HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-02-2014 Council Minutes City of Canton Council Meeting The Donald Edwards Way (Historic Depot) Canton II 61520 09-02-2014 6:30pm A regular meeting of the Canton City Council was held on September 02, 2014 (6:30pm) in the Council Chambers, The Donald E. Edwards Way-50 North 4th Avenue, Canton, Illinois 61520. STAFF IN ATTENDANCE Mayor Jeffrey Fritz, Attorney Nancy Rabel, Deputy City Clerk DeAnna Williams, Treasurer Kathy Luker, Police Chief Kent McDowell, Fire Chief Tom Shubert, Community Service Director Jason Strandberg, City Engineer Keith Plavec, Public Works Director Bill Terry MEDIA IN ATTENDANCE: Daily Ledger OTHERS IN THE AUDIENCE VIDEO SERVICES BY JOE GINGER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPENED THE MEETING. INVOCATION-Treasurer Kathy Luker PUBLIC PARTICIPATION- ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Loveli X Alderwoman Angela x Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA APPROVAL OF THE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES HELD AUGUST 19. 2014. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Jim Nelson/Pickel to approve the consent agenda. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS: PUBLIC SAFETY&TRAFFIC ALDERMAN JIM NELSON, CHAIRMAN REVIEW OF PARKING AT THE CORNER OF 11TH AVENUE AND SUNVIEW DRIVE During the school year there is no parking on 11th Avenue between Ash and Chestnut Street which have caused cars to start parking on Sunview Drive. Chief McDowell said you could make this residential parking only, or it could be designated as no parking 50 feet from the corner. Chief McDowell suggested making this no parking-which would be easier to enforce. Motion and second were made by 1im Nelson/Pickel to designate no parking 50 feet going back east from the corner of 11th Avenue and Sunview Drive. Discussion: Alderman Putrich said there are other intersections that the City needs to look at that has the same problem- especially South 1st Avenue and Linn Street. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West x Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. DISCUSSION OF THE YEILD SIGN ON THE CHESTNUT STREET AND EAST SIDE SQUARE Alderman West said he has received several calls from citizens regarding the yield sign on Chestnut Street and East Side Square. People are just continuing on through this intersection instead of yielding. One of the options would be to place a stop sign at this area in place of the yield sign. Mayor Fritz suggested that the City continue to monitor this area and see if the yield sign should be replaced by a stop sign. STREETS AND GARBAGE ALDERMAN DAVE PICKEL, CHAIRMAN FUTURE OF THE WEST SIDE OF THE ENTERPRISE ZONE ROAD Community Service Director Jason Strandberg reported that last week someone shut and locked the gates just past Canton Crossing Service al)the way to County Hwy 22. The City owns this road. It was not determined who locked the gates, so the City cut and unlocked the gate. It was later discovered that there were items dumped off as garbage and people were trespassing on private property. This area will be more heavily patrolled to prevent the trespassing and dumping of garbage and unwanted items. Community Service Director Jason Strandberg will talk with the businesses regarding the truck traffic on the roadway. LAKE, BUILDINGS &GROUNDS ALDERMAN JOHN LOVELL, CHAIRMAN DISCUSS. CONSIDER AND VOTE ON CHANGES TO THE TERMS OF THE CANTON LAKE LOT LEAST FOR 24724 EAST LAKEVIEW DRIVE- LOT 3 OF LAKEVIEW ADDITION TO CANTON LAKE BETWEEN THE CITY OF CANTON AND JANET AND ANDREW EWING. The City is still waiting on information from the lender so this will be brought to the next meeting for additional information. PUBLIC WORKS, WATER&SEWER ALDERMAN GERALD ELLIS, CHAIRMAN APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT NO 1 FOR WWTP MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTS FROM LEANDER CONSTRUCTION IN THE AMOUNT OF$8,723.35 Motion and second were made by Ellis/Justin Nelson to approve the application for payment No 1 for the WWTP miscellaneous improvements from Leander Construction in the amount of $8,723.35 from the bond funds. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman lerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT NO 8 FOR WWTP EAST PLANT PUMP IMPROVEMENTS FROM LEANDER CONSTRUCTIN IN THE AMOUNT OF $6,427.47 Motion and second were made by Ellis/Justin Nelson to approve the application for payment No 8 or the WWTP east plant pump improvements from Leander Construction in the amount of $6,427.47 from the bond funds. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Aiderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. FINANCE ALDERMAN JUSTIN NELSON REQUEST FOR AUTHORITY FOR THE PURCHASE OF ELECTRICITY FOR THE CITY OF CANTON (NON-RESIDENTIAL) CUSTOMERS AND THE PRICE RANGE REQUIRED DUE TO THE UPCOMING EXPIRATION OF EXISTING CONTRACT. The current contract will expire in December 2014. The City would like to renew the contract with the same company and go out for bids. The request is to have someone at the City approve the contract within a 24 hour period and the price range. The current rate is .04904 per kw. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Jim Nelson/Lovell to approve Treasurer Luker to be the representative for the City. In the event that Treasurer Luker is unable to attend Comptroller Caty Campbell would be the representative for the City. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X . Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. WATER BILLING POLICY Community Service Director Jason Strandberg suggested that the Council review the water billing policy and look for ways to streamline the current policy. The policy for rental property should be better defined. Other billing procedures such as tall weeds and grass could also be reviewed. Comptroller Caty Campbell is currently working with Superintendent Greg Pollitt with a draft billing policy. The City could look at the option of utilizing a collection agency rather than placing liens on the properties. Other municipalities utilize collection agencies along with having the property owner responsible for any unpaid bills. Alderman Justin Nelson said if the City utilizes collection agencies, the City should move to monthly billing. It was further discussed that monthly billing would be better for both the City and the property owners. A draft billing policy will be brought back for further discussion. Comptroller Caty Campbell is currently working at obtaining information regarding fees that would be charged by utilizing a collection agency and how they would be offset by the customer. LEGAL& ORDINANCE ALDERMAN CRAIG WEST DISCUSS. CONSIDER AND VOTE ON LETTER OF SUPPORT FOR MEDICAL MARIJUANA DISPENSING BUSINESS Attorney Rabel explained that Jerry Jarnigan approached the City about the possibility of having a medical marijuana dispensary. The zoning requirements for the location has been approved. The facility must be 1000 feet from various types of buildings. Scott Miller addressed the Council regarding his interest in the medical marijuana dispensary in Canton. Currently Scott Miller and Jerry Jarnigan are working on an application that will be due back on September 22, 2014. Recently the State of Illinois passed a compassionate use of inedical cannabis pilot program act. The State has started an application process to issue 22 grow or cultivation licenses and up to 60 dispensary and retail licenses across the State of Illinois. Two local entrepreneurs, Scott Miller and Jerry Jarnigan are applying for the one available dispensary license in our district-which is defined as state police district 14. There are five counties in this district. The dispensaries roll in the new laws for medical marijuana or grow facilities is to maintain and sell to qualified patients. These patients are qualified and registered directly by the state under a highly scrutinized process. A description of who qualifies is to be registered for medical marijuana. The benefits to patients are well documented and as the general public becomes more educated about the benefits, process and security of the medicine, the industry believes that medical marijuana will ultimately be considered a strong alternative to prescription or chemical drugs. The economic development committees have been the driving force in trying to attract these organizations to the communities. To receive medical marijuana a doctor must give written certification to the patient. Scott said he would like to put an application in for a license by September 22, 2014. If he is awarded the registration, he will then proceed to the next step. The location of the proposed facility would be at 3100 North Main which is the old bowling alley. The new entity which would be an Illinois based LLC would lease 2100 square feet. If they are selected in the first portion of the process, they would then proceed to the second portion. If a license is awarded the preliminary time frame is to start the operation in the spring or summer of 2015. The application process is rigorous and to run a dispensary is extremely tough and complicated. The state has placed a great amount of emphasis on security measures. Scott said he plans on working with the police department to finalize their security plans if awarded to the next step. Due to the strict laws in place, the operation would start very slow and then it would increase over time. There is limitations on how and where advertising can be done. The majority of the advertising would be to the patients and to the doctors. The only people that can go directly into the dispensary would be those that have a valid medical marijuana card. The facility would generally be opened between 35-40 hours per week under normal retail type of hours. The start- up investment would be between $300,000.00- $500,000.00. The facility would employ up to 10 employees. The sales tax for medicine is 1.0%, other items sold within the facility would be sold at the normal tax rate. The facility would create an economic boost to the economy. People would need to drive to the facility from other communities-thus creating the need to purchase gasoline, visit restaurants and stores. Profit with the enterprise would stay locally with the owners. A portion of the profits would be returned back to the community. Scott further explained that he would like to work with the Dare program at Ingersoll Middle School and the Make Wise Choices at the high school. Scott said he would like to have a letter of support from the City to include with their application. Alderman Dave Pickel said that since the medical marijuana has been approved, the City could either allow the facility in Canton and welcome people into our community or the City could have our citizens go to other communities which would in turn take those business opportunities to another area. The City has worked very hard to make Canton a medical hub. The City along with Graham Hospital and Cook Medical makes Canton a very attractive place as a medical hub. Alderman Dave Pickel said adding a medical marijuana facility would be just one added business in the medical hub. Chief McDowell explained that the medical marijuana could help reduce the amount of deadly prescription medication that is within the area. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Jim Nelson/Pickel to issue a letter of support signed by Mayor Fritz for the dispensary to be located in Canton. ROLL CAU Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin x Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. DISCUSS. CONSIDER AND VOTE ON: A RESOLUTION APPROVING A PRE-ANNEXATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CANTON AND ANGELA HOLTHAUS LOCATED AT 1007 OLD WEST LOCUST, CANTON ILLINOIS. #4080 Motion and second were made by Aldermen West/Justin Nelson to approve the resolution and place it on file. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. BID OPENING FOR 306 NORTH 14TH AVENUE CANTON ILLINOIS The City did not receive any bids for this property. The opening bid for the property was $4,000.00 with the stipulation that the building be demolished within 60-90 days. A home would have to be built on the property within two years. Attorney Rabel explained that only one bid document was picked up. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Ellis/Lovell to lift all of the restrictions and place the property back out for bids, but the property would need to be torn down within 60 days of closing. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Aiderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Aiderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickei X Alderman Jim Nelson x The motion carried. COMMUNITY& INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ALDERMAN TAD PUTRICH SPECIAL EVENT REQUEST BY CANTON MAIN STREET FOR THE ANNUAL MUNCHKIN MASQUERADE EVENT TO BE HELD OCTOBER 29. 2014 Motion and second were made by Aldermen Putrich/Jim Nelson to approve the special event request by Canton Main Street for the annual Munchkin Masquerade event to be held October 29, 2014. Discussion: Alderman Justin Nelson asked if the City could work together with the various organizations that sponsors Halloween events to have the events held on the same night instead of three different nights. Alderman Putrich explained that he believes the City should keep the events as the three separate events to allow people to select events they wish to participate in. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. CANTON MAIN STREET'S REQUEST TO RELOCATE THE ISAAC SWAN MEMORIAL TO FULTON S UARE. Ray Cleer addressed the Council regarding relocating the Isaac Swan Memorial. Ray explained that he talked to the cemetery board along with Canton Main Street about moving the memorial. The moment was given to the City of Canton in 1925 by the Canton Centennial Commission. The memorial is currently at the far corner of the cemetery The request is to have approval from the City to move the monument and help with the cost involved of moving it. Abel Vault and monument included a quote to relocate it. Canton Main Street agreed to pay the$800.00 to move the monument, but Ray would like to have the City pay for the concrete work needed. The estimate from Abel Vault is $400.00. Alderman Jim Nelson explained that there is a small headstone at that location at the Cemetery for Isaac Swan-thus making him believe there was a reason to put the moment at that far west location of the cemetery. There is not anyone buried at this memorial. Motion and second were made by Aldermen Putrich/Ellis to approve the Canton Main Street's request to relocate the Isaac Swan Memorial to Fulton Square and have the City crew do the cement work required. Alderman Justin Nelson said he would like to do more research to see why the memorial was originally placed at the current location. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. UPDATE FROM MISSY TOWERY-SPOON RIVER PARTNERSHIP FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT General Marketing 8i Tourism • Developed coupons for seven local Canton businesses that will be participating in the Illinois Department of Agriculture (ID� and Illinois Main Street Buy Illinois Challenge, a new initiative to generate consumer and business awareness for Illinois-made products. Six Main Street communities, including Canton, Springfield, Alton, Genoa, Carbondale and Pontiac, are taking part in the pilot project. The new website, www.buvillinoischallenge.com, will feature downloadable coupons from seven locally owned businesses in Main Street communities, including Canton, designed to encourage local residents to spend at least $10 of their weekly budget on products made in Illinois. • Participated in a conference on Thursday, August 28, to discuss the Buy Illinois Challenge project with Christina Rogers, Illinois Main Street Director, representatives from the Illinois Department of Agriculture and Main Street communities taking part to discuss the details of promoting the new website. • Met with Ed Barsotti, Executive Director of the League of Illinois Bicylists; Kevin and Debbie Stephenson; and Dennis Crawford on Monday, August 25, to discuss further details of the June 2015 Grand Illinois Trail and Parks tour, which would bring approximately 250 bicyclists to Canton. This tour is a partnership between the League of Illinois Bicyclists and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. A core committee to promote Canton as a stopover is being formed. • Prepared and produced mailing to over twenty former IH employees and members of the community with an interest in Canton history, inviting them to attend an organizational meeting on September 10 to discuss the possibility of creating a Canton/IH museum. Canton Main Street. • Helped to execute a new Main Street event, Canton Night Out on August 5. • Set meeting with Carol Davis and Cheryl Bielema to review possible state grant to help in the development of the Canton/IH museum. • Prepared Canton Main Street minutes and financial reports for July. • Attended the Canton Main Street Board meeting on August 26. • Attended a Promotions Committee meeting on Tuesday, August 19, to begin development of plans for Munchkin Masquerade on October 29 and the Old Fashioned Christmas Walk on December 5. Webeite • Updated Partnership Board members on the SRPED portion of the website. • In August www.cantonillinois.or�had 25,678 pages viewed. There were 13,165 unique IP addresses. • In August, the www.visitcantonil.or� had 4,249 pages viewed. There were 2,125 unique IP addresses Scenic Drive • Attended the Scenic Drive Association Board meeting on August 20. • Responded two requests for information about being a vendor in Canton for the Drive. 61 EAST SIDE SQUARE OFFER NEGOTIATIONS, GRIEVANCE & PERSONNEL ALDERWOMAN HALE COMMUNICATIONS FROM MAYOR JEFFREY FRITZ Mayor Fritz said that garbage totes are available for anyone that would like to purchase a tote. anyone interested can call the public works department. OLD BUSINESS AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE/HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT TO ALLOW A CLOCK SERVICE/REPAIR BUSINE55 AT 429 WEST CHESTNUT STREET, CANTON ILLINOIS CURRENTLY ZONED R-3 (2ND READING) #3075 Motion and second were made by Aldermen Pickel/Putrich to approve the ordinance and place it on file. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman lohn Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Petitions are available at the City Clerk's office for anyone interested in running for Alderman. The filing period is the end of November. Openings are available in all four wards. ADJOURNMENT Motion and second were made by Aldermen Justin Nelson/Lovell to adjourn into executive session for the purpose of pending litigation and business matters. 51LCS 120/2 C6/11 ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. r �/� f Diana Pavley-Rock, ity Clerk Jeffrey A. Fritz, Mayor City of Canton Council Meeting The Donald Edwards Way (Historic Depot) Canton II 61520 09-02-2014 Reconvened Council Meeting The regular scheduled Council meeting held on September 2, 2014 returned to open session after the close of the executive session meeting in the Council Chambers, The Donald E. Edwards Way-50 North 4th Avenue, Canton, Illinois 61520. STAFF IN ATTENDANCE Mayor Jeffrey Fritz, Attorney Nancy Rabel, Deputy City Clerk DeAnna Williams, Community Service Director Jason Strandberg ROLL CALL Ves No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell X Alderwoman Angela X Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich X Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried. 61 EAST SIDE SQUARE OFFER Motion and second were made by Aldermen Justin Nelson/Hale to accept the offer from Advanced Properties in the amount of$100,000.00 and allow Attorney Rabel to negotiate closing costs and handicapped parking requests. ROLL CALL Yes No Absent Alderman Jerry Ellis X Alderman Justin X Nelson Alderman John Lovell x Alderwoman Angela x Hale Alderman Craig West X Alderman Tad Putrich x Alderman Dave Pickel X Alderman Jim Nelson X The motion carried ADIOURNMENT Motion and second were made by Aldermen Justin Nelson/Pickel to adjourn. The motion carried by voice vote and was unanimous. Diana Pavley-Rock, City Clerk