HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution #4074 - permission and hold harmless agreement for use of city property between cook canton real estate RESOLUTION NO 4074 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A PERMISSION AND HOLD HARMI.ESS AG1tEEMENT FOR USE OF CITY OF CANTON PROPERTY BETWEEN THE CITY OF CANTON&COOK CANTON REAL ESTATE,LLC.,AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AND DELIVER SAID AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF CANTON,ILLINOIS. WIiEREAS,the I.,egal and Ordinance Committea of the City of Canton has determined that it is in the best interests of the City of Canton and its citizens,and in the preservation of an ariifact of the City of Canton's history, to restore and relocate "Big Toot,"the pressurized whistle that blew in Canton while International Harvester plant was in operation; WHEREAS,the Legal and Ordinance Committee of the City of Canton has determined that it is in lhe best interests of the City of Canton and its citizens,to relocate Big Toot to the Cook Polymer facility that is now on the former International Harvester site; WHEREAS, the Legal and Ordinance Committee has determined that it is necessary and in the best interests of the Ciry of Canton and its citizens to enter into an agreement entitled Permission and Hold Harmless Agreement for Use of City of Canton Property as set forth in Bxhibit"A"attached hereto and incorporated herein that governs Cook Canton Real Estate,LLC.'s use of City owned property more commonly known as"Big Toot"; and WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Canton has made a similar determination. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF TAE CITY OF CANTON,ILLINOIS,AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Permission and Hold Harmless Agreement for use of City of Canton Property attached horeto and incorpor�ted herein as Exhibit"A"is hereby appraved by the Canton City Council. 2. That the Mayor for the City of Canton, illinois is hereby authorized and diracted to execute said Agreement on behalf of the City of Canton. 3. That this Itesolution shall be in full force and effcct immediately upon its passage by the City Council of the City of Canton, Illinois and appmval by the Mayor thereof. NLR Resolutions 7/28/14 PASSED by the City Counail of the City af Ca�iton,Illinois at a regular meeting this Sth day of August,2014 upon a roll call vote as follows: AY�S: Alderman Ellis,Hale,West,Putrich,Pickel,Jim Nelson NAYS: None ABSENT: Alderman Justin Nelson,John Lovell APPROVED: Je re . ri ayor A.�.. .S�'• �` / Uia Pnvley- ock, it erk ��" NLR Rasol�tions �nai�a PERMISSION Aad HOLD HARMI.ESS AGREEMENT FOR USE OF CITY OF CANTON PROPERTY This Agreement, made by ar�d between COOK CANTON REAL ESTA'CB,LLC.("Cook"),and� t City af Ca�iton ("City"), Illinois, the parties hereto, ia entered into this, ,;z day of ��5�. 2014, granting permission by the City to usc City property, commonly described as"B�g Tant"and more particularly described as the hiatorical steam operated whistic that was oncc located at thc fonner Internati�nal Flarvester plant, Uec of said property would include the relocation of said whistle from City Hall to the Caok Pfllymer fscility, Said whiatle would be used as a tribute to the men and women of Canton who once workad at the International Harveater plant. Permission is hereby granted to temporarily use this City property for a period of ninety-nine (99)years,unless terminated sooner by Cook. Therefore, in consideration of the City granting Cook permtssion to temporarily use this City property, Cook hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Canton, its officera, employees, contractors, subcontractors, guests, invitees, volunteers and agents, anci to protect and defend them against any and all alaims for loss or expense or suits for damage to persons or property, including ita property, arising from Cook's use of the proparty and use by its employees, members, agents or contractors, or subcantractors, and from or by the use of all gucsts, invitees,attendees, volunteers or participants, and/or any and all persons on the properiy for eny reason on this occasion, unless caused by thc negligence or willflil miseonduct of the City,its employees,agents,guest�,invitees,voluntcers and agents. Cook understands snd agrees to accept this City property in "as-is" condition; provided, however, that the City shall insure that the property is in working order on the date hereof. Cook also agrees to uae its commercialfy reasonable ePforts to presarve the historical whistle,to kecp it in good operating condition�and to return thc property to the City in reasonably the same condition as it was befora Cook's use. Coak also agrees to abide by the City'�noise ordinance. Further,Cook understands that the City has a right to damand the return of said historicai whistle if(1)Cook fails to eontinuously operate tha Polymer facility for a period of ninety(90)days; or (2) Cook sells or transfers ownership of said Polymer facility to any other entity; or tha City provides ninety(90)days written notice to Cook that the City Council has requested the retum of aaid whistle for any purpose. If Cook chooses not to continue to use said whistle� Coak may notify the City of its intention to return said whistle. The City shall have ninety (94) days to remove said whistle. Upon termination, Coak will not hold the City responsible for any repaira or maintenance fees which Cook has incurred during its usB. If said whistic is relocated from the Cook Polymer facility, The City will choose h�w to remove said whistle and will bear such costs associated with the remaval and will repair any damages to Cook's facility resulting from the removal unless Cook chaoses to remove or cause to have said whistle removed. If Cook so chooses� Cook shall bear such costs related to the removal. Cook agrees to insure said whistle far the ontire time it is using City properly and will provide a certificate of inaurancc evidencing that the City:�s an additiorial named inaured, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Cook, Inc. and the City of Canton cause this agteement to be made on the date above writtsn. Cook Canton Real Estat�, City of Canton LLC. By: Sabin Corporation d/bla Cook P ymer Tx ologies, Mana B :Jo R.Kams By:Je A.��� _.__ Y Its: reasurer Itst Mayor co� CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE �TE(MMlDDIVWI� THI!CERTMICATH I,I�dUED AS A MATTl11 OF INFORA�IATiON ONLY AND CONFERi NO RIOFITB UPON THE CERTIFIC N CERTIFICATE DOEB NOT AFFIRMATNE�Y OR NdOATWl6Y AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER TH! COV�RAOE AFFORDED bY THE POLICIEi 9ELOW. THW CERTIFICATE OR INaURANC! DOES NOT CONSTITUT! A CONTRACT BlTWClN TN! IiiUINO MISURl�t(�►, AUTHORIilO RE�RBSlNTATIVE CR PRODUClR,AND THE CERTIFICAT!HOLDlR. IMPORTANT: If 1M artlHa�b h r I��n DITWNAL ,�polloy(Ns)muat b��nden�d. B SNBROGATION 13 W su oi to th�brm��nd oondltlons of/h�polloy,art�ln pollai�s m�y nquln■n�ndors�m�n1. A�t�t�m�n!on Ihls o�MlHaab dow nai aorH�r rlqhb 10 eM c�KlOat�holda In Il�u ei suah�r►don�na �. rRaouoa ; Ts[9�td Uildernood �t _._ _ _e., HyIan!Oroup�InC-81aom� on �2����_. ,__ ({�,yo�812-333-3Qg8�__ 1d0 Soulh Coll Ava,#�30 ����� Bloomington IN�404 n�.com _..._�—_ - ; !��l��rroROMacoyaAOe_._..,- ._ �Q-�--- -- _._.— - �w�un�n,�.�ederal In�urence GomRany __�_._ 0281 __.�__ i�auaao COOKGRO-01 �Nw�.�XL.1n�U[Ens� AmOdCaln�_ .._..._._. a� --- Sabin Corpaetbn dlWa Cook Polymer Technoloyy x+�W►ea�. _. -- - - - PO Box 1808 �wuereo: __ . --- Bloomington,IN 47402 -__ --_- _ .� x�su��• � ww�r COVERAOE� ClRTII'ICATB NUMBER;q93164176 REVISION NUMBER: I I H V8 8E� 1 1 F INDICATED. NOTYVIl115TAND1N0 ANV REQUIREMENT,TERM OR GON�I'TION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTH£R DOCUIr1ENT NM7H RESPECT f0 WHIOFI THIB CERTIFICATE MAY 6i'e lS8UED OR MAY PERTAIN,TNE INBUItANCE AFRORUEO BY THE POLICIf9 DE8CRI8E0 HEREIN 18 BUBJECT TO/KL THE TERMi, HXCW810N8 AND CONDITIONB OF BUCH POLICIE3.LIMITB SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDt10ED BY PAIO CU11M6. _..�_......__. ._.__ ' �trre aaw�ce _ �ot weR �� uri�� ; �► mN.�,u,w�nu,r v s�a,a a�no�s OHl2044 e�a,accua� �st000000 _.___ � fx co�waecuu ad�errku�etrcv ���� s�,000.000 ---�__...__ , _ -���u�.� �x ��� �o�.�«���.__ �..±�_ ProdU1X�Ll�b ►ERdONAL 6 ADV INJURY 12 000.000 _ .r •-- � _ dNmt W�di fi6//E1M1A001tltfill'f!_ t2�000.000 _.�_.,.� fiiMl AGfiRE�3AT!LIMIT N�i11Gb PER: rR0011CT8•CON1P10P IWfi {TZy_OOOr000 I X POl Y �.. LpQ � �. AUTOMONI�LUU0.11tl �_ - ANVAUTO 90GlYINJURYIP�p�) i ^. _. . ___. __ ��@p AO�H�ULED BODILY INJURY(Pr�odd�nQ i _ �fd�A�odAMil____��._. MWEOAUTOe AU�TO�NED � U'.0►. -.- � ------� . _ tIMMLLLA LIA� OCCUR ' EACH OCCUItltEN06 ._ i . . �XOi��L1A� ClAM1�MADE A6OREfiATE .t ----..—.. D W�IK�M OOIMlNIN1110N �wo eiw�.orur�u►�wN�rpr� _ _ A����EX�CLUOEO}�cuTlvH r� &l,NICH ACGDENT .__ i ; N 1 A E�l pIBEl1BE�EA BMiLOYE i _ I N i � T Mlaw .,. i 6 -POtICN LdYMT i _.__ B ��prpp�y a8p0035841PR13A �tOf1120'I� CV112014 i�OC,OGD�OGO � Sp�al�l Fam�RCV DE{ORI►TION Of 0/lMTiON{/IOCATIOMi!ViHICLtt(Atl��COND 1�1,Al�Nlen�RanWw�eA�duM,Nmen�paa I�nqulnd) dlUonel Property Cerriers: W88lport IMUrenca Corporetbn-31378540 Oenz Globol W�k US insuranco-CLP3014517 Zutich American Inwrancs-PPR93288D100 Auls Inwrana Co-MNC377878113 Lloyd'�of London-N13NA07480 See Attached... CE TIFICATE HOLOE CANCELUITION �IOULD ANY O�TH8 AYOV!DE�CRIbLD pOLICIl3 S!CANCCLLlD lEFORE TN! lXPIRATION DAT� TNlREOi, NOTIC! WILL !E 0lWERED IN CiIH of Canton ACCORDANCE YNTN THE POUCY PROYI�IONi. 2 Natfi Mal�3Ueat Canton IL 81520 ,unHO�ucr�N�e�euirt�►rn� �� r �.�... 01988�2010 ACORD CORPOItATION. All�lahb t�»twd, ACORD 25(2010106) Th�ACGRO nams and lopo aro nplst�nd marks of ACORD AAENCY CUSTOMER iD:COOKORO-01 LOC M: !'. co d ADDITIONAL REMARKB 8CHEDULE � Pw�L_�� nsu�or wa�oww�eo Hylant Oroup Inc-Bloominpton 3abin Corporetl4n dlhla Cook Pdymer TaaMolopy ...�. . _.___ _--- PO Box 1808 �oucr�R Bloomin�ton,IN 47402 aiuie� w�c ccoe tFPlC�IV[DAtE: �.�_ y � mo iu.� a � THIS ADDITICNAL RlMARKa FOftM IB A 8CN6a1)L6 TO AC�tD FOR1N, FORM NUMOiR: 2$ FGRiI TRLE:C�RTIFiCATE OF LIABIUTY IN9URANCE P.�wrlttan I��a aprs�ment of hlstork:al ot��m opsratad whistb,commonly d�acribed a�"Bip Toot" Gty of Csnton,it's oitican,employo�, contracton euboonNacton,�aats,invitee�,vo{unteers and apentt Ilit�d a�eddl�onal(n�urod per wrftten conbact(99 yser i�aee epre�meM be�ins In 2b14) ACOR0101(200l101) •2005 ACORD CORrORAT10N. Ail rlphb nsKV�d. Th�ACORD nam��nd lopo�n npi�bnd ma►k�of ACORD