HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-05-1952 Council Meeting Miuntes 7 Aesolution for Liesubdivision of Lots 9, 10 , 11 and 12 in zl- Van 'ark Addition, was on motion of Alderman 11and, Seconded by Alc erman t. Glair, adopted by unanimous roll call vote. fhe following ordinance 'ias read for the first time: i 3L' Il 3Y _'hLL �L'i'1 �C l., .. yip ' Y- -1 1-q_�.,,�.,(1 i i.L L'1i �+a11bi 1 L' i Section 1 . That part and portion of erection 12 of "rdinance 125, passed and approved by t;he Uity �;ountil on 1pr:i1 11;, 1951, reading', fhe Police JerZeants shall receive an annual salary of jp3,000 .00, shall be and ti:e sam _ e is }lereby a,,ended to read as follows : erection 2. the soli ce Serge :nts shall receive an annual salary of X31024.00 . Section 3. This C;rdinance shall in no way effect any of the Other r,rovisions of s aid '--rdinance 125, :)ection 12, and the remainder and balance of the �rdinance shall remain in effect. Section 4. "his ordinance shall., be in full force and effect upon its passa,�3 and a.nproval by the l: ayor and Sity :oulcil . : It was moved by -.1der-pan Sook, seconded by Alde uian Jones , to u,_,--end the �-rdinan ce to re •,d sergeants salary to be retroactive to 1,-ay 1 , 1951. X011 call vote : AxL: Alderman rdlackaby, i.'-core, Jones, ; _. L-urphy, Skinner, Linder, i and, fink, �o k, Ot. Ala it and r�1obuchF r. ',1A'Y: none. 1,he chair decl;-,red the r.,otion ca,-ried . j Alderman rlobuch,,�r moves , seconded by alderman Oook, to sus-pend the rules requiring the second rea.:inLr of the �-rdiml.nce. zioihl c all vote : AYE: Alderr.,ian -31:ackaby, 1.-O 01'e, o n eo ur_ h ��- and, fink, gook, St. ..lair and t1lGbuc'tl%-.r. :pone. i�lherc girder, declared trle rio Lion Carried . -< it ��^:�a­ t};en r::o�T ed by Aidermata r lobuch�.r secc)-nded by Alderr_:an Linder, to place on its pla 5�_tge Lrdin•:,..Zce "a-tlury Of police Sergeants " . .jCll. c 11 vote : Ald e.rman Llackab , -o ore, pones, LurX;hy, Skinner, Linder, riand , "ink, Sook, St. glair and r=lobuchar. IA-1. none. ,' the Ul,<uir declared the rilotion carri -d and ordinance passed . un motion of Alderman Skinner, seconded by iilderrilan Jones , the junior -Police, were F° f rarlt,ed -1:,er .ission to have a tag uay in t-he ne�.r nature. he John Y. Uase �o . , Lcono,lis of has' z,,r-ton, ll . pffered a ro�osal E'Gr obtaining a r� uctiorl � r ' < � �d 1 tility rates In the City. -t vas roved by lde l,L��,l �ilobuch<ar , aecc,nded rAld err,,an Land , to refer the lAjatter to the Le al L)e-parti�)erat, by a viva voce vote. Cn notion of Alderynran Jones , seconded by -�lderrnan ')ki:riner, the 4 1.: st two weeks in __parch lNere Ule a.n-up days in the Sity . It was moved by "lderluan St. glair, seconded by xld ere_an jkinnery the Stre«.t SuT:eriYitende,_1t contact the proper officials in girder to t'et aple Street opened , and the notion carried by a viv.-,. voce vote. It was t Loved by -Ald,2rl.i.ari �2e i e_ nded by :old errran Linder, that j an ordin�+. ,ce be prep red , estabiis'. nfT a general s� r,erintendent over til, Inter ae,,-rer de ,arti,,� ;�ts. toll Linder and Wit. crx , 11 vot • . ilderi.�:,,n urph,/, Skinner air , l . AY; lu ter; :an lG CI:<t�y, Gore, � ones, al :,,;d, rink, gook <ald t lGn>>c< <:.� "he ciir.Lir decl.I.rud 4 e 1, Gtiar1 lost. 1 s moved by -i1-` 1 L sec ., � r G b ti yy .t..r ��,nd �ev�: r Ua� � itte � a,ld alt ;= �_ � _ 1 �c� �,�� ld ,� a:, uo ok, e to correct tie Situation In tale dut r �_ .ri t.a� ;- i1 t�Ve1 +` Ct10'i2 iS �ieCel r e . _ ae,_art r en +s . Boll call vo e ; , ; Alder .:an lr c -� , o or. e J one: , l.lrr }1y, a_r;1r111P,1"", Linder, 1`1llk, vGOk, Jt. �ldlr %Yld �`-1 G'�'tC?� '.r. cone. the chL- lr de- clared tie lotion c arl i ed . i3cnd of J<,,.:es olire, in tide surd cif n. watt Gn rrGtiorl of ,r 200)0 . ,,0 lderi_ .�.n 1-Gore, sec. n. ed ba and �a ;moved by ra viv +. voce voter. c �cCes ted I l l ,1 ,0tiGn Gi ilut?r'_a?1 oore seco: ded 4"Y jl, Lar> ';Yl �JOn S, file i ad jour.:ied . ' ,�.e Ling i Ui ty -- i r canton, Illinois ' February 209 1952 A regular ° eeting of the City Council held this day convening at y the hour of 7 :�OP.!-. with mayor floods presiding. j{oll call showed the following present : Alderman Blackaby, Jones, 1-urphy, Linder, Hand, iink, Uook and Klobuchar. Absent : Alderman Sebree, -oore, Skinner, Terpening and at. Clair. It was moved by Alderman Cook, seconded by Alderman Klobuchar, the absent Aldermen be marked as present, and '? the motion carried unanimously by roll call vote. _ iinutes of the previous meeting were read and stood approved as read. ketition of Phil nomerin requesting that water and sewer be extended to his property just off 900 block S. 7th Avenue, was on motion of Alderman Klobuchar, seconded by Alderman fink, referred to the Water and Sewer committee by a viva voce vote. Petition of Sinclair Kefining Co. requesting permission to install 2-2000 gal . underground storage tanks at Olive and rain St. , with permission of property owners attached, was on motion of Alder- man .Tones, seconded by Alderman Linder, referred to the Legal .Depart- ment by a viva voce vote. Claim of Oaks & Son for repairs at the Waterworks spillway, on the general contract, amounting to 415,782. 46, was on motion of Alderman Blackaby, seconded by Alderman Lurphy, allowed and ordered paid by unanimous roll call vote. Claim of Oaks & Son amounting to $4089.89 for repairs at the Waterworks spillway was submitted . It was moved by Alderman Hand, seconded by Alderman l,-lobuchar, that that portion of the claim not in c ntroversy, amounting to 43389.89 be allowed and paid, by way of an advancement, and the balance to be adjusted in a forthcoming claim to be considered at the next meeting. "oil call votes AYE: 1lderman Blackaby, Jones, i..urphy, Linder, Hand, iink, Cook and Klobuchar. NAY : none. Alderman Blackaby, chairman of the +dater & Sewer committee recor_�raended than an order be placed immediatly with Clow & Sons for pipe and fittings, in accordance with their bid submitted and accepted, delivery date of the material to be set for when the council deems it advisable. The kayor advises the council that no contract had been presented by Clow & Sons, but when such a contract was submitted, it would then be considered . On motion of Alderman Blackaby, seconded by Alderman Klobuch�- the meeting adjourned. City Cler { 1 a i a