HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #393 , --4_` i �- /�r �,I _ .';,'�"'�*�+r��`� (-,..�-�� / � . ti.,.'�'"�A►...r �_.... . JANUA�Y - 1959 ORD IT�IAPICE IvO. �3 J 3 BE IT QRDATA3ED BY '1'hti CI'1'Y CC?UNCI�, OF `1'Ii�, CIiY QF Cx2v'.Cdrd� II,LIIv�TS:. That Chapter XI,I, Section 1 of the Revised Ordinances of the City af Canton, Illinois, of 19�.5, as amended, be, and the same is hereby further amended to read as foll.ows: "Section T. BQITPID.?��IES OF T�iE CTTv OF CAp,irrpl�r. The bounda,ries of the Cit,y of Canton, in the Coun��r of Fulton and State of Illinois, are as follows, to wit; Commencing at the Northwest corner of Section 26 in Township 7 North, Ra.nge l� East of the Fourth Principal NIeridian; running thence West along the 5ection Line 33 �'eet to the West Line of the Right-of Way of the Chicago, Burlington �?c Qtzincy ��ailroad, thence North along said Right-o.f Way 691.1 feet to a concrete marker, thence West along the North Line of School Property 1290 feet to the Southeast corner of Charles Winegar Sub-division; thence Ilorth ?92 feet to the Northeast corner of Charles Wineg�r Sub-division; thence Noz�h 1183 feet to CD-DE l�ddition, lst Extension; thence East 132.5 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 16 of CO-DE Addition, lst Extension; thence North 365.25 feet to the ATOrtheast corner of Lot 13 of CO-DE Addition, lst Extension; thence East 166.3 feet; thence Narth 185 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 30 of Potesanos 2nd Addition; thence East 75 �eet; thence North 3l�0 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot I�3 of Fotesanos 2nd Addition; thence West alon� the North I,ine of said Addition to State Bond Tssue Route 78; thence extending West along the same line a total distance of 1681.2 feet; thence South 8B9 feet to a Stone at the center of Section 22 in Township 7 TJorth, �an�;e �. East of the Fourth Principal NTeridian; thence South 16� feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 13 of Van Dyke Fark Sub- division; thence West along the �dorth Line of Van Dyke Park Sub-division, and the same line extended Westerly a total distance af 16�.2.1 feet; thence South 23p feet; thence East 298 feet; thence North 30 feet; thence East 217.8 feet; thence South 12 feet; thence sast 100 feet to the West Lines of Lots 29 and. 30 of Van D,yke Park Sub-division; thence South 55.3 feet; thence �Jest 225 feet; thence South 225 feet to the North Line of Fark iaroperty,• thence ?tirest a1on�* the North Line of Park Property 1382.3 feet, more or less, to the Narthwest corner of Park Property to a con- crete post; thence South along the West Line of said Park Pro�erty 1997.8 feet to a Stone at the Southwest corner of Section 22, Township 7 �lorth, Ran�;e L� East of the Fourth Principal T�Teridian; thence East 633.3 feet to a concrete marker; thence South 27S.8B feet to a concrete marker; thence East along the South Line of Park Property to the Northwest corner af Lot 31 of Ell-Van Addition; thence South along the West Line of Ell-Van Addition to the Southwest corner of Lot 33 of said Addition 1�12 feet; thence East along the South Line of Ell-Van �.ddition 37..1r. feet to a con- crete marker; tr�ence South b65 feet to a stone on the existing corporate line rurinin� along the North Line of Keeling�s 2nd Addition; thence �Jest along the above line to the center of the r�orthwest Quarter in Section 27, Township 7 North, Range �. East of the Fourth Principal T�Ieridian; thence South to the North Line of Hipple�s Sub-division of Lots �., 7, 8, and 15 of Frenchps Addition to the Citf of Canton; thence West alon� the North Line of said Hipple�s Sub-division to the Northwest corner of Lot I� of said Hipple�s Sub-division; thence in a Southwesterly direction to the Sauthwest corner of Lot 91 of Ftipple�s Sub-division of Lot 7 of French�s -1- � q ' a �'.°,.-....._...-.A,. � . Addition; thence ��Jest alon� the North I,ine of Luker�s Sub-division to the Section Line on Avenue F; thence Tdorthtisesterly �o the Southeast corner of Lot 2 of Bell� s lst Addition; thence Northerly to the North- east corner of �ot 2 of Bell►'s lst l�ddition; thence North to the East and West One-Quarter Line o�' Section 28; thence West along the East and West Qne-Quarter Line of Section 2f3 to a point �00 feet East of the Center of Section 2B; thence North 200 feet; thence West l�00 feet; thence South alon� the North and South One-Quarter Line of Section 28 to the South Ri��ht-of-t�'ay of the State Bond Issue Route 9; thence East- erly along the South Right-of��ay Line of State Bond Issue Route 9 to a point Alorth of the Northwest corner of Lot 9 of F-Iomewood Addition; thence South to the Northwest corner of said Lot 9; thence East to the Puortheast corner of said Lot 9; thence South to the Southeast corner of said I,ot 9 of Homewood Additian; thence East to the Southwest corner of Lot 11 of Edgewood �dciition; thence South to the Southwest corner of Lot 9 in �31ock 2 in said Ed�,ewood Addition; thence East along the South Line of said Black 2 in said Ed�ewood .?ddition to the South�aest carner of Lot 12 in Block 3 in said Ed�ewood .Addztion; thence South along the T�Test Line of Blocks 1, 2, and 3 ot' Babcock�s �ivalitv.Hil1 Addition to the City of Canton, Illinois, to the Center L�.re of �rdalnut 5treet; thence West along the center of vJal.nut Street to the center of Avenue F; thence D;orth along the center of. Avenue F to the cer�ter of T�1est Pine Street; thence �test a1on� the center of 6�Test Pirle 11t71.5 feet to the cen'ter of Avenue H; thence fiouth along the center of Avenue H to a point 80 feet North of the North L�.ne of TrJalnut Street; thence West to the West Line of Lot 18 of �,ihard�s �lddition; thence Ptorttl 100 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 17 oi Rihard� s Addition; thence West 350 feet to the I�rorthwes� corner of Lot 11 of I�ihard►s Addition; thence South l�la. feet; thence ti�dest lb6 feet; thence ;lorth I� feet; thence West 132.l�I� feet; thence North 30 feet; thence West 79.75 feet; thence Idorth 70 feet; thence Wes� 100 feet; thence South 50 feet; thence West 15�..13 feet; thence South 131� feet; thence rr�est 180 �'eet across the Township Raad, thence South 132 feet to the South LinP af Section 28; thence West 25 feet; thence South 100 feet; �hence East 175 feet; thence South 100 feet; thence East 125 feet; thence North 25 feet; thence East 223.7? feet; thence North 75 feet; thence East 2�.0.73 feet; thence 5outh 100 feet; thence East 111.75 feet; thence North 10 feet; thence East 291.25 feet; thence 5outh 11�0 feet; thence East 339 feet; thence South 10 feetr. thence East 96 feet to the West I,ine of Babcock►s �uality ?-till 3rd Addition,� thence South to the Sc�uth�rest corner of said addition; thence East alanLr the South Line of said additian te the Ce,if;er or kvenue G; tY�ence East a1on� the Cen�,�r o� t2ay ��trE���, 2�O feet; �n�nce Sou.�h 10 de�rees and 21 rninutes East 293 fe�=t; t}�encP I�orth 8� der;rees and p9 minutes East 177«3 feet; thence A.�arth ��. de�rEes ��nnd 53 :ninutes Eas� 56 feet; thence South 13 de�rees and 58 minutes ?,1est 339.�3 feet; thence South �5 de�rees and 07 r�irna�es East _11.3.1 feet; thence South 25 de�Prees and 1�3 minutes East 18I�.3 feet to the 1�TOrth Line of Trlest i�1��p1e Street; thence I�FOrth Easterly alon�; the Idorth Lane of Gyrest i�Taple Street �1G6 feet, more or less, to the existing Cornoration Zine on Avenue D; t'�ence Sou.th to a point West of the Center of the ?vTorthwest One-Quarter of Sec�;ion 3�. Township 7 AJorth, Range 1�. F�.st, Fourth Priizci�oal ��ierid.ian; thence East along; the North One-sixteenth Line of said Section 3�. to a point 60 rods tiJest of the I�TOrth and South Qne-Quarter I,ine of said Section 31.�; thence South to the Sauth Ri�ht-of�G}Iay Line o.f the Tcledo, Peoria and G�7estern Railroad; thence Southwesterly alon� the 5outh Right-of-GJa;T Line of said Toledo, Peoria and Western Railroad 979.1 feet, rnore or less, to the ATOrtheast corner of Lot 7 of T. A1. 8ornett Addition; thence Southerly to the Southeast corner of Lot 9 of said Addition; thence Easterly to the Southeast corner af Lot 1 of -2- • � �� - s . said Z'. N. Hornett kdditic�n; thence Easterl�r along the North Right-of Way Line af T�dest Hickory 5treet to the existing Corporation Line 990 feet West of the P:orth and South One-Quarter Line of Section 3�,; �hence South to the East and ti°Jest One-t�uarter Line of Section 3I�; thence �ast to t,he Center of Section 3�; thence South alon� �;he Plorth and South One-Quarter Line of Section 3�, 1198 feet, more or less, to the Northeast corner of ' Lot 1 of Chautauqua r ddition; thence uJest to the T�?orthwest corner of Lot 9 of said l�ddition; thence South 30 feet; thence Northw�s�erly alon�; the South Line of the Cernetery Pronerty �2.5 fPet; thence South 262.3 feet; thence Z�Test 111�.2?� feet; thence South 1�`30 feet; thence East 291 feet, more or 1ess; thence East 208.71 feet; thence Tdorth 158.71 feet; thence East 72 feet; thence South 50 feet; �thence East 8�..�35 .feet; thence North 200 feet; thence East 4p feet, more or 1PSS, t o the North and South One- Qua,rter I,�_ne of Section 3�.; thence South a.long said One-Quarter Line to a point 170l� ieet South o:f the center of Section 3l�; thence '�Test 196.5 feet; thence South 232.2 feet; thence East 195 feet to the North and South Qne-Quarter I,ine of Section 3�; thence South to a point 63?.3 feet North of the South One-Quarter Corner of Section 3�.; thence East 219 feet; thence South 210.� feet; thence West 219 feet to the said 2Jorth and South One-Qu�rter Line of Sec-�ion 3l�; tnence South to the South dne-Quarter Cor- ner of Section 3I.�; thence tiJest 62.7 feet to the Tvorth One-Quarter Corner of Section 3 in Township 6 TJorth, Ran�e �. I�ast of the Fourth Principal T�Ieridian; thence South 2�Q.7 feet; thence VTest 323 feet; thence South 330 feet; thence East 32�. feet to the I�TOrth and South Qne-Quarter Line of Section 3; thence South 53 feet; thence East 1325 feet, more or less; thence Nor�h 63�� feet to the Town Line; thence East 132.7 feet, more or 1ess; thence Alorth 16 .feet; thence East 20�3.75 feet; thence i�orth 208.75 feet; thence T��Test 208.75 feet; thence A;orth �.0 feet; thence West 119.8 feet; thence North 263.3 feet to the Scuth Line of Fast Beech Street; thence East 587.67 �'eet to the �ast er�d of �3e�ch Street; thence North 2�.8.71 feet; thence 'vTest 257.1�2 f'��t; thence South 208.75 .feet; thence West �� feet; thence Pdorth 208.7� feet; thence ti^7est 365 feet; thence South 208.75 feet; thence T✓Jest 129 feet; thence North 10� feet; thence West 80 feet; thence Tdorth 10I�.75 feet; thence ti^rest 203.75 feet to the Fast Li.ne of South T�iain Si�re�t; thence North alon� sai.d East Line of South T�Tain Street 5L�2.1 feet to the South Line o.f the old Right-of Way of the Illi- nois Central Electric R,a,ilroad; thence East alon�; said Right-of V�ay 16l� feet; thence North along the East L:ine of South T�1ain Street �.56.l� feet; thence East 6 feet, more or less; thence North alon� the �ast Line of Sauth T�Iain Street 308 feet to the Sauthwest corner of Lot 32 i.n E. and E. Johnson�s 2nd Addition to the City of Canton; thence East along the South Line of said Addition to the Southeast corner of Lot 25 of said Addition; thence East 6t3 feet to the East Line o� said Section 3I�; thence South 72�..l� feet ta the Southwest corner of �.. J. tilhitnah� s Addition to the Cit� of Canton; thence East 1319 feet to the Southeast corner of said A. J. �'hitnah�s 1'�ddition; thence North alon�; the East Line of A. J. SrJhitnahr s Addition to a point 3l.��. feet South of the East and West One- Quarter Line of Sec;ion 35 'I'ownship 7 Plorth, Ran�e !� East, Fourth Pri.n- cipal I�Ieridian; thence East 5 rods; thence North 3�.�. feet; thence West along said One-Quarter Line to the East Line of Fis�ier�s Addition pro- duced; thence North alon� the �ast Line of said Fisher�s l�ddition and Carl Marshall�s liddition to the Citf of Canton, and Iiarshall and Fisher�s Addition to the City of Canton to the North One-sixteenth I,ine of said Section 35; thence �ast along tYie said North One-sixteenth Line to the Center of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 35; thence North to the South Line of Grant T'1.ace; t.hence East along the South Line of Grant Place to the Northwest corner of Lot 20 of. Barlow and ti�Jebster�s Addition; thence South to the Sauthwest cor��ier of said Lot 20; thence East to the Southeast corner of I,ot 17; thence l�orth to the Pdortheast corner of Lot 17 of said Barlow and �fdebster�s :'1dd�_tion; thence East along the South .,3_ • J '��`y ' �, ' �ifl: Line of Grant P1ace to the North and South One-Quarter Line of Section 35; thence North alon�; the North and South One-C�uarter Line of Section 35 and Section 26, Town and Ran�e aforesaid, to a point 25 feet West of the Southwest corner of Lot 29 of C. H. Divilbiss Addition; thence East to the Southeast corner of said Addition; thencP North along the East Line of C. H. Divilbiss Addition 3Sl� feet, more or less; thence � East 200 feet; thence 5outh 168 feet, :nore or less; thence East 167 feet, more or less, to the West Zine of Barcrest l�ddition; thence South 5Q faet, more or less; thence West 31l� feet; thence South 158.5 feet to the South Line of C. T-I. Divi.lbiss Addition extended; thence East b16 feet to the Southeast corner of Barcrest .�ddition; thence North along the East Line of �arcrest Addition 318 feet, more or less; thence Easterly on a Line to a poi.nt 2.6 feet North of the Southwest Corrier of Lot 1 of i�T. V. Young�s Sub-division, excepting from a point on the last described line being on a North �nd South Line 522 feet East of the Southwest Corner of Section 25; thence North to the CentPr of Chestnut Street; thence Fast along �:he Center of Chestnut 266 feet; thence 5outh 180 feet; thence Fast 70 feet; thence South 50 feet; thence East 60 feet; thence South to the East and West Line from Bar- crest Addition to a point 2.6 feet Pdorth of the Southwest Corner of Lot 1 of 'vd. V. young+s Sub-division; thence East to a point 2.6 feet North of the Southwest Corner af said Lot l; thence South to the South- west corner of Lot 2 of said Addition; thence Fast 92l� feet to �t�e Southeast corner of Lot 13 of said W. V. Yourig�s Addition; thence ATOrth to the Southwest corner of I,ot 1lt; thence East to the South.east corner of Lot 15 of said ,tidditian; t,hence ATOrth to the Northeast corner of T,ot 15 of said b�. V. Young�s Addition; thence East 5!� �eet, more or less; thence I�rorth 256 feet, more or less; thence West 100 feet; thence Tdorth 389.�. feet, more or less; thence tJest I�10.1 feet; thence 5outh 579.2 feet, more or less, to th� North Line of East Chestnut Street; thence West along said I�iorth Line 3p9 feet, more or less; thence North �1�9 feet; thence West 157 feet; thence South 51�2 feet to the Pdorth Line of East Chestnut Street; thence West along the said North Line of East Chestnut Street 15�2 feet, more or 1ess, to the East Line of Section 26� thence North 1308 feet to the East One-Quarter corner of Section 26; thence West 120 feet; thence South 65l� feet; thence West 120 feet; thence South 651.� feet to the North I,ine of East Chestnut Street; thence West 67 feet, more or less; thence Idarth 1l�0 feet; thence West 110 feet; thence South 1l�0 feet to the North I,ine of East Chestnut Street; thence West �.01 feet, more or less, to the Southeast corner of Lot 6 of Block �. of Eastern Star Sub-division; thence RTOrth lb� feet to the Northea�t corner of said Lot 6; thence 6Jest to the Southwest corner of Lot 3 of Block 1 of Eastern Star Sub-division; thence West to a point 16 feet East of the Southeast corner of Lot 9 of Forestview Addition; thence Iuorth to a point 16 feet East of the Northeast corner of Lot 18 of For- estview Addition; thence East to the Southeast corner of S�znview Terrace Addition; thence East to the west Line of Eastern Star Sub-division; thence South to the Southwe�t corner of Lot 3 of Block 2 of said Sub- division; thence East to t;he Northeast corner of Lot 3 of Block !� of said Sub-division; thence North to the Northeast corner� of Lot 12 of Block 3 of said Sub-division; thence "u�est 156 feet, more or less� thence North 200 feet; thence Trdest to the Center of 13th Strest; thence North to the North Li.ne of Qlive Street; thence West to i:he Southeast corner of Lot 1 of Block 5 of F. p. Cob1e�_gh ��ddition; thence PTorth to the cen- ter of E.LSt rlyrtle Street; thence West to the �r�est Line of Iv'orth llth Avenue; thence North along the °�Test Line of North llth xvenue to the PJortheast corner of J. J. Brant�s Addition; thence ��est to the place of be�inning.« _�_ . ' • � J'�'�. .r+..aa Passed bv the Gitv Council and approved by the Ma,yor this a4�day r � �. of ��,�c.,� A. D. 1959. A.P�'RQVF�D: �,-'1/�"��" ✓ . f � 1�YOR / AT'I'E'ST: ��� !,`` '' ':- _ C �., K \ -5-