HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #372 .. . .. _
Fixst i�eading�May 6, 1958
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WH�RFAS, it appears that the followin� described real estate is owned
by Canton Park Diatrict and adjoins the corporate lim.its of. the City of Canton,
Illinois; and
WHF.REAS, it appeara that there are no electors residint? in said terri-
tory and that the Ca.nton Park District is desirous that the territor� hereinafter
described be annexed to the ^ity of Ganton, Illinois, TH�?I�0??F
Section 1. That the followin� described territary:
Part of the i�lorthwest Quarter (NW 1/1�) of �ection T?umber Thirty-Four
�34) in Township Seven (7) Nortb of the Base Line, in Ran�e Four (4)
:�ast of the Fourth Principa.l Meridian, situated in Canton, Fulton
County, Illinois, deseribed as follows:
Commencing at a paint 7g5.50 feet South and Q36.54 feet :i,ast of the
Northwest corner of said Section 3L�, runnin� thenee 5outh 468.5 feet
to the Tlorth side of the West Maple Street Ha.rd Road thence in a South-
westerly direction alon� the T?orth side of said road 380 feet to the
center of Big Creek, thence in a Northeasterly direction alon� the
center of said Creek 74� feet to a point 25 feet tdest of the Place of
beginning, thence �'�st 25 feet to the place of begir.r.ing, containing
2-1/10 acrea more or lesa, situated in the County of Fulton, and
State of Illinois.
A part of the DIorthwest Une �uarter of Section 34, Townahip 7 North,
�tan�e 4 F.sst of the Fourth Principal r�eridian, Fulton County, Illinois:
Beginning gt a point on the Center of R.ay Gtreet on the existing cor-
poration line 660 feet South and 375.5 feet �'�.st of the Northwest corner
of said Section 34; thence Fast alon� the existin�± corporation line and
the Center of �.ay Street 565.1 feet; thence South 1 degree and !�0 minutes
� West 125.5 feet along the existin� corporation line; thence 1v'orth 8g de-
` grees and 20 minutes West 30 £eet to the '�enter of Bi�? Creek; thence
�� South and Westerly alon� the !'enter of Bi� rreek 5outh 2 degrees and 58
minutes West 87.7 feet; thence South 37 de�ree.s and l�' minutPS West 1�3
feet; thence South 25 degrees and 23 minutes West 26L�.6 feet; thence
South 13 degrees and 46 minutes West 213.5 feet to the P'orth line of
Maple Street; thence Soutr 76 de�rees and 03 minutea West 66 feet; thenoe
North 25 degrees and 43 minutes West 18�,.3 feet; thenee r?orth 45 degreee
and 07 minutes West 118.1 feet; thence 1�Torth 13 degrees and 58 minutes
��ast 33�;.8 feet; thence I�3orth 21 de�?rees and 4S minutes West 269.7 feet
to the point of be�?innin�, containin� 6.25 acres, more or lees,
be and the same is hereby annexed to the City of Canton, Illinois.
Section 2. That the City Clerk be and she is hereb�r directed to file
a Certified copy of this Ordinance with the County �.ecorder of Fulton County, Illinois.
� Passed by the City Council and approved by the r':ayor this _?��d le day of
��p� �. D. 1958.
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