HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-03-1983 Council Meeting Miuntes 378 A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on May 3rd , 1983 in council chambers . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING FOLLOWED BY THE IN- VOCATION GIVEN BY MAYOR EDWARDS . Mayor Edwards asked for roll call at 6 : 30 P . M . Present : Aldermen Kovachevich , Hammond , Savill , Sarff, Grant , Carl , Horr. Absent : Alderman Larsen . MINUTES OF APRIL 19TH MEETING . A correction on page 373 under the heading "A resolution establishing anniversary dates for ceta employees . " The information under that head- ing should read . . . motion by alderman Carl , second by alderman Hammond the resolution be tabled until May 17th meeting . Voice vote , motion carried . The heading should read . . . ordinance reducing the speed limit on N . Park Drive . Alderman Carl asked for a correction on page 370 , the last paragraph , the last word in the first sentence , should read " from. " Motion by Alderman Grant , second by Alderman Horr the minutes as corrected be accepted and placed on file . Voice vote , motion carried . COMMITTEE REPORTS : Public Safety & Traffic . Council Action None . Streets & Garbage . Council Action None . Lake , Building & Grounds . Council Action None . Public Works , Water & Sewer . Council Action None . COMMUNICATIONS FROM CLIFF SAGASER - CITY ENGINEER . Cliff stated that he was to have something to report on the bandstand in Jones Park , according to the paper . But I don ' t have anything yet. The water department started putting in sand bags for the intake structure . We were going to put in 500 sandbags , they made an inspection and brought a sample of the clay colored material found in the tunnel to the council meeting . A written report will be made and given to the aldermen . The investigation on the illegal hook-ups are continuing . We ' ve started the survey work for the fairview heights water & sewer project . Planning to do this in house . Also , want to proceed as time permits with plans for a new intake structure at the lake . Also want to proceed on the uptown plan for the streets of White Court and Chestnut St . The water line on 4th avenue is half finished . 379 CONTINED MAY 3RD , 1983 We do have the permits on the north main sewer project . Also , the EPA permits on the Henninger water line . We have the EPA permits for the 4th avenue water line project , and a permit from the department of transportation to be on their property for the Henninger water line . Alderman Grant asked about the intake structure . Cliff reported that last year Ray McKinney ' s people made a report , and in this report they indicated in detail every crack that existed in this tunnel . This year they went back and re-wrote this , and there are at least 3 new cracks in the tunnel they feel wasn ' t there previously. COMMUNICATIONS FROM DAVE DORGAN - DIRECTOR OF BUDGET AND ADMINI - STRATION . The cdap applicaton got to Springfield yesterday , it should be a couple of months before we hear anything . Mayor Edwardscomplimented Dave for the many hours he and his staff spent on the application . COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR EDWARDS . The mayor congratulated Q Sandy Richards and Debbie Stockov for their recognition they Q received from their bosses and for being named runner-up and secretary of the year. A letter of resignation was read that due to circumstances be- yond my control I have removed myself from Ward 4 . Iam no longer eligible to hold the office of Alderman , Ward 4 , and hereby submit my resignation from this office . Signed by William Larsen and dated May 2nd , 1983 . Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Horr , to accept the letter of resig- nation . Voice vote , motion carried . Mayor Edwards expressed regrets . OLD BUSINESS : ORDINANCE - PLACEMENT OF STOP SIGNS ON WALLING COURT WITH WEST MAPLE STREET REGULATING NORTH BOUND TRAFFIC . Second reading , read by title . Motion by Alderman Kovachevich , second by Alder- man Hammond the ordinance be placed on its passage . Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Horr, Carl , Grant , Sarff , Savill , Hammond , Kov- achevich . NAYS : None . Motion carried . Ordinance being #975 . Motion by Alderman Horr , second by Alderman Carl that all new business be moved to the new council meeting . Voice vote , motion carried . Mayor Edwards presented Dave Grant with a plaque for his service as Alderman Ward 3 . Dave expressed his thanks and said that every citizen should have the opportunity to serve . ADJOURNMENT - SINE DIE . Motion by Alderman Savill , second by Alderman Grant . Voice vote , motion carried . Council adjourned at 6 : 51 P . M. CITY f L RK APPROVED . <!f MAYOR 380 CONTINUED MAY 3RD , 1983 A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on May 3rd , 1983 in council chambers . Nancy Whites City Clerk gave the oath of office to the newly elected officials and one appointed official . Those taking the oath : Alderman Victor Kovachevich , Alderman Charles Savill , Alderman Larry Sarff, Alderman Lester Work- man , Director of Budget and Administration Dave Dorgan . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING FOLLOWED BY THE INVOCATION GIVEN BY ALDERMAN VIRGIL HORR . Mayor Edwards asked for roll call at 6 : 55 P .M . Present : Alderman Kovachevich , Hammond , Savill , Sarff , Workman , Carl , Horr. Absent : None . Mayor Edwards welcomed Alderman Lester Workman to the council , as a new member and congratulated the rest on their election . A letter was read that was written by Crawford , Murphy & Tilly for Mayor Edwards to the Illinois EPA Division of Water Pollution Grants in reference to City of Canton ' s seweage facility . Were asking that our water pollution control project be given consideration for a step 2 allowance 3 construction work grants . Our project consist of a complete sewage system including relief sanitary , relief sanitary pumping , sewer rehabilitatiion and sewerage treatment plant improvements . Our engineers Crawford , Murphy & Tilly Inc . have a preliminary estimate for the project in the range $7 ,800,000. 00 . We are also requesting a meeting . Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Savill the mayor be authorize to sign the letter . Discussion . Alderman Carl asked if this letter would tie us to Crawford , Murphy & Tilly? Cliff Sagaser said the letter itself doesn ' t , but your already tied down by step 1 . Alderman Hammond asked where the direction came from in step 1 ? Mayor Edwards said that this council hired them four years ago . Alderman Carl asked if the city would be out any money if the grant is not approved? Their fee is part of the grant reported City Trea- surer Pat Wright , the city pays 25% of the total grant . Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Kovachevich , Hammond , Savill , Sarff , Workman , Carl , Horr. NAYS : None . Motion carried . 7 ayes 0 nays 0 absent 1 alderman resigned . Motion by Alderman Sarff , second by Alderman Savill , for the purposes of conducting this years negotiation that an ad-hoc committee consisting of the director of budget and .adminstration as chairman , mayor , city attorney , director of public works , the four aldermen of the Negotiation committee as observers and such other city officers and employees as necessary . Voice vote , motion carried . Motion by Alderman Savill , second by Alderman Carl to accept the rules for the council meeting and the annual meeting date§ of the committees . Voice vote , motion carried . MAYOR ' S APPOINTMENTS . Motion by Alderman Hammond , second by Alderman Kovachevich , the committees of Finance : Victor Kovac- hevich Chr . ; Larry Sarff , Les Carl , Tom Hammond . Negotiations , Grievance & Personnel : Larry Sarff Chr . ; Victor Kovachevich , Les Carl , Tom Hammond . Community & Industrial Development : Les Carl Chr . ; Victor Kovachevich , Larry Sarff , Tom Hammond . Legal & Ordinance : Tom Hammond Chr. ; Victor Kovachevich , Larry Sarff, Les Carl . Public Safety & Traffic : Virgil Horr Chr. ; Charles Savill , Lester Workman , position vacant . Streets & Garbage : Charles Savill Chr. ; Virgil Horr , Lester Workman , position vacant . Lake , Buildings & Grounds : Lester Workman Chr. ; Virgil Harr , Charles Savill , position vacant . Public Works , Water & Sewer : Charles Savill Temp. Chr . ; Virgil Horr , Charles Savill , Lester Workman be confirmed . Voice vote , motion carried . 381 CONTINUED MAY 3RD , 1983 Motion by Alderman Kovachevich , second by Alderman Hammond the appointment of Bob Fouts , C . A. Luft , Wayne Clark Jr , Paul Spencer to the Board of Appeals -Fire Code . Grace Gould , Roland Pettit , Norm Eldridge to the Planning & Zoning Board . Roland Pettit as Representative Fulton County Planning & Zoning . Edie Keifer , Rod Maguire to the Zoning Board of Appeals . John Yerbic to Police and Fire Commission . James T . May , Donald Russell to Liquor Commission . James Hocker . Luther Beck to Police Pension Board . Myron (Jack) White to Cemtery Board be confirmed . Voice vote , motion carried . Motion by Alderman Sarff , second by Alderman Savill the appoint- ment of city personnel Robert Molleck Police Chief , Robert De- Renzy Fire Chief, David Dorgan Dir. Community Development and (� Dir . Budget Administration , Clifford Sagaser City Engineer and Dir. Public Works , Larry Dutton Wastewater Treatment Supt . , Jim Boyd Street Supt . , Ray Mckinney Water Treatment Supt . , Ray Hartle Maintenance Supt . , Catherine Emans Head Cashier Water Dept . , Elaine Scott Water Dept . , Sandra Richards Police Dept . Q Sec . , Kristal Sprague Fire Dept . Sec . , Kayma Duncan Public Works Q Sec . and Community Development Sec . , Michael Stockov Community Development Assistant , Rick Walraven Drafstman , Rhonda Vogel Mayor ' s Sec . , James Malmgren City Attorney , Deborah Stockov Deputy City Clerk , Barbara Ellison Animal Control Officer be confirmed. Voice vote , motion carried . OLD BUSINESS : None . NEW BUSINESS : RESOLUTION - APPROVING SPECIFIC SALARIES FOR THE VARIOUS DEPART- MENT HEADS , FULL-TIME APPOINTIVE EMPLOYEES AND PART-TIME APPOIN- TIVE EMPLOYEES . First reading , read by title . Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Sarff , the resolution be approved . Discussion . Salaries reflect no change from last year stated Mayor Edwards . Alderman Carl ask if we honor the contract of police and fire , will we be able to reflect raises of other personnel , can we amend this resolution? Jim Malmgren City Attorney stated that it can be amended . Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Horr , Carl , Workman , Sarff , Savill , Hammond , Kovachevich . NAYS : None . Motion carried . Resolution being #983 . 7 ayes 0 nays 0 absent 1 resigned . RESOLUTION - CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN AN EIGHT (8" ) INCH WATER MAIN LOCATED ALONG ROUTE 78. First reading , read by title . Motion by Alderman Savill , second by Aldeman Sarff , the resolu- tion be adopted . Discussion . This resolution requires a permit from the department of transportation before the city can go onto their property. Roll call , Aildermen Kovachevich ., Hammond , Savill , Sarff , Workman ; Carl , Horr . Resolution being #984 . RESOLUTION - APPROVING AN EASEMENT RUNNING FROM THE CITY OF CANTON TO THE GRAHAM HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION . Cliff Sagaser explain- ed that the unloading facility for emergency will be demolished , and the new unloading garage and a portion of that building will project out on an old city right-of-way . It will not effect any- thing of the city ' s . Jim Malmgren stated that a portion of the new part of the hospital , the ground , is presently owned by the city and will continue to be owned by the city . Were given them an easement and is perpetual , which means its good for ever . Unless one of the following happens : 1 . The building ceases to exist . 2 . Or , the building ceases to be used . 3 . Or , the building ceases to be used for a hospital that serves the general public . If any one of those 3 things happen , then the easement reverts back to the city . Motion by Alderman Sarff , second by Alderman Workman , the resolu- tion be adopted . Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Horr , Carl , Workman , 382 CONTINUED MAY 3RD , 1983 Sarff, Savill , Hammond , Kovachevich . NAYS : None . Motion carried . 7 ayes 0 nays 0 absent 1 alderman resigned . Res- olution being #985 . ADJOURNMENT : Motion by Alderman Hammond , second by Alderman Kovachevich , to adjourn . Voice vote , motion carried . Council adjourned at 7 : 40 P . M. I CITY CLERK APPROVED . MAYOR