HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #367 : � . ,� _ A . . i,� � � ��.,�;y.�-�-
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Section 1. (Establishment) There is hereby created the local municipa.l civil de-
fenee organization to prenent, minimize, repair, and alleviate in�ury
or damage resulting from disaater cauaed by enea�,y attack, sabotage, or
other hostile action, or from natural disaster, in accordance with
"The Illinois Civil Defenae Act of 1951."
This cieil defense orgetri�zation ahall conaist of the director and ad-
ditione.l members to be selected by the direetor.
Section 2. (Director) The director of the Nunicipal civil defense organization
ahall be appointed by the Mayor, with the consent of the City Council,
and shall serve nntil removed by the �ame.
The director shall ha`Q direct reaponsibility for the organization, ad-
miniatration, training, and operation of the civil defenae organization�
sub3eot to the direction and control of the mayor, as provided by
In the event of the absence� reaigna.tion� death� or inability to ssrve
of the director, the mayor or any person deeignated bg him, shall be and
act ae director until a neu appointment is made as provided in this
Section �. (Funetions) The municipa.l civil defense organization $hall perform
8ueh civil defense funetions within the municipality as ahall be pre-
- aeribed in and by the state civil defense plan and program prepared by
the Governor, and euch orders, rulea and regulations as may be pro-
mulgated by the Governor, and in addition ahall perform euch duties
outaide the corporate limits as may be required pursuant to any Mutual
Aid agreement With any other political subdivision, municipalitq, or
qunsi-�unicipality entered into as provided by the "Illinois Civil De-
fense Aet of 1951."
Sect n . (Service as Mobile Support Team) All or az�y membera of the municipal
civil dePense organization may be designated as members of a Mobil�
Support Team created by the state dirsetor of civil defenae as pro-
vided by lav.
The leader of such Mobile Support Team shall be deaignated by the
director of the municipal ciqil defenae orgafiization.
Any member of a Mobile Support Team ia a munieipQl employee or officer
While serving on call to duty by the Governor, or the statE director oP
civil defen�e, shall receive the co�npensation and have the poWera�
duti�s, ri�hts, and inanunitiee ineident to such employment or office.
�ny sueh member who is not a paid officer or emplopee of the munici-
pality, r►hile so aerving, ahall receive from the state reasor�able
compenaation es provid�d by laW.
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3eetion . (Agreementa with other political subdivisions) The director of the
civil defense organization ma,y negotiate Mutual Aid agreementa With
other municipal corporations or political subdiv3sions of the state,
but no sueh agreement ahall be effective until it has been approved by
the City Couneil and by the state director of civ31 dePenee.
9ection 6. (�ergency Aetion) If the Governor declares that a c3vi1 defense
emergeney exiats in the event of actual enemy attack upon the United
States or the occurrence within the State of Illinoia of major dis-
aster resulting from enezny eabotage or other hostile aation or from
natural disaster, it shall be the duty of the municipal civil defenae
organization to cooperate fu].ly With the state office of eivil defenae
and with the Governor in the exercise of emergency powers as provided
by laW.
Section 'ff. (Compensation) Members of the civil defense organiaatian vho are paid
employeea or officera of the mun�.cipaZity, if called Por tr�3:ning by
the atate director of civil defenae, shall receive for the t�ee apent
in sueh training tho same rate oP pay as is attached to the position
h�ld; members who aro not such municipal eanployees or officers shall
recieve for such training time such compensation ea rnay be established
by the City Council.
Section 8. (Reimburaement by Stgte) The state trsasurer aa.y receive and allocate
to the appropris.te fund any reimbursoment by the atate to the munici-
pe�lity for expenses incident to �raining members of the civil defenae
organizstion as prescribed bq the state director of. civil defense�
comgensation for aervicea ar.�d expenses of inembers of a Mobile Support
Team while serning outside the municipality in a response to a call by
the Governor or state director of civil defenae� as provided by law�
and any other reimbursement made by the atate incident to civil defense
activities, as prov3ded by law.
Section . (Purehases and Expenditures) The city council may, on reco�nendation
of the municipal director of civil defense, authorize any purchase or
contracts necea�ary to plaee the municipality in a poaition to combat
effectively any dieaster resulting from th� exploaion of any nuclear
or other bomb or missile, and to protect the publio health and eafety�
protect property, and provide emergeneq sssistance to eictims in the
caee of such disaster, or from na.tural disaster.
In the event of enemy caused or natural disaster, the �unicipal di-
rector of civil defense is axthorized, on behalf of the municipality�
to procure such aervices, supplies, equixenent� or material as may be
necessary for such purposes, in view of the exigency, Without regaxd
to the statutory procedures or formalitiea normally preecribed by law
pertaining to municipal contraets or obligationa, ae authorized by
"The Illinoia Civil Defense Act of 1951," provided that, if the city
council meets at auch time� he shall act aub�eet to the directiona
and restrictiona 3mposed by that body.
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Section 10. (Oath) Every person appointed to serve in any cape.city in the munici-
pal eivil defense organization shall, before entering upon his duties,
8ubscribe to the following oath, which ahall be filed with the di-
�I� , Local Civil Defenae
Director of the civil defense organization of ,
do eolemnly swear (or affirm} that I will support and defend and bear
trtte faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United Statea and
the Constitution of the State of Illinois� and the territory� insti-
tutions and facilities thereof, both public and private, against nll
enemiea, foreign and domeatic; that I take this obligation freely,
Without any mental reeervation or purpose of evasion; and tha.t I will
�ell and faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter,
and I do further swear (or affirm) that I do nat advocate, nor am I
nor have I been a member of any political party or organiaation that
advoaates the overthrow of the government of the United States or of
thia state by force or violence; and that during such time ae I a,m
affiliated with the (Name oP
Organi�ation), I will not advocate nor become a member of any po-
litical party or organiaation that advocates the overthxow of the
government of the United State� or of this state by force or violence."
Section 11. (Office) The Mayor is authorized to designate space in the city hall
or elaewhere, aa may be �6vided for bq the city council for the muni-
cipal civil defense organization as its office.
Section 12. (Appropria.tion - Levy of Taxes) The city council may have an appro-
priation �'or eivil defense purposes in the manner provided by law, and,
ma.y levy in addition for civil defense purposes only, a tax not to
exceed. five (5) cents per hundred (100) dollars of the assessed. value
of all taxable property in addition to all other taxes, aa provided
by "The Illinois Civil Defense Act of 1951."
Section 13. This ordinance shall be in foree from and after its pe�ssage and ap-
proval, as provided by law.
Passed this 1'��r!� day of � , 195,�.
Approved this,�� day of ______�'�,�,� , 195 �` .
�.�1 �/�/�"t'��� MAY�t.
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