HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-16-1983 Council Meeting Minutes 425 A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on August 16th , 1983 in Council Chambers . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING FOLLOWED BY THE INVOCA- TION GIVEN BY MAYOR DONALD EDWARDS . Mayor Edwards asked for roll call at 6 : 30 p . m . Present : Alder- men Kovachevich , Savill , Sarff, Carl , May . Absent : Aldermen Hammond , Workman , Horr. MINUTES OF AUGUST 2ND, 1983 MEETING . Motion by Alderman Sarff , second by Alderman Carl , the minutes of the August 2nd meeting be accepted and placed on file . Voice vote , motion carried . MINUTES OF JULY 20TH 1983 PUBLIC HEARING . The city attorney asked that we hold these over to the next meeting as he has some changes that he thinks need amending . BILLS FOR JULY . Motion by Alderman Kovachevich , second by Ald- erman Sarff bills for July be approved . Discussion . Pat Wright Treasurer, noted that the bill for the use of the high school d' should be under tax increment in the amount of $75 . 00 instead of (29 $20 . 00 . The school forgot to charge for the air conditioning . Q Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Kovachevich , Savill , Sarff , Carl , May . NAYS : None . Motion carried . 5 ayes 0 nays 3 absent . COMMITTEE REPORTS : Finance . Council Action Ndne . r Negotiation , Grievance & Personnel . Council Action None . Community Development . Council Action Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Kovachevich , to pur- chase a lift station for $27 , 30.-6'. 00 from Jerry Gasvoda of GAI , contingent on approval from Hud . Discussion . Cliff Saaaser had talked to the city attorney about the legality of not taking bids on this . Cliff stated that Dave Dorgan Community Development Director said Hud would approve doing it this way . This is a specialty item and Cliff hopes we don ' t have to take bids because of the time element involved . It is important we get this thing now. Jim Malmgren City Attorney said the state statute has an exception for specialty type items regarding bids , that exception being 2/3rd ' s or 3/4th ' s vote of the council . At this time we don ' t have 3/4th ' s of the council present. Mayor Edwards suggested this be brought up later in the meeting after another alderman has arrived . Motion and second withdrawn . Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Kovachevich , to our- chase a lift station for $27 , 306 . 00 from Jerry Gasvoda of GAI , contingent on approval of Hud and subject to purchase of ground . Discussion . Jim Malmgren City Attorney read that 2/3rd ' svote of the aldermen was needed on this motion to authorize the purchase of the lift station without the letting of bids . Cliff Sagaser City Engineer stated this cost was not the total cost . Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Kovachevich , Savill , Sarff, Carl , May , Horr . Motion carried . 6 ayes 0 nays 2 absent. 426 CONTINUED AUGUST 16TH , 1983 Legal & Ordinance . Council Action None . PUBLIC HEARING - CHANGES TO THE ENTERPRISE ZONE ORDINANCE - 7 : 00 -� P .M. Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Kovachevich to recess for a public hearing . Voice vote , motion carried . PURPOSE OF THE PUBLIC HEARING : To make changes in the City of Canton ' s Enterprise Zone Ordinance . Jim Malmgren City Attorney reported that the new appendix C would allow that all retailers in the corporate limits of the City of Canton could deal with entities in the enterprise zone and still get that tax break . Anyone issued a building permit to rejuvenate or refurbish an existing building , not expanding floor space , and in the issuance of permit it would be proof that they were to receive a tax break . The question of charging a fee for such building permit , should be referred to committee for report back to the council . Jim Malmgren personally feels there should be no fee for a permit because it would defeat the purpose of the enterprise zone . Dave Dorgan has advised Jim Malmgren that the county fathers plan to pass a similar ordinance that would allow retailers in unincorporated county territory to deal with persons in the enterprise zone in a similar manner. CITIZENS INPUT : There was no citizen requesting permission to speak . COUNCIL : Alderman May asked if he could move his business into the enterprise zone? Jim Malmgren said he could deal with people who locate in the zone , but he may not be able to go into the zone himself because of ethic legislation . If Alderman May was inter- ested , he should talk to Dave Dorgan . Alderman Carl asked if the sales tax could be enlarged to include areas outside of Canton? Jim Malmgren City Attorney said this is what county fathers are hoping to do with the county ordinance . Mayor Edwards asked about a technical committee to screen applicants to the enterprise zone . Jim Malmgren said there is an advisory committee set up by last December ' s ordinance . Motion by Alderman Horr , second by Alderman May to adjourn the public hearing . Voice vote, motion carried . The public hearing adjourned at 7 :09 p .m. COMMUNICATIONS FROM DAVE DORGAN - BUDGET/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR. Dave just returned from a meeting in Springfield with Kerasotes and others , they still have alot of work to do . The secretaries proposal can be adopted by a motion from the floor . The concept is togive compensatory time for secretaries that staff committee meetings . Motion by Alderman Sarff , second by Alderman Savill to adopt the policy by Dave Dorgan for secretaries taking minutes at the following meetings : Clerical & Mechanical , Zoning Board of Appeals , Planning & Zoning Commission and the Fire & Police Commission . Voice vote , motion carried . The police union and Dave Dorgan have been in contact with the arbitration service of the State of Illinois to set a hearing date for arbitration on the 23rd of August at 1 : 00 p .m. It will be semi -judical type hearings . Members of the Negotiations & Personnel Committee and the chief of police will want to be pre- sent . There will be 2 hearings : 1 ) Dealing with the case of Don Rombach . 2 ) Dealing with the case of the police dispatchers . It is not certain yet if this will be an open or closed door meet- ing . Dave Dorgan will attend a meeting of the governor ' s task force on prison overcrowding on August 22nd in Chicago . Alderman Horr arrived at the council chambers at 6 : 53 p .m. 427 CONTINUED AUGUST 16TH , 1983 COMMUNICATIONS FROM CLIFF SAGASER - CITY ENGINEER . Cliff has a rough draft of the proposed agreement for engineering wort: on sewage treatment plant from Crawford , Murphy & Tilly . One item needs to be clarified as to how Crawford , Murphy & Tilly is to be paid a maximum of $80 ,000 . 00 prior to an election? Leonard Crawford stated that what we want from council is a verbal committment that it ' s your intention to proceed with the project so they can start engineering work even though a contract is not signed . We ' re not asking for a vote , just a nod to proceed . Jim Malagren said this will not bind you to anything specific other than reasonable engineering fees over the next 2 to 3 weeks until the actual contract is signed at the next council meeting . Jim Malmgren said time is short and this could make a difference down the line in terms of easements or meeting other deadlines . He recommends we give very serious consideration to the question . Cliff Sagaser wants- the manner of payment in the final draft of the agreement . We do not want to pay monthly on demand prior to an election , but at a time after the November election . Mr. Crawford has no objection to the agreement as discussed , but the sooner they get the go ahead , the (9 better off it will be because the time is short . Q Alderman Carl asked if worse comes to worse , and the referendum Q doesn ' t pass , can our bill of $80 ,000 . 00 be paid from the Water and Sewer Funds? Mayor Edwards said we may have to adjust revenues to see it gets paid , but assumes we ' d have some time to pay it . We have to look at that possibility because of difficult times . Crawford , Murphy & Tilly thinks the figure could be lower then $80 ,000 . 00 , that is the maximum. Motion by Alderman Sarff , second by Alderman May to accept the concept of method of payment after the election . Discussion . Voice vote , motion carried. Overlay work will not be done until the first of September because of time conflicts with Pschirrer Asphalt. Mayor Edwards asked Cliff to check and make sure it won ' t interfere with the festival parade on the 10th of September . We are trying to put off sweeping streets to take advantage of hot weather. Jim Boyd is going to use a broom to get the gravel out of the gutters back into the street . Alderman May wants the 200 block of South 9th and 10th between Chestnut and Elm Street oiled and chipped , Cliff will check and see if that ' s possible . Cliff said they are starting ditch work on North 4th on the east side by the ballpark . We ' ll totally regradethe ditch on the east side of the road and will be moving a considerable amount of dirt . Alderman May asked about North Avenue street repair work , Cliff said that work is planned for this year. We ' re cleaning out sludge ponds at the sewage plant . The roof has sheeting on , and the shingles will be put on tomorrow. COMMUNICATIONS FROM JIM MALMGREN - CITY ATTORNEY . We have ex- perienced a 59 . 9% decrease in tax increment receipts . We have done alot of research through offices of Fulton County Abstract and in-house . We have all facts and figures of each property in the tax increment area and 2 blocks outside the area . There is amazing devaluation . He whole-heartedly endorses recommenda- tions given in the letter from Angelika Kuehn . If council is to file any objections to valuations , the deadline is early September . If devaluation continues we may as well forget using tax increment money for anything in the forseeable future . Motion by Alderman Sarff , second by Alderman Carl to recommend the course of action suggested by the city attorney , which is filing complaints 428 CONTINUED AUGUST 16TH , 1983 with the Board of Revue , be adopted to protect the tax base . Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Horr , May , Carl , Sarff , Savill , Kovachevich . NAYS : None . Motion carried . 6 ayes 0 nays 2 absent . Dave Dorgan and Jim Malmgren are going to Chicago yet this month to talk to attorneys in Kai Nebel ' s office to ao over with them on case by case basis of individual parcels . Also plan to talk to Jim Murray with Msd in Chicago regarding prop- erty. COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR EDWARDS . Motion by Alderman Sarff , second by Alderman Savill the appointment of Alderman May to the Planning & Zoning Commission , Tony Long 11 North 8th to the Liquor Commission to fill a vacancy be confirmed . Voice vote , motion carried . Mayor Edwards has had alot of complaints on the downtown area from the merchants and citizens regarding vandalism, and vulgar language and gestures . The police have been barracading Fulton Square parking lot at 11 : 00 p .m. and moving the young people out. There is more of a problem in the Jones Park Area . It is a problem during the day as well as night . We have a res- ponsibility to citizens to get rid of problems , said Alderman Carl . JIm Malmgren said the basic problem is enforcement and having our hands tied by laws . He said we may want to consider amending the tax increment program to hire police officers to patrol the area . Alderman Sarff recommends we put a No Tres- passing sign on the Scripp ' s Building . The building owners need to put upno trespassing signs , then the city attorney can pros- !` ecute if they are caught. Alderman May would like to hire plain clothes people and change people every week . Alderman Carl would like to see uniform people there . Bob Molleck Chief of Police said they prefer to use auxiliary police so we can choose our own people . Motion by Aldeman Carl , second by Alderman Savill for council to authorize $2 ,000 . 00 for the purpose of securing the downtown area . Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Horr , May , Carl , Sarff , Savill , Kovachevich . NAYS : None . Motion carried . 6 ayes 0 nays 2 absent . The Liquor Commission met before the council meeting to hear a request from the Frienship Festival Board to operate a beer tent at the festival grounds on September 8th , 9th and 10th . This is the first year for a beer tent. The liquor commission is rec- ommending to council that the license be issued . Ron Weber of the festival board was in the audience of the council meeting to answer any questions . Alderman Sarff asked if the tent would be separated from the rest of the grounds with ,a screen or fence around it? Mr. Weber said it would be on the festival grounds with a snow fence or similar idea where people would be checked for I . D . ' s before going into the tent . We want to keep it as clean an operation as we can . Alderman Sarff wanted to know about the hours of the tent . Mr . Weber stated their in- tention was to run it from 5 : 00 p .m. or 6 :00 p .m. on Thursday and Friday to about 11 : 00 p .m. Then on Saturday they would run a little bit later , but don ' t intend to be as late as normal bar hours . The American Legion will be doing the bartending . Motion by Alderman Sarff , second by Alderman May to grant a Class F Special Events Liquor License to the Friendship Festival Board . Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Kovachevich , Savill , Sarff , May , Mayor Edwards . NAYS : Alderman Carl . Motion carried , 5 ayes 1 nay 3 absent . OLD BUSINESS : ORDINANCE - LEVY AND ASSESSMENT OF TAXES . ' FOR.'CORPORATE .PURP05ES OF THE CITY OF CANTON , ILLINOIS ;FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNNING MAY 1 , 1983 AND ENDING APRIL 30 , 1984 . Second reading , read by title . 429 CONTINUED AUGUST 16TH , 1983 Motion by Alderman Kovachevich , second by Alderman Sarff the ordinance be placed upon its passage . Roll call . AYES : Ald- ermen Kovachevich , Savill , Sarff , Carl , May , Horr . NAYS : None . Motion carried . Ordinance being #988. NEW BUSINESS : ORDINANCE - AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE MANNER OF SALE OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE CITY OF CANTON . First read- ing , read by title . ORDINANCE - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO . 959 ( BEING : "AN ORDINANCE INITIATING AND COOPERATIVELY DESIGNATING AN ENTERPRISE ZONE" ) . First reading , read by title . ORDINANCE - AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR ANDREQUIRING THE SUBMISSION OF THE QUESTION OF ISSUING SEWER BONDS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $2 ,000 ,000 TO THE VOTERS OF THE CITY OF CANTON , AT THE NONPARTISAN ELECTION TO 6E HELD ON THE 8TH DAY OF NOVEMBER , 1983 . First reading , read by title . Motion by Alderman Sarff , second by Ald- erman Savill to suspend the rules for the purpose of passing the Q ordinance of the question of issuing sewer bonds to the voters Q at the November election . Roll call . AYES : Alderman Horr , May , Carl , Sarff , Savill , Kovachevich . NAYS : None . 6 ayes 0 nays 2 absent . Motion carried . Motion by Alderman Savill , second by Alderman Sarff the ordinance be placed upon its passage . Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Kovache- vich , Savill , Sarff , Carl , May , Horr. NAYS : None . Motion carried . 6 ayes 0 nays 2 absent . Ordinance being #987 . RESOLUTION - A RESOLUTION AMENDING SECTION 2 . 3 OF THE "POLICY GUIDELINES FOR PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION , " CITY OF CANTON , APPROVED BY RESOLUTION NO . 796 ON OR ABOUT APRIL 3 , 1979 . First reading , read by title . Motion by Alderman Sarff , second by Alderman Kov- achevich the resolution be adopted . Discussion . Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Horr , May , Carl , Sarff , Savill , Kovachevich . NAYS : None . Motion carried . 6 ayes 0 nays 2 absent . Resolution beinn #996 . ORDINANCE - AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING PARKING ON WEST SIDE OF AVE- NUE D BETWEEN WEST CHESTNUT STREET AND WEST LOCUST STREET . First reading , read by title . Alderman Savill requests that the mechanical meeting be held on August 30th instead of August 23rd . Motion by Alderman Kovachevich , second by Alderman Savill to ad- journ to executive session . Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Kovache- vich , Savill , Sarff , Carl , May , HOrr . NAYS : None . Motion carried . 6 ayes 0 nays 2 absent. EXECUTIVE SESSION - THREATENED , PENDING AND/OR IMMINENT LITIGATION . The executive session began at 8 : 18 p .m. The minutes are on file in the office of the city clerk . Motion by Alderman Horr, second by Alderman Carl , to return to open meeting . Voice vote , motion carried . Council went into open meeting at 8 : 50 p .m. ADJOURNMENT : Motion by Alderman Savill , second by Alderman Kovachevich , to adjourn . Voice vote , motion carried . Council adjourned at 8 : 51 p .m. xL JJU CITY CLERK APPROVED . Y U R