HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #368 � � ♦ .r �� d � +
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' ` Second Reading Apr. 15, 1958
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BE IT C)RDAT?�?��:I7 BX `!'3-?.�s .^.I'"Y COUNCZL GF ^'T?�; ^''�!,•T (',r� r�A,•,t,^�,� TLT�T!'fGTS:
Section l. That cection %� of Ch�pter :;'C.:�'VII of t'^a ^e�ised Ordir,ances
of the City of Canton, T1].inois, of 1c1�5, as a,:��r_�e.�, �e, and t,he sa�e is here}�y
furt!�er amer�ded to read as follc�w�:
"Sec. 6. S�JF'���r'"'�.�-T�D�f.'T C^ ST^:��5. Th� "uperir.tendent or �treets shall
receive an annual salury of ??i�.,e "'r.ouca:�a Three ?iurdred rift5�-Six Dollars (�5350.00)."
Section 2. :'hat Cection 7 of ^h�pter 'i'�'�'UII of the ^.evised Ordinancew of
the City of Canton, Illinois, of 1945, as amended, be, and the same i� her�b5 fux_
tner a;aended to read as �'ollows:
"Sec. 7. CimY '?t'G'''1.�a�. The Ci±y �;n�ineer sha11 receive an annual salary
(Rmended to read �8000.�
o.f Six Thousand Cne ??undred Fifty-"ix �ollars ($o,15b.G0)��� for City En ineer4� 5�],a�y)
Council mee�ing, 1 58)-
SEetion �. That "ection 8 of Chapter ;"�;ViI af the R.eviced Cr�inancas
of the City of Canton, I1linoi�, of 1�%5, as amended, �e, and the same is hereby
further amen3ed to read a� follou�:
nSec. �. WA'"'�f�� AP�I� S�h1i�? D�'PAr'"`'-�T^'. The ^l,ief Operator at the �rlater
Treatment plant shall receive ar. annual. �al�r;� of ?�ive Thousan� Five Hundrod P�inety-
Six Doll�rs (�5,556,00) .
The �hief Cperator at the Sewer Treatment plant eY:all receive an annual
�alary of Five i'housand ihree i'_undred ?'ifty-Six Dollar� (�5,356.00).
�e.ch operator at ths wat�r treatment pl�r.t and t�e sewer t^eatment plant
shall receive a monthly salary of. Three hundred Dollars (�300.C10) during the first
three r�onths of his employment an� th� sur� ef rour ^'houcan�3 Two Hundred ^'inety*
Dollars (�4,290.00) for each year thereafter.
The Ca�hier or the Water e.nd S��rer Department ;�hall receive an annual
salary of Three Thousan3 Three ?iundred �`irty_Six Dol.l&rs (�b3,35b.00��
rach �leter ^eader shall receive ar ai.r.ual salar,y of T'our "'housar.a Twc
��iundred ^Iinet� Dollars �'
.� ��4�2�A.�0).�' ,�
y : � ` ' ' . .
.< `� �
r • � .
Section 4. Tr�t `,��etian � af ^hapt.er "'"�lII of tr�e ^c�,-iced Ordi.r.anees
of Lhe City af Cantor_, Illinois, cf 1>45, as aTM,er.ded, bE, an� the s�.M� i� ?�ereby
furt�her smeniied to read �.� followc:
��See. 9. PLCfi"r2"�TG T_?`'SP'��'TGF. Th� Plumbing 'nspector sha11 receive an
annual salar� of Five Trou��r.3 Three �?ur.d„ed rifty-Six �Jollars (�5,356.00�,"
`;ection 5. That ^ectwor. 10 or ^�:upter �';��'�'VII of the Revi�e3 Grr3inancea
of the Ciu;� o� Uanton, Il'.inois, of 1545, as a�ende�?, be, and the s�r�� is ?^ereby
rurther a.r.ien3ed to read a� �'ol]_ows:
"Sec. 10. P:�''K "tJSiGL�IAr?. The Park ^ustodian .�hall r�ceive an annual
salary o£ Two lhousand "ifty Dollars (�2,��50.00}.'�
aection 6, mhat "ection 11 0° ^hapter 'a'YjCVII of the Revised Crdinances
of the City of Canton, ?lli.nois, of. 1945, as amended, be� ar.4 *he same is hereby
.furtrer amen3ed to read as followss
"Sec. 11. PI�i.'� D;�'�T?^?�""?"". The ^hief of t}^e Fire Depart�nent shall re-
ceive an annual �alary of Four Thnusand TT�.ne i'undred �'ifty-�i:: Dallars (�4,95b.G0);
the Assistant "h:Lef of the �'ire Department shall rece�vc an annual salary of I'our
ihousand Five Hundre�l Ten Dollars (�p4,510.00); �.n� each fireman employed by the
City shall receive a monthly salary of Three Hunc�red. Dol)_ars (�300.00) during
�he first three months of his er,�pin5��nt an:l the sum of ''our Thousand Two Hun-
dred '_linety Dollars (�L�,290.00) for. eac�i ;�ear therea.fter."
Section 7. That Section 12 af ^hapter :;:_,�'VII of the "evised Grd,nances of
the Cit;• of Canton, Illinois, c� 1945, as amended, be, �na tn� same is hereby
further am�nded to read as follows:
"Sec. 12. POLIC�' D';FA°.�ET;T. The "rief of Police sr�ill receive an ar.nual
salary of Five Thousand mhree Hundred r^i.fty-Six Dollars (�5,356.00); each Ser-
geant o�' Police shall receive an annual salary of ?'our Thousand _i�ight Hur.dre.� Ten
Dollars (�4,810.00); each po�iceman employ�a �;T th� City s?�all receive a month2y
i �. . f
.. `Y �
salary of Three I�undred Dollars (�?�30q.00) for the first three months of his em-
ployment and the sum of Four. Thouae.n� Two T�undred ?''inet3• Dollars (�/�,290.00) for
each year thereafter; and each ra�io operator employed by the C:�t,y shall receive
an annual salary of Three `"housend Five �:undred Sev�mty Dollars (�3,570.00)."
Seetion $. That Section 13 of. Chapter �:�:XVII of the '.?.evised :rdinances
of the City of Canton, Illinois, of 194.5, a� amer�ded, be, ar.d the sa.me is hereby
fi:sther aanended, to read as fol.lows:
"See. 13. SFC�'�'TA�Y TC mhfi, MAYOr, The cecretary to the ?'ayor. shall re-
ceive an annual salary of Twc Thousand T;ine �Iur.dre� ?'ifty--Six Dollars (�2�a5�.00)."
Section 9. That Section 11� of Chapter 7':�'F'V77 of the T=.evi�ed Grdinances
of the City of Canton, I1linois, of. 1945, as amended, be, and the same is hereby
further amended to read ae fcllows:
"Sec. 1Q. S'T??�TT T,ABO'i. Laborers emplcfed by the City in the Utreet
Depart,ment who are equi�znent operators sha1l be campensate� for the work they
perfox�r.i at the rate of °�1.95 p�,r haur; laborers employed by tre �ity ir the strect
department who are truck drivers srall be comper�ate3 for the work �hey,- perform
at the rate of�1.85 per rour; and all other larorers in the rtreet Departmer.t
shall be compensated for t.he worAt they perfo�n at the rate of �1.75 per hour.
Laborera eir�ployed by the !'it;� in the Water ar_d Sewer department who are
truck drivers shall be compensated for th�. wor� they p�rform at the rate of �1.85
per hour and all oth�r laborers emplayed by the City in the water and sewer de-
partment shall be compensated for the w�rk they pe.rform at the rate of �1.81
per hour."
Section 10. The caretaker at the public comfort statior. sr.sll rec,ive
an annual salary of Cne Thousand TIine Hundred Thi.r�y Dollars (�1,930.00) .
Section 11. �'.ach e:r.ployee in the garbaQe department sh�ll receive an
annual salary of Four Thousand Two Hundred r?inety Dollars (�4,2�?0.00).
, �. •
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Section 12. Any prior Ch•dinar.ce in conflict with any of the �rovisions
of this Ordinanee, be, and tr�e satr.e is hereby repealed.
Section 13. This Grdinance shall be in effect on and after r�iay 1, 1958,
an� after its passage by the City Council and approval by the ?v'syor.
Passed by the City Council and approved by the 1"ayor this � day of
A. D. 195�.
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CITY CL!�?.K. `:�'