HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #3089 - levying and assessing taxes for corporate purposes beginning May 1, 2014 and ending April 30, 2015Prepared by: The City of Canton Diana Pavley -Rock 2 North Main Street Canton I161520 Return to: The City of Canton Diana Pavley -Rock 2 North Main Street Canton 11 61520 CERTIFICATE STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) CITY OF CANTON, ) SS. COUNTY OF FULTON.) I Diana Pavley -Rock, City Clerk of the City of Canton, in the County of Fulton and State of Illinois, do hereby certify that as the City Clerk of the City of Canton, I am the keeper of records, minutes, ordinances, and other books, record and papers of said City, and that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of: Ordinance # 3089 An ordinance levying and assessing taxes for corporate purposes of the City of Canton, Illinois for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2014 and ending April 30, 2015 Adopted by the City Council of said City and approved by the Mayor thereof on the 16th day of December 2014. WITNESS my hand and the Corporate Seal of the City of Canton, Illinois this 16th day of December 2014 Ir vley -Ro It Clerk LE1, (SEAL) DEC 2 3 2014 A"-o OUNTY CLERK FULTON COUNTY, IL. TRUTH IN TAXATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I, the undersigned Officer of C.14-4-,- y c)ertiAy that I am the presiding Legal Name of Taxing District , and as such presiding officer, I certify that the levy ordinance, a copy of which is attached, was adopted pursuant to, and in all respects in compliance with the provisions Sections 18- 60.through 18 -85 of the "Truth in Taxation" law. CHECK ONE OF THE CHOICES BELOW 1) The taxing district published a notice in the newspaper and conducted a hearing, meeting the requirements of the Truth in Taxation Law 2) The taxing district's aggregate levy did not exceed a 5% increase over the prior year's extension. Therefore,.notice and a hearing were not necessarv. 3) The proposed aggregate levy did not exceed a 5% increase over the prior year's extension. Therefore, a hearing was not held. The adopted aggregate tax levy exceeded 5% of the prior year's extension and a notice was published within 15 days of its adoption in accordance with the Truth in Taxation Law. 4) The adopted levy exceeded the amount stated in the published notice. A second notice was published within 15 days of the adoption in accordance with the Truth in Taxation Law This certificate applies to the 20jy levy. Date: Presid Illinois County Clerks Official Property Tax Manual Prepared by: The City of Canton Diana Pavley -Rock 2 North Main Street Canton 1161520 Return to: The City of Canton Diana Pavley -Rock 2 North Main Street Canton 1161520 CERTIFICATE STATE OF ILLINOIS, ) CITY OF CANTON, ) SS. COUNTY OF FULTON.) I Diana Pavley -Rock, City Clerk of the City of Canton, in the County of Fulton and State of Illinois, do hereby certify that as the City Clerk of the City of Canton, I am the keeper of records, minutes, ordinances, and other books, record and papers of said City, and that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of: Ordinance # 3089 An ordinance levying and assessing taxes for corporate purposes of the City of Canton, Illinois for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2014 and ending April 30, 2015 Adopted by the City Council of said City and approved by the Mayor thereof on the 16th day of December 2014. WITNESS my hand and the Corporate Seal of the City of Canton, Illinois this 16th day of December 2014 2 Di Pavley -Roc/ rty Clerk (SEAL) ORDINANCE NO. 3089 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING TAXES FOR CORPORATE PURPOSES OF THE CITY OF CANTON ILLINOIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING MAY 1, 2014 ENDING APRIL 30, 2015. WHEREAS on April 15 2014 the City Coun ilofiheCityofC anton, Illinois passed the Budget Ordinance of the City of Canton, Illinois for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2014, and ending Aril 30, 2015, in the amount of $24,243,873., which Ordinance was approved by the Mayor and City Council on April 15, 2014, and which Ordinance was published in pamphlet form and posted at the City Building, 2 N. Main Street, Canton, Illinois. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, FULTON COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the total amount of budget for all corporate purposes legally made to be collected from the tax levy of the current fiscal year is hereby ascertained to the sum of $24 243 873. SECTION 2: That the sum of $2,352,757.00 being art of the total budget heretofore legally made which are to be collected from the tax levy of the current fiscal year of the City of Canton for all cor orate purposes of said City of Canton be, and the same is hereby levied upon all of the taxable property in the City of Canton subject to taxation for the current year for the following s ecified purposes: CITY ADMINISTRATION Total Budget Amt. to be raised from other sources Amt. to be raised from tax levy A tax not to exceed .25% of the full cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of IL on all taxable property in the City of Canton Illinois. PERSONNEL SERVICES SALARIES 330,088 HEALTH INSURANCE incl. retirees 441,560 20% EMPLOYEE HEALTH INS. REIMS. - 15,305 DENTAL INSURANCE 900 LIFE INSURANCE 1,160 WELLNESS PROGRAM 800 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 759,203 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES UTILITIES 49,144 TRAVEL 6,100 TRAINING 5,350 POSTAGE 4,000 ADVERTISING 0 ACCOUNTING SERVICES 0 ENGINEERING SERVICES 79,800 LEGAL SERVICES 15,000 DUES 4,534 PLANNING $ ZONING CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 52 700 SPOON RIVER PARTNERSHIP FOR ECONOMIC DEVE 40,000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERV. 256,628 COMMODITIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 11,000 OPERATING SUPPLIES 900 OTHER SUPPLIES 1,000 TRANSFERS- GREENWOOD CEMETERY 57 448 TOTAL COMMODITIES 70,348 OTHER OPERATING EXP. VOLUNTEER WORKS 2,000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 it TOTAL CITY ADMINISTRATION 1,198,477 1,198,477 0 POLICE PROTECTION FUND A tax not to exceed .75% of the full cash value as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of IL on all taxable property in the City of Canton, IL PERSONNEL SERVICES SALARIES 2,053,554 HEALTH INSURANCE 515,900 20% EMPLOYEE HEALTH INS. REIMB. . 102,700 DENTAL INSURANCE 4,350 LIFE INSURANCE 5,900 WELLNESS PROGRAM 9,488 PENSION 255,698 PEHP PLAN 26 556 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 2,7681746 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 18,000 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 10,000 UTILITIES 11,000 TRAVEL 5,000 TRAINING 17,000 DUES 1,655 OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 46,882 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERV. 109,537 COMMODITIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 4,540 OPERATING SUPPLIES 10,050 OTHER SUPPLIES 8,305 PROTECTIVE GEAR 4,435 MOTOR FUELS 80,000 TOTAL COMMODITIES 107,330 CAPITAL OUTLAY VEHICLES 48,500 EQUIPMENT 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 48,500 TOTAL POLICE PROTECTION FUND 3,034,113 2,984,113 50,000 FIRE PROTECTION FUND A tax not to exceed .15% of the full cash value, as equalized or assessed bv the Department of Revenue of the State of IL, on all taxable property in the City of Canton IL PERSONNEL SERVICES SALARIES 1,253,344 HEALTH INSURANCE 268,850 20% EMPLOYEE HEALTH INS. REIMS. -52,900 DENTAL INSURANCE 3,400 LIFE INSURANCE 3,500 WELLNESS PROGRAM 4,212 PENSION 541,410 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 2,021,816 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE - BUILDING 5,220 MAINTENANCE - VEHICLE 24,246 MAINTENANCE - EQUIPMENT 7,535 UTILITIES 22,225 TRAVEL 6,560 TRAINING 5,545 OTHER CONTRACTUAL 23,735 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERV. 95,066 COMMODITIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,150 OPERATING SUPPLIES 12,395 OTHER SUPPLIES 500 PROTECTIVE GEAR 10,935 MOTOR FUELS 18,575 TOTAL COMMODITIES 45,555 CAPITAL OUTLAY EQUIPMENT 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION FUND 2,162,437 2,062,437 100,000 OTHER PURPOSES AUTHORIZED BY LAW STREET DEPARTMENT A tax not to exceed .06% of the full cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable Property in the City of Canton, Illinois plus a 3/4 vote of the members elected an additional .04% of said taxable property as provided by Section 22 -81 -1, Cha ter 24, of the Illinois Revised Statutes. PERSONNEL SERVICES SALARIES 357,291 HEALTH INSURANCE 103,047 20% EMPLOYEE HEALTH INS. REIMB. - 20,555 DENTAL INSURANCE 921 LIFE INSURANCE 1,331 WELLNESS PROGRAM 1,800 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERV. 443,835 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE - VEHICLE 15,000 MAINTENANCE - EQUIPMENT 5,000 MAINTENANCE -TREES 8,000 UTILITIES 9,170 STREET LIGHTING 80,000 RENTAL 1,500 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 10,500 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 129,170 COMMODITIES OPERATING SUPPLIES OTHER SUPPLIES 125,000 3,000 MOTOR FUELS 69,000 TOTAL COMMODITIES 197,00 CAPITAL OUTLAY VEHICLES EQUIPMENT 120,620 20,000 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 140,620 TOTAL FOR STREET DEPT 910,625 910,625 0 GARBAGE DISPOSAL FUND A tax not to exceed .20% of the full cash value as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois on all taxable property in the City of Canton, Illinois, Pursuant to Ord. No. 35, assed May 20, 1947, authorizing the establishment and maintenance of a system for the collection and disposal of garbage. UTILITIES 3 600 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERV. 22,600 COMMODITIES MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 25 000 MOTOR FUELS 1,500 TOTAL COMMODITIES 26,500 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 TOTAL - BUILDING $ GROUNDS 202,706 202,706 0 TOURISM FUND 010 61,200 61,200 0 WORKERS COMPENSATION FUND 020 A tax on the full cash value as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of the State of Illinois, on all taxable property in the City of Canton, Illinois which will produce the sum of: LIABILITY IN AI IRANrC C11un Ain 244,389 42,286 202,103