HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #402 � • - � . , i . . ,: + . + � . OFtDINAT1C:r, �i0.-�• AN ORDIZ�A�ICE LE'VYING TAXES FOR CCIRPOR.ATE PURPOSES OF THE CITY OF CANTOr?, ILLINOIS, FOR THE FISCAL YF.APL OF SAID CITY, 1959-1960 WHFjREAS� The City Council of the Cit;;T of Canton, Illinois� did on the 16th d�v of June A. D., 1959, pass the APfiTITAL AIP�:CP�.IA�l':[CN OPD=r'.A'_`�CI�; of said City far t�e Fisca? Xear of said City be�innir��% on the first Tuesday of the month of r�y, i95g, and ending on the first Tuesday o£ the month of A�y� 1960, and the amount which was a�pro�}r3.ated was thP sum of �61$,g�?�.00� which said ADI�NAL API.'R.OYRIATTON ORDTi1ANCF was duly approved by the Mayor of �aid City an t?.e 17th day of June A. D., 1�-59, and whicta said Ai��i�:I1AI. AFPFCP?'.TATI��I� t�RDI- NAI�C� was on the 22nd day of June A. D., 1�?5°, d.u1.y published in the Car_ton Daily LedgEr, a daily secular rewspaper. of general ciz�culation published in �aid City of Canton� 111inois� for a period of at least six (6) months prior to said publications NOW THf�?.E�'OP�E: BE IT ORDAINED BY TI3E CITY COi3NClL OF THE CITY OF CANTON, ZLLINOISt Section 1. That there be, and there is r.ereby levie�d on all property sul?�ect to taxation within the corporate limits of the City of Canton, I1linois, as the same is aL,sesseci ar.d equalized for State and County purposes for the cur- rent year, for the fiscal year af se,id Cit� of Gantan, Illinois, beginning on the first Tuesday in the month of Nay, 1�5�, a.nd ending on the first Tuesday in the mont� of May, 1960� the tota.l siz� o£ �253,OCO.00, for the followi.n� specified purposes: Amo�.znt Amount to A o �riated Ee Levied FY�i. GENE�i.AL CC1RP�tATE PURPOSES OF SAID CITY: POLICE D�AR.TI�]T-Salaries: 1 Chief of Police � 5,4�.�C 3 Sergeants at �4��'14.OU eacl� 11�,7/�2.00 $ Policeman at �r4,3°4.GC each 35,152.00 2 Radio Operatars at �3,674.�n �ach 7,34�.00 Aw�iliaxy Policemen �,OOO.GO Tota1 Police Department �alaries: �`> 65�702.00 � L�.1,OOO.GG PCLICE DEPAR.TT•'�'I*T�upF�lies and Fquipment: Police Car Rental `�a 2,400.00 Supplies and F�uipm�nt 4,200.CQ Gasoline for Police Cars 2,Ot�0.00 Radio Service 1 r�}�.�� Total Poli.ce De�t. Supplies & FquipmPnt; �R lo�;i:oo $� S,OOO.00 sm�wwt�xs: Repairs and Mainten,ance �p 500.00 r � � � � • � Amount Auiount to Appropriated Be I,evied STRFFTS AP1D ALLr'YS: Purcha.se of F'quipment � 15,000.00 Gravelling af roads ?,000.00 P�fa,terials and �upplies 15�000.00 La.bor 26,000.00 ° Oiling of Roads �000.00 Total Streets and Alleys � �4�000.00 ��rzSC�;z,LarrF�ous F,F�r:rr�T°s � .3,0�0.00 PRIP1`�ING AND PtT��`.LSCATION `>;ry 1,�00.00 � 1,000.00 CITY CO(]RT �"AINTAIrtAI�rCF � 500.00 PTT?LIC GRCUNDr AI�TD ':3T1ILllIl�TGS Repair and Maintenance ;� 14,000.00 � g,000.00 SALt�FI��:� OF rI2'1' OP'FSG�'���5 � �,5,000.00 ?;� 20,000.00 AUDI'�'I�;G {�' S00.00 STR'�FT LICzHT IIVG :?`'� 11,000.00 `� 7,000.00 �'LF'C^?t�N ,',�r,;pIC''Ss Jud�?es and clerks �k 1�050.00 Supplies 4�0.00 Total �lection Expenses `� 1,500.00 C?�v��TfRYs ;�?aintenance � 9,500.00 Furchase of F�qui�snent 1,,500.00 Repa.irs 1,500.00 Total Gemetery � 12,500.00 '� 12,50U.00 I�1,SUP�AI�?CF: Fire and Windstor�, City build3ng ar� contents � 1,Q00.00 Casualty & Worimien�s Com��ensation c.000.00 Total Insuranee � 10,000.Q0 � L�,500.00 TOTAL G�:NF'�:AL FUND �22a,802.t�0 �1QO�C�OO.aO WATT1? Ai�TD S«�A�'� DT F�?RT''-'�-�'T: Salaries `� 65�OQ0.00 Fx-tra La,uor 6,000.00 P�.aintenance 6,000.00 Truck Operations 1,500.00 Supplies, Chemical and b`uel 20�000.00 y 1 i . • _ i Amount Amount to A�ppropriated i3e Levied Off ice Expense l,500.00 Fower 12,000.00 Fire ancl Windstorm Tn�urance 2,0(70.00 Casua,lty & ?�Jorkmen's Compensation Ins. ',,500.00 D�prec3.ation Account ?��00.00 Fxtension of Service 30�000.��0 Purchase of �',�ui�nent 5�000.00 Retirement of Bonds and Interest ?2.,000�,00 Total Water 8c Sewer DePart:nent `�1�7,500.OG PAR KI?�?G ��'T���R FUr?D: Puxchas� of equipment ,� �;,000.00 Service in Parkin.€ i�eter Zone 2�000.00 Gas and Oil 200.00 Maintenance of 2�'�otor Cycle �.0�.00 Painting �'.arkings 500.00 � Stree.t I�proveMents �:000.00 Total Parking r�eter Fund �`•a ?O,IOO.OG GRArID TOTAL GT'I�?`"�'.AL PIlRPO�'�S �L,1}.7�/+02.00 �?100�000.00 F0� OTH'�Y PURPU�S�'S AtJi'i�GRIZF'D �Y L�Ws PLTPILIC CO?�fiFCRT STATION r^UND: A tax not to exceed .0??3 per cent of the fu.11, fair c�.sh valuP, as equalized or assessed by the depari;ment of '��evenue of the State of Illinoi�, on all t�.xable property with- in the City of Canton, Illinoiss �.epairs and :`�aintenance 9,000.00 Sal�ries 2,200.00 Payr.ient� Interes� SA1d Principal on Bonds 1.].l�0.00 Total �'ublic Comfort Station Fund � 12,34Q.00 ° 12,OOd.�G FOR PCLIGf �'"r?cSC�N FTJI�'v: h tr��� not to exceed .05 per cent of the ft�ll, f�3r cash value, as equalized or as�essed by the Department of �:evenue of the State of Il1_inois, on all taxable propert3* within +he City of C�ton, I1linai�. � 1Q,000.00 ?� 10,0OO.OG �'OT� FI''T' PRC!�"�C7'IC.�T; �TT��: A tax rot to exceed two mills on cttch do�l�r of the full, fair eash v�.lue, as equ�.lized or a�sessed �y the Departr,,.ent of Revenu� of the State of Il.linais, on a11 taxa.ble property within the City of C�ntor, Illinois. a • � ► A.mount A;nount to Ap�aro�riated i?e Levied Salarie�. of Firer:en: 1 Cheif of Fire lle�:,�,rtment �� 5,260.00 2 Assistant Ch�.efs of Fire Dept. at ��,,E11�.QC each 9,225.00 7 Firemen at "���4,��1�.00 each �?G�75g.00 F��tra Firemen 2,Lr00,�(K� Total F�.remen�: aalaries � 47,646.00 �:;quipment 1,000.00 Hydrant Rental ,�__a�.,,,�,00.00 Tntal Fire �'rotection P�und �� 5��14E�.00 �� 5G,000.00 F�7R G1�:LAG�' DISPU:AL: A tax rot to . er_cee.cl .10 per cent on the �'ull, f.air cash value, as equ�lized or asseswed by the Depar.tment of Revenue of the St��,te of Illinoi^., on s.11 ta�able property within the City of Gan�on� Illir_oi�, pursuant to Ordinance P?o. �5, ��ssed Pga.y 2(7� 1�47, authorizir�T tY:r:: estab- lichment and n�aintenFm ce of a sy�tem far tr.e collecti.on and di�posal o� ga.rba�;e: Iabor �� 2�,OGO.00 ��laintenaz ce 7.0OO�OC Tota1 Garbz��e Dispos�l �S,GOO.00 `` ?5,G00.00 FO?? PT1�LIC ��'I�rFFIiS: A +.�x not to exceed .C5 pez� eent o£ the full, fair ca�h v�lue, a.c equ�lized or ac:essed by the Dep�.rtrlent of F..evenue of the Stat,e of Illinoi�, on all ta�.�.ble property withir_ the City of Cantor_, Illinoi�� to he lmown a� the F'u' lic ':'ene- fit Tax, and the fund arisin� tli�r.e- from to �;e known as the Public '�enefit Fund, to ue used �olely for the �:.urpose of pa;;Tin� that porticn of the �ever�.l �mounts herFtofore asse�sed a�ain�t the ;aid city for Pu?�lic Fe:�efit a.� well a_� pa;Ti:z�� any such a;�ounts as r��ay l�e here- aftEr assessed against �aid Cit,y for Public Penef it und.er a.nd ir pursuance of any or.di_nan ce that Tnay be hereafter passed. ��' 1�,OOO.C�O �+'� 18,OOG.C� FOR ILLIIIOIS MUNICIPAL R.FTIR�'�FT?fi F?�I�: A tax. not to es_ceed .125 per cer_t on the , , � r • . . . ' . ATMo?lr..t Appropriated ATM�ount to ue Leviecl F`i.ill� fair cash value orl all tal;able property within said City of Car.ton, I1linoie,, s.G the same is equalized or assessed k>y the Depart��:.ent of Feve��ue of the State of Illinoi� Zat�.� � 25,0OO.00� �! 1Q,000.00 r or the pa.yment of princi�l �nd in.ter.e�t on General Obligation Bond� of tre Gity of Canton� Illinois� of the i�r�grove�rert of Canton Lake Spi�lway and Water S�Io-rks Zmprovement, authorized by Ordir_�ce No, l�l�,� Fassed Au�?Ltst, 7� l��rl. Tota1 ��� 1�,0OO.00 '` 18�CGO.CO TOTl�L 0^H�R PT]RPGc±'S ;H�171,L,.&6.00 �;�153,000.00 GI�AND TOTAL - F0�? ALL P?J^.PC�� '�b1�,8g8.00 °�253�000.00 Sectian 2. That the City �'lerlc of said City of Canton, Illinois, is hereby authorized and directedto f3.l.e with the Ccunty C1erk of Fulto�� Coan+y, Il.linois, a duly certif ied copy of thi4 Ordinance. Section ?. This Ordinance shall be in effect upon itC }�assage by the City Council and approv&1 by the A"a;�or. Pa��ed by the City Gouncil this �� da�; c£ Ju3y �. D. 195c. Approved by the '�ayor this �-� �ay of July A. D. 1a59. APF!F?(?V'�7}: l ��~!'� G�'Z��'��'��- __.,.,.._..,_ - z�AYOT' � � �� AT7'"ST:�l�1�'wc...������.:-r � CI7'Y CL �?K _._. _-�