HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #4086 - sale of 61 e side square RESOLUTION NO. 4086 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CANTON APPROVING SALE OF 61 E. SIDE SQUARE, CANTON, ILLINOIS WHEREAS, on January 17, 2012, the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois, through Resolution 3977, declared the City's real estate located at 61 E. Side Square, as surplus to the needs of the City pursuant to 65 ILCS 5/11-76-4.2 of the Illinois Municipal Code. WHEREAS, the property has been listed for sale with Maloof Realty and Grosuch- Hensley Real Estate for a 7% commission. WHEREAS, since 2012, the City had not had any offers on said property until Advanced Properties made its offer. WHEREAS, the Legal & Ordinance Committee has determined that it is in the best interests of the citizens of Canton to accept the offer from Advanced Properties and to transfer ownership of said property to Advanced Properties. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Canton has made a similar determination. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, ILLINOIS,AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Sale Agreement related to 61 East Side Square, Canton, Illinois is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A" is hereby approved by the Canton City Council. 2. That the Mayor for the City of Canton, Illinois, or his designee, is hereby authorized and directed to execute said closing documents on behalf of the City of Canton. 3. That this Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage by the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois and approval by the Mayor thereof. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois this 7th day of October 2014 NLR Resolutions 6l E Side Sq 10/6/14 AYES: Aldermen Ellis, Justin Nelson, Lovell, Hale, West, Putrich, Pickel NAYS: None ABSENT: Alderman Jim Nelson APPROVED: Jef�Aritz or Y ATTES : � C.(� Diana Pavley-Rock, ity Clerk NLR Resolutions 61 E Side Sq 10/6/14 �, ` ��'�* C�TY OP CANTON "� ��.i:��'� 21�N�MeM�,Car►twy 1NInWr 6i520 •Tel�phone(309)W7•2738 •FeaNnNle(909)647�23�8 . �.s.��• . Nancyl.Rabel�Q�AtAar�wY rt��ko� sCpt�mber 8�2014 Mr.Chria Beyers Mr.Micheel3a�away Advanced Prapeities LLC ' „ . 135 N, UIi►I�amslnvra 7�r. Bloomington,T�.61704 Ra: Offer on purchaee of 61 B.Side SSquare�Canton Dear Mr.Bayers 8t Mr.Salaway: Ae you are aware,I t�eceived your o�a for the purchaae of 61 E.3ide Square,Canton and hava bean in communieattrn�with Mr. Oertwig. 'Y'he City Couneil votod to aaeept your of�er of ; $I00,000.00. Y have bepl in Mt�ch with Mr. Oertwi� regending th�poslsibllity of aplitting the :' realtor Fees and the olosing coa�ts, It ia my underat�ending that Advanced Propertles fa wili�ng to ; eplit theae feea end coeta. Advmiced Pwportie� SOy6 slu�re wilt be capped at 55,000.00. I am attaahing a copy of the estimated olosing coets from Beal Law Ot�ice. Thia ia an eetimata ea tho time for the aatual titlo eaarch om vary. Heel Law Offfce waa not sure that it cwld hava the tid�aearch and closi�ng compteted by Soptembcr lfi,20i4,as your offer requested. The Chy la will�ng to allow Advaewed Propeetiea pos�aasion of the property on 9�ptanbar 16, 2014. Mr. Oerh+vig oomrauniceted that AdvanQed would be willin�to pay�arneet money to the City for early poeee,seion This of eow�e would then ba oredited towards tho purchase prlce� bu# would bo noa refundable If Advenad faile to i elose an the pmperiy for some naaon. C1osing would occur no later tl�aa Soptembor 30,2014. i i The City ia in compl�an�ce with the requirmnents of the ADA for handicaAl� P��nB I spaeaa in the downtown aqeiero area. However,the City ia willing to put a handieappad pmkin� j spmce in front of 61 B. 3ule Square to asai�t your patient�perking needs. However, the apece � cennot bo reeaved fo�r Advan�ced's pattenta,but would be open to all dowatown cuatomerR. If thoee terms are accoptable bo Advaneed Propartios LLC,pleeae ai�n balow and return a copy to me. If there atc cha�nges or qu�esdons, pleeae co�taat mo. Tha City of Cant�on appreciatiea your of�or at�d looka forvvard to your buslnesa bejng locatod dowmown. 3inceraly yours, �.--�n.�,,� .� ��� Nancy L.Ra�t PaQe 1 of Z Advanced Pmperdes LLC Chtls B ���� Y � 9-� -ry . Mi 1 Setawa Date ; i . ! ti i � I NLR A�reements 9/3/l4 Pe�e 2 of Z 1 462��7 J�IBS I. N8L9� CplNTY G.Bk'� i �O�De! Ft�.lOr �TY. IL wA��►rrrY n� ,� � i�/2�1� 1ic19t3�11 PRBPARED BY Bt RET[JRN TO: R�C FBB: 6i.N �F13: 9.N FROEHLIl�1(�,WEBER�SCHELL,LI.P 167 W.Elm Street Canto�,IL 61520 MAIL TAX STAT�MENT TO: Advmcxd Prope�iea,I..L.C. 135 No�th Williamabutg Drivc Bloomin�0�n,Illinois 61704 THIS IIVDENI'URE WiT'NES3ET'H,that the C�rantor,C1TY OF CANTON,Fultaa� County,Illinois,a noo-ho�a nile muQiciP��3'�Y��md axishng under aad by viriue of t6e law�s of the Sta�e of llli�wis aad au�orized to t�anssct b�usiaess in the Stade where the following de�cn'l�ed nal estate is loce�bod,finr�d in oonsid�cation of Oae H�mdc�ed Thovsead Doll�ns(5100,000.00)emd vther good and vahreble consideration,the rooeipt of wluch is henby acbwwled�ecl,�tnnd putat�ant to a�thority�ivoa by�e Mayor and Ciiy Couacil of the City of C�on,caonve�y amd watra�t to ADVANCED PROPERTIES,L.L.C.,�IIliaaa limitied lisbility company, 133 North Wiliiamsbucg Drivre,Bloomingtoe,IlW�ois 61704,tbe follawit�g�-desc,�tibed roel eat�e: Patt of Lat Nine (9) in Jones' Fnst Addmon to t!� City of Caaoon, sit�ted in �lton County, Dlinuis,deecrlbed as follows:Commm�cit�at a point 24 feet 41/2 inchts North of tLe Sot�thv�st Coia�of said Lot Nin�e(9�t�uoe East 181 1/2 feat,tLencx No�th 24 f+at 41/2 in�ches,th�en�ce West 181 lrl Seet,thencx South 24 Fat 41/2 inche,�to tbe pL�e of beginnin�and, Part of La�t N'me (9) in Joa�ea' First Additiaa to the City of Ca�a�, situated in Ft�lton Couaty, Illin�ois, doscn'bed as follows: Co�nmencing at the Southw�est Comar of aend Lot N�ae (9�, mm�ing tl�oe North 24 fect 4 1R inche,s, thenoe n�ing F.ast 181 1/2 f�xt to th�e We�st line of First Av�enue, nm�ia�t�ce South 24 f�eet 41/2 inch�,mm�in8�cx wesc isi in f�c m r�e pl�ofb�ng. 3W�ja,t�o ao�d�t�aas,cove�,eas�,and re�ricdons of�rd. PIN: 09-08-27-410-027 Property addc+a�s: 61 F�st Sid�3quere,Ca�tDo�n,IIli�o�ois 61520 Fulta�County Cleric Recorder Instrument No. 1482257 Page 1 of 3 IN Vi�1TNES3 WHERBOF,aaud(irantor bes caused its oosporate seal m be hGC�etQ affixed, aod h�s caused i1s name t�be stgoed to tl�e pe+e�arts by its Msy�and�sbed by tbe City Cla�c,this„��day of Octub�r,2014. T6ia�on ia axa�pt un�35 ILCS 200/Soc.31-45,P�giaph(b)of the Illinoia R�eal F.at�e Trre�sfea Tax Aat. Jefftr.y Fri (Affiu A� STATE OF II.LINOL4 ) ) ss: COUNTY OF F[JLTON ) The u�dm�ai�oed, a Notary Public in and for said co�m�►, in d�e sta�e aforesaid, doea l�'eb'Y oatifY tb�at JEFFREY A. FRTTZ,Pec�so�nUY known to me tio be tlre Mayor of the City of Cau�o�,aod DIANA PAVELY ROCK,p�o�slly kno�wn t�me to be the City Clerk of the City of Caa�, end pacsonally lm�wn to me to be the�amo pe:sona w�o�e names are subscribod to d�e fore�um6 i�mau,app�c�ed befo�+e me this day in pGCSO�aad acknowlod�ed that aa anch Msy�or and CitY Cle�,thaY signed and deliv�ed the sedd in�nmaant ea Msya aad City Cledc of dre City of Cant�on, P�� �Y 6iv�en by dre City Council, as their free aad wluntety sct, aod aa tbe fi+ee aad vohmotacy act aad deed of tLe City of Cantion, far the uxa mad p�urpoeea therein sat fo�h. , (3IVEN uader my baad aad notariai seel this�day of October,2014. ���L�.a-l�i��ifJ Notffiy Public � ��� ����M w Fulton County Clerk Recorder Instrument No. i462257 Page 2 of 3 2 � AFFIDAVIT FOR PURPOSE OF ILLINOIS PI.AT ACT RCQUIREMENTS TI�,S I�SA tF6AL DOCU�II/-PlEAS�E CWVSfALT 1'DIN?A?ld?AEI' (za�no a a�a�on o�dr�.�u Mer��vvN) PARCEI NUMBER: 0 T � D O"� �-- �II�'�D/Z? Granb�a cxantors ai�qr aun�o�aed�epre�ntsthre�a deea tranararin�in�areat in�e roat eatate deaaibea in�e acaompanyirg deea end further ab�a lhia�ansfer I�EXENIPT FROM THE ILLINOIS PLAT ACT R65 ILCS 205)BECAUSE OF THE FOLLOYYING: � NOT A DIVISIOM OF LAND—PARCEL BOUNDARIES REMAIN UNCHANGED(The Recader wiN procaed witl�recoMinp tlw dwd md no iwtl�K quatlons q�. CouMy Plst Offlcar sipnsturo is�nquirod. Plsase sign bNow and hava no?uiz�d) ❑ A DIVISION OF UWD THAT MEETS ONE OF THE FOLLOIMNG EXCEPTIONS — APPROVAL BY COUNTY PLAT OFFICER (� Q�IS RE(lllIRED ALONC�WITH APPLICABLE fEE PRIOR TO RECORDiNG• ❑ The di�iona or subtliviaion of{end Mo parcels a tracb of 5 acres or mae in site whkh doea nat imohe sny new stroela or �atem�nb ot s�ss. ❑ The dh�ieion d bts a bbcks of leas tl�an 1 acre in eny reoorded�ion whkh doss not imolve sny naw streeb or s�enNnb ot �ccess. ❑ The sele a e�d�enge of parcels of lend belween ownera of adjoining and oontiguoue land. ❑ ihe oomeyenoe of par�oeta W land or inter�est tl�ereh for use as a rigM of way tor raibada a oQ�er pub�c u�'i!y fa�iea and o1he�pipe �nes which dat not invohn an�r naw stn�b or�nenb ot access. ❑ The oom�eyanoe oF land tot highwe�►or othet P�c Purposes or grants or aonv�ayanoes relatlng!o tie dedc�don of land for public u'e or ina�tpnenb roletlllg b Ne vacaii011 of 18nd i�Ifpressed wNh 8 pubNc use. ❑ Cont►epanoe�msde b aarod deaaiptlor�s in P��f�� p n�e aele a e�r�pe a paroe�s a aaca a m�a�ow�a�e dv�bn ino�no naro than 2 p�r�or a par�a,�ar p�a a�ct a�ana e�ng an July 17,195s end not�m►ohrirp u�r n.w�or a:.m«rt.a.c�ss. ❑ The�ale d a aingle lot af lesa�en 5 aaes frum a iarge�trac:t wtie�n s surMey ia made by an I�naia R�ep�ened l.and S�rveya;Provided Ihat t�ia ezemptlon ehaN not applr b tte aab of anyl�ub�equent lol�from Ihe aame lerge�Eract d land,ais delerrnined b�►�e dirt�enaiona ana oo�gura6a,a A�e Nrger aaa on oc�r�, �s73,and p�ia.a abo that n�s e�ption aoea noc�walida�e any acer�q�aren�nta a�pi�able b tl�e wbdvbion ot land. ❑ The prepera�on of a plat for wind energy devised under sec�on 10�620 af 1he Propeiiy Tax Code. ❑ Divi�ioit meets cr�eris fot apricullursl eze�nption I svwu b th�bat ct my knowled�e th�t fhe�nh conbined henin m trua�nd corr�ect. turthu� th�t thb�for th�purposs of indicainp to THE RECORDER OF DEED8 OF FULTON COUNTY�ILLfN018,tlat t!a p�meyu�ce by th� �ttadiod In�t�nmt it wlThin�md in conmlimce wMh��prorbiorfs of the IQi Plrt A�t. r�:�cn.l a � � �C� �•r s�a,�: o�: f.0 -��-I�� r�►�: s�: oa�: su a swom m be�e me mis�y`I` _dar o� �,2o_.:L�+.. �L�LN �A�.BTUC�Y � N�y P1b1o�M�d inoY M►Oon�alrlon�w p�1i Apprar�l tor!�e Pht 11d.County Subdhrbion�d Za�6tp Code Puryous: SURVEY REQURED FOR RECORDINQ: Y�s❑ No❑ FuRon CouMy Ptat Otflceddesipnee: D�e: (NOTE: CouMy Pl�t Offle�sbnriw�roquired for propertiet g�in the UNINCORPORATED areas of Fulton County) Fulton County Clerk Recorder InsVUment No. 1462257 Page 3 of 3 ' Q'p,'CMENipph q OGN OMB No. 2502-0265 � * * ° A. Settlement Statement (HLTD-1) oG98�N oevE����� B, of Loan 1. � FHA 2. ❑RHS 3. ❑Conv Unins 6.File Number 7.Loan Number 8.MoRgage Ins Case Number 4. ❑VA S. ❑Conv Ins. 6. O Seller Fin 140011502384 7. ❑Cash Sale. C.Note: This form is fumished to give you a stateme�of actual seulement costs. Amounts paid to and by the settlement agent are shown. Items marked " .o.c."were 'd outaide the closiu •the are shown here for infomiational aud are not iacluded in the totals. D.Name&Address of Borrower E.Name 8c Address of SeUer F.Name 6c Address of Lendet Advenced Propeiiies,L.L.C. Clty of Canton,Fultoa Coanty,Illinoia,a non-home nile Heartland Benk 135 North Willlamaburg Drlve municlpality P.O.Boz 67 Bloomiagton,IL 61704 2 North Main Street Bloomington,IL 61702 Canton,IL 61520 C3.PropeRy Location H.Settlemcnt Agent Name I,SetUemeirt DaYe 10l15J2014 Froehline,Weber&Schell,LLP Fund: 61 East Side Stquare 167 West Elm Street Canton,IL 61520 Cnnton,IL 61520 (309)647-6317 Taz ID:37-08158&i Closer:MEMBER CLOSER Place of Settlement FroehlinE,Weber&Schell,LLP 167 West Elm 3treet Canto IL 61520 J.Summary of Borrower's Traneaction K.Sum�oary of SeIIer's Transaction 300.Groas Amonnt Dqe from Borrower 400.Grose Amount Dae to Seller 101. Contract sales price E100,000.00 401. Contract sales Plice 5100,000.00 102. Petsonal property 402. Pecso�nal properfy 103. Settletneirt charges to boirower 54,407.50 403. 104. Funds Yet to be disburaed $315,273.78 404. 103. 405. Adjustmenta for items paid by seller ln edvance AdJustments for items peid by seller in advance 106. Cowrty Property Tax 406. County Property Tax 107. 40'7. 108. 4pg. 109. 4p9. 110. 410. 111. 411. 112. 412. 113. 413. 114. 414. 113. 415. 116. 416. 120.Grosa Amount Due From Borrower $419 681.28 420. Gmss Amount Due to Seller 5100 000.00 200.Amou�s Poid By Or in Behsif Of Borrower 500.Reductlons in Amonnt Due to Seller 201. Deposit or eamest moneY 55,000.00 SO 1. Eamest money held by seUer SS,000.00 202. Principal amount ofnew loaa(s) 5407,000.00 502. Settlememt charges to seller(line 1400) $g,4�g,pp 203. Existing loan(s)taken subject to 503. Existing loaa(s)taken subject to 204. 504. Payoff First Mo�tgage 205. SOS. Payoff Second Mortgage 206. 506. Z��• 507. 208. Pmtion of Ownei's Policy Paid by Seller $200.00 508. Portion of Owner's Policy Paid by Seller $ypp,pp 209. 509. Adjustments[or itema�mpaid by acller AdJusbments for items anpaid by eeller 210. Cowrty Property Tax Ol/Ol/14 th�u 09/16/14 57,481.28 510. County Propeity Tax 01/Ol/14 ttw 09/16/14 $7,481,2g 211. 511. 212. 512. 213. 513. 214. 514. 215. S 15. 216. 516. 217. 517. 218. 518. 219. 519. 220.Total Paid /For Borrower $419 681.25 520.Total Redactlon Amo�mt Due Seller Sl 159.28 300.Csah At Settlement From/To Borrower 600.Caah At Seuleme�To/From Seller 301.C'imas Amount due from borrower(line 120) $419,681.28 601.Gross Amouut due to seller(line 420) $lpp�ppp,pp 302.Less amowrts paid by/for bortower(Iina 220) $419,681.28 602.Less reductions w amt.due seller(line 520) 518,159.28 303.Cash Borrower $0.00 603.Cash To 3ellcr 581,840.72 The Public Reporting Burden for this collection of infonnation is estimated at 35 minutes per response for collecting reviewing,and reporting the data.This agency may not collect this information,and you are not requited to complete this form,unless it displays a currently valid OMB coirtrol number.No confidentiality is assured;this disclosure is mandatory.This is designed to provide the parties to a RESPA covered transaction with information during the settlement process. L. seatemeat charges 700. Total Real Estete Broker Fees $5,000.00 Psdd�om Paid Frnm Divlsion of Commission(line 700)as foUows: Borrower's Seller's 701. $2,500.00 to JLa Maloof Realtor �nds at Ftwds at 702. 52,500.00 to Gorsuch-Hensley Real Estatc Settlement Settlement 703. Commission Paid at Settlement $0.00 $5,000,00 800. Items Payable in Connection with Loan 8111. Our orl tlon e 5120.00 from GFE#1 802. Your credtt or c e ts for the s c rate chosen 50.00 from GFE#2 803. Your adjusted orl��on cLerpea to Hesitlend Bank (from GFE A) $120.00 804. ApptAisa!Fee to LKG Valaatlon Serlvices (froro GFE#3) $1,800.00 805. Credit report to (from GFE#3) 806. Taz service to HeaitJand Benk (from GFE#3) 553.00 807. Flood certlscat[on to Hearfland Benk (from GFE#3) $15.00 808. Wire fee to Heartland Bank (from GFE t�3) $25.00 BloominPton Property Title �' Commihnent � Flist Cownunity Title (from GFE#3) $353.00 810. �o�p�0��MortPay�e � Flrst Commwdty Title (from GFE#3) $43.00 Froehling,Weber&ScheU, 811. Constuction set-np fee to LLp (from GFE#3) $250.00 812. 3 draws 5125.00 each � Froehthi�,Weber&Schell, �° LLP (fmm GFE#3} $375.00 900. Items Requind by I.ender To Be Pwid in Advance 901. Daity interest chartes from 10/15I2014 to 11/1/2014 Q$0/day (from GFE#10) 902. Mortgaee insurence premium for � (from GFE If3) months 903. Homeowner's iasarance for es�ra to fran GFE#11 1000.Reservea Depadted With Lender 1001.Initiel Deposit for yonr escrow couat (from GFE#9) $0.00 100Z.Homeowner's tosurance mo�hs Q per month 1003.Mort�age Insurance months @ per month 1004.Comty property ta=es monfhs @ per month 1005.County property tazes monf�s @ per month 1006.Speclal Aseeasment monfhs @ per mo�h 10lYI.Homeowner Asc Duee montha Q per month IOOS.Flood insarance montha� per month 1009. OfLer taxea 0 montha Q 1010. Other tazes 0 montLa @ 1011.Aggregate AdJushnent 1100. Title ea 1101.Title serv(ces and lender's Htle insurance To ATG/F We6er&Sche LLP Re rt Attached ��C. 11, (from GFE#4) $955.50 $225.00 1102.9ettlement or closiog fee To ATG/F�oehling,Weber $Zr�p.� $100.00 & LLP 1103.Orvner's tltle inaurance To ATG/Froehling,Weber&Schell,LLP (from GFE#5) $200.00 1104.Lender'e title lnsurwice To ATG/Froehline,Weber&Schell,LLP a�� 1105.Lender's title pollcy ll�n1t$ $407,000.00/$605.50 1106.Ovmer's tlfle po8cy Ifmit$ $]00,000.00/5200.00 1107.A�enNa pottlon of tLe total tltle insurence premi�m► � FroehWtg,We6er&Schell,LLP $430.25 1108.Underwriter'a portion of the total fNle insurence pmmi�un to ��°���Title Gusranty Fmul, $375.25 �1�, Buyer'e Attorney Fee to 1110. Seller's Attorney Fee to 1111. Gap Riak Update to 1200. Government Recording�nd Transfer Charges 1201. Govemment recording char�es (from GFE#7) $153.00 1202. Dced 570.00;Mort=age 580.00,Release$0.00 t°l��tton County Recorder 1203. Transfer tases (from GFE#8) 1204. Couaty Tax Stamps Decd$0.011;Mortgage$0.00 t°Fult°n County Recorder 1205. 5tatc Taz SUunps Deed$0.00;Mortgage$0.00 t°�lt°n County Recorder 1206. to 1207. Release Status Veiiftcatlon Fec to ��,GgE� 1208. Asai�nment of MortPage to (trom GFE#'n 1209. State Re$ulatory Fee to ATG Fees and Traosfers $p,pp �,pp 1210. State Re�ulatory Fee to ATG Fees and Transfeis $3.00(trom GFE#'n $0.00 $0.00 1211. City Taz Stamps to (from GFE#8) I112. Clty Taz Stamps to $0.� 1300. Additlonel Setflement Char�es 1301. Required servlcea you cen shop for (from GFE#� 1302. Docnment re on � F�'Oe�C>We6er&Sc6ell, P P� LLP 50.00 $150.00 1303. Lster Date Sesrch to ��'Weber&Schell, $50.00 $0.00 LLP 1304. Wire-in fee � MidAmedca National B� 515.00 50.00 1400.Total Setdement Chargea(enter on llaes 103,Se�,�tion J and 502,Sectlon I� 54,407.50 $5,47&00 ATTORNEYS' TITLE GUARANTY FUND, INC. � e ��kf��k������4F,i8�� � ���ru�9 � �.�.k�',�.��°^������ ���+�!�"M_�M� ���R�M��, b �r0 t ti. ! t � �.r 1101 DETAIL REPORT Descri tion Mort a e Amount Owner Amount EPL $40.00 $0.00 Locationl $30.00 $0.00 REM $25.00 $0.00 Owners Poli Premium $0.00 $200.00 lst Mort a e Poli Premium $510.50 $0.00 2nd Mort a e Poli Premium $0.00 $0.00 Search-With Prior $50.00 $175.00 Statuto CPL Lender $25.00 $0.00 Statuto CPL Bu er $25.00 $0.00 Statuto CPL Seller $0.00 $50.00 The Illinois Title Insurance Act,215 ILCS 155/16.1,requires that the underwriter,and not the title insurance agent,issue all closing protection letters.I�rther,it requires that CPLs be issued not just to lenders,but also to buyers,sellers,and owners in a refinance. 215 ILCS 155/14(b)requires the title company pay,for its title insurance agents,a S3 fee for every title policy issued by a title insurance agen� 1102.Settlemeat or closing fee $250.00 $100.00 1101.Title servlces and leader's dtle lnsurance $955.50 $225.00 ORIGINATION CHARGES REPORT Line Descri tion Pa ee Amount POC Amount 801 Our ori ' tion char e Hear[land Bank $120.00 $0.00 802 Your credit or charge $0.00 (points)for the specific rate chosen HUDl-ADDENDUM Line Number Hud Line umber Descrl tion HUD Amount Addendum Amount File: 140011502384 ,�.- I have carefully reviewed the HUD-1 Settlement Statement and to the best of my knowledge and belief,it is a t:ue aad accurate statement of all receipts and disbw',rements mxde on my account or by me in this Uansection. I further certify that I have received a completed cropy of pages 1 to 6 of this HUD-1 Settlement Staten�e�rt. Advanced Properties,L.L. _ City of Cantoq Fulton County,Illinois,a non-home rule m 'ci By� BY� O - SETTLEMENT AGENT CERTIFICATION The HUD-1 Settlement Statement which I have ptepared is a true and accurate . accoum of this transac4ion. I have caused the funds to be disbursed in accordance with this statamen -���y Settl eot Ageirt Date Warning:It is a crime to Iwowingly make false stataments to the United States on this or any other similar form. Penatties upon conviction can include a fine and itnprisonmeut. For dexails sae:Title 18 U.S.Code Section 1001 and SecYion 1010. SpCC131 jI1SiI11CL10riS: SELLER INSTRUCTIONS: If this real estate was your principal residence, file Form 2119, Sale or Exchange of Principal Residence, for any gaiq with your income tax return; for other transactions, complete the applicable parts of Form 4797,Form 6252,and/or Schedule D(Form 1040) ATTORNEYS' TITLE GUARANTY FUND, INC. Previous Edition is Obsolete HUD-1 (3/91)