HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #374 �, •. . s ` �• � r...... � ��! ..,,� c�n�ca �0._,�;� A�T O�tDINAl�C15 MA1�G THE LNNUAL APPRflPRLlTION FOR THE GITY OF CAIQTON� �LLI1�oi3, Ft�t THE FISCAL T�t t� SAm crT7[, 1958-1959, TQ BE TER�t� THB ANNUAL APPROPR,IITI(�iJ C�ItDII�ANCE OF SAID CITY. BE IT C�'{DAIRID B7[ THE CITY COUNCIL dF THE CITY �F CAl6T�N, ILLINOI3t 3ecticm 1. Thdt the foll�wing s�8 0! ffione?� or ao muoh thereof aa may be require8 and as ehall be anthorised by lav, be, and the eame are hereby agparo- p�iated for the corp�rate pbrpoeea oP the City o� Ce.nton, Illinois� ae here3r�att�r sp�aif'ied, for the Fieosl Tear cf�e�id City, begint�i�g the firat Tueaday iA ths month o! Ma� A. D. 1958, and ending the lirat Tneaday in the moath of May l.D. 1959t Ft� GE�AL Ct�tPt�ATL PURPOSES OF S�ID CITYs POLICE DEPAR� - Salarieas 1 Chie! o! Poliee � 5�356.00 3 3erges��a st �y,ZS1.0.00 sach 14,43�.�30 8 Poli�eenen at �4,290.(i0 eacD 34,3Z0.�� 2 RaElio Operat�r� st �3,57b.04 each 7,1I�.00 Auxiliary Pol3eemnea 2,500.0p 2ota►1 Po13�e Department Se�7.ariea ;63,746.t�t! POLICB DEPAiRTMffi�T-3uppl.ies and �qnip�ents Palica Car ltental � 2,,�f0.�0 3rtpp13ea and �quipnent 1,200.00 Ci.ao13.� for Pc►lioe Cars 2,000.00 Radis Serviee 1,500.�a � Total Polics D�pt.-Snpptiee�l�lqni.pmsnt � 7,100.E� `� 3IDE�fAI�St R•pe►3re and Maintenanc� 300.�0` s�r� a�n er�s: Parchaee oi �fqnip�n�at �15,�00.0� ° Grsvelli�g of Rmads 2,500.�(! � Materiala and 3uppS.iea 9,OOO.dO � Iabor 23,�0.00 ` Oiling oi R�adr S,Ot)0.00� Total-Streete aiul Al].eys �54,5�O.Ot9 MISCELi.►I�1otTS EzPE�TSE3: 3,�OO.tld � PRI�TING �1D PtTBLIGIlTIOp 6,004.E10 4 CITZ' CO'ORT MAII��SI�ANCF 5t)O.t)0 ° 3lLARIFB f'�' CITY OPrA"ICF�.S 35,000.�0 PIIBLIC GRC3UAD8 Jl1�D BtTILDI1QGSs Repai.r and Mai�ntensne� 12��O�.E30 OtTDITII�G 5�.�0 STRBET LIGHTING 10,�0�.00 r . , , ; ' ELECTI� F.XPE�13I�3s Jodges and Cl�rk� � 1,05t�.!'�f Snpplies l�S�.O� Totsl-F�.ection Eapeaeee � 1,5�0.00 G�: l�aint�nftnc� � 9,500.00 Parehaae o! �qnipment 1,300.C10 R,�pairs 1,500.00 Total•Cemetery �12,S00.�0 IP3UR,AFCEs Fire snd �1ir,dsto�, Ci�� Baildiag s�d Ce�ntsnts � 1,400,Q0 Casaal,ty � Wir]onen�s �peneati.on 8,5t�4.t�0 T�tsl-Inaurance � 9,S�O.a4 TCrPAL aElI�tAL FUND �216s3�4b.00 iIATE�t AAD 3L�iER D�PART�f.E�T's 3�lsriea �b4,00�.G0 Estra Iabcr 6,�.t10 Maimtainane� 6,000.t3� Traak Opsrations 1,54Q.80 3uppliea, Ohe�icsla and Ptiiel 20��OEf.E30 Ottice F�cpenee 1,500.00 P+�wor 12,0�.60 Fire and Windstora Inenra�nce 2,�.00 Caa�aalt� a�l Wmrlo�►en�e Ca�peaeat3an Ias. 3,5�.� Dep�saiati�n A�oonat 3,000.�0 Extsneioa of S�r�iee 30,00�.�1 Parchaee of H�nipneat 5,�00.� Retireetant o! Ba�nls and intereat 32,E)OO.t'� Total-T�ster and 5ever Departa�ent �186,5�.t10 PLRIQ�TG I�TER FONt1t Pe�r�asi e�f Elquipment � 3,000.�4 Ssr�3ae in Parking l�tsr Zone 2�C�00.�(t Gas snal 031 2Q�.00 Msi�tsi�nee o! Mc�t�err GTela lr00.4� Psinti�g Maarkinga SOt).00 Pe�eanent 8trest Imp�mve■►ents 2l,.�D00.00 Tt�P/IL PARKIt�G METEf� FUND � 3�,100.G90 GRl�D TOTAL G�L Pt1T�POSE� �432►'�1►6.00 F�t OTHP�t Pt1lRPO�ES AIITHO�tS�ED BY LilWs PIIBLIC COI�'�T 3TATIt)N FUNDs A tsx turt ta auaeed .0333 per cent m! the 2`�11, t'sir �aah va].ue� sa equalised or aaseseed b7 the Dapartment oi �evsuue mi the 3tste o! Illinois, on all �suabls p�spsrty withia the City of Ce�Btc►n, Illinoi�: R�pairs e��r►d Mai�tai�noe � 9,�OO.DO 3alsrisa 2,�f1�.OF1 P�a�ent, Int�est arid pr3�oipal os Bonds 1,16�.�0 TOTtL - PtTBLIC Ott�CC�RT STATION FIIND �12�160.t�0 � , • - !'(�R POLICE PLN3I0� FUNDt � t�uc not to ezce�d .a5 per oegt of the 11�1.7., hir eash value� as squal.ized or aaaeesmd by the Department of Re�enue of the Stste •f Illincim, on all ta�x�ble property w3tlsi� the City of Csaton, Illinoie; �14�1'�O.�E! F�t FIRE PROTECTI� 1�UNDt A taa aot to excsed two mills on esoh dollar of tha l�.l,, fair esah value, a�a eq�slised or aseeeasd b� ths Departmsnt of Revsnue ot the Statm of Illinoie, on a�].1 te.xable p�operty �►ithis tl�e Ci�y oP Ce�nton, Illinoiat Salaries of Firemens 1 Chiet ot Fire Dapart�mm�t �4s95b.00 2 Asaiataat Chiele of Fir� Dspt, at �1i.51�.0� ee�ch 9,020.�4 7 Firamsn at �429f).DO sach 30�03�.E� Ektra Firemen 2,/�04.� T@tal Firemnen'� 3alariea ��.b,l,Ab.00 Fquip►ent 1,000.�0 �drdat xental 4,St�0.00 Total Fire Pr�t�ction l�and �51,9C1b.00 Ft�t GARHA�L DISPOSAL: A te�a not to exoeed .10 per eent on tha f�il.l fa�ir oa�h va].um, as eqw�].ised or aseeae�d bq the DeparLnent of Revenne ot tha Sta�s v! Illinois, on all ta�bls propertT vithin ths City o! Csntcn, Illiaoie� parsuaat to Ordim��c• No.35, pseeed Ms� 2�, 1947, authorising th� eatabliel�ent aad me�iritai�asaoe of a ��rsten for the coll�ction and diapoaal cF garbe,ge►: �27,�00.00 Irabor Maintaimsace 7,��f1.C10 Totsl Gsrbage D3apossl �34,�.� 1�� PIIBLIC �"ITS= 1 t�e�x not to ezaeed .0S per aent of �ha ftill, t'e�ir caeh talue, aa �qualised or ssaesaed by the Depert�ent 0�' Rsvenue o! tha St�te of Illinois, on e,7.1 tsxabla p��opert, rithin the �ity of Canton, Il].iaois, to b� lmcvn aa the pablic bensfit taz� and the fund arieing theretre� tc► be lmown sa the pablia beaetit t'�md� 'tc� be ua�l eolely for the pmcpose ot psyi�g that purti,on of the aeversl amoumts heretofore aas�ased age�inat the ea3d City for pn►blie benefit am aell as pe,ying any saoh aaounts as mn�r be heraaPter asassa�!! agaisat aaid Cit, fcr pnblic b�netit msder a�d in p�,rea�aaae ef a�ay ordia�snoe that may be hereaft�r psmaed: �18,�ti4.00 �, , . . « FO�t ILI,I�OI�f MIINtCIPAL RETIR�ENT F'[1�Dt l tuc not to euaeed .125 psr ce�nt oa the !'all, fair oaah �e►lue on all tuo�,ble P�'�l�Y �ithiu the said Cit? cf Csnton, Zlliaois, a� t�he aaxe i� equalised or aseeased bj► ths D�p�rt�n�at o! Revemie o� t�he Stei.te o! Illitsais: �25,000.�0 For the psy�aent ot p�3x�cipal anc! inter��t on Geaeral dbligation Bonda of the City of Cant.o�, Illlnois, of the i�eprove�►ent of Csntcm La,I�e 3piilWay and Wster l�c,rks 7�aap�ement, >nthe�ised by tJrdinanee li�b�r 131rs paaesd A�gae� 7, 1951: �18,4t)�.� TOTIL t)Tffi�R PDRPOSE3 �169,066.t)0 GRAND TOT�L — I�f� AI�L PURPOSSS �599,412.t9� 3.ctiea ^. Tbat the Cit� Caan�il may at a�y t�ne aftar the firat hs13' �t the f3.seaal yee�r, by s tvo-thirda vot�e of its memberahip, makm tranafera ai.thin a�r depsrtamnt or other eeperate agen�r o! the City ��rerteae�nt, ot' stme of �ane�r ap� poropa�iatsd f�r on� oorpe�ats ob�eest or parpoae tc snoth�r corporate oblsct or par- p�ae� bnt no appsop�istiou for aa� object or parpo�e a2u�7.1 thereby be reduced be- low sa atiount euft'ieient to oover sll obligationa incurr�cl or to t�e in�rr�d against Ra,ah ap�p�op�iation. Seetion 3. This t)rdi�asnce shsll. be ]mown as the "inrr�a7. App�priatien Ordina»�eN of the City o! Canton, Illinois. 3ectienn ,�. This Ordi�nce er�all be in ettect ten de.ya after ita ps.aaage by t13e Cit' �ci�nail� app�oval by the Msytu� and pub3.ication acc�rding t0 lav. Pasaed by the City Couna c>2' the City o! Cantaon, Illi.noia, at s r�gn].ar aeeting thereof ha].d on ths ��J�de�� of dune A. D. 1958. �PPT�CJVED by me this ,�,,,�ay ot dune A. D. 1958. �o�n:_,)�,_�,��'��1� � ,� MAY('�t � 1TTE3Ts�: L"tTT CI�RR