - - -1952 11 If 11 - - - - - - - - - - - 1501.84 On motion of Alderman Jones, seconded by Alderman Rand',' the bid's wire 'referred. t o to Street & Alley committee to report back, And the motion cp.rried by a viva voce vote. On motion of Ald.ermpn Ternening, secnnded by Alderman Jones, the clerk wQ.s instruc- ted. to oven bids received on water meters for this date. The following proposals were submitted: Badger Meter Co.- - - -50 Bronze Meters- -20.90 each less conn.; 21.P4 with•conn. Well Machinery - - - - P" 11 If - -20.6P ep.ch " It ".Connections-.940ea.ch Nertune Meter- - - - - # " - - 21 .00 " If if ; If - -1.05 each. Illinois Meter Co.- - " " " - - 2O.PO " with 5�) d.ist . 10 days. Rockwell Mfg. Co.- - - " " " - - 21 .00 " less Conn.; 22 .05 with connecti.bns On motion of Alderman Jones, seconded by Alderman Ter-ening, the bids were refered to the water �, sew-r committee to report back at the next meeti.np, A:nd the motion carried. On motion of Ald-erman Moore, secnnded by A dorm Linder, the j meeti A.d. ourned. 4 _ _ City Cle