HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-21-2014 Council Meeting Minutes City of Canton Council Meeting The Donald Edwards Way (Historic Depot) Canton II 61520 10-21-2014 6:30pm A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on October 21, 2014 (6:30pm) in the Council Chambers, The Donald E. Edwards Way-50 North 4th Avenue, Canton, Illinois 61520. STAFF IN ATTENDANCE Mayor Jeffrey Fritz, Attorney Nancy Rabel, City Clerk Diana Pavley-Rock, Treasurer Kathy Luker, Police Chief Kent McDowell, Fire Chief Tom Shubert, Community Service Director Jason Strandberg, Comptroller Caty Campbell, WTP Superintendent Greg Pollitt, Public Works Director Bill Terry MEDIA IN ATTENDANCE: Daily Ledger, Fulton Democrat VIDEO SERVICES BY JOE GINGER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING. INVOCATION- Pastor Tim Bauler- First Presbyterian Church PUBLIC PARTICIPATION- ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson x The motion carried. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA Alderman Dave Pickel asked to move items#1 and #2 from the Streets and Garbage Committee to the consent agenda. CONSENT AGENDA APPROVAL OF THE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES HELD OCTOBER 7 2014 BILL LIST Treasurer Kathy Luker explained that the amended bill list total is in the amount of $617,232.01. This amount included a payment to Otis Elevator for approximately $4,000.00 and a payment to Taser for approximately $9,000.00. Both of these payments were budgeted items. TREASURER'S REPORT The total co-mingled cash is in the amount of $806,862.49. The unrestricted portion of this is $497,170.15. The MTD in the general fund is $125,326.00. The YTD amount over five months is a slight gain. The YTD total is $80,368.00. The property tax and the resource officer money from the Canton School District was the main source of the income for this month. The water and sewer fund loss is in the amount of$16,044.00. The YTD loss is in the amount of $345,993.00. The small loss for this month reflects the water and sewer rate increase- which will help each month in the increase of revenues. The City received tax money in July, August and September. The governmental funds to date is 95.62% received. TIF 1 is 89.78% received. TIF 2 is 85.59% received. There was an amount due to the general fund from the TIF 1 in the amount of $252,299.00 which will need to be paid back. There is also an amount due to the general fund from the TIF 2 in the amount of $546,520.12. There is an amount due from TIF 2 to TIF 1 in the amount of$295,000.00. The bonding expenses reflects that information is split between the WTP and the WWTP. The amount of$32,239.99 to the WWTP and $5,179.21 to the WTP for the bonding expenses. The current checking account balance is $41,280.67 in the DECA loan. The revolving loan recap reflects one of the borrowers is currently three months behind but the other two are current. POLICE REPORT FIRE REPORT *APPROVAL OF INVOICE FROM MIDSTATE ASPHALT REPAIR IN THE AMOUNT OF $19 999 00 FOR MFT MAINTENANCE PROGRAM-SPRAY PATCHING *APPROVAL OF INVOICE FROM ILLINOIS PAVING IN THE AMOUNT OF $45,320 86 FOR THE 2014 MFT MAINTENANCE PROGRAM-SEAL COAT WORK * Items moved from Streets and Garbage Committee to the consent agenda per the request of Alderman Dave Pickel Motion and second were made by Aldermen Jim Nelson/Putrich to approve the consent agenda and place it on file. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS: PUBLIC SAFETY&TRAFFIC ALDERMAN JIM NELSON, CHAIRMAN STREETS AND GARBAGE ALDERMAN DAVE PICKEL, CHAIRMAN APPROVAL OF AN INVOICE FROM ILLINOIS VALLEY PAVING IN THE AMOUNT OF $31,245 90 FOR SEAL COAT WORK AT THE CANTON WWTP The City contracted with Illinois Valley Paving to provide seal coating work along access roadways, parking areas and working areas at the wastewater treatment plant. This was budgeted from the bond funds. Public Works Director Bill Terry explained that there was some damage done to a building and the City will wait for it to be repaired before this invoice will be paid. This item will be tabled until the next Council meeting. LEAF PROGRAM SCHEDULE The dates for the upcoming leaf pickup program for the month of November will follow the garbage route: if your garbage pickup is usually on Monday's, leave pickup will be November 3-7, Tuesday pickup will be November 10-14, Wednesday's garbage pickup will be November 17-21, Thursday garbage pickup will be November 24-28, Friday garbage pickup will be December 1-5th. The crew will continue to rotate to pickup leaves until the snow falls. Citizens are reminded not to put leaves in the streets because they plug the sewer systems. LAKE, BUILDINGS &GROUNDS ALDERMAN JOHN LOVELL, CHAIRMAN-ABSENT ALDERMAN PICKEL-ACTING CHAIR DISCUSS. CONSIDER AND VOTE ON AN ENGINEERING AGREEMENT WITH MAURER AND STUTZ INC FOR THE CANTON LAKE DAM SPILLWAY REPAIRS. WTP Superintendent explained that The City of Canton obtained funding from FEMA as part of FEMA disaster #4116-DR-IL (Floods in the Spring of 2013) The City advertised in the Canton Daily Ledger and the Peoria Journal Star a request for qualifications for professional engineering services per FEMA requirements. The City received two statement of qualifications(SO4's) from Maurer-Stutz and CMT. In the review of the two statement of qualifications, the City selected Maurer-Stutz and began negotiations on the scope of work and the fee. The proposed fee (preliminary engineering and bidding was $14,000.00 and the construction engineering was $22,000.00). This amount is in line and actually under the total amount approved by FEMA of $58,000.00 The selection was based upon qualifications. WTP Superintendent Greg Pollitt thought Maurer and Stutz would be the better selection between the two that submitted statements of qualifications. The fiscal impact would be 80% funds received from the FEMA grant and 20% paid from the Canton Lake fund. Greg further explained that the City will be responsible for approximately $70,000.00- which is being built up in the lake development fund. The total cost will be approximately $300,000.00 which will be offset by the grant funds. The City was very fortunate that the grant funding was approved. Fulton County ESDA and Chris Helle were instrumental in helping with the grant funding. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Pickel/Hale to approve the engineering agreement with Maurer and Stutz Inc for the Canton Lake spillway repairs. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. PUBLIC WORKS, WATER&SEWER ALDERMAN GERALD ELLIS, CHAIRMAN WATER BILL POLICY DISCUSSION The City has previously received concerns about landlords and tenants delinquent water bills. The policy that is currently being drafted will help address some of the concerns. This item will be tabled until the next Council meeting. A draft policy will be brought forward for review prior to the next meeting. Community Service Director Jason Strandberg mentioned that in early September he began talking about creating a comprehensive water billing policy for the City of Canton. The City currently does not have a formal water billing policy, but rather has made decisions on past practice and Council recommendation over the years. WTP Superintendent Greg Pollitt, Comptroller Caty Campbell, and Community Service Director Jason Strandberg are in the finishing phase of drafting the policy. The policy will be sent to the aldermen for review and suggestions before the November 4, 2014 meeting date. FINANCE ALDERMAN 1USTIN NELSON BID OPENING FOR 306 NORTH 14TH AVENUE CANTON IL City Clerk Diana Pavley-Rock opened and read the bid during the Council meeting. One bid was received for 306 North 14th from Greg and Tracey Kitchen (276 North 14th) in the amount of $306.06. The bid form states that the bidder would be responsible for the entire amount of 2014 taxes. To date: Attorney Rabel has not received notice that the taxes have been sold. Attorney Rabel reviewed the Bid during the Council meeting. The bidder must tear down the property within 90 days of closing according to the bid document requirements. The City is not required to except the bid by state statute according to Attorney Rabel. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Jim Nelson/Pickel to approve the bid from Greg and Tracey Kitchen for the property located at 306 North 14th, Canton. Discussion: Alderman Putrich asked how the closing fees will be divided. Attorney Rabel said there is no realtor fees and the remaining fees will be split between the buyer and seller as usual. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. *Attorney Rabel will prepare an ordinante to present to the next council meeting. VALUATION OF BNSF RAILWAY CORRIDOR FROM THE CITY OF FARMINGTON TO DUNFERMLINE As part of the VNSF Rails to Trails project, a valuation of the VNSF railway corridor from the City of Farmington to the Village of Dunfermline is necessary. The Canton Park District has obtained a proposal from Neff Valuation Group in the amount of $20,000.00. The Canton Park District can commit at least $5,000.00 to this fee estimate and they are asking the other stakeholders to share the cost. Those other stakeholders being (City of Canton, City of Farmington, Fulton County, SRPED, Canton Union School District and the Canton Township) A resolution of support was approved by the Canton City Council on January 2, 2013. The length of the track between St. David and Farmington is 14.5 miles. The portion that would be considered in the City of Canton is 4.0 miles or 27.6% of the entire length. This was based on a starting point just south of the Mexican Restaurant north to Alder Street. An appraisal has been completed by Jones Lang Lasalle on behalf of BNSF and they have appraised the value of the rail banking and market sale at $1,770,000. BNSF also has a $2,000.00 processing fee. At a meeting held on December 13, 2012 with other interested parties and IDNR, it was stated that there are two potential grant sources. The first is an IDOT ITEP grant where a 50% match is required. The second source is IDNR recreational trails program where there is a 20% match required and there was some question as to if enough funds were in the program to cover the 80% at that time. If the group had to pay $1,770,000 for the land and were responsible for coming up with 20% match (354,000) if the City was responsible for 27.6% of this total is would equa) $97,704.00. A couple of factors come in to play. There is a chance the group could negotiate a lower sale price and there is a chance that the group would have to apply for ITEP grant funds which means 50% match. The City portion could be $244,000 at the current price and 50% match. You still would have the cost of constructing the trail. The Canton Park district will have their trail project out for bid soon so we should be able to obtain recent unit prices to develop a cost opinion for this section of the track and Canton's portion. Discussion: Alderman Putrich said that there are two potential grant sources, but would have some concerns if the grant sources were not actually available or received. The City currently has Lakeland Park for walking and bicycling along with Wallace Park in Canton. This request comes down basically to a needs verses wants situation. Alderman Putrich further explained that he doesn't think the City would be able to come up with enough funds to buy it and then add additional money to build a trail. Alderman lustin Nelson explained that he understands Alderman Putrich's concerns, but this might be the only possible time to purchase this track. Alderman Putrich asked if there was a current lawsuit that pertained to farmers trying to get some land back. Attorney Rabel said the current law suit is against the federal government and should not impact this. The lawsuit is for them to get paid for their value of the land that was lost from the easement for wrongful taking. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Justin Nelson/ Pickel to pledge $5,000.00 for the valuation of the rail bank from the general fund ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. LEGAL AND ORDINANCE ALDERMAN CRAIG WEST A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CANTON UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT NO 66. THE CITY OF CANTON AND THE FULTON COUNTY STATE'S ATTORNEY'S OFFICE FOR THE RECIPROCAL REPORTING OF CERTAIN OFFENSES AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND THE CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AND DELIVER SAID AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF CANTON. ILLINOIS. #4087 Attorney Rabel explained that this is a contract that the City enters into with the Canton Union School District. The only changes made in the agreement was adding in the local statute regarding alcohol, drug paraphernalia and cannabis usage. The school would have to notify the City of certain offenses if they find the students do. The City would also be required to notify the school on various situations. The agreement keeps a good working relationship between the City, school district and students. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Justin Nelson/West to approve the resolution and place it on file. ROLL CAU Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING AN AREA WITHIN THE CITY OF CANTON AND THE COUNTY OF FULTON AS AN ENTERPRISE ZONE. (1st readin�) Attorney Rabel explained that a public hearing took place last night that is required by state statute according the Illinois Enterprise Zone Act. A map is on file with the area designated as the enterprise zone. By state statute the ordinance must be filed in the recorder's office so it can be submitted with the application that will be due on December 31, 2014. The other taxing bodies have been in favor of the proposed enterprise zone. COMMUNITY& INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ALDERMAN TAD PUTRICH NEGOTIATIONS, GRIEVANCE & PERSONNEL ALDERWOMAN HALE Alderwoman Hale extended a thank you to Harold Rose for inviting the Council and other organization to speak to the students about the City of Canton. COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR JEFFREY FRITZ APPOINTMENT OF JESSICA BOWTON TO THE AUXILIARY POLICE STAFF Chief McDowell explained that usually there is an age restriction for the auxiliary police staff of 21 years of age. Jessica Bowton is currently a college student with criminal justice being her field of study. Jessica would not be required to carry a firearm until she is 21 years of age. Chief McDowell explained that not everything in the department requires usage of a firearm. Jessica is very well qualified and the department looks forward to her joining the auxiliary staff. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Justin Nelson/Hale to approve the appointment of Jessica Bowton to the auxiliary police staff. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. TRICK OR TREAT FOR U.N.I.C.E.F. CHS KEY CLUB On Tuesday, October 28, 2014 the Canton High School Key Club will be trick or treating for UNICEF. The high school students will be going door to door and trick or treating for monetary donations to UNICEF which is a world-wide charity started in 1950 that has benefited thousands of children in third world countries. ILLINOIS MUNICIPAL CLERKS/UNIVERSITY OF iLLIN015 CERTIFICATION PROGRAM Mayor Fritz announced that City Clerk Diana Pavley-Rock and recently appointed Deputy City Clerk DeAnna Williams attended the Illinois Municipal Clerk conference in Springfield. The Illinois Municipal Clerk and the University of Illinois provides an educational opportunity that benefits the City Clerk/Deputy City Clerk and the community. The Certified Municipal Clerk program is designed to enhance the job performance of the Clerk in small and large municipalities. To earn the CMC designation, a Municipal Clerk must attend extensive education programs. The CMC designation also requires pertinent experience in a municipality. The CMC program prepares the applicants to meet the challenges of the complex role of the Municipal Clerk by providing them with quality education in partnership with the University of Illinois. Education and training is focused in the following areas of expertise: o Custody of the official seal and execution of official documents o General Management o Records Management o Elections o Meeting Administration o Management of by-laws, Articles of Incorporation, ordinances or other legal instruments o Human Resources Management o Financial Management 0 City Clerk Diana Pavley-Rock received her CMC designation in 2011 and is currently working toward her MMC Deputy City Clerk DeAnna Williams began the first year of the program to begin working towards her CMC. The MMC program is an advanced continuing education program that prepares participants to perform complex municipal duties. The program has an extensive and rigorous educational component and a professional and social contribution component. The MMC applicant must demonstrate that they have actively pursued education and professional activities. OLD BUSINESS DISCUSS, CONSIDER AND VOTE ON AN ORDINANCE DECLAIRING SURPLUS REVENUE IN THE CANTON 1 DOWNTOWN STH AVENUE TIF DISTRICT SPEIAL TAX ALLOCATION FUND AND AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF THAT SURPLUS REVENUE TO THE FULTON COUNTY TREASURER FOR DISTRIBUTION TO THE AFFECTED TAXING DISTRICTS ON A PRO RATA BASIS FOR THE TAX YEAR 2013 PAYABLE 2014. (2ND READING) #3080 Motion and second were made by Aldermen West/Pickel to approve the ordinance and place it on file. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich ABSTAIN Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Mayor Fritz reminded everyone that garbage totes remain available for purchase at City Hall. Three sizes are available to meet each residents needs. ADJOURNMENT Motion and second were made by Aldermen Pickel/Putrich to adjourn without the need for executive session. The motion carried. Diana Pavley-Rock, City Clerk Jeffrey A. Fritz, Mayor