HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-19-1982 Council Meeting Minutes 309 A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on Ocotber 19th, 1982 in Council Chambers. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING, FOLLOWED BY THE INVOVATION GIVEN BY CITY CLERK NANCY WHITES. Mayor Edwards asked for roll call at 6:30 P.M. Present: Aldermen Kovachevich, Hammond, Savill , Sarff, Grant, Carl . NAYS: Aldermen Larsen, Horr. MINUTES OF OCTOBER 5TH MEETING. Motion by Alderman Savill , second by Alder- man Hammond the minutes of October 5th be accepted and placed on file. Voice vote, motion carried. BILLS FROM SEPTEMBER. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Grant, all bills properly approved be paid. Discussion. Alderman Hammond brought up the bill of AB Dick in the amount of $540.00. The bill to be with held until the police dept. decide if they are going to continue their agreement with AB Dick. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Carl , Grant, Sarff, Savill , Hammond, Kovachevich. NAYS: None. Motion carried. 6 ayes 0 nays 2 absent. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Finance. Q Q Council Action Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Carl , the Mulberry Place water line expenditure of $900.00 be approved. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Kovachevich, Hammond, Savill , Sarff, Grant, Carl . NAYS: None. Motion carried. 6 ayes 0 nays 2 absent. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Savill , the city construct a 8 inch water line and approve the expeddi.ture of ,$2,000.00 for the ;Jud Henn- inger property. Discussion. Alderman Sarff asked if the line wascoming from the 'north or south? City engineer stated that it would come from the south. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Carl , Grant, Sarff, Savill , Hammond, Kovachevich. NAYS: None. Motion carried. 6 ayes 0 nays 2 absent. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Carl the street dept. be allowed to purchase 272 tons of salt at $18.94 per ton for a total expenditure of $5,151 .68. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Kovachevich, Hammond, Savill , Sarff, Grant, Carl . NAYS: None. Motion carried. 6 ayes 0 nays 2 absent. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Hammond, to approve the purchase of a $400.00 radio for Larry Dutton. Discussion. Cliff Sagaser stated that this would be paid for out of the water and sewer funds. Roll call : AYES: Aldermen Carl , Grant, Sarff, Savill , Hammond, Kovachevich. NAYS: None. Motion carried. 6 ayes O nays 2 absent. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by ,Alderman Hammond, to approve the , expenditure of $2,500.00 for the accelator at the -water plant for sandblasting of the concrete and theuroseal . Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Kovachevich, Hammond, Savill , Sarff, Grant, Carl . NAYS: None. Motion carried. 6 ayes 0 nays 2 absent. Informational : Don Edwards was asked to present the request from the police department for a Xerox copy machine. Since the committee meeting the police department has been asked to consider another machine. They are wanting more time to evaluate each machine. The next meeting of the committee is November 4th, they are to present it then. Negotiations, Grievances & Personnel . Council Action None. Community & Industrial Development. Council Action. None. 310 CONTINUED OCTOBER 19TH, 1982 Legal & Ordinance. Council Action None. COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY ENGINEER - CLIFF SAGASER. Cliff Sagaser pre- sented the members of council a purposed designed of lst avenue for striping. Also, he changed the striping in the penny' s parking lot. Cliff will bring the 1st avenue changes back to the next council meeting for action. Presented a preliminary design of the Canton Industrial Park Site of Fulton County. The estimate on Hud work for the weight amount is erroneous. It will cost between $16,000.00 to $17,000.00 more than anticipated. Bob Reed felt that monies could be made availablefor this and he will present. a change order to the council for the additional cost. COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR EDWARDS. Vic Mason has not received his loan for Bar-V Enterrpise from the small business association. The mayor is planning on going to Springfield next week to help get this straighten out. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Sarff,' to go into executive session. Roll call . . AYES: Aldermen Kovachevich, Hammond, Savill , Sarff, Grant, Carl . NAYS: None. Motion carried. Council went into executive session at 7:36 P.M. and reconvened into open session at 7:50 P.M. for Real Property Acquisition. EMIL COOK - CRAWFORD MURPHY & TILLY. tr. Cook gave an update on the sewer system evaluation survey. It is currently 40% completed on the smoke testing. The major portion of the t.v. work to be done by the end of October. The middle of December they hope to have the sewer system completed. They need to do two days of additional tv work in the Big Creek Park Area. The estimate cost is $2,500.00. Will send notice to the Epa for an amend- ment on the engineering contract which is grant eligilble. The city's cost is $625.00. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Savill , the city participate in tv screening of 2,000 lineal feet at a cost of $625.00. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Carl , Grant, Sarff, Savill , Hammond, Kovachevich. NAYS: None. Motion carried. 6 ayes 0 nays 2 absent. OLD BUSINESS: ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR HANDICAP PARKING ON CITY PARKING LOTS. Second reading, read by title. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Sarff the ordinance be placed on its passage. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Kovachevich, Hammond, Savill , Sarff, Grant, Carl . NAYS: None. Motion carried. 6 ayes 0 nays 2 absent. Ordinance being #956. NEW BUSINESS: RESOLUTION - CREDITING JAMES GRIER WITH 25 YEARS CITY SERVICE. Motion by Alderman Sarff, second by Alderman Grant the resolution be adopted. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Carl , Grant, Sarff, Savill , Hammond, Kovachevich. NAYS: None. Motion carried. 6 ayes 0 nays 2 absent. Resolution being #963. ORDINANCE - AMENDING ORDINANCE #952. First reading, read by title. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Grant, to suspend the rules. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Kovachevich, Hammond, Savill , Sarff, Grant, Carl . NAYS : None. Motion carried. 6 ayes 0 nays 2 absent. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Hammond the ordinance be placed on its passage. Roll call . AYES : Aldermen Carl , Grant, Sarff, Savill , Hammond, Kovachevich. NAYS: None. Motion carried. 6 ayes 0 nays 2 absent. Ordinance being #957. RESOLUTION - AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY (914 E. WALNUT ST.) . First reading, read by title. Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Hammond to amend paragraph three to read relocation not to exceed $2,000.00. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Kovachevich, Hammond, Savill , Sarff, Grant, Carl . NAYS: None. Motion carried. 6 ayes 0 nays 2 absent. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Hammond the resolution be adopted. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Carl , Grant, Sarff, Savill , Hammond, Kovachevich. 311 CONTINUED OCTOBER 19TH, 1982 NAYS: None, Motion carried. 6 ayes 0 nays 2 absent. Resolution being #964. RESOLUTION - AUTHORIZING PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY ( 665 S. THRID AVE. ) . Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Grant, the resolution be C adopted. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Kovachevich, Hammond, Savill , Sarff, Grant, Carl . NAYS: None. Motion carried. 6 ayes 0 nays 2 absent. Resolution being #965. EXECUTIVE SESSION - REAL PROPERTY ACQUISITION; THREATENED, OR IMMINENT PENDING LITIGATION; PERSONNEL. Executive session began at 7:34 P.M. Council adjourned into open session for the purpose of voting on the resolution for terminating the employment of Rick Grant for Cause. RESOLUTLON - TERMINATI.NG THE EMPLOYMENT OF RICHARD J. GRANT FOR CAUSE. Read by title. Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Hammond, the resolution be adopted. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Carl , Sarff, Savill , Hammond, Kovachevich. NAYS: Alderman Grant. Motion carried. 5 ayes 7 1 nay 2 absent. Resolution being #967. Q Motion by Alderman Savill , second by Alderman Sarff to go into executive Q session. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Carl , Grant, Sarff, Savill , Hammond, Kovachevich. NAYS: None. Motion carried. 6 ayes 0 nays 2 absent. The executive session adjourned at 8:18 P.M. Minutes of the executive session are on file in the office of the city clerk. a CITY FERK APPROVED: MAYOR