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O:i-iL?I i�t.��I:CE T•TO. ,'�` �
A1? OFDIi�T,F�TdVE r'F`tEPAFtED �'i?L) 7.'R�i�TS:'�I7'TEI:: .����:iD I7.'S P.I�SSAGE
F::�COr•'ii�`�`_�:�i�TDED ?3v `I'�F a!�,O.C�F:D C�F LOCAL TP�1Pi=i.OVr;:;:;�'i'?''.L'S OP TEi'E
CITY OF C.11;:<'TO'?, ILL"!�.��OIS, P��Gi1TDED t,Oxt T�?� LOC,�tL
I��P:' OV�';�i.c��?T OF' C:=RT1�I;:d POr�TI0N5 0�' I�!G1,'T:� P��fiK �k'�VE,
SYC!��:U�zL ST??.EET Ai?�L' �`1OkTH �'IhST ��T'�;:�UL IN THE CITY OF
C,�:'�?TCN, ILLINOIS, FOR��TNG � COa�T�T';��.;CT:�D SYSTErfT OP P.f�V.�.��2Ei:T
AD�i� T)�'SIG;:?ATED "GA'��'TO?`i P���T�i�Tt�; 1_�IPa�4`uT�, ;.i���1?7' Tt;;�i'3;�I� 5�-,A.�t
BE IT G�=:DA�.i�TEr' �Y �l'�i� CI`1'v COL
: . • ,.-
. �. �
between front face of cur'as from �tate Bond Issue Route 78 �o
First Avenue.
That the pavement herein provided to be constructed on
First �ver.ue shall be unif'ormly 3�3.0 feet in width, as measured
between front f'ace of cu.rbs t'rom Sycamore Street to Birch Street.
That the pavement shall be constructed to a uniform thickness
of riine (9) inches .
That the eombinat:�on curb and ��utter herein provided to be
constructed shall be nineteen (ly) inches in width and shall
extend six (6) inches in hei�ht above the pavement su.rf'ace.
The curb shall be six (6) inr,r�.es in wicitl� anci ei�hteen (lti) inches
in hei�ht.
That the necessary storm water inlets, s�orm sewers and
appurtenances for pavement dralna�e be constructed alonG tne lines
of the improvement.
That the removal of exist,in�; catcn bas�ns and inlets shall
include excavat�_on and backfilling.
That all necessary excav�ztion, �radin�, shaping and compacting; .
of the sub�;rade preparatory to placement of the pavement and curb-
ing be cione, Tahich excavation and �radin� to include the removal
of all earth, oil surface, cu.lvert p�.pes and other obstructions
of wnatever nature within the �>avement and cv.rbing area, the re-
moval of which is necessary ior the construction of the proposed
improvemen t.
That where abutting sidetaalks and ciriveways clo not meet the
�rades of the propoged curbs said sidewalks and driveways shall be
mace to conf'orm to the proposed improveanent �;raae by taKin�; up the
required am.ount of same and replacin� an equal kind and quality of
same to conf'orm to the proposed improve_nent �rades and make a neat
and serviceable �unction.
. . • �
, ,� • ,
That �che parixw:..ys �:Lon,�_ t;�e 1_i.ne o1' �;t1e �r��opo�ec� ct,.i�}s
shall. k�e ,:�;raded and smoo�cned to the top oi� th� p?�oposed curb
�raae on a buck slo�e not exceedin;<; one vertical to three
In all ot:r�.er respects -cn.e cons�crucz.ion s�a11 canforrn to
tne requirements as set f'orth in th� 'tStar dar•d S?�ecif'icat;ions
for i�.oad and Brid�;e Co::.str�.:ction" prenared by the ��epartment
o� public i�tiTorks arid �;uildin�s oi the State of 111incis and
�dopted by said Depart.rnent Jnn�:ary 2, 1952 and �?evisions and
Additions tihereto.
That the total cost of the i_aprovement, in::�lL�ding a11
necessary labor, materials, :nacnlnery, tools and equipment,
for the Local Impr�ovement in the s�id City of Canton, Illinois,
is the sum of �57,y06.1{�0, which sa�d estimate is iter�ized and
is attacheci Y�ereto anct maae � ��rt ot' t::iis �rdinance by reference
That a more ctetailed r..escript_ion of' t'ne matters heretoi'ore
recited, reference is hereby :n�de to the p1�ns, p:r°of'iles and
drawin�;s her�to attached, wh:ic�-� �l�ns, pr�of'iles and ar3win�,s
�re hereby made expressly a par°t of tnis prciinance.
That all elevations anci t^races of i�he center l��ne of the
finished i�mprovement, the top oi' the #'in::.shea curb, the storm
w:�t�r inlets, valve manholes, �a.nd necessary aajust;nent to �;i�acies
shall coni'orYn to d.nd be identical with the elevations r�nd �,ra�es
as shown by the plans, Gp;�cif'ications and �Sro�'il�s prepared by
Grawford, T�Zurphy and Tilly, Consultin�; Enuineers, of the City of
Spr•ingfield, Illinois, and na�a on lile :in the of'fice of �he
City Clerk of the City o�' Caliton, Illinais and rn.ad.e a pa°rt of
this prdinance by refereance as thou�h set out nerein in z'ull,
. . � r
. 't
a copy o� st;.ch plans, specif'ications and prof�ll�'S bein�; attached
hereto. Tnat such grades and elevations are shown in said plans�
specifications and profiles �ein�; attacn.ed hereto. '�'hat such
�;racies and elevations are snown in said plans, s�ecifications and
�iroi`iles and are rneasured in feet and deci�nal parts thereof and
are determined t'rom a bench mark, the location of which is shown
on sa�:d plans, specifications and prof i1es.
Section 2. DEFINTT:LOi�;,S. That whenever the words defined
below are used in the Ordinance or in the specif'ications hereto
attached and made a part hereof', or in any proceedin�s relative
to the improvement herein provided f'or, tizey Stld11 have the
f'ollowin� z�e�nin�_;s;
"State" shall be interpreted to ;nean the City oF C�nton,
"Lepartment of Public l�Iorks ancl Buildin�;s't shall be inter-
preted to mean the Board of Loc�1 Improvements of th� City
of Canton, Illinois;
"Eng�.neer" snall be interpreted to mean the enr;ineer em-
ployed by th� City of' Canton, Ill�.nois;
rtState Treasurer of Illinois" shall be interpret�d to mean
the City Treasurer of Canton, Illinois;
'�Contractor" s��!all be interpr�eted to mean the person, z'irm
or corporat�on to whom �Lhe tiaork or contract i'or° this iln-
provemant is awarded and the a��ents, assi�;ns anc? ernployees
Section 3. �zPP��OV. .L ��' �'LI�?�;5, etc . �i'i�.at the maps,
plans and specif'ications i'or this improve�nent, .i�ereto atcached,
and hereinbef'ore r•ef erred to, a��e hereby approved and made a
part of this prdinance the same as if' incorporatea in this Urain-
ance in ful1. In case of con�'lict �rith the parts of sa�d specifi-
cations and special pr°ovisions, the speciul provisions shall cont?�ol.
Section L�.. St:�p�R�VISION. That all the aforesaid local im-
pl�ovement shall be under the supervis°�on and clirection of' the
Board of Local Impr•ovements o�' the City of �anton, Illinois.
� . � r
Sect�on 5. i�_�,'CO �.`'ii,llL��`''�yG:? �:l'?'�:0��::,'D. `1'hat the I�ecurn;nendation
of the Boaru. oi Loca"1 Impr°ovements of the City of Canton, Illinois,
recormnendin� and pi�ovic?in� i'or the aforesaid local improvement,
to�ether tiaith the Estim�ite o�' the Cost thereot�, as made and item-
ized by and over the si�;na�;ure oi' the En�ineer of said Board�
both attached hereto, oe and t:�e sarae are her•eby �pproved, anu
made a part hereof t�.e sal;le as it' tney were incorpora�ted norein
in f'ull.
Section 6. ASSESUi�NT, etc. Th�t saia Local Tmprovement snall
be m��cte and the cost of said local impr•ovement bein�; the sum of
�57,y06.�.0, as shown by the e s�im�ite ofi' the En�ineer of said City
of Canton, I113.nois, attacned hereto �nd macte a part her�eof, in-
cludin� the sum ol �;�2, y4Z�..3�j, bein�; the am.ount included in the
estimGte of said engineer as the cost of makin�, levyinL; and
collectin�; �he assessment tY7erefoz°e, the court costs, attorneys �
fees and the lawf��l exraenses attendin" tn.� surne, and includin�
the sum of 4;;5,t��S�i.7y, �cin,; �ne a:mount include� in the estim�te
of sald en4ineer as tne cost oi en�;ineeriny�, insp�ction and suner-
vision, shall be paid by special assessment, to be levied upon the
conti�uous nroper�y sp�cil'ically to be benefit�d to the amount
t�1dt t.he sa�e ��r�ay be l���zl1y as�,�essed tnereY'oi�e in accordance
wzth the pz�ovisions oi an �ici; ol the General �,sse�nbly oi the �tace
o�' I1linois, ep�ititleci "Revisea Cities anci Vil1��;es �ct", Article
8�, �Sections 1 to y9, both inc.�L,.sive, ap ;z�oved ,�u,_ust 15, 1�j41,
in �'or•ce January 1, 1yL;_2, dn-c�+ acts a1�lenc�atory ther��o. Tnat
the sa�a sum or �;�2,9�.}.I�•.3y, st�all �e a�:,pl�ed towarcts the payin�;
the l�w�'ul expenses of niakin�; ,ievyin�; and collect.�n��; the s�:�d
assess:nents �,na tn.e court co5t, �tt���ieys � t'ec�s �arld l�wful ex-
penses attendin�; th� s�:ma, and the sum of��5,t�t3ti.7�j shall ue
applicd towards nayin�; the cost of en�;ineerinr�, insp��ction and
super��ision incident to said i�ripr•ovement, all as provic�ed by saia
Act oi' the General �sserlbl�r, and a11 acts a_7iendatory anci supple_
: � - >
•. .
mentary t'rlereto.
Section 7. I�TSTI`�L�,° U����'S. That tl�e a&�re�ate amoun� here-
in ordered to be assessed a�;ainst the property and each 7.ot, piece,
tract or parcel to be a.ssessed, and the amount to be asuessed,
i� �riy, a�ainst the City oi Ca,-_ton, Illinois, as and for public
benei'it, s:na11 be d�vic�e� �.nto ten (lU) annu�l installments s�t
tnat all installrr�.ents sha11 be equ�l in amo�nt except that all
fractional amounts shall be acided to �he first installment so
as �co leave the z�ernainin� installr�ents of the a��re�;ate equal
in a.moun� and each a multiple of one hunc�rea dollars (�;;1U0.00) ;
said i irst install�nent s��all ��e cue a��d �ayable on the secona
(2nd) day of' January next after the date of' �he first voucher
issued on account of worl� cione on sa�id improvemem�L, and the
seconu �nstallment one year after, and so on annually until all
of' the s�id installrnents ar•e paid, and all of' s��_id installrnents
sha11 bear interest at the rate of tive per centum (5;�) por annum,
from the date of the first v�oucher issued on account of' work
done on sG�id improve_nent. t�ncl it is hereby m�<de the duty of the
L'o�rd of Local Irnpr•overlents to �ile in tlze of fice of' tne C1erk
of the Court in r�*hich said assessrnent is con1:'ir�med a cer•tificate
si`;ned by its socr•etary o�' the date of' s�::id i'irst voucher and the
a�nount; thereof w�th thir-�Ly (30) dnys after the issuance thez°eof.
Section �. �',:�I•TDS. That �'or �he pur�ose of antic:�pating
the collect-±on of' the seconc. anc? succeeciin�;; installments of
said special assesti:��aent r'or s�:,_cJ. local :imni�overnent, boncis, shall
k;e issueC i�ayable ou� oi: �ne a�'or-esais installrrients, bearin�
interest at �the r�ate of �'ive per c�nt�_lm (5;:�) per annum, p�yable
unnua.�.ly, ��sd s4id "ao�ds shall be si�ned -by th.e :�?ayor, president
of the .r��oa.rc� of Local I�npr°ovcraents, of the CitST oi Can�Lo�m, Illinois,
attested and cotn�;ersif,ned by the City Clei�k oz' s�:.id City, under
the corpox��ate seal of' the said City of' Canton, Illinois, and said
• . ' r
. '�
bonds snall "�e i s sued in the sums of' one hunared dollars (�;;�100.OtJ)
each or some multi�le thereoi', and shall be d�ted �nd draw in-
terest �ro�n the date of issuin:_; the sa�ne; s�id bonds shall be
issued in accoruance with and in all res��ects pursuant to the
provisions and r•equirer:lents of an :�ct of the Gener•al �ssembly of'
the State of Tllinois, entit:led "l;evised Cities and Zrillat�;es
l�ct", f?rticle t�l.�, Sections 1 tc 99, both inclusive, �pprQVed
�?ur�;ust l�, l�Z�l, in i:'or�ce Janu�r�y l, lqt�2, and a11 acts a_mendatory
Section y. �riQC:�;L�IiF:�,�'. Tha�L the ��?afor oi tne Cit,y oz
Canton, Illinois, on i�ehalf of �he sa�G City is hereby directed
�.nc;: instructed to f':�le a petition in �he City Gourt or' Ca��ton,
Tllinois, in the ��tne of zhe city of Canton, Illinois, prayin�
that s�eps be ta��en to levy a s-��ec'yal ussessl.�lEnt i'or the sa:id
i.rn�r°ovc�u�nt �_n accor•�arlce with �he p�: ovis�ions of' t'riis or•ciin�nce
Gnd in tne ��Zan:��er prescribed by law.
Section lU. ��;E��IljiltlL Pi�O"�=��5�:_�J�;,:;. That �11 actions taken
in anG b�sed on �his prdinance is arid s:n�ll �e unu�r anct pur-
sUant to the terms and provisions of' an �„ct of the General
�ssembly of tn.e wtate of' Illinois ent;itle� ";=teviseci Cities and
�Iill��es .�ket", �',rticle 81..�, aecti.ons 1 to qy, botn inclusive,
approved F,u�;ust 15, 1�l�1, in f'orce January l, 191�-2, and all
aCditi.ons �i�a acts a�rienaatory thereto.
�ection 11. REP��L. �.Cnat a11 ordinances and parts of
Ord_nanees in any r�aa� cont'lic Uino witn this Ord�nance, be, and
the s<ame ar•e hereby repealed.
Section :L2. tr�rHET�i a�F'r':C;C'a.�I�,�'. This pr�inu�ac� s.clall be in
f'ull force and efl'ect from a��d after its p��ssa�e �nd appr-oval ,
according to law.
. . - �
�� �• , , .
Passed by the City Council os the City of Canton, Illinc���s,
an� si�ned and approvec� by the �^,�a�,�or of' s�id City �.nd deposited
in the of'i'ice of tne Clerk ot' said City, this �—� dag of'
i�Rit.r.� A. 1�. 195�:
, _
APP�_U'ILD:��='%?-��� ��`'�`r".��n
;���,_,yy�r .
i':T`_i'EST; �_�'�3� �