HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #362 ` � _ , . . �� � Oi�I�TI��ri':,-C� :�i C.�_ A.�? OT:T)�l??!i?CE p: '��'��'�'L` ,�"�r` T_ ��i`":'�iI'7:'['�'D <<..��,;P I�':`�; P<;S��S:"�� �;C���';;�T,7.,��'D c;�' 't 7��;; r'O,+.ttP, '��+' LOC;�L .1:�.iP� C �'�.�'���iT; Gli� J.�lIL Ci`S'Y 0�+' C._�;i.�0�:i I�L,:, �"p-i�: ,T -r , � �,..�.y, � ,_ T :- � , F:;� J_1:,�'D uc� �.i±.� L�_ :L �_,.. - -, -,,.T�, -, , , . _,. , . .,;.�, ..- ,.,._, P=rGU�,:'�::,^.l u U��tl_'-:,�lv PC�.�� i'IUl�,�� t�1i' r;Li:7 ci'1,.��'I', '1'.�r�.i,��'i�H _.� .,- ,._ _,,,� , . _ _ , .�,. . .� -_s �',:.E, '-��;�..T_;.�T SJ.l���r ��.:,U ��L�,�':��:TiI �1;�, :�L;E ITT TiIL CITY OF C,��:i�;�.'Oi�?� 1Li�1i�70:L�� ��'G t Ii'v��::. :i C�Tt:�"G1.',�;Z% ::,`r��T;a:%1 , �;}F P'`sV:k�. ��1T 1 �T . r:�SIC;:.��:.T�D rrClj.`.'i.�U:.�; t� _V� ;. , ,._Py,Gv'"�- /L�'� ,.t'<�a �-= ��1��� i\.�..`i IDJ�'. 5V�C ti BE I��' O�iDA1:IV.'t�D '�3Y 'J.��1:;� C;1'z'Y CGIi�?C,IL v��' `T:iI� CI`S'Y OF C�.�,°�.':�`�'OTv, TLLI�i�C7IS: Section l . ::;,5�'A'�'T,?,H,:i.'�i�i?�C, etc. That a loc�l i�nprovement 'oe and �the sa�ne is hereby oz°i�;�.nated to �e made 'py sr�ecial assess- ment within the City o� Cani�on, County of' �ulton in the State of Illino�s, to be known as �'Canton pavin€; �mprove;.7lent a?umber �3-� ", the nature, character, locatior., ciescrlption ancl extent of which local impr�ovetnent is as i'ollot��s ; That t11e roaacaays oi tn.e streets and avenues hereinaf'ter descrlbed be impi�o-�ed by excavatin�, ��;x�ac�in�✓ �nd. prepdrin�, tne sub;;raae to r�ceive tne h�re��na:�'ter c�escri ed p��.ve�tient and cL�r-'��_nG, by pavin;�, wit�i a 7--inch compacted orave�., cruslzect gravel, or crusned stone base course, i�y pl�im�n� tize base caur•se wlth a bitumino�;.s r�aterial, by coverin4 the base coursa a�d pr�ime coat cour•se wit�� 2-_i.nch bitu.minous cover coat mixtL�r•e, b;� cuz�bin� with portlan� Cement Concr•ete cux°bs, by constr��ctin�; neczssai�y si�orrn wGter inlets and storm sewers, i�y constr.:�_ctin��� ard �nakin�:�, necessary a�just�nencs to sic_ew�:.11�s, by zn�:�kin-; necessary �:�dju�t- ments to , �°acie oi Exist:.n�; rn�ni�ol�s anu v�alve vault covers. Th�:t the p�:v�merlt here�n p_coviaen 1;c. be constiru.cted on :�l�ti S1%reet snall be uni:i'or�rily 34.0 z'eet in w1dL-n, as ineastzrec� between front 1'�ce cux�i�s �'ro�n ;;leventh �;ver.ue to T.'�teli'tn 1���renue . That the ;�{v�:�ent herein �,rov:�c�ed l;o be c�nstr;�.cted on Tt•�elf'th ��ve�;ue s��tall be unit"ormly 3La,.0 1'eet zn wwdt.k�, as measured. between �ront :�'ace oz' cu-r•bs i'r•oin :H;lm �;tr•eet to C;izestnut Str�et. T:h.Gt i�he p�:ve�alent herein ����ovic��u to be consLr•�:.c�;eu �z� Chest- n�-t ,:,treet shall. b� un�C'or��i1�� 3c�.c� i'eeL '�n wic_�tth, as zneasured be- � i . - , . . .. twecn Lront f�ce o.t' c�?r�bs t� o:�� �levent�:i :}`�ven�:;_e to 1+'ourtEenth :.ve__Lie . Z''r�.at t�i.e pavement herein r�rov'�ded to be cazzstructec� on .;�le��e:�th _`}.venu� sha:11 ��e unif'orrnly 3U.0 ieet �.n widtn, as '��'easL:red �etwe�n front f'ac:e of' cz_x°bs f'i�o��i �,;hestnut Street to Locus�; �treet. That the co�:,lb�_nation curb and �rutte� herei.n pz•ovidec: to be construc�Lec s iall be :nineteen (l�) u.�.ches Ln �ridth ��nd sh�t11 exter_d six (o) inches �n hei�_�;�t above t��.e pavement sur�'ace. �I'hat t�e necessary stor°m watcr inlets, stoi°m setisers and ��ppurtenarices �'or pavernent dr�aina�e be co?zstructed alans� t'rae 1°�nes of the impr°oveanent. �'�-iat t1=e re}�noval ot' existin�, caten ba�ins �znd inlets shall :inclu�e excavation anc! 'c;�ckf'illinG. That all necessar•y excavation, ,_:radin4;, sh�p�n�; ar_d corn- b�:ctin4: of' the sub�;rade �rep�.rat;or•y to �al.�;cement of tne pave- ment and curbin� be c�one, tiarlich excavation and �;raain;�� �o in- cluc:e t'rle re,noval of all earth, oil surt ace, culvert pipes and otner obstructions of whatev�r n�.tt�re i�rithin the pavexnent ar�d curbin,,�; area, the re�o����:1 o:i which is neces�ary i'or the cnnstruction of t�1e proposec� iznpz�ovement. That tahere abuttin,.�; siciet•T�lks co not imeet the �;rades of' tn.e prox�osed curbs said sidewaiks snall be .maCe to coni'orm to �trie �r•oposed impx°overnent ��ra�e by ta?-�in" up the requirec� arnount of such existin; sideti�rall�s und reT�l�Yc�n�; an �c�u.ai kind al,d quality of' salrie to con�'orm to the proposed i_�npr�ovement �_;r•aaes ancl make a neat a_r�.d serviceable jLLY1Cti0�.. That the parkz•1�ys alon;; the line o.f' the pra�ose<_: curbs shall be �=raded ��x�d sr��ootned to th� top oi' the proPosed curb ;•raue on a back slope riot exceeda.n" one vertical to tizree horizontal. a � . , . . In al.l otn.er res��ec�s �che construc�t�on shall conT'�rm to tne reauirements as set fortn ir� tne "Stdndara Specit'ications t'or 't�oad and ]3ridoe Construetion" prepared by the Department of publie 1�1or�s a�7d Buildinr s of the �tate oi Illinois and aaopt,ed b� said Depart- �.ant January 2, 1y52 and Ffevisions and Additions tnereto. �'hat the totai cost of the �.m�x�ovement, incluciin,� ull neces- sary labor, materials, macnlnery, tools and equipment, i'or the Local Zmpz�ovement in tne said Ci�y of Canton, Illinois, is the sum of �;10U, 780.34, wizich said estimate is iter��ized and is attached hereto and made a :�art o:i L:��is prd.indnce by ret'erence thereto. That a more aetailed aescription of the znatters here�ot'ore recited, ref'erence 1s hereb;� rnac�E to tize r�lan5, profiles and drawin�;s hereto �tt,act�.ed, which plans, profiles and drawin�s are hereby made expressly a �art of t�iis prdinance. 'T'hat all elevations �.nci =;rades o�' tne canter line of the finished improvernent, tne top oi' tt�e f'inisned curt�, �the storrn water �nlets, vaive !�anholes, a�d nec�s�ary aajustrnent to �raues siiall coni'orm ��o ancl be identical witri the elevations and �z�ades as s:�oti,m by t:eie pl�?ns, speciz`ications and �roi'iles prepared by Crawf'ord, ;`�"urpny & �.1:•illy, Consultin;� En;�ineers, o:�' t11e City of Spr�nti;f'ield, Sllinois, and now on i'ile in the ot't'ice of tne City Clerk of the Ci�ty oi G�n�on, Illinois, and ���aae a purt of tnis Ordin�:nce by ref erence as thou�_h set out :herein in t'ull, a copy of such plans, s�ecii'ications and prof'iles �ein�� attached hereto. That such "ra�.es and elevat:ions are shown in said plans, specifi- cai�ions aild prof'iles beinL, attacl�ed :nereto. 7.'h^t such t`�;racies and elevations ai�e shotian in said plans, s-pecificat�ons and p�ot'i1Ps and are measured in t'eet and d�;cimal parts thereof ana are cieter- �nined from a b�nch marx, the location o�' wnich is shown on said plans, specifica�cions ��nd �ai�ot'iles. Section 2. D��;��IITI`.i':LUi�',;a. That wr�enever the iflords def��ned be- low ar�e used in tne Ordinance or in ttie specifications nere�o at- tached and macle a p�:rt hereo��, or in any proceedin`s r•elative to the improvement nerein pl�ovicied ior, tn.ey s.kiall have the i'ollowin�_; meanin, .s; "State" shalZ be inter�pr�eted to meun the City oi Garlton, Illinois; "De�artrnent oS' Public ?nJOT'KS ��n�! Buildin�.s" snall be interpre- ted to mcan �he T3oard of Loc�l Im,�r aveinents o:i' the City of Cantor�, Illinois; "�;n"ineer�' sn.all ;�e inter;�reted to mean t:he en�ineer� em- ployed by the City of` Canton, Illinois; rrstate 'Treasurer of Ill�nois" shull be Interpreted to tnean tile City Treasui�er oi' Can�ton, Illinc�is; Coritr•actor" �hall be "�nter.�;reted to m�an the p�rson, �`iz�m or corporation to whom the w�r•?.� os° contract :f'or this i�npr�ovement is awara�d anc7 t:c�.e a�ents, assi_;ns ar.d c:mployees thereof. Section 3. !�,F?'l��;T�`.L �E' z:;I,.��;!�, etc. �°iz�t the �naps, plans and s�ecit'ications 1'or this im:�l�o�Te:�ent, nereto attached, and herein- bef'cre referr-ed tio , are n.ereby approvea �:�ia m�.c�e a .�art oz� tnis �rd2nance tiie sa°.ne ��s lfincoz��ol°ated in tnis �rdinarice in f'ull. Tn case of con�`lict caith �ne p�:;r�ts of saic! specif'icatinns und special prov:i.sions, the special ��r�ovisions sha11 control. Section 1}.. ��_ �Fiti'�TiS�O�; . i'nat all i�he af"or•esa:�d local im- �i�ovement sna11 be under t�e supervision ana uireetion oi` the L�oura of Local Imp:r.=ovzrneni�s oi' the City of' Can�ton, .�1linois. Seetion 5. ���;C�: IT"�_•i�il�,�i'I0': .':PP :'C`�:�D. That �he ;_eco.n�nenda- tion o�' the bOAl�d of Locai Impr�ovements oi' the Cii�y oi' �;anton, I11=nois, recommnendin;�; and �r°ovidint_; i or the afor°esaid local irnp:.=ove:rnent, to�;etller witiZ tne EsLirn�:;te of the Cost ttloreof,as macte a�d ite�nlzed b;� ara over the sit�-nature o�' the :�!;n?;ineex� of s�id fio�rd., both attacried �iereto, be, and the s��ne are her•eby ap- ���ove�, and m�Ge � part nereoi' the sa_;,e as if �ney were iricoraor- ated herein in full Section 6. AS"�5;�':��I�7', etc . �'hti t said Local Im�x�ovement ehall be m�cie arid the cost of said loc��l improvement uein�s the sum of :;,.lUU, 7�U.3t{_, as stzown by the estimate of the �,n�;lneer of sald Ci�y oF Canton, rll:�nois, �ttached hereto and maae a part her�eof', inclL.ciin`; the sum of ���,124.L�2, bein� tne a:;lount in- cludea in tne es�timate of' saic. en,_;ineer as the cost o:�' mak:ing� levyin� and collectin�; tn.e assess�iient the��ef'ore, the court costs, attornegs t t'e_�s anc�. the 1��11'ul experises ttttendint, tn.e same, ard incluc!in:� tn.e sum of y�l'u,2y$ ,c55, Uein;�; tn.e amount inclucied in the estim<<te ot' s�id en;:;ineer as tile cost oi' enVineerin;_,, inspection ana supervis�on, si�.�11 be � ia �;� speci�l �ti��essment, �;o Le levied u?�on the conti�:uous LLr���opeY�zy s��>ecii'icallg �a �.:e k;ene- tited to thE a�nount that the ��:ne �nay �e le�;ally assasUed there- iore in accordance witiz the provisions oi an ,Gict of the General r,ssembly oi the State of Illinois, entitled "hevised Ci�ies and Villaf es Act", �?rticle t�1�, ;ections 1 to 99, both inclusive, approved �u�;ust l�, 1;?�!_l, in j'orce January l, 1Q1�.2, and ac�s amencator�T tnereto. �.��hat the said sum of �,;;5,12l.}�.t;.2 sn.all be applie�_ towar•d.s tne ����yin� the l�Urful expenses of makin��;, levy- in� and colleci�in�; t'rie sa�d a�sessm�nt and. �che court costs,, attorneys � f'ees and l�.�rf'2.�.1 e�bcn�es attondin�_ �:n.e sazne, and �he st:rn of �;,10,24tS.�� shall be apblied towarrs rayin��=: the cost of the en�_,�neerin�, inspection ana supervisi_on incident to said i.mprove- rlent, all as p��ovided by s•�.id .:;ct o�:' tne i;�eneral �'isser�i�ly, and all acts arneridatory ana supplerne_�tary tn.eY�eto. Section 7. Ii�;�`�'AL.��i'�_:i��TS. 1ha�: �;he a�,::�regate amount herein ordered to be assessed a;`;�ins� trie pz°oper•ty and �ach lot, y�iece, tr•act or ��arcel to be asses:�ed, and tlie _>!�iount to be as.�es:ed, if any, a�;ainst the City o�' C,anton, Illinois, as anc� for public benefit, sha11 be divided in�Lo ten (lU) annual ins�tallrnents so tnat a11 instAll_nents �hall be equ�l in amoLtnt e;xcept t'tiai; all . • , . - � fractional arTiounts snall i:�e ac_o.ed to �he f'irst installment so as to lea�e the rez�iainin;, :�nstallments of the at�;�;re�;ate ec�ual in �. rlovnt and eac�� a .nultiple ot' or.e li�;nclred doll�rs (lU0.U0) ; saici iirst installrrient shall be ciu.e al.a paya,�le on the second (2nd) da�r of J�nuary next after the ctate of' the first voucher issued on account of wor•k aone on s�,id improvemen�C� anci tile s�cond installment one year after, and so on annually until all of' �t;he said install_�lents are �ai�, and all o%' saic� install�ments s��ll bea.r interest at the rate o�" .�'ive �er cent;..rn (5,'0) per annuin, f'rom the dute of the f'irst voucher issued on accaunt of ti.ork done on s�id irn���ove�lent, �=�knG it is hereby made the c�uty oi the Boarci oi` Local Imp: ove�_lents to i'ile in �ize ol'f'ice oi" tn.e Cl�rl� oi' trie Cour•t in w'r�ich said as�essY�cnt is eonfil°rneci a certiificmf;e si�;ned by its secr•etary of �Lne ctate of' s�:id first -in vouciler and Lhe amount thereof i•aitri�L�ilT�tjf (30) cl�ys after tize issuance thereof. Section t�. ��a`����;:,. That �'or tn.e pur��o�e of anticip��tin��r tne collection oi' the s�cond anc: succeedinr� install�nents of s��_d special asses��nent ioi° s�;�id local imp:� overYlent, bonds, shall be issued pay�r�ble out o.� the az oresaic install�nents, bear- -in�; interESt at �the rate of ��_ve per centum (5;�) per arantzm, �ayable annu�ll,y, and sz.ic3 boncis sl�all be s��.�4;ned by i,he _7a�or, Pr•esiCent o�' the r?.o��ra of LocGl �rnpr�ove:��ents, nf thc CitST oF C�nton, Illinois, attested and �ounter•si�ned by �he City Gle��k of said Cit�g, un�.er tile cor°porate seal of the s��,id Ct-ity of �':a��ton, 111inois, ai�ci s��.id bon�:s shall '�e issued in the st:m of one huncired dollare.: (,!'�l'JU.00) eaeh or so��ie �m.�lti�le �nereo:f', ana shall be c+_ated an� draUr interes�t i'rom �;L�e du�te of issuin�,, the ss._ne; said ��onds shall be issl?ed in accordance with �nd inall respvcts pur- suant to Lhe pr�ovisions �nd realuirem�nt o:i an �ct of' the Genei°al �sseTnbly of' the State oF Illinois, entitled "�;�vised ��ities and Villa;=,es �:ct", t'�rticle t�Z�_, ,�ections 1 to 9�, both inc�lusive, ax��;�oved �?,ur,u�t l�, l���l, in ::`o��ce Jarivai�y l, 191�-2, �.nc� all :�cts a , - � • » � � s . arnenaatory t�ier•oto. Section 9. l�:UC���I;.��i':r'. `.i:'hG::-t tne ,:;ayor• o�' the CiZy of' Canton, I�iinois, an behulf' of tize said City is n.ereby directed ar�d i.ns�ructed to f'ile a �et`�tion in c'_ne City Court of Cur�ton, Illinois, �n the n�me o:C t,hs City o� Car,ton, Z1linois, prayin�; thGt steps �~��:�y .�e tG.��en �o levy A s?.�ecial as�essrrient for the �aid irnprove_uent in accordar.ce �aith the provisi�ons oi' t�iis ordinance and in the rnanner pr•escribed by law. Section lU. GE��?EF�.�L P.i�U�I�.STOt�S. '_i:'hat all actions ta!Len in and b�sed ori this prdinance is and sn�ll be uncler and pL;.r�uant to the terms and pr=ovisior.s of an ,�sct of' the General I�.ssemuly of tne ^.ta�;e o� Illi.nois entitled "tte-;ris�d Cities and Villa�;es l�ct", ^.rticle �tt�., Sections 1 to ���;, bot:n inclusive, ap�rozTed Iiu ust 1�, 19t.}.l, in .f'orce �'anuury 1, 1�y.2, and all additions �:nd acts arnenuatory tlZereto. �ection 11. �:,�P�i'�L. Th�t all ordin�inces anc� 7�rts of Gr�in�nces in any way cont'lictin`�, witlz �liis prc;�inance, be, and the sarae are hereby re�ealecl. Section 12. 'h'�-1'��i JJ�':�'��CTI"V�. TYiis �rdinance s7iall be in full force C.nd eff Ect iro�n �nd "fter i ts p��_ssa�-_e and approv�l. , ac- cordin:��; to law. pass�d by the City Council o� t:ne City ol' Car�ton, Illinois, and si�;r.ed �.nd approved l�,y the _,Zayor o�' s«icl Cit� a��c1 c�eposited in the o:�fice of �the Clerk o��' said City, this ..S�Z� day of ,�j-��c,.� A.D. 19 5� APT'?:-�G�J�F:�L: �i7 ����l�l.�c� .'�Y01�� [�1�1 r��.7�,ti.�^._l ;/ —'���'�� T�'s'- �L�:RK ' ,