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ORDII�X►NCF; 1J0. 321 �
I3F' IT ORD�iIN:�,�'? EiY TH� �^ZiY CCLTId��L G:' iH?�. CITY 0?�' ^A_r!iON� ILLIN4IS;
Section l. That a cen5us ��e taken in the City of Canton, Illinois, for the
purpose of ascertaining the population in the followin� annexed territories of
said City:
8eginninc� nn the e;�isting cc�poration line alon�
the North side of r.ast Beech �treet in the City of
Canton, Illinois, at a point bein� 1185.'r5 feet
�;ast and 567.75 NortY�� af the Southwest corner of
the Southea�t Quarter of "�ction :34, in Township 7 -
North, .�.ar��e 4 Fast of the 4th Principal Merid�an,
Fulton County, Illinois, thence A�orth 20ff.75 feet,
more ox less, thence i�,ast 313 feet, more or less,
thence South 21+,�.75 feet, more or less, to the
South line of x.ast Poech �tr���et, thance West along
the South line of rs,st Beech �treet 22C�.25 faet,
more or less, to the exisi:ing corpc�ration line crossing
Beech Street, thence North /�0 feet along the existing
corporation line to the North line o.f F.,ast ?3eech
Street, thence West alon� the North line of Fast
Beech Street and the existinQ corporation Iine
88.'75 feet more or less, to the point of beginning
situated in tha County of ?�'ul�on and State of Illinois,
rrhich said Ordinance annexing said ter.ritoryr was passed b.y t.he City Cauncil and
approved by the Mayor the lbth day of October A. b. 195b.
Beginnin[� on the existin� carporatj.on line 119g feet
South of the Center of Section 34� Township 7 North,
Range 4 E'ast of. the Fourth Principal Meridian at
the Northeast carner of Lot Number One (1) in Chatauqua
Addition to the Town of (:anton, Illinois, thence West
along the ?�orth line of Chatauqua Addition 500 feet
to the Northwest carner of Lot Number nine (9)in
said Cha.tauqua Addition to the Town of Canton, Illi-
nois, thence South 30 feet along the West line of
said Lot Number Nine (Q), thence Alorthwestarly 82.5
feet alon� the routh line o.f thP Cemetery property to
a point 82 feet West and Q.1 feet North of the
last point, thence South 262.3 feet, thence �ast
15g.'76 feet, more or less, thence South 26.g feet,
more or less, thence South and Fast 61.4 feet to a
point 58.`7 feet South and 1F� feet �ast of the last
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��st 84.�5 feet, more or less, thence North 200 feet,
mor� or less, thence F�st 40 feet to thf East line
of the Southwest Quarter of sai�? 5ection 3�, therce
North alonE said F,ast line a.f the Southwest Ruarter of
s�id Section 34, 158 feet to tre place of �eginning,
togethe�r with the abuttin� Streets and Alleys; all
situated in the Count� of Fulton and State of Illinois.
which said Ordinance annexin� said territory was passed by the City Council and
approved by the Mayor the 7th da,y of November A. D. 1Q56.
�3eginning at a point on the existing corporation line
on the Sou+h sida of £:ast Beech �treet, in t?�e City of
Canton, County of Fulton, State of Illinois, being
527.'75 feet, more or less North, and 1502.$5 feet,
more or less East of tre Southwest corner of the
Southeast Quarter of Section 34, in Township 7 North,
Ran�?e 4 East of the Fourth Principal Meridian, Fulton
County, Illinois, thence North 24g.`75 feet, more or
les�, alnng the existing corporatian line to a point
being 730.31 feet, �:ore or less, F�st of the F.ast line
of South Main "treet, and 47 rods and g links North of
the Southeast corner of said "ection 34, t'�:ence H�:e.st
52 feet, thence couth 208.71 feet, thence �st 5k feet,
ther.ce North 208.'71 feet, thence Fast 257.42 feet,
thence South 248.71 feet, TM.ore or less to +he South
1_ine o�' £�a.st Beech �treet, thance West 363./�2 feet,
more or less, to the place of Leginning, together with
the abutting �treets and Allpys; all situate�� in the
County of Fulton and ctate of Illi.nois,
which said Ordinance annexing said territory was passed b,y t�e City Council and
approved by the Mayor the 7th day of. November A. D. 195b.
A part of the Southwest Quarter of 4ection Th.irty-
four (34), Township Seven (7) North, nange Four (4)
Fast of ths Fourth Principal '.u'eridian, described �
as follows: Commencing at a point Qne Thousand Seven
Hundred Four and On� Hundredth (170l�.O1) feet South
of. the Center of said Quarter 5ection, thence West
One Hundred Ninety Six (196) feet, thence 5outh
Two Hundred Thirty Two and Seventeen Hundredths
(232.1'7) feet, thence East One Hundred Ninety five
(195) feet, thence North Two Hundred Thirty Two
and Seventeen Hundredths (232.17) Feet to the
Flace of F'eginning, situated in the County of.
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Beginning on the existing Corpo.ration Line on
the South R.i�ht-of-way of the Toledo, Peoria
and Westdrn �ailroad, a point rein� n?ine Hundred
Ninety (9°0) feet West and Twelve Hundred Sixty
Fight and One Tenth (1268.1) Feet North of a marker
at the Center of cection Thirty Four (34), Tormship
Seven (7), North, Range Four (4) East, Fourth Principal
P�Ieridian, Fulton Count,y, Illinois; thence Southwesterly
alon� the South Rieht-of-wayr Line of the Toledo, Peoria
and W�stern Railroad A?ine Nundred �everity nine and One
Tenth (g"l9.1) feet, more o�• less, to the Northeast
corner of Lat �even (7) of T. N. Hornett Addition in
the Town of Canton, Illinois; thence Southeasterly
along the F;ast Line of Lots Seven (7) , Fi�ht (8),
and Nine (�) of Gaid T. N. Hornett Addi±,ion One Hun-
dred Eighty (1g0) feet to the Southeast corner of Lot
Nine (9); thence E's.sterly alon�* the �outh Line of Lots
Six (6) , Five (5), I''our (4), Three (3), Two (2), and
One (1), Three Hundred Thirty Five (3�5) feet to the
Southeast corner nf Lot One (1) of T. Ar. Hornett
Addition; thence Southeasterly Ninety (°0) feet to
a Right-of-way Marker on the E�ast Side o£ Avenue D
and the �;orth Right-of-way Line of West Hickory
Street; thence �ast Fi�rity ihree (83) feet to a Right-
of-way Line of West H�ckory Street at �tation Twenty
Seven-�i�hty Five and Six Hundredths (27-65.06);
thence Ea.st Two Hundred Twenty Nine and ^even Tenths
(22g.7) feet to a Right-a£-way- Marker; thence
Northeasterly One Hundred Thirteen and Four Tenths
(113.4) feet to a Ri�ht-of-way P�tarker; thence South
Seventeen and Five Tenths (17.�) Feet to a Right-
of-l�Jay Marker; thence Fmst Twenty Four and Three Tenths
(21�.3) Feet to a point on the T�orth Right-of-way
Line of West Hickory, and on the existing Corporation
Line; thence North along the existin� Corporatian Line
Three Hundre�a Fifty Seven (357.0) Feet to the Place
of �eginning.
which said Ordinance annexir.g said territory was pa�sed by the City Council and
approved by the Ma,yor the 2nd da,y of Janua.ry A. D. 1�57.
Section 2. That a census taker or takers shall be named by the 1�'a,yor and
Gouncil of said City for the purposes of ascertaining the axact information as ta
the number of inhabitants in the annexed territories.
Section 3. After said census ia taken, the sarne shall be sub�cribed and
sworn to by the census taker ar +:a�cers as bein� true ar.d correct, an.d shall be
filed with the City Clerk.
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Section 4. T�e compensation of said cen�iYS taker shall be fifteen dollars
(�i5.d0) per day.
Passed by the Cit� Council and appr.oved by the r"ayor this 5th day of
February A. D. 195'�.
APPROVF.D: 1a��.�/,U�_