HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #356 . �
� First reading, Tec. 17, 1957 �
ORDIA'An,T!'.�, ',tU. .35b
W��,FAS the Alder::_�n i.r, the ��ity of ^anton as pa.rt of their
duties spend a considerable portion of t,'�eir• tir,_e as al.dermen in com-
mittee work and over-seein� tre various :�epart:r.ents over which they have
�urisdiction as committeemen; ar_d
WH`�T'AS for this work they are unp�id an�3 rece��ve paym�nt from
the Cit,y only for the Meetings of t,he ^ity Council which they �.ttet�d; and
LJI-��'T�'AS various al�er?�en dur�, to illness and oth;�r. causes often
are forced to ba a��s�nt at the rr�etin�-�s of the ^ity Council, TF��.F:I'OFF,
L3E Ii O��:DA,II`�T';D ??Y T�-i`: CI;'Y �C`�JP�;CIL !�F THr CIl�T CT' '.;AI�'"I'CN� ZLLTNOIS;
Section l. That'each alder^�an shall receive pa:�rr;ent for two meet-
ings of the ^ity �ouncil each ,year. re�ardless or whether he has attended
the same. The CiLy �lerk $h�lt ��.y each alderTM:an for the first two
meetings of each y�ar which he fails t� attend.
Section 2. T�is Ordinance .shal_1 be in effect aft.er its pa.s-
sage by the Cit,y Council and its approval by the ;'=rayor.
Pass d by the City ^ouncil and approE�ed by the _'ayor this���
day of .���— A. D. 195�. ----_...
APP�'.OV��D; �
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