HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #1471 ORDINANCE NO. ~~~ AN ORDINANCI ANNEXING AND REZONING CER'PAIN 'PERRITORY TO THE CI'T'Y OF CAN`PON, I'UL'PON COUN'1'Y, ILLINOIS OF rULTON COUNTY NOOSING AUTIIOKT'1'Y, 900 East Oak Street, Canton, Illinois. WIIEREAS, a petition was filed with the City Clerk for the annexation and rezoning of -the real property ~?escribed below, and said real property is-not within the corporate limits of any munici- polity, but is contiguous to the City of Canton, Illinois, A PART OF TILE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 35, IN TOWNSHIP 7 NOR`PEI, RANGE 4 EAST OF THE FOURTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CANTON, FULTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Commencing at a point 50 feet South of and 2.2 feet East of the Southeast corner of Lot 7 in Barlow and Webster's Addition to the City of Canton, running thence East to an iron pin a distance of..177.2 feet, thence South 453.6 feet to a concrete post, thence West 177.2 feet to a concrete post; thence North 453.6 feet to the place of beginning; ALSO Commencing at a stake 611 feet West and 1405 feet South of the Northeast corner of said Quarter Section, running thence South 453.6 feet to a stake, thence West 96.1 feet to a concrete post, thence North 453.6 feet to a stake, thence East 96.1 feet to the place of beginning, situated in the County of Fulton and State of Illinois. I~JIIEREAS, a public hearing on said petition was conducted by the Planning & Zoning Commission of the City of Canton on June 12, 1995, I~ursuant to proper notice having been published in the Daily Ledger; WIIEREAS, on June 12, 1995 the Planning & Zoning Commission recommended to the City Council that the real property described in the exhibit attached hereto be rezoned and annexed to the City of Canton pursuant to Chapter 24 of the Illinois Revised State Statutes, WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the City of Canton, Illinois that said real property be rezoned and annexed to the City of Canton. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS: 1. That territory described above be and the same is hereby rezoned and annexed to the City of Canton, Illinois. 2. That the described real property be and is hereby zoned R-4, multi-family residential. 3. That the zoning Administrator is directed to make the appropriate changes to the zoning maps of the City of Canton to show this annexation and zoning. 4. That the City Clerk is directed to record with the Recorder of Deeds of Fulton County and to file with the County Clerk of Fulton°County a certified copy of this Ordinance together with an accurate map of the rezoned and annexed territory. 5. That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage by the City Council of the City of Canton and approval by its Mayor. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois at a regular meeting this 20th day of June AYES: NAYS: 1995, upon a roll call vote as follows: Aldermen May, Shores, Meade, Bohler, Phillips, Sarff, Hartford, Molleck. None. ABSENT:None. APP VED: /~ -s-c ATTEST: /F( ~ ' oc a`i`r P~ ~9 9~~ ~m~o a n hoc I ~ ~ ~ I ... o~ 0\o I I I y I rn I Lot 10) Let 7 I Loo 6 I I I I cn° I --- ~ --- I --- ~ 50.0 _. __ o L2 o East Ook Street r LINE TADLE No. Direction L~ng4h L1 S00'39'O1"W d9.95 L2 589' 14' 13"W 150.02 "' 176.00 N 89'17'34" E 273.99 50.0 Ft. South OAST 177.2) I (EAST 96.1; do 2.2 ft. Wea{ I of thb S.t'. Cor. I of Lot 7 I of the Notes: Oearings refer to System, West Zone Distances are in f ___. - _ 589'1 7'34"V~ - -- 788.47 'a ~ o r~ ~ I cNn ~ I A ~ I - ~ ~I ~ Z tO I v og '~ I i ap c P° ~ I i v -~ ~ ~' ,~x, ~ I 0~ ~ I o v 4 . d 'L• z I I'-I "I I in o o - I I = o I ~ N I ~ + z I I i Q1 I I I 2.s (~/~St 171.2) I (WEST 98.1) 3,3 i 176.72 97.8 Statp of III S >~~'Od'11" W 274.60 ~ Fence is 0. 5 S. County o1* Fi ~ ~-Fence ig d.5 S. ~,~ ~, ,Uyo~ 0` ~s ~p NO. t 836 O.t To: Fulton ~ LEGEND FROr'ESSIONAL --- - - - -- - -- LNJO ~ Concrr3tA f~orker Found SURVEYOR knowledge, ® Iron i'ipA found J). r~oN ~~ and correct ~ Iron F'in found ~~F pi- i~~~~ my dir~ctier 0 5/8"~C~b" Iron Pin Set --- -""' Property Boundary tine - - - Str9~t or Property Ling -~F----- -~E-- Existing Chain link Fence ( ) Died Distance and tl~oring if other than t,Atlaeurad Illii Nail al the Northlo9t Corner Northwest Quarter of Sbcfion 35-'~~ r he Illinois Stote F'lanb Coordinatb I O O yet and decimals of o toot. I w•N ~ co I ~~ ~ °' DEED DESCRIPTION A p~Itt cog the Nolr~ha~~-§t Qusrtrsr of section 35, iH Township 7 North, ~lenyp 4 ~~l+~t ag Eh~ Fourth PriricipAl M+~ridiAn, CstitdH, ~'t11toN Ccilittt~F~ fllinoi9, described ~!§ follows: CoAIM~riciti~ ~t !! ptlit,t 5o geet South of snd 2.2 f~§t )fast of thL SouthBSSt Cd~HE-f bg Lot 7 in Barlow and Webstl~r~s AdditioH to the C~~~ bg Cghtoh, running th~hc~ $l13t to an iron piti !! dist~H~A og i~7.2 feet, thence 5otfth 453 . ~ feet to a coribr~t~ pb~~i th~>ritr~ West 177.2 feet to ~ ~ohtrr~te post; th~rib~ NartH 451.6 meet to the pl~lca of b~gitiniing, a1sd; Coi>iiM@rit~rig st ~ s~~A~~ 611 geet fop§t tlnd 1405 gent ~ollth of th§ North~~lst trbrHp-r b>~ sgid Quarter Section, turthiHq thence South 45.6 g~~t E!3 ~ ~tak~, thehce t4est ~6.i gl+~t to ~ coticr~tA pol#t~ tHAf1cB Nt3t•th 453.6 gist to ~ st~lke, thence East g5. i f~Bt td thB plat•~ of beginnitic~, situtited in the Couhty of 1'tiltdH llHd State of Illinois. SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT iois~ on )SS aunty Housing Authority Hereby Mote to th8 be+~t of my iniormdtion, ~d belief that the plot hereon drif~in 1~ d true +presentotlon of o survey made by mf or undBF of thb property dt3cribbd h~F~Bh. ~_ ~~~ -~~ is Professlondl Land SurvUyor No. 1838 5 U i~V~~` . p Lat A part of thb North bet Quarter of Sdction 35, x iri 1o~Nnehip 7 North, Rbngd 4 East of the w Fourth F'rincipol f,Aeridion, Fulton County, Illinois U ANDEfiSON ~NGINEEaING CONSULTANTS LTD. W ~%~~ ~ 10- t /2 EJ1S1 ELt~A STREET ~ CANTON,ILLINOIS ti1520 x TELEPHONE (30~) g47-7831 Qq SCALE 0A1E JOB NO. _ ° 1" 100'.. July 6. 1992 3434 .,~ I ~ ~''~, I I i I I I I I ~~ ~\ ~- '\ , J3 I ~\ i ~: /~ ~~. - /, -~ I ~=' ~,i 1 D~----~ ~ v> L~ i~ 4 (~ Z s~ ~---- ------ __. _ _ -- _ I 3S J 'd2s ~ a 2° I ~ ~ __ ' I ~ ~ L I I~ (fi ~~~ ~ ~ i~ ~~ ~ ~~ r ~ y z ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ _ ~,, r--~. ~, ~~ _ ~.__ r ~ 'O o ~, ~~ 4 o ~_ __- o --.._ 1 ~~' 1 ~ ~ c~'~ ~~COPPERAS CREEK FIRE DISTRICT TRUSTEES RAY RUIEKENA, ROUTE 5, CANTON, TLLINOIS 61520 JACK ROMINE, ROUTE 5 CANTON, ILLINOIS 61520 GROVER BEAIRD, NORRIS, IL. NOriZCE IS HERE'HY G1VF~1 ZI) YUI AND EACH. C~ YUJ AS FOZIA[d5 ; 1. A petition to ara~ex real property to tFie City o#' Cantotn~ Illinois has been. or grill be filed with the Clerk of said City for presentment to and action thereon by the Mayon arxi City' Crnancil of said City. 2. Zhis realty is legally described as shotiai by an Exhibit, hereto attached, and is understood to be. witfiin arud a part of the COPPERAS CREEK FIltE PRO'lECTICyN DISTRICT 3. It is anticipated that the'Mayor and City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois avill take action on said petition to arasex said realty to said City at the regular meeting of said City Council to be held in the Council C~~bers of the Canton, Illinois City Building, located at the address of 21~ E. Chestnut Street, Canton, Illinois, cc~a~encing at the hour of 6:3Q P.M, on the date of 4. 'This entice to you and each of you is dated as and far: FULTON COUNTY HOi1SING AUTHORITY Signed hy: EXECUTIVE DIRECTO , Pet ti er or amnexat on ORDINANCE NU. ]„~7i J1N ORDINANCI: 11NNE7FING AND REZONING CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CI'1'Y OF CAN'PON, FULTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS OF FOLTON COUNTY HORSING AU'I'IIORT'1'Y, 900 East Oak Street, Canton, Illinois. WIIEREAS, a petition was filed with the City Clerk for the annexation and rezoning of -the real property c?escribed -below, and said real property is not within the corporate limits of any munici- pality, but is contiguous to the City of Canton, Illinois, A PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 35, IN TOWNSHIP 7 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST OF THE FOURTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CANTON, FULTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Commencing at a point 50 feet South of and 2.2 feet East of the Southeast corner of Lot 7 in Barlow and Webster's Addition to the City of Canton, running thence East to an iron pin a distance of. 177.2 feet, thence South 453.6 feet to a concrete post, thence West 177.2 feet to a concrete post; thence North 453.6 feet to the place of beginning; ALSO Commencing at a stake 611 feet West and 1405 feet South of the Northeast corner of said Quarter Section, running thence South 453.6 feet to a stake, thence West 96.1 feet to a concrete post, thence North 453.6 feet to a stake, thence East 96.1 feet to the place of beginning, situated in the County of Fulton and State of Illinois. IJHEREAS, a public hearing on said petition was conducted by the Planning & Zoning Commission of the City of Canton on June 12, 1995, pursuant to proper notice having been published in the Daily Ledger; WIIEREAS, on June 12, 1995 the Planning & Zoning Commission recommended to the City Council that the real property described in the exhibit attached hereto be rezoned and annexed to the City of Canton pursuant to Chapter 24 of the Illinois Revised State Statutes, WIIEREAS, it is in the best interests of the City of Canton, Illinois that said real property be rezoned and annexed to the ~I City of Canton. r ,/' c 0 a.'~~ P P~ of the ~~i `' LINE TABLE ~ X09 °------------------- -- -- --- ~6 a ^ o No. Direction L~ng4h Notes: Bearings refer to c o I ~ I ~ ,~ I N °------------------- ' " ' ------- System, West Zone ~~o ( I ( Li S00 01 W 39 49.95 00 1 ~ L2 S89' 14' 13"W 150.02 Dietoncea are in r 1 I ) Lot 10 Lot 7 Loo 61 y I I I ~, -- I - 150.0 ~ _J -- - -- -- - - --- -- - - - - - - -- - - - - --- - - Lq 589' 1 7'34"VII o 788.47 o Eost Oa k Street ~ "' - - -- 176.00 N B9' 17'34" E 273.89 50.0 ft. South OAST 177,2) i (EASt 98.1; ~ 2.2 rt. vVe~t ~r the s.E. co r. i of Lot 7 I I I N ~ o I ~'7 • N I ~ I tr = I s. F- ~ ° ~I ~ z tO I fig ~ I ~ ao ( P° 't I N ~ ~~ ~I o ~ 0 ~' ~ 1 4 d `* ti' . i I W _ vl N ~ ° I 2 I _ ~ I ~ O I W 2 I ~ v I I I 1 2.5 I (1N~St 177.2) ((tNES7 96.1) 3.3 176.72 97.8 Stotp of ill S g~`Od'11" VV 274.80 ~ Fence is 0.9 S. Country of Fi ~-Fence ig 0.5 S. ~,~ ~, ~b~ 0` '~s Q•O NO. 1 S 36 O.j, to: Fulton ~ L E G E N D PROFESSIONAL --- ------ -- LANG ® Concrito Dar ker Found SURVEYOR knowledge. r0 Iron Pips Fou nd ~. cJ11~1oN ~y and correct ~ Iron pin found 1~ OF I~~V~ my diri~ctiar 0 5/8"7C~b" Iron Pin Set ""' property Boundary Line - - - StrA~k or Property Line -'`~-- Exiting Chain Link Fence ( ) Dbed bi~tance and 84oring if other than Ivi~aeured 6/ l.~ IIM • / ' ,' .the , Northlol4 Corner ~,~st Quorter of Stc4ion 35~ r e Illinois Stvte PIan6 Coordino4r: I ~t and decimals o1 o toot. I to 0 0 w• w _ cn .... m cb v ~ °' DEED DESCRIPTION A part of the Nottha~~t Qtialrt~r orb Stlction 35, in Township 7 North, ~enye d ~a~li~Jt al tha Fourth Principal Meridian, Cantdn, ~'Ultoti cduhty, illinoi~, dascribtd ~!~ folloWl~t CoAilfl+~nciticj alt a ptliht 5d last South of and 2.2 fast $ast of tha SoutHaaat tdYHEEf bf Lot 7 in Barlow and t4~bstar + s AdditioH to the C~t~ bf t:antoh, running thahci~- >~S3t to an iron pin a diataH~~ ti>~ i~7.2 fcpt, thainc@ eolith X53 . ~ feet to a cori~r~ta poa~ j thBhtra West 177.2 fast to a ~otit:ratp post; thaNt;a NdttN A5~.6 i+p~t to tha pla~ca of b~-gititting, alstis CotiitAanC~ticJ !lt ~ B~a~a 611 last Wp§t and 1405 fast South of tha NortNEa3at t:btH~r bf said Qtiartar SectioN, >rtiri4iinq thence south 45.6 fABt Eb A Malta, thahcp Wp§t 16.1 l~At to a coticratA pttBt, tH!lHert Nt3ttM 453 . a left to a staka, thanes Ealst 15. i ft'Lt td thL p1aCt of bbginninc~, aituat~d in tha Cotfhty of I^tiltdH SHd State of Illinois. - )SS SURVEYORS STATEMENT r Housing Authority by stole to the be?!t of my informdtion, eliei that the plot hereon drdJ4n i~ d trUE +entotfan of o survey mode by m~ or undBF ha! property da:3criblsd h~fbdh. ~~~ i roteeetonel Land Survalyor No. 1836 5 U ~V~~` ._ p L~4t A port of thb Northera~et Ouar•4er of Sdction 35, °wc iri 1orvnehip 7 North, Rbnge 4 Eost of the z Fourth principal Meridian, Fulton County, Illinois v ANDERSON ENGINE~i21NG CONSULTANTS LTD. U ~ 10-1/2 EAST ELM STREET ~ ~~~ ~ CANTON,ILLINOIS 61520 ,- TELEP'NON~ (301) 847-7b3t SCALE DATE J09 NO. 1" 100' July 6. 1992 3434 . ~ ,~ Y L~ r~ L I _ ~ ''~ '\ I I ~~ ~f. .~ ~~' per`,----~ • _ .., ~ (' ~ ~ I~ ~, ~ ~- ~~ \ . s' -~ o ~~ ~- ~. ~. ~: ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ i, / s~ y ` '> I \,<,,; -i t --- ----... --- -~ -- - ~~ I~ ~ ~~s ~ o~ ~ ~ a ' I~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ A '~ ~ ~ I~ _~ I I '~ ~. o z ~y "'~ ! I ~ ' .~. r- - ~--~--- ~~-__-, A I I ' - ~- 0 0 ~3K 3 ~'c~e. 63 STATE. OF ILLINOIS COUNTY CF FiLDN SS CTRUMENT LED FO RECORD ON T~/~ p Y OF ~x„~~;~D L7 7"'~ AT~Qp ~ MANDpULY kECORDEDIN 40L ~,~pApE ~:~~~ COUNTY CLERK & RECORDER ~~ ~, od ~~~~~ c ~:. f~ Z m~ a .) - y -- '\ /•\ / ~ c~ /J