HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance #406 .. � � , .
. �
� �� �d� �
j` , . i
. , i
� AN OI��.DINANCE providin� i'or bor��owl.ng �
� mone;;,� and �.ssuin�; bonds of '�he City o£
Canton, y�'ultori County, Illinois, to the i
�� ainount of $1(0,000 i'or tlze pur�ose of ?
� � �aying �he cost of coi�s�ructin; impl^ove- ;
�I rnents and ex�ensions to 'che sewera�e '
;? systei;i of said City, and providin�; for :
� �� the levy and collec�ien of a dir�ct �
!� annual tax foi� the �oayment of �he prin-
" cipal �.nd interest oi' said bonds . �
� a� � �
� �
' WHEI�EAS, ��he Cit f Col,ancil of the the City of' Can�oil, {
� Fulton County, T11ino:i_s, by an ordinarice adont;ed on June 2, 1�5�, ;
� did call a spe ci.al e le ction to be h�ld in �zza f or said Cit�r of �
� Canton an June 30, Z95�, for the purpose cf sUbmittinu to the
I� i
� electors of sald Ci'�y the follotain���
U question:
+, �.
i; Shall bo.nds in the amount of �p170,000 be is sued y
�'r py �he Ci'cy of Can�on, Fulton Gount-y, S1linois, �
+ for the l�urpase of payin� the cost of construct- ;
�� in� improvements and e:�tensiarzs to f;he se�vera�e �
j; �ystem of said City, to rnatul�e �erially �20,000
�� on December� 1 of eacY� of the years 1�61 to 1q67, ;
� inclusive, and ��10,000 on December 1 of each of i
�� the years 196� to 1q70, inclusive; provided, p
however, said bonds shall be redeeznaale, p.rior ;
�' to ma.turi�y, a� par and accrued interest in the '
� inverse order in U�hich the�T are r�u�nbered orz any :;
s interest payment date, and bear inf;erest d�; the '
�; raLe of nof; to e�ceed foul� per cent (1-a-;�) per annurn? ;
� ?
�` and �
I s
' W�IEI�EAS, �he Ci�;y Council of said Ci��� did cause to be �
1 �
( �iven proper no�i�ice of sa_id election by ptlblishiri� notice �hereo:C �
� �
t� once on JUne 10, 1959, in the Canton Daily Led�er, �bein; a news- y
� �
paper publishe:d and of ;�eneral ci.rculaticn in said City, said no- �
� ;
�� tice bein� published rio� more tharl �hir. ty days nor less than fii- y
k� teen da�rs prior to �he date oi' said election, which said no�ice as �
� so �ublished did s1oeci:Cy the places �ahere such election tivas Lo be ?
� i
I ;
held, the time o�' openin,� and closin� the polls arid the question �
� t
� to be voted upon; �.nc1 �
�j W�-IER�AS, the C�t�� Council of said Cit,y by proper proceed- f
�Z ;
�� -� -- --- - -� ---�--a ...._a ...._._...,.a ........,�. � .�.-. _..,.. �.,...,a.. -�,-.,.,,,a .t-.t...+-. .��t -t � !.,...�-r .,,... �
� � �� � �
, i,
• i
� , 1
� and that a majorit�r of' the elec'co�s of said City votin�; at said �
�( i
�f elec�ion on said question above re:C'erred to voted in favor there- �
� �
�i� a
of; and ;
t '
i� WHLR�:AS, it is aeenled necessary a� this �imc to issue said�
�, �
� bonds in the p���.ncipal amount of �170,000, bearin� in�erest at the �
� rate of four �er cent (4/) per arinum, �
� NOti�J, TF-ITREF'OS�, L�e It Urdained �y the Citf Co�,ncil of the �
�� ___.. __
Ci�y of Canton, I�'ul�on Cotanty, Illinois, as follovls: �
1� ;
� S�ct:i.on 1 . That it be and it i� hereby i'ound and deter- �
! ,
mined that the City Council of the Ci�y o:C Canton has been author- �
ized bJ a majori�y of the elecLors of said Cit;� votin� an the '
a qu�Stion a� an election duly called, noi;iced, held and canvassed �
f or that purpose to is stae bonds of said Cit,y in the ar;zount or �
�� �
y`�'170,000 for th.e purpose af pa�rin; the cost o:C cons�ructin;; im- ;
� �
p:�°ovements and ex�ens:i.ons to �he sew�ra;e sys'c�z�� o�' �aiu Cit�r, ;
as described in uhe preambles hereof.
Sect;ion 2. That I.n order to .raise the sum of �170,OQ0 �
rieed�d fi'or the purpose aforesaid, there be bo��ro�ved by, for� �nd i
on 'aeh�,lf of the City of Canton, �+'ulton County, I1linois, the stlii� �
of �>170,OOU and �o evidence said ]_oan net_,o�iable caupon bonds of �
said City be issued. Said bonds shall be des���nated "Sani�ar�j (
Sewer BotZds ", be date�. September l, 1�5y, be one hundred sevent;� �
(l7Cj in number, numbered frorr. 1 t� 170, inclusive, k�e of tr;e dc:- $
nornin�l;iori of �1,000 each, and mature serially j 20,000 on Dec- �
em'ber 1 of each of tl�e years 1961 to 1�67, i.nclusive, and `�10,000 �
r on Dcceinber 1 c�� each o�' �he years 196c3 to 1�70, incl_usive, �ro- �
� vided, however, said bonds shall be redeemable, prior to rn�.tur:f.�y, $
at par and accrued interest in the inver�e order in which they are
riumbered on �.ny interest paTrment date . !
� Written notice of its aption to call and redeem any or �
, • �(
� , . ' I
. i
. . � r
� � � - �
i�y re�;isterec� mail at leas�L thirt;;7 (30) d�.�Ts prior Lo the date of �
� rede�nption, and as �o any unknown hol�lers oi such bonds, such no- �
�� t:Lce oi redemp�;ion shall. be pu'r�lish.ed at leas i; once not l�ss t;han i
I �
�? �i�irty (30) d�ys r�riox� to thi: date of redempti.on iil a netirs_oaper '
�� f
�� puplished and of �;enel�al circulation in the City o:C Canton, I��ulton ¢
�� County, Illinois, and any such notice shall describe i�he ponds ta
`` i
� be redeeried ancl f�he d�,te of redempt;iori, aziu upoli such notic� liavi,n;!
�! been r,�ailed Lo tYie �lolder if �cnova�l, or by puulication �1lereof iP 4
��I E
un�cnat�Jn, ax�;; or all oi' such bonas so called for rede��zptiori and pay-j
�� f
�� rnent, ii' �ayrnent Yias been made or proviaed fol°, shall cease f;o bear;
; interest from ana ai ter s�.id date . ;
1 �
Said borlds shall bear i.riteresi, f'roin date ur�i,:;.l paid �.� �he �
C� ra�e of four per c�nt (�o) per annum, payable �n December 1, 1960 �
t� �
p� and semi-annuall;� thereafter on chc f'il°si, da�s c�f June and Decemk�er�
�� j
j in eacl7 fear, whicr�. sa�.d interes� �dyrn�r�ts to date of inaturi�y of
�� j
�� p,.:��incip�.l shall i�e: evidenced py brop��x� interes� GOL;pons �.t'cached `
�� �
��o each bond ar��d mr�lturin�; on �h� da�es herei.n pr°oviaed, an�. bo�h �
E �o7:�inci�al and inLel�esL sl�all �e �a�raUle in lawful money of Lrie
� Uristed States oi' America at the op'cion o�' the hol�er, eitr.er at i
` Canton Sta�e Bank ox� a� Na�i.ol�al Bank or Canton, Illinois . The ;`
seal of' said Cit�i shall 'pe aPfil�ed to e�.ch of s�id bonds and uaid '
j bonds shall be s:i;ned by the Mayor an� be attested 'ay the Clerk of �
�f s�,id Cit�, and sai.d coupons shall be si�;ned arld at�ested by said ;
�� officia�_s, respec�ively, by theil� reupective i'acsirrlile si�;natures, ;
� and said offi.cials, r�y the execuf;=i.on of said bonds, shall adopt as �
�' ;
`� and for theil� ovan �roi�er si.;�natur.es the�r respec'�ive facsimile si�-�
�� - , - �
,� rlatures appeaz in; on said coupons .
+� ;
k� Section 3. `l'hat the bondu hereby au�l�orized shall be pa�r- �
�� ;
!� able to bearer; provided, however, �ha� such �bonds rna�r be su'aject i
� i
� i;o re�;istration as to principal in �he name of the h�lder on tYie
[, ��
, • � ` � i
. ' � (
. �
I • �
�� bc�rids sa re�;isterea. No bond so re�is�ered shall be subject �o '
`" , �rarisfer except; upon such books and sirnilai�lf noted an t;lie back
i� ;
i thei�eof unless �he lasi; re��is�ration sllall have been to '��earer, j
;� ,
�� Such registration of any of saa.d bonds sha.11 not, hov�ever, af.f'ect '
; thc ne�otiabzlity oi' the coupons af;f�ached to said bonds, '�ut such :'
i cota�ons shall continue transferable by deliver;yT merely. �
� ;
Sectioiz �F. ThaL- each o�C said �ond� and the in�erest #
� __
i coupoizs to be th.ereto atLached shall be in subsf;antially the :Col- ;
( �
lovain�� form: �
} (I'orm o:C �3orid) �
� �
�i i
'� C I�l�' Ol+ Cl�T�1TOi`1 �
4 �
� Numbe r ��____ 531,C�00 �
i KNOW ALL P�N BY `i�-�ES� PRESETITS, that �lze City oi Canton, '
I �
� I'ulton County, Illinois, hereby ac�cno�•aled�es itself �o otive, and fox�
� �
value received, prornises to pay �c bear•er, or° :if' t��is bond be �
re"isterec�, then �o the re�istered holder hereor, 'che sum of Orze ;
`L'housarid Dollars (`�l,000) ori ���ie �'irst' day of' De cember, 19 _ , to- �
��e�ther vaith in�;el�=est orl said sum fr��n� the c�ate hezeof' un�il paid t
� �
' ai; the rate of' four pez� cerit (�I-;o') pe:r atznur�, payak�_le on Decemi�er 1
1�G0, and ser.�i:a.-annuall�� the.re�.f�e�� on i;he fiz�st days of' June and
Deceniber in each y�ear, �r1d until rna�curi�y, upon presentata.on and �
sur. rendei� oi the respect;ive iz7Lerest coul�ons heref;o attached as �
� i
the J severally k�e conie due and L�ayable . !
� �- ;
� i3oth pl incipal. arld interesi; az°e l��ler�eb��� rnade ��ayz�.ble in. law-�
� iva_ money oi �he Uni.ted S'cat;es oi' Arne��'.ca at the opi,ion of trie �
� holder, eithei� �4� C�.n�on Sf;at;e :�arliti or at; iJational i3aniti of Carlton, ;
I �
�( it�7 t,he City of Canton, Illiltiois . ;
' � , 1
. , �
� . �
. �
� This bonu. is issued b sa-i�l. Ciz� i or �che � ,
� y ,� pl.az pose vi' »ayin�
� i.��e COS'� Oi COX1S�t'UC�l:1Yl,t� 1i;1:(Ji.'OVCTileYltti `c3Ylia. e1��ensions �O trlc Se'vdE'r'-�
; a;_,e s fs�;�nl o� :a:i.d Cii,�yr, ���uz�suant i;o and in ull res r�e cts �.n corn- �
�� �aliance wit'rl t��c "�evised C;ii.,ies a��d Villa�,es AcL", effec„i.ve f
Januar � 1 1.���2 ai�c� a11. a s ame � a ��• � - -
� y , .� , ct nd toz,� theieo� ar�a su��plenleni,ar;�
I {
�?iel�e�o, ar�d is au�l�i��ized by a ma j ority of the elc ctors oi said �
�' �
4 �
C:i�y vo�ina u�c_z ;,lic a1uestioxz a.t ari elect:S.en duly called, noticed,�
��elu, and canvassea for that pur��o�tie in s��,id Ci�`r, and in compli- ±
� ance with an ord�nance duly ��ussecl 'r�r tla.e Cit�r Council of �a-�d �
�� Cit��, arld r�ubl:i�heci, �.n �11 ��e�pects as b�r lalr required . �
( Thi.� bo}Za �s :�r,.e oi axl aut;l�c�rizec� is�ue a"�;re;,a�in,�; �he �
i, �
pr�.nc_i.pal arrioL?nt of �;1'`j0,000 numbez�ed firor_Z 1 �0 170, izzclusiv�, �
� �
of' the denor.linatio�z of �,1,000 ea.ch, �zrld s��.id bonds are re�.eem�.ble,�
41 �
f' �.�rio� �o matuz�i��r, a.'c ;��.i� arld accr��e�t i.n�e_°est irl �he -�nverse �
I� - s
� �
� OY'C�.�°{ 1i1 l�Jr17.C7�1 t�.}"1�';J �:C'E; Y?Ui71��r'CCI� OT7 �-�21;y 1.Y1�-C'r'GS'G ;�u,;,Ia:�i1i; C'lc^...t:C' �
�; upot; no'cice :.�nec:if�=in;, the rl��rnl�en of ti.� oonc� and d�,te of redemp- �
� ` ,
� �
' t��orl, ,�ivezz i�y re�i�tered r.zZil �o tl�e I�,alder, if l�notvn, anc� a� to :
� any unl�nown holder, such r�.otice �;1.._�.11 'pe publ_tNhed at least once `
in a ize���s��a�er publi�hed �.nd of �;enex�al cii cl.�la�ion in tl�e CitJ o�
_ ,
i C�.n�on, Illinois . `l'he rnailin�; af' sLCh notice sha�l be a� 1cas�
� thirty (30) d�;r� ��,recedin� such reder���tio�z date, and the pu��li.ca- t
, r
� �
i �ion oi said nct;�ice ,�ral� bc at le�.ut tl�'�r'c�r (�U) da;�s y�recedin� �
� ^ucr reden:ptio�� d��e, a.ria v�l��n thi� bo�zd shal? have been cal)_ea i
�' �
' foyr l�edemption and pa.�rr�.en'c r.zade cr ��=�ov�ded foi�, inL�rest therean �
tiha11 cease frorn and after tY�e date sa �nc:ci�'ied. ;
It is hereb„r cei�t��_fied and l�eci�ed tr��a.t �11 a.ctN, condi- �
,( 'l L • J J_ • 1 �
�.1.OY2S ��,Y1C,1 l:ri.7.T1'';`,�S i G'C.yl':1�.'E.':ax }J�T 'Gr?E.' C.OY1S t,1 i.L?lJ_LOI1 321C7 lu'.�f7,� Of' l.�"?E.-'
� -
1 �i�4�-Ge OI Illinois� �O G1i-!S i, 01" 'GO I:C' C�Ol`?e� �r'e ceden� 'l:0 u.Y1C�. 1Y1 trlC�
� ��s�uance of �l�is bond, 1����.ve e_�istec� �and have Y�een y�r�or�ez°ly clane, �
i �
fi ?�an,�nr�nrl an� n4�nn nnrf'�rrnrnr� -in rn�^iila,� ��nrl r�i�r� fn�,r� anl 1--i�m� a� �
� �
� ' l
. . � � {
�, • �
� . #
,��e�i��sented b�y th�_s '�ond and t�1e isuue o� �•�hich. it forn:s a �?art, �
_ s
and inc_ludin� all other indeb�edne,�" of said Cit�, l�o�asoevex° evi.- ;
� denced �.nci irlcul r�ed, ��oes noi, e�-.ceed an�r con.�'c_i_tution�.l or s���u- �
�� �;or�T limita�ion, and th�� pr�ovision has ',�een made f'or the colle cta.o�
�� of a di�.�ect annua_l ta��, in addit'LOn 1;0 �.Il oLher taxes, on a.11 of' ;
; �
�jtl;e �a��able �ro�crty in s�a.�.d Cit;y� �ui'ficient �o ��a„r t}�e int�res�; '
� ,
�' hel�ecn as the same i'�.1_1s due and al��o Lo pay �nd d=i.schar�;e the �rin�
� #
' ci.p�.l rereol at rr�turit;y, ,
�i This band is sU'��ec� to re�,istra�ion a� �a � .r_�ncipal in '
� �
i� the name ot' the holaer on i,h.e boo�_s of �Y�e Cit� Treasurer, such
�e;_�istra�;ion �o be evidenced by no�ation o:� such Treasurer on �he �
� i
�� back hereof', ancl af't�r stach re�,ist:�°�.ti.on rio tx�ansfer hereof, exceptd
�� u�on suc�1 books and similarlJ noted heti�eorl, shal_Z b� valid unless ;
( Q
� the last re�i�tl°atiori sh�l1 have i�een ta �earer. �e:;is cr•atiorZ !
� �
�� hereo� sl:all t�ot affect ��Ze ne„otia�_t�.it�r of �he cot�pons hereto ;
�I � �
attached ti�ah:�ch sYiall corztinue � ne��o�i�3,b1� by deliver��r merel;�, no��- �
�� ti•aiths�andin� re�,istration hei�eof. �
�� r,T �r'c T � �n � r
� Ii1 UJIl��L�� ��1IIE�LEOF, ,�aid Cit;;r of Canton, Fultcn Co��nty,
t� Illinois, by i�s City Counci�, 7,as causecl it�:> cor��o�°ate �eal to be ;
�� hereunto afr il�ed and �chi� bond to be Ni�ned by the M��Tor of said j
il �
!( Ci�y �.nd attested by its Ci�f;�r Clerk, and �;he cc�upons hcreto at- 9
�� t�ched to be s:��n�d a}zd a��ested but said of:Ci.ci�.ls, respec�ively,
(; b�- the:ir° iacs�_rzi�.e ��_;_;natures, a.nd s�.�.id ol'fic:ials do, by th.e e:ecu-�
d i
�� tion hereof, adopt; as and for tY1e�.� o�^an ,��roper si�nai;ures their
�I �
' �.�eunec�i.v� facsir;lile �_i;na�ures appear:i.n" on said colapons, al]_ as ?
� i
�, of the first aay o�: September, l�>>. �
�� '
�� i
� ,. _,__._.__.�___ N1a�or'____.._ __________ ;
! {
j Attest: '
�1 �
3�- � � �
. . � , i
� �
I +
( (I+�orm of Caupon) �
I� �
T;umbe r ;
� -___._ _ �---_.._. �
;+ �
!� On the f irst day ol' , 1� , �he Cit;y of �
y� __.____ __.._. ..`.._ _... !
�� C�,nton, I'ulton Count;/�, I11.�nois, v�ill pay ta bearea�� _________-_---^rt 3
� �
i�' Doll�r� �� - '
___._______.__--_ _._...______.__.____. (y ) in lat�rful
,� _.__ _____-_. 3
money o� the Unite�. Sta�es oP �1i,1e_°ica a� t;Z�e option of the holder, �
�; #
`� either at Canton Sta�e I3an1�: or at Na'cior�al l�an1� of Canton, in the �
� Cit�r of C�.nton, Illinois, for interest due tl�lat da�r on itu Sa.zi- ;
�� tary Sc��aei� �ond, aated September 1, 1q59, Tdumber � __�____
-� i
__.___.___.__.__.__.---_._._ _�,__.._.__ _.__ �
i Niayor
� �ttest: �
� ._.__._.. .___C i t;;T C 1 e rk .______-------- {
� �
i (�orm for Re;istr°at�ori �.s to Principal )
� !
Daf;e of SiMnaturc oi' r
�E i> �
4� �e.;is-�ra�.Lon TJaz;le of Re�_,is�;ered Uti�nez� Ci�y Tre�.sUrer _`�
�! _..._.__ .___.._...__.� __. _ ___._ .___�..�., -____��.. _. _..�_.._._.__.._._ f
f -----.�._...�_ ___.��._.._._____r _».__..___.._ .�_�_.T__._..___.._..._�
�, �
�I _..r�._.---.r _�._.____._.___.._.____-------- '
�...._---.-�.._. ��._� �
� Sec�ion 5 . That for tr�e purraose o1 prov-�.din;� �lze z"z;nds re
i quired to pa� f;he interes�; on ��,id bonds prornpf;ly tiahen and as the �
I '
same fa11s due, and to pay and disek�iar�;e �he principal thereof at; �
(j ;
;� maturity, there be and �here is here�y levied ur�on a.11 t�1e ta:�ab]_e �
�; �
�� property w:ith.in said City, in eacll ye�,r G�ahil_e any oi said bonds �
`� ai�e ou�;stand:i.n�,;, a direct �.nnua.l ta1> slaf':Cic:ient .�or Lha� purnose, ;
and that �here be and thei°e i.s Y�ereb�r ��v.i_ed on all of the ta�able �
I ;
property in sai.d Cit;y, in additiori �o all other talLes, ti��e i'ollow- i
�i in�; direc� annual ta<�., to vait: ��
i �
i �
,� `
. �( , � �
� . �
. . �
' - �
4 �
� For �he fear 1�59, a ta:> suf'f'ica.en� to produce the �
sum ot ya11,�00 f'or interest u.�� i,o and incl_udin� �
June 1, �.g6i; i
�� For 'che ;,rear 1960, a taJ� sufficient to produce the #
� su� of �26,400 fol� i.rl�eres�; and principal;
! For the �re�.r 1�61, a ta�. sufi'.�cient to ��:�:°oduce the f
� sum of �25,600 For interes� and princ��.pa.l; �
�' Poi� the year 1�62, a t�;; si�f:Cicient t;o prod�,acc the ;
sum of ��21r,u00 i'or inte.rest and p��inci;�al; �
�; i
�j Poz� i,he ;�eal� 1�63, a tax sufPicienL to pr=oduce the '
I sum of �2��,000 for inte�:�est and nl°inci�al; �
� i
For the year 1g6�, � �a:, rur:['icient t;o produce the �
�� surn o�' y�23,200 foz� intere�t arld p_°incipal;
�i� E+'or the ycar 1g65, a tax su:C'fic:iexzt Lo proauce the ?
+, sum of �22,�-00 for in�erest ar�d p�°�i.ncipal; �
� �
, Ii'o�� the year 1�66, a t�.:�; sufficient to proc�ucc f;r�.e
sum of �21,600 for inte.resf; and pr•incipal; �
Por �he year 1�67, a tax sia�'fi.cienL Lo oroduce the �
� sum of �}�11,000 Fo�.� interest anu �rixzcipal; ?
'� I+or the Jear 1�60, a taY sufiicient �;o nroduce the ?
(� uum of �10,60Q i'or intere:st and �r_i.ncipal; ana '
�+�'ol° the ye�.r 196�, a tax suff'ici.ent �o procluce Lhe !
; �um of <�10,200 for interest; azzd princ_ipal .
� �
� That irlterest or principal comin�_; due at any tirne tiahere ?
� f;here ar� insuff icien� funds on h�.nd to �ay the same be paid i
pi�orr�ptly vahen due fror.n current itznds on hand in advancemen� of the
collection of said ta;ces herein levied, and when said taxe� shall ?
h ±
have been collected reimbursemeri� shall be made to the said iunds �
in the amounts tl�us aclvanced. ;
Sect;ion 6. Th�tt fartht�aitYi as soon as this ordinance be- �
� _
comes ef�'ective, a copy hereof cer�.i:Cic:d by the Clerk of said Cit�r,;
which certif'icate shall recite that tr�is ordin�nce has been passed ;
1 �
� b� �he Ci�y Council of said City �.nd published, shall be i'iled with;
the County Clerl� of Fulton County, Tllino:is, �al�lo shall in and for �
each oi the years 1�5� to Zg69, inclusive, �.�certa:i.n the rate per �
cenL l�equired to p:��oduce the a�;r��ate ta:�> hereinbero .re provided to�
� • ' +
+ , . .� . � � � .
, i _ �
� ' ;
i f
� �
; levied iri each o:C said years, respectively, in and by said City fori
; f
� �eneral cor�orate nurposes of �aid Ci'cJT, ancl in each of' sai.d years s
_ �
j :�uch. annual ta;� shall be levied and collec�ecl by said Cit�� in like f
manner as taxe� for ;erlel�al corpo��ate pu:.»>>oses fo�.� each of said �
i years are levied and collected, ancl c�aheri collected such t�.r>es sha11 !
�� be used sol.ely fo�.� the purpose oS' pa���iri;; p:,�incipal atzd ini:c:rest =•
� ur�on �he bonds her.ein authol��.zed �^ahen sarr}e ma'c�21 e . �
-. �
Sectiorl 7. Thai; the fLanc�s de�.�ived fror.l the ta<ies herein �
E �� 1��ried be and trtie sanlc are hereb;;r ar�pro�i�ia�ed anc� set asicle i'or
� ,
E� �
I� the sole and only i�urpose of pa�Tin�-• i�ri.ncipal of :�nd i}�terest on
i, . _
� �� s�.id bonds ��rhez� and �.s same becorne due . That �h� fl�nd,s dex�iveci �
; fi�om �he sale of said bonc�s be �nc� they are �zer�by appropriat�d an���
` set asi.de foz� �he j�U?.''�OSG here��nbefore set out. �
� �
Section 3. That forth?Arit;h aftei� th.is ord:�n�.nce has become '
� effective as provir�ed by law, the bonds herein authori2ed shall be �
1 '
! executed an� delivered to the lreasurer of said City and be by hiin -
� 3
� delivered t,o Gaiztol� ata�e �ank aiid ldational L3anl� af Cantorl, :Car7'cvri,�
�I �
t Illinois, �he ;;�urcha�ers �hereol, upan receipt �f i,he �u7�cY:asG
ij price thel�el or�, ua�,le f;o be not less �crian tlze par value oi sa_ici �bond�,
Ij plus accrued incerest to date of del:i.ver�r, contract i'ar t;he ;�ale of;
�( i
�j sai.d 'r�onds to said purchasers, Y�el�etoL"ore entered into, be and tr�:e �
� same is rie�eby 3.r�i all respects ratii'xed, approved and confii�rned. �
� Se���ori �
� -�- � . Ti1at all o�°d:i.n�nces, resolu�i.oris and ol�ders, ar�
�� narts the-reof, in con:Plict h�z�e�^aitii, be and i,he same a�e l�ereby re-e
I ,
! pealed arid th�is ord:I.na�lce shall �e iri i'u11 f orce arzd ei fe et upon ;
� `i.ts ,passa�;e and publication as provided by lativ.
( �
i; Passed _.__._ - ls� ___,� 19�9• ,
� �( �pproved �,S � , 195� . ?
i _...
I f
Pu'�lished a��_ _, 1959. �
.�----, .v _ . ;