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Resolution #5002 - IDOT
o15nois Department of Transportation Resolution for Improvement by Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council Councilor President and Board of Trustees Of the City of Canton City, Town or Village Illinois that the following described street(s) be improved under the Illinois Hiohwav Code- DC if rum i r1tK KtbOLVED, 1. That the proposed improvement shall consist of sidewalk removal and participation in sidewalk construction along IL Route 78 (North Main Street ) in the City of Canton. Costs shall also include participation in preliminary and construction engineering. and shall be constructed and be designated as Section 08- 00096 -00 -WR N/A wide 2. That there is hereby appropriated the (additional ® Yes ❑ No) sum of three thousand four hundred eighty -five and 85/100 Dollars ( $3,485.85 ) for the improvement of said section from the municipality's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax funds. 3. Thal wutk siiaii be done by Gontraci and, Labor ; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk is hereby directed t transmit two acertified copies of this resolution to the district office of the Department of Transportation. Approved Date Department of Transportation Regional Engineer Diana Pavley -Rock Clerk in and for the City of City, Town or Village County of Fulton Canton , hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Council Council or President and Board of Trustees at a meeting on February 17, 2015 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 1 7th Printed 2/12/2015 BLR 09111 (Rev. 11/06) 3 � , Illinois Department of Transportation Division of Highways/ Region 3/ District 4 401 Main Street/Peoria, Illinois/61602-1111 Telephone 309/671-3333 March 10, 2015 City Motor Fuel Tax City of Canton Section: 08-00096-00-WR Supplemental Improvement Resolution Ms. Diana Pavley-Rock City Clerk 2 North Main Street Canton, Illinois 61520 Dear Ms. Pavley-Rock: The resolution adopted by the City Council on February 17, 2015, appropriating $3,485.85 of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the North Main Street improvement is approved. A file copy is enclosed. Also approved is the Final Report of Improvement Constructed Under the Illinois Highway Code (BLR 13510) for the above section. A file copy is enclo sed. Sincerely, Kensil A. Garnett, P.E. Acting Deputy Director of Highways, Region Three Engineer CRT/lmh s:\gen\blrs\staff\thaller\improvement resolutions\improvreso&fmalreport_canton_08-00096-00-wr.docx Enclosures cc: Maurer-Stutz (Mr. George Merkle) District Four Compliance Review Officer File . Supple�enta.� ���InOLS r'tl'Y1PJ1t Resolution for Improvement by Department Municipality Under the Illinois of Transportation Highway Code BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the ,� �^Id!'1G11 ��8&Id @At-a'�r#�s�Qafd•6f TF City of Canton Illinois City,Town or Village that the following described street(s) be improved under the Illinois Highway Code: Name of Thorou hfare Route From To North Main Street IL 78 North Ci Limits Linden Street BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, 1. That the proposed improvement shall consist of sidewalk removal and participation in sidewalk constru4Ziii along IL Route 78(North Main Street) in the City of Canton. Costs shall also include participation in preliminary and construction engineering. A 4 and shall be constructed N/A 4 wide and be designated as Section 08-00096-00-WR 2. That there is hereby appropriated the(additional ® Yes ❑ No)sum of three thousand four hundred eighty-five and 85/100 Dollars ( $3,485.85 )for the improvement of said section from the municipality's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax funds. 3. That work shall be done by Contract ; and, Specify Contract or Day Labor BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk is hereby directed to transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the district office of the Department of Transportation. Approved I, Diana Pavley-Rock Clerk in and for the City of Canton City,Town or Village 0304,5 County of Fulton , hereby certify the Date foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Council Council or President and Board of Trustees Department of Transportation at a meeting on February 17, 2015 Date IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 17`" day of Febr ary, 2 r5 Regional ngineer (SEAL) r 5 ,Tow ,or illage Cle Printed 2/12/2015 BLR 09111 (Rev.11/06) 111no1S Department Final Report of Improvement Constructed Under the of Transportation Illinois Highway Code Local Public Agency: City of Canton County: Fulton Section: 08-00096-00-W R Contractor: Financial Statement Total Funds Received Expenditures Surplus/Deficit Source Amount Construction En ineerin Ri ht of Wa MFT $ 25 055.83 $ 128 764.98 $ 103 709.15 $ woo $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Total Funds Received $ 25 055.83 Total Expenditures: $ 128 764.98 $ - $ - $ - Project Total: $ 128,764.98 Remarks: City's share of Illinois Route 78(North Main Street)improvements(State Section 135W-2,RS-5) The improvement was constructed in accordance with the plans approved by the Department on Date Final inspection of the designated work was made by the Department on and it was Date found to be completed substantially in accordance with the requirements of the plans,specifications and contract. The financial statement is in accordance with department records. This improvement shall henceforth be maintained by: Local Agency Length as Built: George B. Markle Cross Section as Built: Prepared By Road Bed Width: Senior Project Engineer Surface Type: Title of Preparer Width: February 12,2015 Thickness: Date Award Date: Awarded Amount: 44g6 ocaI Ag ature 7 itie / Date Regional Engineer Date BLR 13510(Rev.07/16/13) Printed 2/12/2015 Supplemen-�a� Illinois rttY1P_tlt Resolution for Improvement by �epa Municipality Under the Illinois of Transportation Highway Code BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the aacil r dres+derlt�and Bea _ City of Canton Illinois City,Town or Village that the following described street(s) be improved under the Illinois Highway Code: Name of Thorou hfare Route From To North Main Street IL 78 North City Limits Linden Street BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, 1. That the proposed improvement shall consist of sidewalk removal and participation in sidewalk construction along IL Route 78 (North Main Street) in the City of Canton. Costs shall also include participation in 12woQI1Fn preliminary and construction engineering. o and shall be constructed N/A il� T and be designated as Section 08-00096-00-WR 2. That there is hereby appropriated the(additional ® Yes ❑ No) sum of three thousand four hundred eighty-five and 85/100 Dollars ( $3,485.85 )for the improvement of said section from the municipality's allotment of Motor Fuel Tax funds. 3. That work shall be done by Contract ; and, Specify Contract or Day Labor BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk is hereby directed to transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the district office of the Department of Transportation. Approved I, Diana Pavley-Rock Clerk in and for the City of Canton City,Town or Village Q-sc�'s 16 County of Fulton , hereby certify the Date foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the Council Council or President and Board of Trustees Department of Transportation at a meeting on February 17, 2015 Date IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 17`" day of Fzl5r—ubry, 2X5 Regional Engineer (SEAL) To n,or Village Clerk Printed 2/12/2015 BLR 09111 (Rev. 11/06) ��Nn01S Final Report of Improvement Constructed Under the of Transportation Illinois Highway Code Local Public Agency: City of Canton County: Fulton Section: 08-00096-00-W R Contractor: Financial Statement Total Funds Received Expert itures Surplus/Deficit Source Amount Construction Engineering Ri ht of Way MFT $ 25 055.83 $ 128,764.98 $ 103 709.15 $ - $ MeSt $ - $ not $ - $ - $ $ - $ - $ Total Funds Received 1 $ 25,055. 3 Total Expenditures:1 $ 128 764.98 $ - $ - $ - Project Total: $ 128,764.98 Remarks: City's share of Illinois Route 78(North Main Street)improvements(State Section 135W-2,RS-5) The improvement was constructed in accordance with the plans approved by the Department on Date Final inspection of the designated work was made by the Department on and it was Date found to be completed substantially in accordance with the requirements of the plans,specifications and contract. The financial statement is in accordance with department records. This improvement shall henceforth be maintained by: Local Agency Length as Built: George B.Merkle Cross Section as Built: Prepared By Road Bed Width: Senior Project Engineer Surface Type: True of Preperer Width: February 12,2015 Thickness: Date Award Date: Awarded Amount: ° ocal Age . nature c7�D Tito �17�Z©/5' Date Regional Engineer 030 Date BLR 13510(Rev.07/16/13) Printed 2/12/2015