HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #1472 ORDINANCE N0. 1472 AN ORDINANCE RELEASING UTILITY EASEMENTS IN THE CITY OF CANTON, FULTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. WHEREAS, the City of Canton, Illinois acquired by dedication the following described Utility Easements, to-wit: The Easterly Seven and One-Half (7 1/2) feet of Lot 23 in Village Square Subdivision, Section 3, being part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 7 North, Range 4 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, situated in the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. The Westerly Seven and One-Half (7 1/2) of Lot 22 in Village Square Subdivision, Section 3, being part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 7 North, Range 4 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, situated in the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois; and WHEREAS, the above described Utility Easements are shown on the Plat of Subdivision which was recorded on September 19, 1978 and filed in Plat Book 8, at Page 12 as Document No. 78-62603 in the Recorder's Office of Fulton County, Illinois; and WHEREAS, the above described Utility Easements are wholly within the jurisdiction and corporate limits of the City of Canton, Illinois; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois has determined that the public interest will be subserved by releasing to the owners of record all of the City's right, title and interest in the above described Utility Easements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, as follows -~ 1. That the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois finds as facts the recitals hereinabove set forth. 2. That the City of Canton, Illinois hereby releases to the owners of record all of its right, title and interest in the following described Utility Easements, to-wit: The Easterly Seven and One-Half (7 1/2) feet of Lot 23 in Village Square Subdivision, Section 3, being part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 7 North, Range 4 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, situated in the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. The Westerly Seven and One-Half (7 1/2) of Lot 22 in Village Square Subdivision, Section 3, being part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 7 North, Range 4 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, situated in the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois; and 3. That the City Clerk of the City of Canton, Illinois is hereby ordered and directed to have a certified copy of this ordinance recorded with the Land Records of Fulton County, Illinois. PASSED BY A MAJORITY VOTE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS, AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THEREOF THIS 20th DAY OF June ~ 1995. /~ DONALD E. EDWARDS, MAYOR ATTEST: ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ NANCY WHITES, CITY CLERK a ~~~ a Ps 93~ oRDINANCa No._ AN ORDINANCE RELEASING UTILITY BASEMENTS IN THE CITY OF CANTON, lULTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. WHEREAS, the City of Canton, Illinois acquired by dedication the following described Utility Easements, to-wit: The Easterly Seven and One-Hal! (7 1/2) fe~e~t~~.except~ha- So', - eOtr Ct LOt Z 3 in Village Square Subdivision, Section 3, being part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 7 North, Range 4 East o! the Fourth Principal Meridian, situated in the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. The Easterly Seve nd One-Halt (7 1/2) feet except the Northerly S ve nd One-Half (7 1/2) feet thereof of Lot 4 in Village quare Subdivision, Section 3, being part of the Northe t uarter of Section 26, Township 7 North, Range 4 st o! a Fourth Principal Meridian, situated in the ty of Ca ton, Fulton County, Illinois. The Westerl Seven and One-Halt (7 1/2) feet ex~.he No y Seven an Lot S in Village Square Subdivision, Section 3, being part o! the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 7 North, Range 4 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, situated in the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. The ~lesterly Seven and One- (7 1/2) test except the Southey Seven and One- .t (7 1/2) feet thereof of Lot 6 in Villa are ivision, Section 3, being part of the Northeast er of Section 26, Township 7 North, Range 4 East the F~urth Principal Meridian, situated in the City ot'Canton,gFu~n~Cbunty, Illinois; and WHEREAS, the above described IItility Basements are shown on the Plat of Subdivision vhich was recorded on September 19, 1978 and tiled in Plat Book 8, at Page iZ as Document No. 78-62603 in the Recorder's Office o! Fulton County, Illinois; and WHEREAS, the above described Utility Easements are~~~wholly vithin the jurisdiction and corporate limits of the City of Canton, Illinois; and -1- WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois has detsrsined that the public interest will ba subsarved by releasing to the owners of record all of the City~s right, title and interest in the above described Otility Easements. NOW, THEREFORE, SE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, as tollowa: 1. That the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois finds as facts the recitals hereinabove set forth. Z. That the City of Canton, Illinois hereby releases to the owners of record all of its right, title and interest in the following described Utility Easements, to-wit: Tha Easterly Seven and One-Halt (7 1/2) feet except the Southerly Seven and One-Halt (7 1/2) teat thereof of Lot 3 in Village Square Subdivision, Section 3, being part o! the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 7 North, Range 4 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, situated in the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. The Easterly Seven and One-Halt (7 1/2) test except the Northerly Seven and One-Halt (7 1/2) teat therRO! of Lot 4 in Village Square Subdivision, Section 3, being part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 7 North, Range t East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, situated in the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. The Westerly Seven and One-Halt (7 1/2) feet except the Northerly Seven and One-Halt (7 1/2) teat thereof of Lot 5 in village Square Subdivision, Section 3, being part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 7 North, Range 4 East o! the Fourth Principal Meridian, situated in the City of Canton, Pulton County, Illinois. The westerly Seven and Ona-Hal! (7 1/2) teat except the Southerly Seven and Ona-Halt (7 1/2j feet therso! of Lot 6 in Village Square Subdivision, Section 3, being part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 7 North, Range 4 East of the Pourth Principal Meridian, situated in the City of Canton, Fulton county, Illinois; and 3. That the City clerk of the city o! Canton, Illinois is hereby ordered and directed to have a cartilied copy of this -2- ;, _ y ~; ~~ • 70 69 ~' 68 - T 20 - ~y ---- -, _ .p07 . ~-Optr -.,_ , ~ ~ ~ it •', _ „ 1. ':i ~/1 ~ ' ~ ~ D9 ~= ~ .~.. 4 9 'r '- \ 1 ~ -.. ~ _ 46 ~ ,_ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ 20 ;~ J ~ -7 ~ `~ ~ '~~~ ~~ 1 ~ ~~~ AM e~ Y ., 6 ~: 1Z - 1 ~ /3 .~ ~ T ~ I ~1 _ I:V , , ^~ =t.. i -- i~~~~, :,~, , i ~J 12 ~ ~ =,~ ~ i I ~_ -~~C 4 5 /t/e~~ 1G9~ 59 I x.15 ~ 11J 5 V' Y ~ ,~ . -.. ~ ~ ~- - - ' 98.19 ~ L ~: .~1~.. '4~- 800K 1222pAGE 309 TWP RANGE SEC . FiEt.El1SE OF EASEMENT IBT R/W FILE IOC. or o a and valuabh oonsideratlon. Me receipt d whk:h Is hereby acknowledged. Illinois BeN TNaphon• Ct>trrpary hereby abases b Ma owrars d record all d ib right tltle and inhnsl in the lolkx«inq described propery. The Eaah-y Sewn and One-HaH (7112) feet except Me SoutMry Sewn and One-HaN (71R) leer thered d Ld 3 in Village Square Subdivision. Section 3. being put d the NoMeast Quarter d Secpon 26. Township 7 Natlt. Range 4 East d Ne Fourth Prindpal Meridian. situ Wd in the Qiy d Canton. FuNon Count'. Illinos. TM Easterly Sewn urd One•HaN (71/2) leer exospt the Northery Sewn and One•Hall (~ 1R) leer Mered d Ld d in Village Squue Subdivision. Section 3, being put d the Northeast Quuter d Sedlort 28. Township 7 NoM. Range ~ East d the Fouts Prinapal Meridian. situated in the Cfy d Canton. Fulton Oouny. Illinois. TM Westerly Sewn and One•Haq (71/2) IeN exoepl the Norearllr Sewn and OnaH•N (7112) het Mered d Lot 5 in Village Square SuhdNision. Seetla- ~. being paA d Me NorMwl Quuter d 8eatlon 20. Township 1 NaM. Range d East d Ne Fourth Prindpal Meridian, situated In the Gy d Carron, Fallon Count', Ilunols. The Westerly Sewn and Orie-HaN (7112) IeN eiaoept the Southerly Sewn and One-Hall (7112) het pie-eel d Lot 6 in Village Square gubdivbion. Seaiort 3. being put d the NoMeast Quarter d Section 26. TamsAip 7 Nortl-. Range d East d tAe Fouts Principal Meridian. sihwed in the Ciy d Canton. Patron Count'. Illinois. acquired by dedication and shown on the Plat d SubdhAsion recorded rar'tO"'b"r 19.1974 as pocumeM Number >0$~ in the Recorders ONiou d _FIIIlOt1.._ Canty. State d Illinds. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Illinois Bell Tehphone Company has qused Nls release to be day exeartad this 7 ~' day d - u.rdA2xf A0.1g~~., i ~: ~ ~¢ r0.¢TRLM~'~ 'Q •~ r:a4 m ~ ON THE pU9tIC RE ,t~ ~r ~ ~''' ~'~' ~• ~ NJJNOIS BELLI'ELEPHONE gOMPANY By ~ ~ I Stale d NlinasQ ) ) ~ ~~- r~~'"b•~"(~ ~~~ Ord `EaQrA 1 "'/- r~ /t~~fT- .~9-tN,s,,a.rfl/ttsrj~An~-w,1~~.~j- irrdrwrr,.d %r~i`,tr ~''~~ '~'' .. .a~'~ /J,~/.GJy,/yfj~/~'yr'1 //i`/~.vs .a~ w.e , ~" ~t.9' ~ M.,.•,.w ~~+>i ~ ~~ ifs ~~r~r.antidyer•f~trf~wrrssr1~i/.1.//~1i1.~/i!:-~'!/S~//'~//r/.f~~ ~~/A/~f e.ssww~stursos+.wywets~sw~F~jil~rMf~/~rsrs• ~~r~viy~/y~~il a~w~w.~+p.Aow.v/rw.t r1~M /I~Adrtlc ~~orv.nwa«myhand.rwnoarw..d.lhia 7?`Aq,a -•~q•/yA,ey Ao. MyOanmisslonexpires: G 29-9.~ Ndary Public t~lcta sea J. W. FR08T Thb insvunNM g ~ IIORARiI /tl~tlD, NTAIe 0/ NlllOle prepued by: T.G. Skinner. Engineer•RI hl d W w ~~~ 1bvtNes sass Illinois Bell Tehphone Companlr , 2315NorMKnoMViUeAvrnui ~r. ~:.1n1:1[;;f:~)~I(`T1'i-ffUt70t!1~~1282.1 ~+; Nltriob ol6oe +~;;; i.•i~ir'.U!:!aIT ILED FOR FfCORO ON Tt(k•771 Poise` ~(,A a ~; nF ~3 X52502 Return To: John J. McCarthy Attorney et Lew nT 1J~2 n'fxOC!(_,..~_ M r;ND DULY 2 North Nsin Street ' Gaston. Illtnots 61520r~~r0ED ItJ VOL as oZ PAGE~Q~. ~• r ~/a~ rrr 1RtTy ra Fnq • nrMwn.n i i BOOK 12 2 2 PAGE 3 ~ $ Dated this a~ daY of •Ti9NV/J ,~ `,``~t-tuur::.••,. - y .~~r 1991. 1 ~`,~~`1~aAV,~~C/~,C,,1 BYL ILLINOIS PUBLIC 8ERVICE COMPANY ~ ras en ~ : . ~ ~~. XTTEr§Ti Mfl r, % ~~ .y ~~. C"^ .~SY: ~: 11 '~;~;~ ~ •~' ~ .•:;? :'~ s s a acre ary ;o :: ' r''rrr~;.;".''•~mpt under provisions of Para "',Transfer Tax Act. cJraph E Section 4, Rsal Estate STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ' COUNTY OF SANCAMON j SS. I, the undersigned, being a Notary public in and for the said ty in the state aforesaid, do hereby certify that "v ,.personally known to ma to COMPANY, an Illinois Co ILLINOIS PUBLIC SERVICE personally known to me toobetthe~Assis~ni secre ary o sa Corporation, whose names are subscribed to the foregoing , instrument, appeared before me this day in•person and severally acknowledged that as such Vice President and delivered thersaidyinstrumentootowriting asyvicenpresident and Assistant Secretary o! the said Corporation, and caused the seal o! said Corporation to be affixed thereto, pursuant to authority given by the Hoard of Directors of said Corporation as their free and voluntary act, and as the Tree and voluntary act and deed of said Corporation for the uses and purposes therein set forth. „s-- Given under my hand and official seal, this a 9 r'Iday of TA .v ~, ,4 ,~ v , A. D. 1993 . o ary u is PREPARED By: Central Illinois Public service Company 607 East Adams Springfield, Illinois 62739 GRANTEE: William R. Buckley, ETAL Canton, Illinois RETURN TO: I P p• yv~ John J, McCarthy , l Attorney at Law 2 NpT~Ryn 2 North Main Street wrcoMM: Canton. Illinois 61320 I r.. ~ 93 szsoi h may ~ ~~~~~3 eooK 1222aACE 3~7 p If"/L ae~.+ ~1 M OLLI Nm~N1~I]~1 .~~~ ~~~ °0°1A0A"~Nm"0° RLLE118E DEED The Grantor, CENTRAL ILLINOIS PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY, an Illinois Corporation, having its principal o!lica in the City o! Springfield, County of Sangamon, and State o! Illinois, !or and in consideration o! One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, Grants, conveys and releases to William R. Buckley, Jane E. Buckley, Jerald W. Leander and Deanna M. Leander o! the City o! Canton, State o! Illinois its interest in the lollowinq described property: The Easterly Seven and Ona-Hal! (7 1/2) lest except the Southerly Seven and One-Hal! (7 1/2) lest thereo! o! Lot 3 in Village Square Subdivision, Section 3, being part o! the Northeast Quarter o! Section 26, Township 7 North, Ranga 4 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, situated in the City o! Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. The Easterly Seven and One-Halt (7 1/2) lest except the Northerly Seven and Ona-Hal! (7 1/2) lest thereo! o! Lot 4 in Village Square Subdivision, Section 3, being part o! the Northeast Quarter o! Section 26, Township 7 North, Range 4 East o! the Pourth Principal Meridian, Situated in the City o! Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. The Westerly Seven and Ona-Halt (7 1/2) lest except the Northerly Seven and Ona-Halt (7 1/2) lest thereo! of Lot S in Village Square Subdivision, Section 3, being part o! the Northeast Quarter o! Section 26, Township 7 North, Ranga 4 East o! the Fourth Principal Meridian, Situated in the City o! Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. The Westerly Seven and Ona-Hal! (7 1/2) laet except the Southerly Seven and One-Halt (7 1/2) teat thereo! of Lot 6 in Villaga Square Subdivision, Section 3, being part o! the Northeast quarter of Section 26, Township 7 North, Ranga 4 East o! the Fourth Principal Meridian, situated in the City o! Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. This Ralaasa Daad is made and delivered to release the right, title and interest o! Grantor in the above described parcal• as acquired by dedication o! utility sasamanta as daacribad and shown on the plat o! Villaga Square Subdivision, Section 3, vhich was rscordad on Saptsmbar 19, 1978 and lilad in Plat Book 8, .at Page 13 as Doaumant No. 78-62603 is the Recordar~a 0!ll0~ o! Fuiton County, Illinois. i C ORDINANCE NO. 1472 AN ORDINANCE RELEASING UTILITY EASEMENTS IN THE CITY OF CANTON, FULTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS. WHEREAS, the City of Canton, Illinois acquired by dedication the following described Utility Easements, to-wit: The Easterly Seven and One-Half (7 1/2) feet of Lot 23 in Village Square Subdivision, Section 3, being part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 7 North, Range 4 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, situated in the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. The Westerly Seven and One-Half (7 1/2) of Lot 22 in Village Square Subdivision, Section 3, being part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 7 North, Range 4 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, situated in the City of Canton, Fulton~County, Illinois; and WHEREAS, the above described Utility Easements are shown on the Plat of Subdivision which was recorded on September 19, 1978 and filed in Plat Book 8, at Page 12 as Document No. 78-62603 in the Recorder's Office of Fulton County, Illinois; and WHEREAS, the above described Utility Easements are wholly within the jurisdiction and corporate limits- of the City of Canton, Illinois; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois has determined that the public interest will be subserved by releasing to the owners of record all of the City's right, title and interest in the above described Utility Easements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton° County, Illinois, as follows: ,. ~ .~ . w 1. That the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois finds as facts the recitals hereinabove set forth. 2. That the City of Canton, Illinois hereby releases to the owners of record all of its right, title and interest in the following described Utility Easements, to-wit: The Easterly Seven and One-Half (7 1/2) feet of Lot 23 in Village Square Subdivision, Section 3, being part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 7 North, Range 4 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, situated in the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois. The Westerly Seven and One-Half (7 1/2) of Lot 22 in Village Square Subdivision, Section 3, being part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 7 North, Range 4 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, situated in the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois; and 3. That the City Clerk of the City of Canton, Illinois is hereby ordered and directed to have a certified copy of this ordinance recorded with the Land Records of Fulton County, Illinois. PASSED BY A MAJORITY VOTE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS, AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THEREOF THIS 20th DAY OF June ~ 1995. /,; ~- ~ ~~ ~--~ ~ - ~, DONALD E. EDWARDS, MAYOR ATTEST: ~' NANCY% WHITES, CITY CLERK STATF. OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF FI;I'ON SSv TRUhSENT ILEL' FO RECORC ON Tf nn YOf AD~7~ AT ~ 0'CL M AN DULY kECORUED IN VOL. PAGE.~Q~.. ~~~~ COUNTY CLERK E RECORDER o~ ~~ ~~~. c~ ~ C