HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-04-2014 Council Meeting Minutes City of Canton Council Meeting The Donald Edwards Way (Historic Depot) Canton II 61520 11-04-2014 6:30pm A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on November 4, 2014 (6:30pm) in the Council Chambers, The Donald E. Edwards Way-50 North 4th Avenue, Canton, Illinois 61520. STAFF IN ATTENDANCE Mayor Jeffrey Fritz, Attorney Nancy Rabel, City Clerk Diana Pavley-Rock, Treasurer Kathy Luker, Police Chief Kent McDowell, Fire Chief Tom Shubert, Community Service Director lason Strandberg, Comptroller Caty Campbell, WTP Superintendent Greg Pollitt, City Engineer Keith Plavec MEDIA IN ATTENDANCE: Daily Ledger, Fulton Democrat VIDEO SERVICES BY JOE GINGER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING. INVOCATION-Glen Nestlerode- First Christian Church PUBLIC PARTICIPATION- ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman lerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Putrich/Loveli to amend the agenda and move the Legal and Ordinance Committee to the beginning of the committee reports since we have people in the audience for that committee. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. CONSENT AGENDA APPROVAL OF THE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES HELD OCTOBER 21. 2014 SPECIAL EVENT REQUEST BY CANTON MAIN STREET FOR THE OLD FASHIONED CHRISTMAS WALK TO BE HELD DECEMBER 5, 2014 Motion and second were made by Aldermen Eilis/Justin Nelson to approve the consent agenda and place it on file. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS: LEGAL AND ORDINANCE ALDERMAN CRAIG WEST AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING AN AREA WITHIN THE CITY OF CANTON AND COUNTY OF FULTON AS AN ENTERPRISE ZONE. (1ST READING) #3081 The resolution presented states: The Illinois Enterprise Zone Act was certified and officially became law on December 7, 1982 and was amended in 2012. Under the new provisions, all existing zones expire. The legislature has since amended the Illinois Enterprise Zone Act ("Act"), 20 ILCS 655/1, et al, requiring all municipalities and counties apply for new zones by December 31, 2014 and, The City of Canton intends to cooperate with the County of Fulton in designating an Enterprise Zone under the provisions of the Act; and , on October 20, 2014, the City of Canton and County of Fulton held a public hearing within the proposed zone area on the question of whether to create the zone, what local plans, tax incentives and other programs should be established in connection with the zone, and what the zone boundaries should be; and, it is necessary that a formal application be made for approval of the said designation to the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity by December 31, 2014, said application to contain information on the proposed Enterprise Zone and the cooperating entities plans for the proposed zone. MOTION and second were made by Aldermen Putrich/Pickel to suspend the rules for a second reading. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Neison X The motion carried. MOTION and second were made by Aldermen West/Putrich to approve the ordinance and place it on file. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE SAIE OF 306 NORTH 14TH STREET. CANTON ILLINOIS. (1ST READING) #3082 The ordinance presented states: Pursuant to Section 11-76-2 of the Illinois Municipal Code, 65 ILCS 5/11-76-2, notice has been given of the proposal to sell the Real Property and bids have been invited for the purchase of Real Property, said notice having first been published on August 2, 2014, and having been published for three successive weeks in the Canton Daily Ledger, a newspaper published in the City of Canton; and, pursuant to said notice, bids were opened at the regular meeting of the Canton City Council held on October 21, 2014; and, the following bids for the purchase of the Real Property have been received: BIDDER AMOUNT Greg and Tracy Kitchen $306.06 276 N. 14t"Avenue Canton, IL 61520 Motion and second were made by Aldermen Pickel/Putrich to suspend the rules for a second reading of the ordinance. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman lustin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. Motion and second were made by Aldermen West/Justin Nelson to approve the ordinance and place it on file. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE LEASE OF MUNICIPALLY OWNED REAL PROPERTY (TRANSFER OF LAKESHORE LEASE- LOT 7 LAKEVIEW ADDITIONI 15T READING #3083 Alderman West suggested waving the rules for the second reading on this ordinance since the closing on the property will be taking place soon. Motion and second were made by Aldermen West/Putrich to suspend the rules for the second reading. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried Motion and second were made by Aldermen West/Justin Nelson to approve the ordinance and place it on file. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickei X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. DISCUSS. CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF TIF FUNDS FOR!OB TRAINING THROUGH SPOON RIVER COLLEGE. #4088 Carol Davis thanked the City for allowing the request for TIF funds. Since November 2013 to the current date 146 people have been enrolled into the key training program. This tool is used for testing at area businesses. 52% of the people enrolled attempted the test. Of the 52%that attempted the test there is a 97% success rate. The people that successfully passed the test become eligible for work-- specifically at Cook. This program was expanded to other businesses throughout the TIF district as previously requested by the Council. At the end of 2013 Cook had 176 employees, which is a 33%growth and only a 9.5%turnover rate. All of the employees live within the Spoon River College district and only three of those live outside of Fulton County. 30 of the employees will soon be celebrating their 5th year with Cook. The resolution being presented tonight is to continue this program. Since the program started in 2009 (from a grant) there has been 1611 people from the City of Canton and outlying areas that have applied to Cook. Those not hired by Cook are able to apply at other businesses with proof that they have the skills needed for entry level jobs. It is anticipated that there will be approximately 150 people enter the program with this year's resolution. The price has increased by $5.00 per person. This makes the cost now $30.00 per person. The request asks for up to $4500.00 from the TIF funds. The request being brought forward tonight asks for the reimbursement from last year's program in the amount of $2,467.90. Carol further explained that not everyone completes all of the tests. If a participant is not successful for the first two tests, they are not eligible to move on to the next test. The only charges will be for the tests actually completed. There is a new clause in the resolution this year "Whereas providing the work keys program is satisfaction of one of the tests when applying for an enterprise zone." The City of Canton will do this by December 2014. The City could use this during the application for the enterprise zone this year. A business survey was conducted with area businesses and there are several requests to use the work keys program for pre-screening of applicants for them. The request from Spoon River College is for TIF fund reimbursement to be used for exact costs that they receive. The staff time, office use, and technology is all covered by Spoon River College. Discussion: Alderman Justin Nelson asked that dates in the proposed resolution be corrected that currently appear as a typo . Motion and second were made by Aldermen West/Pickel to approve the resolution and place it on file with the amended dates. ROU CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich ABSTAIN Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. DISCUSS CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CANTON AND COUNTY OF FULTON ILLINOIS ESTABLISHING AN ENTERPRISE ZONE AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR OR HIS DESIGNEE AND THE CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AND DELIVER SAID AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS. #4089 Motion and second were made by Aldermen West/Pickel to approve the resolution and place it on file. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. DISCUSS. CONSIDER AND VOTE ON A NEW CLASS OF LICENSE FOR A WINE BAR Chris Smith addressed the Council regarding her request for a wine bar within the City of Canton. The store would also have a small retail area with wine accessories available for purchase. The business (if approved) would be located on North Main next to the Verizon Store. Wine would be sold by the glass with the hopes of having bottles of wine for purchase. City Clerk Diana Pavley-Rock explained that currently the City offers various types of liquor licenses with the City. The tavern license offered by the City is limited to 9 license and the City does not have any available license in this class. The City offers a Class H liquor license for the sale of wine and beer to be taken off premise. The subclass HH license (samples) limits consumption on premise to 2 ounces. Diana further explained that the City could decide if they wanted to expand the number of tavern license within the City, or create a new class of liquor license specifically for a wine bar that would allow consumption of wine/beer on premise and the sale of wine to take off premise. Diana contacted other municipalities to see how they have handled the request for wine bars The City of Galesburg currently has an establishment in town that allows for the retail sale of wine and beer, by the can or bottle, for consumption either on or off the premises, subject to the following conditions: 1. A minimum of 10% of the retail floor space of the premises shall be devoted to the sale of food and items other than wine and beer; and 2. The premises shall have seating for a minimum of 15 persons. This seems to work well for the City of Galesburg. The City would need to determine if they would like to offer another type of license to accommodate the request for a wine bar. Alderman Putrich said he would like to have additional research and bring this back to another council meeting for further discussion. Mayor Fritz agrees to have this come to the next Council meeting for further discussion. If the license is approved by the Council it would need to go to the liquor commission for their review. Attorney Rabel explained that the Council would need to determine if they want to expand the number of tavern license allowed or create a new class of license for a wine bar. The Council would then need to set the parameters for the new class of license. Attorney Rabel explained that state statutes also set guidelines regarding the sale of liquor. PUBLIC SAFETY&TRAFFIC ALDERMAN JIM NELSON, CHAIRMAN ENGINE BREAKING FROM SEMI TRUCKS Alderman Justin Nelson explained that he has received concerns about semi trucks entering the City engine breaking which is very loud. Many other municipalities have signs as you enter the City that says no engine breaking. Attorney Rabel explained that the City would need to have permission from IDOT if the signs would be posted on a state route before an ordinance could be passed. This will be brought back to the next legal and ordinance committee agenda. STREETS AND GARBAGE ALDERMAN DAVE PICKEL, CHAIRMAN DISCUSS CONSIDER AND VOTE ON NO PARKING ON THE WEST SIDE OF SOUTH 1ST AVENUE FROM 10' SOUTH OF THE HANDICAP PARKING TO CHERRY STREET. (600 BLOCK SOUTH 1ST AVENUE Chief McDowell explained that several calls were received about the parking along both sides of the street. When semi trucks and buses travel down this road it makes the roadway very congested. Chief McDowell measured the street at 30 feet wide. If a vehicle is parked on each side of the street directly across from the other, there is a 15 foot variance. According to the ordinance there must be 18 feet or more between cars on each side of the street. The handicap parking area by the church did not seem to cause problems on Sunday's according to area neighbors. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Pickel/Hale to draft an ordinance allowing for no parking on the west side of South 1st Avenue in the 600 block 10 feet south the handicap parking to Cherry Street. Discussion: There was additional discussion about putting time frames on the no parking. Alderman Ellis expressed concerns about limited parking at the South Park Methodist Church Amended Motion and second were made by Aldermen Pickel/Hale to have no parking from Monday—Friday from 6am-6pm. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. DISCUSS CONSIDER AND VOTE ON HANDICAP PARKING ON THE WEST SIDE OF SOUTH 15T AVENUE FROM 20' SOUTH OF HICKORY STREET. (600 BLOCK SOUTH 1ST AVENUE) Alderman Pickel explained that there are currently two handicap parking spaces on the West side of South 1st Avenue, but the City needs to make sure there is an ordinance and it was codified so it can be enforced. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Pickle/Ellis to draft an ordinance 20 feet south of Hickory Street in the 600 block of south 1st Avenue on the west side as handicap parking. Discussion Alderman Ellis said the two handicap parking spaces were approved a few years ago. Additional research will take place to see if there is an ordinance that has been codified and if not a draft ordinance will be brought back to the next meeting. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. ELM STREET PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT NO 1 AND FINAL FROM KEMPER CONSTRUCTION INC IN THE AMOUNT OF$22,336.15 City Engineer Keith Plavec explained that this project was budgeted from the TIF 1 funds. Canton Main Street will be installing signs and the City will look into landscaping. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Pickel/West to approve the payment to Kemper Construction Inc for the Elm Street parking lot improvements in the amount of$22,336.15. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman lohn Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich ABSTAIN Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. SOUTH MAIN STREET SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT NO 2 AND FINAL FROM KEMPER CONSTRUCTION INC IN THE AMOUNT OF$1.386.98 City Engineer Keith Plavec explained that this project would be paid from the video gaming funds. The Council previously designated the video gaming funds for sidewalk improvements. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Pickel/Putrich to approve the payment for the South Main Street sidewalk improvements for Kemper Construction in the amount of $1,386.98. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. LAKE, BUILDINGS&GROUNDS ALDERMAN JOHN LOVEIL, CHAIRMAN PUBLIC WORKS, WATER&SEWER ALDERMAN GERALD ELLIS, CHAIRMAN WWTP PRIMARY VALVE ACTUATOR PROJECT APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT NO 6 WITH CHANGE ORDER NO 3 FROM LEANDER CONSTRUCTION INC IN THE AMOUNT OF $19,114.75 City Engineer Keith Plavec explained that this project would be paid from the bond funds. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/Hale to approve the pay request in the amount of$19,114.75 ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman lohn lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. APPROVAL OF A CHANGE ORDER NO 3 FOR A VALVE REPAIR AND STARTER Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/Putrich to approve the change order no 3 in the amount of$10,466.81 for a valve repair and a new starter. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. BID PROPOSAL FROM SPECTRA TECH FOR MANHOLE REHAB IN THE AMOUNT OF$19,920.00 The proposed bid from Spectra Tech is for the sanitary sewer manhole lining for a 48" x 83" VFT that would come from the system maintenance budget. The price includes prevailing wages and certified payrolls. The City is trying to do some of the manholes each year. This amount is under the actual budgeted amount of$30,000.00 Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/Justin Nelson to accept the bid proposal from Spectra Tech rehab in the amount of$19,920.00. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. ODOR CONTROL EQUIPMENT FOR THE WWTP IN THE AMOUNT OF$10,814.00 This equipment is needed for the influent wet well, sludge press building and primary sludge wet well to control odor at the WWTP. Chemicals will be purchased as needed annually. It is recommended that the operating supply budget be used for this expense. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/Putrich to approve the purchase of odor control equipment for the WWTP in the amount of$10,814.00. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman lohn Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel x Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. FINANCE ALDERMAN JUSTIN NELSON WATER BILLING AND COLLECTION POLICY DISCUSSION A copy of the draft policy was distributed for review. Community Service Director lason Strandberg said the City of Canton has not had a policy for utility billing. The policy will cover the basic issues such as: The City would move to monthly billing as outlined in the policy. All new accounts would be put in property owner's names only. Duplicate bills could be sent to people living in the properties. A collection agency would be utilized for past due accounts. Further discussion took place regarding everyday procedures that is currently being brought into the draft policy. Alderman Justin Nelson specifically asked about meter replacement damage and the cost of the repairs. Alderman Justin Nelson asked why citizens are not able to select and purchase their own meters if they need to be replaced. Justin further explained that the citizens should not have to pay to replace meters when they go bad. WTP Superintendent Greg Pollitt explained that water meters must meet specifications set by the City and the City must be able to read the meters. The City receives the meters at a better price than citizens would be able to purchase them individually. Alderman Pickel discussed some of the concerns with tenants moving out of a house and leaving the landlord with an unpaid water bill. The tenants continue to move from one rental property to another rental property leaving all of the landlords with unpaid water bills. The City needs to come up with a way to track the tenants to prevent them from continuing to leave unpaid water bills to the landlords. A recommendation was to have the landlords pay the water bills and have the money retrieved through the rental costs. This is an issue that should be worked out between the landlord and the tenants. The draft policy does address the landlord/tenant concerns and puts some policies in place to help address this issue. Deposits would be required under the draft policy. If a tenant has unpaid bills,they would not be allowed to open a new account in their name. Attorney Rabel explained that ultimately the landlord is legally responsible for the water bills. Unpaid bills would become a lien upon the property. If the City utilizes debt collectors, they have different ways to collect money. Placing a wage garnishment is one way they can collect on debt. The draft policy will be reviewed and information will be brought back at the next Council meeting. COMMUNITY& INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ALDERMAN TAD PUTRICH Missy Towery explained that she has received information from the housing development about the possibility of locating on the IH site. Missy suggested that the housing development come to a Council meeting in executive session to discuss some of their ideas on the development. Missy explained that the enterprise application is moving along quickly. The partnership continues to discuss the needs for a four lane highway. On Wednesday November 12, 2014 the transportation for Illinois coalition will be in Macomb at the Spoon River Community Outreach Center. Local legislatures will be there with updates on the Capital bill and there will be an opportunity to talk to them about our transportation needs. The below report was presented for review: UPDATE FROM MISSY TOWERY-SPOON RIVER PARTNERSHIP FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GENERAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT POINTS Prepared for and attended Recruitment of Business Committee meeting. Meeting in Macomb with Rick Klinedinst, Mayor Fritz, Mayor Inman and Kim Pierce to discuss shared economic development efforts. Webinar attendance for"Prosperity from the Ground Up". Attended Metropolitan Water Reclamation District(MWRD) and Illinois Department of Natural Resources announcement regarding their proposed partnership for public access for recreational use at the MWRD property. RETAIL/COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT Housing development company phone conference with Jason Strandberg. In-person meeting with housing development company to discuss their continued interest in Canton. Assisted with the facilitation of the public hearing for the Enterprise Zone application. Continued work on the Enterprise Zone application. Phone call and e-mails with Manish Singh, research assistant, garnering updates and needed information for Enterprise Zone application. Met with a local person who was asking questions about the former International Harvester site. The person wants to attract a semi manufacturer to the site. Invited the Transportation Committee to attend the Transportation For Illinois Coalition meeting. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT,ATTRACTION AND SUPPORT Prepared for and attended Business Succession Transition Planning workshop. Promoted Business Succession Transition Planning workshop on WBYS. Provided business assistance and advocacy to five different persons wanting to open small businesses. Planning meeting for Business Resources Expo in Spring 2015 with Spoon River College, DCEO and the Chamber. TOURISM REPORT General Marketing&Tourism • Attended the announcement by the Metropolitan Waste Reclamation District and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources that MWRD will lease a portion of their property in Fulton County to IDNR for public use for outdoor recreation, including fishing, hiking, wildlife-watching and possibly limited hunting. Spoke to representatives from the media about the economic impact of nature-based tourism in the Fulton County area. • Traveled to Pontiac, Illinois as part of a fact-finding tour of the city's five museums to help develop a report for the next Canton/IH museum steering committee. Jack and Mary Pollitt, Cheryl and Ron Bielema, and Kelvin Sampson were also a part of the group to make the site visit, which included meeting with Tourism Director Ellie Alexander, Mayor Bob Russell, and City Administrator Bob Karls. The next Canton/IH Museum is scheduled for Thursday, November 13. • Scheduled a meeting with Anaise Berry, Executive Director of the Illinois River Road National Scenic Byway, to discuss how Canton can better take advantage of the Byway as a tourism tool. • Contacted Ellie Alexander, tourism Director for Pontiac, Illinois, to ask for additional information on bus tour companies, expos, and other ways to position Canton as a bus tour destination. • Met with Tracy Snowman to begin to outlining guidelines for possible intern to assist with creating video vignettes on local businesses to be posted on the visitor's websites, and other places on line. Canton Main Street. • Attended a Promotions Committee meeting on October 20 to finalize plans for Munchkin Masquerade and continue planning for Old Fashioned Christmas Walk. • Assisted with signage, setup and oversight of Munchkin Masquerade and the Scarecrow Contest on Wednesday, October 29. Attendance was estimated at 2,400 children and their families. New attractions such as the hayrack rides, and the police department's Movie Night were well received. • Developed a letter and flyer for the Old Fashioned Christmas Walk encouraging West End residents to participate by decorating and lighting their homes for the 40 & Trolley, which travels along Elm, Avenue D, and Chestnut. • Posted information, pictures and video on the Canton Community Facebook page about Munchkin Masquerade, with almost 1,000 views. Webaite • In October www.cantonillinois.or�had 30,359 pages views. There were 13,654 unique IP addresses. • In October, the www.visitcantonil.or� had 4,414 page views. There were 2,765 unique IP addresses Scenic Drive • Promoted the Scenic Drive in Canton as a guest of the WBYS Morning Show on October 3. • Designed and placed print and radio advertising for the Scenic Drive in Canton in local media. • Designed and distributed flyer for the Scenic Drive in Canton to local businesses, banks and restaurants. • Posted information and photos on the Canton Community Facebook page, resulting in almost 4,000 views. • Prepared Jones Park for arrival of Scenic Drive vendors on Friday, October 3. • Prepared signage for downtown retail businesses to place outside their establishments during both weekends of the Drive. • Hosted the information booth on Saturday and Sunday, October 4 & 5, answering questions from visitors, selling guidebooks and cookbooks, and passing out shopping and dining guides for Canton. • Assisted vendors with issues related to electrical failures, and managed musical entertainment and visits from Wildlife Prairie Park. OTHER Picked up Brent Merchant of Keller-McIntyre (Fulton County Lobbyist) from the airport in Peoria. After arriving in Canton we toured successful development sites and areas that are in need of further development and/or expansion. Two presentations at Canton High School Civics Class with Alderman John Lovell, Alderwoman Angela Hale, Chamber Director Amanda Atchley, and Canton Main Street President Cheryl Bielema. Attended Chamber Coffee. At Rotary member, Diana Pavley-Rock's request, invited Scott Miller et al to attend Rotary to update the organization on the medical marijuana dispensary's application process. Attended the rotary luncheon. Prepared for and attended combined executive committee meeting, SRPED executive committee meeting and SRPED board meeting. NEGOTIATIONS, GRIEVANCE & PERSONNEL ALDERWOMAN HALE COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR JEFFREY FRITZ SMALL BUSINE55 SATURDAY Small Business Saturday will be held on November 29, 2014. This date is dedicated to the support of local small businesses. This is the 5th year for small business Saturday and it also kicks off the holiday shopping season. OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINE55 ADJOURNMENT Motion and second were made by Aldermen Justin Nelson/Putrich to adjourn into executive session for the purpose business matters. (51LCS 120/2 C5) ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. Diana Pavley-Rock, City Clerk Jeffrey A. Fritz, Mayor