HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #344 . � . : . . ' �-�` �w�� (/ . � ��ys� ����`���;�� ; /C./y�j t7RDINANCF PT4. ���. AN aFiDINANGE LFVYTNG TAXES F(7R GORPORATF PLfftPOSES OF THE CITY OF GAN'.�'OrT, ILLINOIS FOR THE FISCAL Y�AR OF SAID CITY, 1�57-1��58. WHF�?.�'.AS, The City Gouncil of the City of Canton, Illinois, did on the 18th day of June A. D., 1�;57, pass the ArTNUAL APPFOPRIATION ORDINANCE of said City for the Fiscal Year of said City be�inning on the first Tuesday of the month of Aha.y, 1�57 and endin� on the first T� sday of the month of May, 195�, and the amount which was appropriated was the sum of �621,040.00, which said ANNUAL APF'ROPRIATIQN ORDINANCE was duly approved by the P�a.yor of said (�ity on the lgth day of June A. D. 1957, and which �aid Ai'�NNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINArTGF was on the 21st da;,� of June ri. D. 1q57, duly published in the Canton Daily Led�er, a daily secular newapaper of �eneral circulation ublished in said City of Canton, Illinois, for a period of at least six (6� months prior to said publication: NOW TI-�tEFORE: BE IT OI'�DAINED BY THf: CI"..'Y COtJ�1CIL OF THl+� CITY OF CAr�TON, ILLINQT�; Section 1. That there be, and there is hereby levied on all property subject to t�xation within the corporate 1i�nits of the City of Canton, Illinois, as the same is asseased and equalizec3 for State arad County purposes for the current year, for the fiscal year of said City of Cantoh, Illinois, beginning on the first `"uesday in the month of May, 1957, and ending on the first Tuesday in the month of t�fa.y, 1Q�$, the total sum of �260,�g0.00, for the following specified purposes: Amount Amount to Appr�iated Be Levied FC� GEPIF,RAL CORPORATE PUftPOSES OF SAID CI'TY: POLICE DEPARTi�NT: Salaries 1 �hief of Folice � 5,200.00 3 Sergeants at �L�680.00 each 14,040.00 8 Policemen at �4160.00 each 3?,2F�0.00 2 Radio Operators at �3,�L,.0.00 each 6,8g0.00 Auxiliary Policemen 2 00.00 ° TOTAL POLICE DLPARTMEr]T SALAR2ES: �b1,qQ0.00 �/�0,000.00 POLICE DEPARTI�NT: Supplies and E�uip�ent Police Car Rental � 2,�.00�00 Supplies and Equipment 1,200.00 Gasoline for Police Cars 2,000.00 Radio Service _ 1.50Q•00 TOTAL I'OLICE D�'ARTMENT SUPPLIES AND F��Nr: � �,�oo.00 � 5,000.00 SIDSWAi�S: Repairs and Maintenance � 500.00 Amount Amount to Appropriated Be Levied STR��TS AND ALLFYS: � Purchase of F�quiprnent ?� 3,�00.00 Gravellin� of Roads 2,500.00 Materia.ls and Supplies g,000.00 Iabor 22,000.00 Oiling Roads 20 000.00 TOTAL STR,ErsI'S AND ALLFYS; ;��56,500.00 2�2ISCEIZAI�EOt15:EX_PFAISSF.S: � 3�000.00 FRINTING AND PUBLICATION: � 6,OOO.QO � 3,000.00 Cl'TY COURT It1AINTENANC�: �` 500.00 SALAR TFS OF CITY OFFIC�RS: :"30,0OO.OQ �20,000.00 PUBLIC GROIP.�IDS AND BUILAINGS: Repair and Maintenance �k10,000.00 � 7,000.00 AUDITING � 400.00 sTxxr�r Lzc�x�rzr� � 9,000.00 � �r,000.00 cEr�r�t: Maintenance � 9,500.00 Purchase of F�qui�rnent l,500.00 Repairs �1.500.00 TOTAL CEMETF�tY: y;�12,500.00 �10,000.00 IA�3iEt,ANCF: Fire and Windatorm, City Building and � 500.00 Contents Casualty and Worlanen's Compensation 7.000.00 TOTAL INSURANCE: � 7,500.00 ' � 5,000.00 TOTAL �ENFRAL FUND: �204,y00.00 �97,000.00 WATHR A?�ID SEWF�R DFPARTMErTT; Sa7.�ries :�60,000.00 Extra Labor 6,000.00 Maintenance 6,OOO.QO Truck Operations 1,500.00 Supplies, Chemical and Fuel 20,000.00 Office Expense 1,500.00 Power 12,000.00 Fir e and Windstorm Insurance 2,000.00 Casualty and Worlanen's Compensation Insurance 3,000.00 Depreciation Account 3,000.00 Extension of Service 50,000.00 Purchase of �uipment 5,000.00 n . . . .. �. ' ' � ' ' - - - - - - - . . . Amount Amount to Approt�riated Be Levied PAR.KIIJG METk�t FtJND: Purcha.se o£ Equipanent � 3,000.00 Cost of Service in Parking Meter Zone 2,000.00 Cost of �as and Oil 200.00 r�la.intenance of Motorcycle 400.00 Cost of Painting Markings 500.00 Permanent Street Improvements 24.,000.00 TOTAL PARKING METER FTJND: �30,100.00 GRAND TOTAL, GEI�tAL Pt�EtPflSFS: $��,37,000.00 �97,000.00 FOR OTI�t PTk3.POS� AlTrHORIZFD BY LAW: PT]ELIC CONIF'ORT STAT ION FjJND: A tax not to exceed .0333 per cent of the full, fair cash value as equalized or assessed b,y the �epe,rtment of Revenue of the 5tate of Illinois, on all taxable property within the said City of Canton: Repairs and I�.aintenance , � 8,200.00 Salaries 1,800.00 Bond Issue 1 180.00 TOTAL PUBI,IC COMFORT STAT ION FUrTD: �,ill,�180.00 ,?b11,180.00 FOR POLICE PENSION FUND: A ta.x not to exceed .05 per cent on all taxable property within the said City of Canton: � .5,000.00 �� 5,000.00 FOR FIRF PROT�CTION FUND: A tax not to exceed two mills on each dollar of the full, fair cash value of all taxable property withi.� the said City of Canton, as equalized or assessed by the Depa.rtment of Revenue of the State of Illinois: SALARIES OF FIRFMErd: 1 Chiei'� � 4,g00.00 1 Assist$nt Chief 1�,3g0.00 g Firemen at �4160 each .33,2$0.00 Extra Firemen „ 2 00.00 Ta'TAL FIR��:r?�G SALARIES; �l�.,�60.pp �40,000.00 F�qui�nent ' l,000.00 Hydrant Rental 00 00 TOTAL FIRF PROTECT ION FTIrID: 50,360.00 FOR GARBAGF DISPOSAL: A tax not to exceed .10 per cent on all taxable property within the said City of Canton for the establishment and maintenance of a sy�tem for the collection and disposal of garbage as authorized by Ordinance No. 35. �e,ssed Mav 20_ 1�3G_7s , . � . . - Amount � Amount to �. o ri.ated Be I,evied FO�t LIBRARY MAINTENANCF: ;14,Q00.00 �7.L,.,000.00 FOR PUBLIC BENF,FITS: A tax not to exceed .05 per cent on all taxable property with- in the said City of Canton, which fund shall be used solely for the purpoae of paying that portion of the several amounts heretofore assessed a�ainst the said �ity for public benefits as well as pa.yment of any such amounts that znay hereafter be assessed for public benefita under and in pursuance of any Ordinance of said City that may hereafter be passed. �17,000.00 �17,000.00 FOR ILLINOIS T�JNTCIPAL R_?�"?'1RFMENT FTJND: A tax not to exceed .125 per cent of the full, fair cash value of all taacable property within the said City of Canton, as the same is equalizpd or asaessed by the Depa.rtment of Revenue of the State of Illinois: �i35,000.00 .�a25,000.00 For the Payment of Principal and Interest on General Obli�ation Bonds of the �ity of Canton, Illinois, for the improvament of Canton Lake Spillwa.y and Water Works Improve- ment, authorized by Ordinance No. 13�., passed Au�ust 'l, 195�:: �18,000.00 �18,000.00 TOTAL OTIiF.R. PI�.POSES: °�1g�,,040.00 $$163,680.00 GRAND TOTAL FOR ALL PURPOSES: �621,01�0.00 �260,680.00 Section 2. That the City Clerk of said City of Canton, Illinois is hereby authorized and directed to file with the County Clerk of �'ulton County, I113nois, a dvly certified copy of this Ordinance. Section 3. This Ordinance sha11 be in effect upon its pa.seage by the City Council and approval by the M�yor. Passed by the City Council this ��O �day of July A. D. 1957. Approved by the Mayor this _/_�c�c day of Jwly A. D. 1957. APPR WF,D: MAYOR ATTEST:_� .N. _ CITY CI�f?K