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Ordinance #403
-„r�. , . . ti: ,.:v • , - .. . . _ � .. ' � � 1. �r-�� t :_. �w(r �. , _ y ��`NL1R/1�J ��ri •. � � B'L� Ifi t�DLIlfED HY THE CITY COt1NCIL C�' THE CITY �+' Cll9'TON, � ILLI�OI$s - 3eotion 1. 2bst Seatiaa 1 lrticle 2 �t the Aevi,eed ��,�,,�e� o! thm City ot Canton, Illinoia 1 , �45, be aad hareby are anended to r� sa tollcwa� M$bC• 1• �s1 r�i �p�j' • The Pelioe Elepartment ot th� Cit,� eball conai�t o! oas Chie! o! Poliae� t�o 3argesats, seven Patrolmen, tvo Deal� Clerks and oae lYle Clm�k.• ��tion 2. Tl1e dsak olerka �ball act aa Polida Radio Operators �d sha11. pa'!'o�a aneh othe� dnties ae required o! tha bq the Chiet ot Police, Cc�mittee oa Le ga1 and Police or ths Cit�r �ounoi2. ?he t'ite aler� �ha11 act sa ascretary !or the Polics Departa�ent� l•�,d�,o �.a{�. sad sh�ll perta� snoh othear dnties ae �aY 1ye requirsd b� the Chiet at Polioe, Camsittee oa Lsgal and Police car the �ity Counesil,. :iaction 3. The i'il.e c].srk �1�n72 reo�ive a aale�Y or �4.5.00 _ ._ .- . . Ps�' r+eeY to� tbe lirat 12 weeka� �54.00 pe�r veek for the l�lli�vit� ,� �'°'� � �57,..4W p�r veek !or eaah �►eek thereatter. . _ Seetion 4. Thie Ordinanos shall b� in ettsct t� and a!'ter it�► Pa�+� �7 t�e City Counail and app�cnral by the l�a�'• Paaaed by the City Co�il and app�oved by ths l�jaa� this ,,,�3 _L� � °t �� ._...,,,. 1. �. 1959. l �RC�vID: c�-, _ �� , ar�.gT �� cz�r cr�t