HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #405 � - � � ; � � , � , ~ . � ` � � � ; ,I i; AN Ol',DIPdANCE pravidin; f or box�rowing �R money and issuin�; bonds of �he Ci�y ��� ; of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, to i '� the amoUnt of �230,000 f o�° the purpose # �E �� of paying the cos� of constructin�; im- , i, provements and extensions to the water- ;; wo1�kN system of said City, and r�rovid- ( inU far �h.e levy and collec�ion of a I�� direct annual tax for �he paymen� oi' " the princ:Ipal and interest of said �i k�onds . �� � � �� � a� � � i� ' '� WI-IEREAS, the City Council of the City of' Cantan, Fulton ' i� � i� �� County, Illinois, by an ordinance adopted on June 2, 1959, did cally , � a special election �;o be held in and foi� said Ci.ty of Canton dn f� June 30, 195�, for the purpose oL' submitta.ng to t,he elec�ors oi' sai�l i 3 ' City the followin��;• question: k ` �; Shall bonds in the amoLant of �230,000 be i�sued = i; by the City oi' CanLon, I1'ul�on CounLy, Illinais, � for the purpose of payin� the cost of construc�in� �' improvements and extensi�ns to the waterworks sys- ; �j �em of said City, to mature serially �25,000 on �j December 1 0�' each of' the years 1g61 to 1968, in- � { clusive, and �15,000 on December 1 oL` each o� the ; �' years 1969 and 1�7a; provided, h�wever, said bonds � ' ;� shall be redeemable prior �;o matL�ri�y at par and i i� accrued interest in the inverse order in which �i they are numbered on any interest payment date, � and bear interest at the rate of not �o exceed a ;: f ou r p�r ce nt (�;o) pe r annura? !� ;� and s i� , 4, U�HER,EAS, the City Council of said City did caUSe to be ,; I � �i �iven proper notice of said election by publishing notice �hereof ' �� � once on June 10, 1959, in the Canton Daily L�d�er, be:in� a news- ; ;; ; :� �� paper �ublished and of general circulation in said City, said � ,t (i no�ice bein;; published noL more than �hirty days nor less than fif-; ; teen days prior to the date of said election, which said notice as j �; ; �; so published did speeify the places where such election was to be i� ; f! held, the time o:I opening and closin� the polls and tl�e question s �, ``� to be vo�ed upon; and �� �: �� i I, WH�REAS, the Ci�y Council or said City by pr. oper proceed- � Ii � . - . • ' i . . . ' s � � , S� and that �, majority of the elector�s of said Ci�y votin;� at said � � [ � election on said question above referred to voted in favor there- ' �, '� f o1'; and � i ` � WHEI' �AS, it is deemed necessary a� th'�s �_ir,ie to i.�sla� ` s Ifsaicl bonds in th� principal amount of ��230,000, bearin;?; interest a'� ! i, ; the rate af f ou r pe r cenf; (��a) pe r annum; � i� ; � NOUd, �f-IEi�EI�'OP�k:, I3e It Ordained by the Ci�y Council of the� , ___�. �; City of Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, as follows: ;; �� ¢ �� Section 1. That it be and i� is hereby found and deter- � '� � ` i mined tha� �he CiLy Council of the Cit�T of Canton has been author-; �` i j ized bJ a majority o:f the electors oi' said Ci�;y votin; on �he ' �? � (� question at an election dul,y called, noticed, held and canvassed ; !; ' for �hat purpose to issue bonds of said Ci�y in the amoL�nL of ? i� !; �i �230,000 for the purpose of payin� the cost of constructin� irn- i, provements and exter�sions to the waterworks syster;� of said City, '! � �i as described in the preambles hereof. EI �I Se ction 2. That in ol�del� �o raise the sum of �230,000 } � �� needed for the pux�pose ai'oresaid, there be borrowed by, f or and ' � �� otz behalf of the CitJ of' Canton, Fulton County, Illinois, �he sum r � j S �� of �230,000 a�zd to evidence said loan ne�otiable coupon bonds of i i � �� said Ci��r be i.ssued. Said borids shall be desi��nated "Ulaterworks ;'� f` � :.Cmpr•ovement Bonds ", be dated Sep'�er,lber l, 1�59, be �vao hunared � i, � ,, i �: �� thir�y (230) in number, numbered fr�orn 1 to 230, inclusive, be of � � j� �he denomination of �1,000 each, and rna Gt,�re serially �25,000 on ` i� Decernber 1 of each ox"' the years l�c 1 to 1963, incltasive, and � fj i 4; $15,000 on December 1 of each of Lhe ��ears 1�6� and 1�70, provided� i � � hovaever, said bonds shall b� redeemable, priol° to maturit;�, at ; � � �� pai� and accrued inte-rest in tYie inverse order in tivhich the f are = ! � f� numbered on any interes� vaymer�t date . f' ' I� �nTr-if-l-nn nni--inn ii'f ii-c nrif--i��r� i-r� n��ll ariia ror�oorn nv,�r .�v. , \ P, - . �i � ' • � 9 • . ij . ♦ �� C k; # i� by re�istered mail at least thirty (30) days �:�rior to the date of ` �� redemption, anc� as to any unicnown holders of such bonds, such no- ; � �� tice of redemption s��all bc published at least once not lESS than ' :_ �hirty (30) days prior to Lhe dr:�te oi reder�ption in a ncvaspaper ,; � ,� �� published and of �;eneral cil^culazion in tYle City of CanLOn, ��'ultor� ! �i Count,y, Illino:i.s, and any such natice s�za7_1 describe the bonds to � ,� i �� be redeemecl arid the date of reder�lpt;ion, and upon such notice hav- �3 �; i.n„ been niailed to the holder, if' lvnown, or by publicati.on there- ' ; �i ` �� af, if �n��nown,an� oi� a11 of such bonds so called foi� redemp�ion � �� � �; and payment, if payment has been nlade or ��rovided for, shall ; � 4 �� cease to bear inLerest frorn and af f;er said date . P� Said bonds shall bear intey est i rora c�a�e Lnti.l p^.id at the ' ,� ' �� ra�e of fo�ar ��er cent (�;�) pel� annum, payable on Decemb�r 1., 1�60 � � i� and semi-annuallJ tr�ereaiter ori t���c first da�Ts o:� June arzd D�c- �9 i; eml�er in each yeai°, i�ah.ich said intei�est; payments to dai;e of maLur= p ity of principal sha11 be evidenc,ed i�y ��roper interes�: COLlpons '� attach�d �o each bond and �,laturiri� orz th� da�es herein pl°ovided, ' ;s and i�oth ��rincipal and interest sha?1 '�e payable in lati°ri'ul money ' `� of the Uni�ed �t;ates of Anierica �.f� t��e opt�.on of the holder, ; ii ,� either at Can�on StaLe ��.nk or at iJG.tioilal �a�ik of Can�on, Illi- �; ; �' nois . The seal of said �ity s�za11 be �.ffixed to e�.ch of �aid i; 'G boi�ds and sa.i1 bonds shall be si�,;nec� b��>,� the l��Za�ro��° and be a�tes�ed'�. � �y the Clerk o:C said City, and s�id caL,�ons shall be si;;xled and ;; � :: ; at�ested by said ozf:ici.als, respect�vel�r, �ay their respect.ive 1 i ;` i'acsirn:ile si��natures, a�zd sa�d o1'i icials, by the el�ectation of ;, ;� said bonds, shall adopt as and for theil� own proper si.oi�at;ures � E i j� theil resbective facsimile s:iJnatures a��pearirx�; an said cou�ons . ; �'! ; �ecLion 3. `����lat the b:�ndN l?e�°eby au�tho��ized sha11 be pay- ;� - � �� able to bearer; pLevided, ho�veve_�, that such bonds lnay be subject� i �' to re�i.s�ra'cior� as to �rincipal in �he name of t;he holaer on the ` �i � d� _ . . . . , , (' • ' ' � � . i( i E� �i bonds Nc� re�istei�ed. No bond so re�;iste ���d shall be subject �o � i ; � � trar,�iei� exc�pt upon such books and s��.milai�l�yT noted on the b�.clr i thereof unless the last re�;istrati.on Nhal�_ have been t� beaz°er. ? 'r' � n T c. c, .' T ' i � Such re�,istiation of' un,� o:t uaid bond� sh��ll no�, hc�rl�ver, ai'fect � � � �he ne�otiak�ility of the coupons atL�,c��.��. �Lo susd bonds, but sti?ch � � � � c�upons shall continL�e tran,fe?�able by del.ivez��r merely. : � � Sec�:Ion �I�. Tlsa'c each of' �aic� ��oncis and the interest coupons; � to b� 'chere�o u'ctach.ed shall be in �u1�st��n'ciall_y the fallot��in;; forrr�: � � �j (Fcrm of :Bond) � 1 #� UPJITED STA�1,'ES OI�' AP'��f�TCA � �� , �� STATE OIi ILT,INOTS COUN`rY OF PULTON � !� CITY UI' CANTON � � �°SATERI°JOP��S Il`•1�'".O�T�`iZEI�d`.P �O�1D � 9� ; i�umbel� �I,000 � i = �� KNOW ALL I�L`:Pd I��` THESE P t�'5�1�1TS, tliat Lhe Ca.t�j oz Can'con, ; � I+'ulton Caunt,y�, Illinois, her���r acicno���Ied�es if;se7_f �o otve, and foi� � � valL�e received, proraises to pay to bearer, or ii' thi� k�ond be � ;i � 'i re�;istered, then to the r�;istered holder hereof, the sti?rn o:C' OT1E _ "� � � THOUSAND DOLLARS (p 1,000) on the f irst c�ay of De cember, 1;'�, �Lo- �, i � ,�ethei� tivi�h in.terest on saiu aurn fron� the �.ate hereof until paid � �I � � �t the rate of fotar pel cen� (�-;�) :��r anntar.�, pa�rable on Decem�er 1,# � 1960, arid sei,�i-annual.ly therea.fter on f;he fi}�st da�Ts of June and � '� i �� December in each ,year, and L?ntil ma'cu-ri�y, u�orz pl�esentation and ? ;� surrendei� of 'che respec�;ive interes� cou_�ons heret�� attacY�ied as ; � ' ; they severally become dL�e and pay�l�le , ! ; ,� Both prirlcipal arld interest are hel�eby nlade payable in lavr- � �, ; � ful money of' �he Un°�ted Si,ates of Ai;lerica at t;}:e option oi' the ± � holder, ei�r�er at Canto�� S�La�� Banl; or ai, National Ban�c of Cantoiz, � I ; i� ��n the City of Ca.nton, Illinois . ; �; fl ,-, , , . _ - , �, ,_, . _ , - -, ,- - -- - - - -- � _�, - _, , . �� , � . J , � � s � �l'his bond is issued by said Ci�L;r for the purpose of payin�; `` � # �� �he cost oi' coristruc�in� irnprover„ents and e�tensiot�� to the water- } ' ' wo:rks Nystem of said City, pui suant to anc� i.n all respects in � complianc� w:i.th �he "I'tevised Cities al�ci Villa;;es Act", efl"ective ° i January 1, 191-�2, ar1�. all acts amendatory thereof and uupplem.entary I thereto, and i� auLhorized by a majori'cy of the elector;� of sa:id i i ' CiL;r votin�� upon the question af; an election du].y called, noticed, f ; held and canvassed for that purpose in said City, and in complianc� �� ' vaith an oz°dinance duly �assed by the City Council of said City, � �� and published, in �.11 a.��spects �.s by lavv required. � � � � Th_is bond i.s one of an authorized issue ar;�re,,�atin;; �he � , � principal arrioun� of �p23U,000, n�ar�'r��red from 1 to 230, inclusive, of �� ; �� the denominatiori of �1,000 each, and said bonds are redeel�la�le, � 0 �j bi�ior to rnaturity, a� par and accrued interest in f;he inverse orde�} � j ! in which they are nu�r�'oered, on any interest p�.yrnent date upan = I ` 1 notice specifyinU tYie zlumber af the bond and date of redernp�ion, ' ,, �iven by registered mail to 'che ho'_der, if kno��rn, arid as to any � i � i i unknouan holder, such nota.ce shall be published at least once in a � � � ne�as�aper pu'ol.ished arid of �eneral cir�culation in the Cit�r of ;F � ;j Canton, I11.inois, The mailin" oi' such no�;ice shall be at least ; �( � � thirty (30) da�Ts preceding such redemption date, and th� publica- �� I � tion c�f said notice shall be a�; least thirty (30) days pre cedin; ! Si : �� such redemp�ion d�.�e, and wheri this bon.d shall have beeri callec� � ; i �� ror redemption and payment made or p.rovi.ded for, interes� the��eon I+�� shall cea�se from and after the date so spccified. � jl ? I� I�; is hereby certified �.nd recited �hat a11 acts, condiLion� �� ; f and thl.n�s required by i;rie Constitu�ion and laws of the State of � I � Illinois, to e�ist or f;o be dane, precedent to and in the issuance ; r E' oi' this bond, h.ave existed and have been propei�ly done, happened, j ! to r�r7 1-�o�v� r�r�v��F'�i�r�rn c�r7 ^S r� va c�.r��l o�n �v-�rl r�7��� �r.»m o v�!-1 f-�w�r� ��. �..�`v.,-,�-.�r7 L.4�. � . �'�� � , i . I . • . . � � ; �I this bond and tY��e issU� o�' which i'c fol�ms a part, and includin, 1 � � � all other indebtedness of ��.id City, hac,rsoever evidenced and in- � j� eurred, does not exceed any constitutional vr stat;u�ory limita�ion� ; and tlzat provision l�as been made L'or the collection of a direct a , �i ( � anrnaal �ax, iri addi�;iatz to al1 othel� ta�,es, on alI af �h.e taxable s ;; < �o property in said City sufl'icient to pay the interes� hereon as �he � 1 � ; same falls due and also to pay and dischar�,;e the principal hereof ; I � at maturity. � E This '�ond is subjec� to re;ist:ration as to principal :in ; �� � t the name of the holder on the books of the City Treasurer, sucri � �? re�istration to be evidenced by notation of such Treasurer on the ; r 4 � ' back hereof, and after such regis�ratiorl no transfer hereof, excep� i i upon such books and similarly noted hereon, shall be valid unless ' �; � � the last re�;istration shall have been to bearer. I�e�;istration , , �f hereof shall not affect �he ne{;otia�ility of the coupons hereto ; ,� �f �f attached vahich shall con�inue rie�o�iable 'p;;r delivery me:c�ely, not- ' �� withstanding re�istratiori hereof. ; �� � �i' IN G1zTNFSS [��JHERLOI+, said Ci�y oi Canton, Fulton County, , I; � ,� �� Illinoi,�, by it� Ci�y Council, has caused its corpol�a�e seal to be ; � � �i hereunto affixed and �r,is bond to be Ni,;ned by the Mayor of sa:i.d � i ; City and attesi;ed by its City Clerk, and the collpons hereto at- ' ta�hed �o be si;ned and attes�ed by said of'ficials, res�ectively, ; ; ! �y �heir racsimile si;natures, and said officials do, by �he erecu� i j� t:I.on hereof, adopt as and fo�.� thei� own �r.°op�r si�;natL�res their �; s� respective f'acsimile si�;na�ures appearin� on said coupons, all as ; ; ! of f;he first day of September, 1�59. �p ', �� CITY OF CANTON ; �; i� --- __ i 4, Ma Jor ; �; t ' Attest: i f, f! t � . . � • . • . 9 � ! � (�'orm of Coupon) � i '� Number �_____ � � _.__._____.__�:. I! ! �� On the first day of i�_ , 19_, the City � � ,� of Can�on, Pulton Counf;y, Illino�s, vaill pa5r to bearer � ; � Dollars (� ) in i � �` � � lawful mone�T of the United States of America at the option of the $ �, 1 ;� holder, eiLher at CanLon State I3ank or at Tdational �ank oL' Canton� !� zn the Ci� of Canton Illinois for in�erest due thaf; da on its � �{ Y > > y , �I Ulaterworks Improvement Bond, da�ed Se�t�ember l, 1�5�, Numr�r � ,I , �; ; � � F � s .._.' May o� � � � �i Ai,test: �� � �� l . G City Clerk ? a , i � (Formfbr Re�is�ration as to Principal) � �' � ;� Date o�' Si�nature of s �[ Re�is�ratian Name of l�.egistered Owner City Treasurer � _ i � � - - - _ � d _ ___._._..�. __._. . � ..�� . _� � �� � �� _..___._. ._ �. ___. �� Section 5 . Thaf; foz� the pu�.�po�e of providin� the func�s l+ i required to �ay the interest on sai� bonds promptly when and as � f the same fa11s due, and to pay ana dischar;e th.e brirzcipalf�ere- � �` � of a� matur�.ty, there be and f;here :Ls Yiereby levied u�on al1 �he � i� taxable propert;� vaith�n said City, irr cach year while any of said� �� � i bonds are outstand-in�, a direct annual tax :�L?fficient for �hat � �� i ;� rurpose, and that there be and there is hereby levied on all of � �� � �' the �axable prope�.�t;;r in said City, in adclit:ion to all o�;her taJ;es`, i� � ii ' as the follo��ainr` d'�.rect ann.ual tax, f;o wit: � I � � I j; . . s . . � ` �i . ; � . a � � R �j For the year 1�59, a tax sLifi'ici.en� '�o pz�oduce t�.e ; ; sum of `�16,100 :I'or :Ln��rest up �o and includin� a j June l, 1�61; s �� d � For �he year 1�60, a �ax sl�fficient to produce �he ` � sum ot' y 33,7U0 for interesf; and p .ri.ncipal; ; �'� For the year 1�61, a tay sufficient �o produce the �( sum of' y�32,700 for intex�est �.nd principal; ° � �� For the year 1962, a ta�, sufficient f;o prodUCe the ; �� sum of �31,700 far interest and principal; ; � ? � For the year 1963, a tax sufficient to produce the � �� sum of �30,700 for interest and principal; _ � s � ��'ar �he year 196L�, a tax sufficient ta produce the � ( sum of �2�,700 for inte�nest and pi�incipal; # � For tYie year 1965, a tax sufi ica.er.t Lo prO�UC� tY�.e ; � surn o:C y�2�,700 for interes'c and princip�.1.; ' �� I{'or the y�ar 1�66, a ta�� suf�'icient to produce i,he � �� sum o�' �27,�00 for in�eres� and principal; ; i� � � I+�or the yeai� 1�67, a tax �uf:fi.ciei�t to produce �he � �� sur,1 of' �26,700 for intE���st an� principal, � I� � �� Fc�� the ye�.l 1y63, a tax suf'f.ic�.ent to .�x�oduce the ; , sum of y�15,900 :Col� interest �.nd princi�al; aizd � �� � 4i 1�'ox� the year 1�6�, a taa surficient Lo produce �;he ; surn of ?p15,300 for intel�est and princi��al . ; ; ! �a i � Th�.t in�el�est or princival cor,linJ al,�e a� any tim�: tivhere ; ; ; there are insufficient fiands on hand ;;o �aJ t;he same; be paici i ; �� promptly L�ahen due Pi�nr�1 cuz�rent funu.0 oi� ?zand �n advancemen� oi the � kI i '� coll�c�iorz of said taxes hez�ezn levied, and t�ahen said ta�es shall ; �� have been collected re:i.mbursement shal.l 'r�e made to the saia f'unds � i� ; `� ir� �;he amounts �hus advanced. � �I Section 6. That foz�th�vith as s�on as this ordinance be- ; !, � � �; cornes effec�ive, a copy k�ei�eof certii ied by tl-�e C�erk of' sa�d Cityl, i� ° �� wh.ich cer�if:icate sllall l�ecite �;hat this o�dir.ance has been passed; �� s �; by �r1e Cit,r Council of said Ci�y and �7U'p1lShed, sha11 be f'iled � f �� with the County Clerk of Ft�Itaxz County, Illinois, who shall in anc� ', P ;� for each of the years 1�5� to 1���, i.nclusive, ascertai.n the rate ; k �i � ' ,�c„-� r,�,-,i- r,r�nii i r�rl i-n 7�rnr�i�r�P S:1�P ;1 p�<-•Y�F?�r;l FF? f::lX }'lF?Y'P l YIYIP_f'ni"(? 1�Y'n- f . P • � � • 1 �� � 'i � 1 �; the sarle fo:� col_lection on the ta;= l��ool,s in c�nr.ection vai�(;h ot�:er : � ' taxes levied �.n eacr� oi' sa:id �rears, res�ectively, in �.nd b� said e � � r" �' ,, , �, -, ��; � �- r J� � �� �1ty �. cl ;c,ner� 1 �o� �or�.�e �L�i pases o1' �a:id Cit� and iz�. each of ;� said �lfears such �.�nua.l �;a,� s�,all �.�e leviec� an� co.11ec�ed b� said 6 i , � �1t;yT iz� .7_ilte mannei ��s taxes for ;el�er tl corpor�a�e pur�oses foz� i ' i� eacr: of saicz ;,rears are levicd and collccted, and taher� collected ` I y such �aYes sh�.l1. ��e t��ed N�lely foi� the pur�A�ose of pa��;n�� z�»:;_nci�r�a]� �� ( � a.rid ini��r�est Llpon �the bonds Y�e��ein autl��orized ti�ah�n same mature . i '`: �� Se c�ion � r s 7. `rl�af; thc. fun�,� d�rived f�o�:n the taxes h�re_in li � �� - � � . ��� � t! leviecl be and the �am.e a.re l��i�e,�y a�y:��,�-�opr_��ted an� �et ,�yde for F � � � �he sole �,nc� only x���al���o,�e of' pa;�r�in�; �.rinc:�pal o�' �nd interetit on � ; ; t �� said bonds t�ah�n and as sarle becor;e due . `I'?�a'c tl�e f'unds cterived i�� � fror� �he sale of saic� l:�onds '�e �nd triey �,.re he .rel�;;r �r�nro�:;ri��ed � �� and set �side �"c�r the �t�rp�;e hereinti�efare .�e'c c�ut. � �i ; '; �ecti�n �3 . Tki�zt forth?•�ith ai'ter �l�is ordinance has becor��e � �{ � �� �ffec��ive a.s provided by law, �he bc�n�.s I�erei.n �L�tho1���_�ed sha11 be � � � ! e�iecu�ed and deliver��c1 f;o the Treasu:L�e?� ol' said Cit�r and be by him i �d � i delivered to Cant��i State �3anti<_ and �Tational Pan�i of C�nton, Car�ton,� i }' I11ino:is, Lh.e bt�rchasers thereor, u�aoiz recei��t o1' the purchase � �?I � r�rice therefor, same to be not �e�s tl�an i;he ,�a�.� value af sa-�ci I; - i' g '; l�onds, plus acc:.�uea in'ceiest to da�e or delivery, coiz�l��,c� for the E i i ; sale of :�aid Y.;onds �o sa-�d purchasers, heletofo:�°e en'cel�ed into, be � e � �� arld �he saa:�e is rereby in all res�ec�s l�atiz'ieci, a��nroved ana con- ' �� � f i rme d. �� _ � Section �, That a11 ordinaiice�, �:�e;��lutions and or�de��;, or; �� p�.1�ts thei�eof, in con:Cl'LCt hereT�aitl�, be azzd t��e s�.rne ��.x°e hereb�r ;��e-� �i � y� !�.led and th_i�s oY°dinance sha11 ��e in lu_ll f'o��°ce and effect; upon iLs' I �; j�assa��e and �ublicat�ion as E�rov�_deu uy lav�. i �? ` - d �i ;� Passed /S— �c���. �, _____ _;� ___.._.__ ______._.._.________� � Approved � �, __�� i r° i n��