HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-19-1980 Council Meeting Minutes 41 August 14th., 1980- A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on August 19th in Council Chambers. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING, FOLLOWED B.Y THE INVOCATION GIVEN BY ALDERMAN LES CARL. Mayor Crouch asked for roll call at 6:30 P.M., Present.. Aldermen Kovachevich, Mazza, Carl , Grant, Danner, Motsinger, Absent; Aldermen Williams, Selfridge, Horr, Clarke, Churchill . Alderman Churchill and Alderman Horr arrived at Council Chambers at 6:33 P.M. MINUTES OF AUGUST 5TH MEETING. Correction to be made under the ordi nance - authorizing the sale of real property the words, "on a ruling (�- at the last meeting indicating", should be inserted after the words the Chair stands corrected. The same to be corrected.. Another correction, in the ordinance vacating part of avenue g, the word "Alley" is to be changed to "Avenue". The same to be corrected. Motion by Alderman Mazza, second by Alderman Kovachevich, the minutes of Q August 5th meeting be approved and placed on file as corrected.. Voice Q vote, motion carried. BILLS FOR JULY. Motion by Alderman Churchill , second by Alderman Mot- singer, th-e bills be paid as. funds become available, Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Churchill , Motsinger, Danner, Horr, Grant, Carl , Mazza, Kovache- vich. NAYS: None. Motion carried. 8 ayes 0 nays. 3 absent.. COMMITTEE REPORTS. I Public Safety & Protection. Council Action. None. Alderman Churchill stated that some of the ci.ti.zens of Canton, are very concerned since the Fire in the South end of town and the fire truck was at station 1 for a training pro am. The first meeting of the committee felt the fire truck should stay tation 2 and the training begiven there also. A second meeting was held tonight concerning this. Chief Grier spoke to council about the concern of the fire truck being gone. He felt that training should be done as a group at station 1 . For three days a week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday there is training. On= Mondays and Fridays, they conduct pre-fire planning inspections. This i� done in the morning hours and the truck is back by noon. Chief Grier checks with the dispatcher, and there ids no scheduled trains during those hours. Several of the alderman were against the fire truck being away from station 2 for this trainth g. Finance & Personnel . Council Action. Motion by Alderman Mazza, second by Alderman Grant, the City provide the Friendship Festival with garbage pick up and one-half the cost of police protection. Discussion. The mover and second agreed to modify the motion that each service be handled separately. Motion is that the City provide garbage pick up to the festival grounds during the period of the Friendship Festival . Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Kovachevich, Mazza, Carl , Grant, Horr. Danner Motsinger,n e nays y Churchill . NAYS: None. Motion carried. 8 ayes 0 s 3 absent. Motion by Alderman Mazza, second by Alderman Grant, the City participate in one-half the cost in providing auxiliary police protection for the festival grounds during the Friendship Festival , in the amount not to exceed $339.00. 42 Continued August 13th_, 1980 Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Danner, Grant, Mazza., NAYS; Aldermen Churchill , Motsinger, Horr, Carl , Kovachevi:ch... 3 ayes 5 nays. 3 absent. Motion :defeated. Motion by Alderman Mazza, second by Alderman Churchill , the expenditure of registration fees in the amount of $55..00 per person be allowed to Ray Hartle and Jim Boyd to attend the 111i:nois Muni;ci;pal League Con- vention. Discussion. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Kovachevich_, Mazza, Carl , Grant, Horr, Danner, Churchill . NAYS: Alderman Motsinger. 7 ayes 1 nay 3 absent. Motion carried. James Elson counsel for Mr. Eldon Sprague of Sherwood Forest Trailer Court, spoke to Council and presented a breakdown of cost for Water & Sewer to Sherwood Forest several years ago. Their report stated that Mr. Sprague borrowed $48,000.00, but the City only paid him for $40,000.00. This report showed what the City paid and what they should have paid according to Mr. Elson. The City paid $6,064.14 i:n 1974 and should have paid $6,839-.86. If the City were to pay off the entire contract, the cost would be the June payment of $6,144.00; the principle balance remai:ni.ng at the Nat'l Bank is $17,222.00; monies owed to Mr. Sprague i.s $1 ,500.00. Discussion. Motion by Alderman Mazza, second by Alderman Motsinger, the City authorize the June payment of $6,144.00; pay off the balance of the loan at National Bank in the amount of $17,222.00 and pay Mr Sprague $1 ,500.00 as settlement in full . Lengthy discussion. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Churchill , Mot- singer, Danner, Horr, Grant, Carl , Mazza, Kovachevi:ch and Mayor Crouch. NAYS: None. 9 ayes 0 nays 3 absent. Motion carried. Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Danner the payment of the Sprague extension loan be paid from the Depreciation Account. Voice vote, motion carried. A Mutual Release is fildd with- Agreement # 232 1973, Alderman Mazza requested an executive session to update the council on the pending suit of Local #1372. The executive session will be the last item on the agenda. Public Works & Buildings. Council Action. Motion by Alderman Danner, second by Alderman Grant, to advertise for bids for a cycle bar and two chlorine scales for the Waste Water Treatment Plant. Bids to be returned on September 16th at 6:30 P.M. Discussion. The pay- ment to be paid out of the Lake Development fund. Voice vote, motion carried. MAYOR'S REPORT. Appointment of Alderman Churchill , Horr, Danner, and Mayor Crouch to a committee to cordinate an open house to be held on September 7th for the Police & Fire Building. Every City official is ask to take part in this. Motion by Alderman Motsinger, second by Alderman Grant, to go out for quotes for the janitorial services for the Police & Fire Building and the Comfort Station. Discussion. It will take an unanimous vote. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Kovachevich, Mazza, Grant, Horr, Danner, Motsinger, Chur- chill . NAYS: Alderman Carl . 7 ayes 1 nay 3 absent. Motion defeated. Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Horr, the City advertise for bids for janitorial services for the Police & Fi.re Building and Comfort Station. Discussion. Mover and second agredd to an amendment to the motion, the Public Works Director be instructed to make arrangements to provide services in the interim until such time as a permanent agreement can be reached and the contract expire same time as the contract at City Hall . Bids be returned September 2nd 6:30 P.M. Discussion. This will require an unanimous vote. Voice vote, motion carried. No nays heard. OLD BUSINESS. ORDINANCE - AMENDING TITLE 3, CHAPTER 10 SECTION 7, CONCERNING THE PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE PUBLIC CARRIERS ORDINANCE. Second reading, read by title only. Motion by Alderman Motsinger, second 43 Continued August 19th, 1980 by Alderman Kovachevich, the ordinance be placed on its passage. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Churchill , Motsinger, Danner, Horr, Grant, Carl , Mazza, Kovachevich. NAYS: None 8 ayes 0 nays 3 absent. Ordinance being # 835. Motion carried, NEW BUSINESS: ORDINANCE - TAX LEVY. First reading, read by title only. Discussion. ORDINANCE - AMENDING TITLE 6, CHAPTER 9, CONCERNING THE AUXILIARY POLICE. First reading, read by title only. BIDS - TREE REMOVAL. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alder- man Horr, the City Clerk be instructed to open the bids. Voice vote, motion carried. One bid received, from R & R Tree Removal ; bid secured with a cashier's check for $390.00; total bid $7,800.00. Motion by Alderman Horr, second by Alderman Motsinger the bid be referred to the Street & Traffic Committee for review and recommendations. Voice vote, motion carried. (� Council recessed at 8:03 P.M. for the purpose of reconvening in executive Q session. Q If any council member would liketo review these minutes they are on file in the office of the City Clerk. Executive session adjourned at 8:32 and reconvened in open session for the purpose of adjourning. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Alderman Churchill , second by Alderman Motsinger, to adjourn. Voice vote, motion carried. `_... 0_ v J,(Jh d CITY CLEF APPROVED. MAYOR