HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-03-1980 Council Meeting Minutes 21 June 3rd, 1980 A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on June 3rd, 1980 in Council Chambers. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING FOLLOWED BY THE INVOCATION GIVEN BY MAYOR CROUCH. Mayor Crouch asked for roll call at 6:30 P.M. Present. Aldermen Kovache- vich, Williams, Mazza, Selfridge, Carl , Grant, Clarke, Danner, Motsinger, Churchill . Absent: Alderman Horr. MINUTES OF MAY 20TH MEETING. Correction to be made under Public Safety & Protection Committee council action-should read none. The same to be corrected. Motion by Alderman Churchill , second by Alderman Mazza the minutes of May 20th meeting as corrected be accepted and placed on file. Voice vote, motion carried. d- COMMITTEE REPORTS: (29 Public Works & Buildings. Q Q Council Action. Motion by Alderman Selfridge, second by Alderman Kovachevich, the bid of G. J. Joyce & Co. in the amount of $126,219.00 be accepted. Discussion. Motion amended and agreed to by the mover and second, the bid of G. J. Joyce Co. in the amount of $126,219.00 be accepted but not to exceed $110,000.00. Discussion. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Churchill , Mot- singer, Danner, Clarke, Grant, Carl , Selfridge, Mazza, Williams, Kovache- vich. NAYS. None. Motion carried. 10 ayes 0 nays 1 absent. Check footnotes. Motion by Alderman Selfridge, second by Alderman Danner, the bid of Dawson's Industries in the amount of $89.50 per week for the cleaning of the interior of the City building be accepted. Roll call . AYES: Alder- men Kovachevich, Williams, Mazza, Selfrdige, Carl , Grant, Clarke, Danner, Motsinger, Churchill ., NAYS: None. Motion carried. 10 ayes 0 nays 1 absent. Contract being # 375. Legal & Ordinance. Council Action. None. Street & Traffic. Council Action. Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Clarke, the City Clerk be directed to advertise for bids for a street sweeper, the specifications to be drawn by the Director of Public Works Gordon Braun. Bids to be returned July 1st. Voice vote, motion carried. The payment of this is referred to the Finance & Personnel Committee. Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Motsinger, the City Attorney be instructed to draft an ordinance prohibiting parking on both sides of Maple between 4th and 5th avenue. !voice vote, motion carried. Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Churchill , the City Attorney be instructed to draft a resolution providing street lighting at 4th and Linden and Main and Linden. Voice vote, motion carried. Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Motsinger the City Clerk be instructed to advertise for bids the removal of trees that endanger the public. Bids to be returned July 15th. Discussion. Voice vote, motion carried. FOOTNOTES: Council action of Public Works & Buildings should read in the bids that its for the N. Main St project for Water and Sewer, and the bids should reflect that it will be done in units. Contract being # 383.. 22 Continued June 3rd, 1980 Motion by Alderman Carl , second by Alderman Motsinger the bid of letting for M.F.T. for street improvements from Pschirrer Asphalt in the amount of $153,952.93 be accepted. Discussion. AYES: Aldermen Churchill , Mot- singer, Danner, Clarke, Grant, Carl , Selfridge, Mazza, Kovachevich. NAYS: Alderman Williams. Motion carried. 10 ayes 1 nay 1 absent. The committee asked that the Betterment Commission and Mayor Crouch meet with the committee and discuss Gabby Days, and refine the guidelines, and perhaps in the fall Gabby Days could be possible. Mayor Crouch to contact the Betterment Commission. The committee referred to the Legal & Ordinance committee the vacation of an allev between 10th and 11th and Myrtle and Olive St. The Legal & Ordinance committee had the petition. The committee referred to the Legal & Ordinance committee the vacation of an street, the South half of Avenue G. The Legal & Ordinance committee has the petition. Finance & Personnel . Council Action. None Informational . The recommendation of the committee on the payment of insurance premiums under the personnel policy is, that those employees "insurance for medical will be paid 100 percent of cost. The committee is under taking a review of the personnel policy, and pending further review, recommendations are possible at the conclusion of this review. MAYOR'S REPORT. The magazine of Illinois Issues had a 3 page write-up under"Local Money, Local Control , Tax 1-ncrement, & The Road to Local Renewal " and they did a very out- standing job reported Mayor Crouch. OLD BUSINESS: ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $10,000.00 AD VALOREM TAX BOND FOR SPECIAL SERVICE AREA # 1 . Motion by Alderman Grant, second by Alderman Selfridge to deal with all Special Service Areas # 1 through # 6 as a group. Voice vote , motion carried. Read by title only. The City Attorney commented that ordinance 3A through 3U paragraph 1-F the date should be amended to July 3rd 1979. Special Service Area # 4 & 5 paragraph 1-F the date should be amended to read November 20th 1979. Special Service Area # 6 paragraph 1-F the date should be amended to read December 4th 1979. Motion by Alderman Danner, second by Alderman Clarke to amend paragraph 1-F line 3, the date in 3A through 3U be changed to July 3rd 1979; in Special Service Area # 4 & 5 paragraph 1-F line 3 the date changed to November 20th, 1979; Special Service Area # 6 paragraph 1-F line 3, the date be changed to December 17th. Voice vote, motion carried. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Churchill ordinances for Special Service Area # 1 , 2, 3A thru 3U, 4, 5 and 6 be placed on its passage. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Kovachevich, Williams, Mazza, Selfrdige, Carl , Grant, Clarke, Danner, Motsinger, Churchill . NAYS: None. Motion carried. 10 ayes 0 nays 1 absent. Ordinance being # 796. ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $8,000.00 AD VALOREM TAX BOND FOR SPECIAL SERVICE AREA # 2. Read by title only. Ordinance being # 797. ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $1 ,697.01 AD VALOREM TAX BOND FOR SPECIAL SERVICE AREA # 3A. Read by title only. Ordinance being # 798. 23 Continued June 3rd, 1980 ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $1 ,697.01 AD VALOREM TAX BOND FOR SPECIAL SERVICE- AREA # 3B. Read by title only, Ordinance be-i:ng # 799.. ORDINANCE - PROVIDI"NG FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $1 ,697.01 AD VALOREM TAX BOND FOR SPECIAL SERVICE AREA # 3C. Read by title only, Ordinance being # 800. ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $1 ,697.01 AD VALOREM TAX BOND FOR SPECIAL SERVICE AREA # 3D. Read by title only. Ordinance being # 80% ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $1 ,697.02 AD VALOREM TAX BOND FOR SPECIAL SERVICE AREA # 3E. Read by title only. Ordi=nance being # 802. ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $1 ,697.02 AD VALOREM TAX BOND FOR SPECIAL SERVICE AREA # 3F. Read by title only. Ordinance being B 803. ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $1 ,697.02 AD VALOREM TAX BOND FOR SPECIAL SERVICE AREA # 3G. Read by title only. Ordinance being # 804. ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $1 ,697.02 AD VALOREM TAX BOND FOR SPECIAL SERVICE AREA # 3H. Read by title only. Ordinance being # 805.. Q ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR THE I.SSUANCE�OF $1 ,784.49 AD VALOREW TAX BOND Q FOR SPECIAL SERVICE AREA # 3L. Read by title only. Ordinance being # 806. ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $1 ,784.49 AD VALOREM 'TAX BOND FOR SPECIAL SERVICE AREA # 3J. Read by title only. Ordinance being # 807. ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $1 ,784.49 AD VALOREM TAX BOND FOR SPECIAL SERVICE AREA # 3K. Read by title only. Ordinance being # 808. ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $1 ,784.49 AD VALOREM TAX BOND FOR SPECIAL SERVICE AREA # 3L. Read by title only. Ordinance being # 809. ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $1 ,784.49 AD VALOREM TAX BOND FOR SPECIAL SERVICE AREA # 3M. Read by title only. Ordinance being # 810. ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $1 ,784.49 AD VALOREM TAX BOND FOR SPECIAL SERVICE AREA # 3N. Read by title only. Ordinance being # 811 . ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $1 ,784.49 AD VALOREM TAX BOND FOR SPECIAL SERVICE AREA # 3-0. Read by title only. Ordinance being # 812. ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $1 ,784.49 AD VALOREM TAX BOND FOR SPECIAL SERVICE AREA # 3P. Read by title only. Ordinance # 813. ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $1 ,784.49 AD VALOREM TAX BOND FOR SPECIAL SERCICE AREA # 3Q. Read by title only. Ordinance being # 814. ORDINANCE- PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $1 ,784.49 AD VALOREM TAX BOND FOR SPECIAL SERVICE AREA # 3R. Read by title only. Ordinance being # 815. ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $1 ,784.49 AD VALOREM TAX BOND FOR SPECIAL SERVICE AREA # 3S. Read by title only. Ordinance being # 816. ORDINANCE- PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $1 ,784.49 AD VALOREM TAX BOND FOR SPECIAL SERVICE AREA # 3T. Read by title only. Ordinance being # 817. ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $10.00 AD VALOREM TAX BOND FOR SPECIAL SERVICE AREA # 3U. Read by title only. Ordinance being # 818. ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $2,000.00 AD VALOREM TAX BOND FOR SPECIAL SERVICE AREA # 4. Read by title only. Ordinance being # 819. 24 Continued June 3rd, 1980 ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $2,000.00 AD VALOREM TAX BOND FOR SPECIAL SERVICE AREA # 5. Read by title only. Ordinance being # 820. ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $110,000.00 AD VALOREM TAX BOND FOR SPECIAL SERVICE AREA # 6. Read by title only. Ordinance being # 821 . NEW BUSINES: BIDS - HUD GRANT FOR E. OAK ST. AND GRANT PLACE. BASE BID A - STORM SEWERS, CURB & GUTTER, 9400 SIDEWALK, STREET PAVING. BASE BID B -SANITARY SEWER. Motion by Alderman Kovachevich, second by Alderman Churchill , the City Clerk be directed to open the bids. Voice vote, motion carried. Bidders are - E. E. Seward Construction, Bid B sidewalks only. Total bid $15,510.00, bid secured with a cashi.er's check for $775.50. Hillyer Execavation, Bid B total of bid B. Total bid $37,866.50, bid secured with a bid bond of 5%. Walker Excavation, Bid B total of bid B. Total amount of bid $40,139.00, bid secured with a bid bond ;of 10%. George Hoffman, Bid A total of bid A. Total amount of bid $291 ,898.50; total of bid B $48,865.60 Motion by Alderman Danner, second by Alderman Williams the bids be referred to the Public Works Director and the committee of Community & Industrial Deve- lopment for review and recommendations and brought back to Council . RESOLUTION- COST-OF-LIVING. First reading, readd by title only. Motion by Alderman Churchill , second by Alderman Williams, the resolution be adopted. Roll call . AYES: Aldermen Churchill , Motsinger, Danner, Clarke, Grant, Sel- fridge, Mazza, Williams, Kovachevich. NAYS: None. Motion carried. 10 ayes 0 nays 1 absent. Resolution being # 837. ORDINANCE - PROPOSING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A SPECIAL SERVICE AREA AND PROVIDING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING. First reading, read by title only. The area of special service is Fairview Heights. ORDINANCE - AMENDING TITLE 4, CHAPTER 2 SECTION 6 (C) CONCERNING FEES FOR PLUMBING INSPECTION. First reading, read by title only. Discussion. Thh changes are establishing the schedule of fees in accordance with the National Plumbing Code that ":he City has adopted. ORDINANANCE - AMENDING TITLE 9 CHAPTER 3, SECTION 30 CONCERNING TRUCKS ON CITY STREETS. First reading, read by title only. ORDINANCE - AMENDING TITLE 8, CHAPTER 10, SECTION 5 (C) , (E) and (F) CONCERNING WATER AND SEWER RATES. First reading, read by tittle only. ORDINANCE - ASCERTAINING THE PREVAILING RATE. First reading, read by title only. ORDINANCE - AMENDING TITLE 2, CHAPTER 1 CONCERNING THE FIRE AND POLICE COMMISSION. First reading, read by title only. Discussion. This ordinance amends the Fire and Police Commission Ordinance and will bring the ordinance in line with the State Statutue. Alderman Williams, complimented the City Engineer on his accomplishments as City Engineer and reported that he was doing an outstanding job in this area and knows that he is saving the City a considerable amount of money. Alderman Carl brought up the present complaint system, he finds that he does not get proper response. Mayor Crouch advised Gordon Braun to inform the dept. head of the close follow up and completion of all complaints. ADJURNMENT. Motion by Alderman Danner, second by Alderman Kovachevich, to adjourn. Voice vote, motion carried. Council adjourned at 7:30 P.M. CITY ER< APPROVED. �. MAYOR